Hi everyone, Sequel Time! Thank you for waiting so patiently for this, I know many of you have been looking forward to this story as much as I have been looking forward to writing it. While it may not be as long as the previous Worlds Collide story, but that doesn't mean it won't be as epic, I even plan on adding a couple original chapters (including the scrapped episode "Nightmares Recycled"). So, without further delay, let us begin this epic journey!
Disclaimer: Both franchises belong to Nickelodeon.
Worlds Collide – The Ninja Tribunal Saga
The mighty Sky-Bison known as Appa flew across the cloudy skies, and on his head at the reigns was none other than his master and friend, Avatar Aang, with his pet lemur, Momo on his shoulder. On the saddle on Appa's back was Aang's surrogate family; his lover, Katara, her brother Sokka, and of course, Toph, arguably the greatest Earthbender in the world.
"Are we there yet?" Toph questioned as she laid on the saddle, completely bored.
"Actually, yeah we are." Aang answered with a smile as they moved past the clouds to reveal their destination: the Southern Air Temple.
Katara and Sokka both looked toward the temple with reminiscent expressions, as this was arguably where their journey with Aang first began. It was his old home, where they confirmed that he was the last Airbender. Though there was a nostalgic feel of coming here, only a few months after the end of the war, they also felt a bit worried for Aang as this held traumatic memories for him.
"Aang, are you sure you're okay with coming here again?" Katara asked with concern. "I know this was your home but…"
"You don't have to worry about me Katara, I know." Aang still remembered seeing Monk Gyatso's skeleton here, and that image was still fresh in his mind. "But I'm fine, really, the Air Acolytes need a place to train, don't they?"
"Yeah, but there are three other Temples across the world, aren't there?" Sokka asked. "In fact, Teo and his dad are still living up at the Northern Air Temple, and there's that old guy you were with at the Eastern one."
"You mean the Guru." Aang corrected. "Yeah, I get all that it's just… I need to pay my final respects here. I guess you could say I'm telling Gyatso and all my friends here that I finished my journey… like I'm really laying them to rest for good."
Katara and Sokka had understanding expressions, as did Toph. "So, basically you want a funeral?" Toph asked, trying to sound as sincere as possible, while also being usually blunt and to the point.
"Yeah, you could say that." Aang responded as Appa made his final approach. The Sky Bison landed on a large platform at the base of the temple.
However, right as the Sky-Bison landed, nobody appeared to notice that they weren't alone at the Temple. At a higher point, the group known as Team Avatar was being watched by four tall silent individuals; each of them wearing primarily black robes with white masks, dressed in kendo armor.
New York City
Night had fallen over the city that never sleeps as Leonardo, Donatello, Michelangelo, and Raphael ran and jumped across multiple rooftops. The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles had been doing another late-night training run. Mikey even found a clothesline with some boxers, which he played with before Raph tackled him onto a separate rooftop below. Leo and Don both jumped down to join them.
"Man, it feels good to be out of the Lair." Don commented with a happy sigh.
"Tell me about it." Raph agreed. "We haven't gotten a whole lot of action lately these past few months; not since Bishop's fake alien invasion."
"Guess the guy's laying low." Mikey assumed.
"Just because Bishop hasn't made a move doesn't mean he's not dangerous." Leo responded. "And let's not forget Hun and the Purple Dragons are still out there."
"Geeze, way to be a buzz-kill as usual Leo." Raph said sarcastically.
"Yet, let Karai and her buddies take care of it." Mikey agreed. "We deserve some time off."
"Oh, you don't think I can't have fun, huh?" Leo questioned with an eager grin as he tackled all three of his brothers in a large pile-on that rolled all around the rooftop.
As the young Turtles continued to laugh and play however, they didn't notice that from a separate rooftop some distance away, four of the same type of mysterious figures that had watched over Team Avatar's arrival at the Southern Air Temple had also been watching over the Turtles.
The Lair
Master Splinter meditated in his own private chambers, as this was one of the few times, he could gain some peace and quiet. However, his meditation was interrupted as the screen door was opened from behind by one of the last people he'd expect to see here.
"Pardon this intrusion, Splinter-san."
Splinter looked in honest surprise at the short, elderly, pudgy, and wise man. "Ancient One? You have come all this way?"
"I am afraid so." The Ancient One answered as he looked at Splinter with a grave expression.
"Then, it has begun again." The rat master looked down, knowing that the Ancient One's presence here could only mean one thing.
"Where are they? Where are your sons?" The Ancient One asked in an urgent tone, something Splinter found to be quite concerning.
"Out… taking exercise."
The Ancient One's face became filled with shock and even fear. "No… oh no! I am too late! Too late!"
Fire Nation Capital
Fire Lord Zuko walked alone throughout the palace's gardens before kneeling down to feed some turtle-ducks in a pond. It had been pretty stressful these last few months as he and the Earth King not only worked to rebuild the economy of both their nations, as both seemed to be doing better, but there was also the Harmony Restoration Movement that had just ended as well. Removing some of the newer colonies was no issue, but it was the older ones, such as Yu Dao, that were a bit more complicated. It took some convincing from both Aang and the Earth King, but they all agreed it be best for the older colonies to govern themselves and perhaps even begin forming the basis of a new nation that was neither Earth Kingdom nor Fire Nation.
Suffice to say, Zuko had earned himself a break. Ordinarily, he'd spend his time off with Mai, but she was helping to train with Suki, Ty-Lee, and the other Kyoshi Warriors. As Zuko looked at the garden, some memories of his childhood came to mind as he looked down, missing his mother. He had requested for his Uncle Iroh and some of his peers in the White Lotus to see if they could use their resources to find her, but so far, they had found nothing. He knew it was a long shot, but whether she was alive or not, he had to no. A part of him also considered visiting his sister in prison, but Mai had suggested otherwise as she wasn't in the mood for any visitors.
However, Zuko's thoughts came to a halt as he felt a presence enter the area. He had a suspicion he was being watched, which proved to be accurate as he kicked up a rock and sent it flying up with a roundhouse kick towards the roof, but the rock was deflected by a mysterious individual, the same type that is also watching over Team Avatar and even the Turtles at this very moment.
"Who are you?!" Zuko demanded as the single Mokusei no Bushi jumped down onto the ground to face Zuko. The young Fire Lord made a Firebending stance as he glared at the silent individual.
The Bushi said nothing as it threw to Zuko a pair of sheeted swords, which he caught. Zuko's eyes widened as he realized these were his own Dao Swords. "How did you get these?!"
The Mokusei no Bushi said nothing as it drew a pair of wooden tonfas and spun them before making a stance and actually bowed to Zuko, catching him by surprise.
"What… what are you doing?" Zuko questioned as he put the sheathed swords over his back. The Mokusei no Bushi remained in its bowing position, which Zuko returned with his own bow, as he suspected this being wouldn't do anything else until he did. Once Zuko gave his bow, the Mousei no Bushi stood back up before it leapt towards Zuko, attacking him with its tonfas.
Zuko back-flipped out of the way as the tonfas hit the ground before standing back up and shooting a fire-fist at the Bushi, which it deflected as it spun both its tonfas like a pair of helicopter blades before rushing to Zuko faster than he could have anticipated and delivered a kick to his chest, knocking Zuko into the turtle-duck pond, fortunately they were able to fly away before he accidentally hurt any.
The Mokusei no Bushi was already on him and about to lash his tonfa at him, but Zuko was quick to draw one of his swords to block it before flipping back and sending a wave of flame upwards with his feet to force the Bushi back as Zuko got back up before he drew his second blade and spun them both, lighting them with flames via his Firebending before swinging to send two waves of flames at the mysterious assailant. However, the Bushi dug his foot into the ground and kicked up a hail of dirt to extinguish both waves of flame before running straight towards Zuko, going on the offensive with his Tonfas, but Zuko seemed quick enough to block the attacks with his own blades.
Having enough of this, Zuko shot a fire-blast from his mouth, forcing the Mokusei no Bushi back, while Zuko used those flames to light his blades once more before slicing at the individual. Though the Bushi blocked the first strike, Zuko used his second sword to sever the arm used to block his fist slice completely. Zuko backed away and held his swords as he expected his assailant to scream in pain and surrender, however Zuko looked in surprise to see that the Bushi wasn't bleeding, nor did he appear to be in any pain, he just simply picked up the severed arm and looked at it.
Zuko's surprised look became one of shock, possibly horror as the Mokusei no Bushi simply placed the severed arm into its former socket, where small wooden stems grew from both and the arm was reattached with little effort.
"What are you…?"
This shock left Zuko open for the Mokusei no Bushi to zoom over to Zuko and deliver a fierce punch into his gut. The attack felt as though a rock was jabbed into his chest at high speeds to knock the wind right out of him before the Bushi delivered the finishing move with a chop to the neck to knock Zuko unconscious.
As he hit the ground, the Mokusei no Bushi picked up the unconscious Fire Lord and carried him over his shoulder, while picking up the downed Dao swords with his remaining hand before jumping out of the garden and leaving with his prisoner.
New York
The Turtles continued to run and laugh as they chased each other across the rooftops before finally stopping the middle and laughing to catch their breath as even Raph patted Mikey's head. However, their joy was brought to a halt as they saw four figures rush past them. They were immediately on the defensive as they each drew their respective weapons before four Mokusei no Bushi landed in front of them.
Each of the mysterious entities drew a pair of tonfas before they clapped them together, as though they were challenging the Turtles to a fight.
"Now maybe it's just me but, I think these guys plan to stick it to us." Raph said as the Turtles readied themselves for a fight.
However, before the fight even began, the four Mokusei no Bushi bowed to the Turtles, causing them to look in surprise.
"What do we do now?" Don asked, not sure what to make of this gesture.
"Bow… I guess." Leo assumed as they briefly put away their weapons to return the bow to the Bushi, right before the four entities stood back up right and immediately leapt at the Turtles. Leo threw a pair of shuriken, but one Mokusei no Bushi was able to block it with his tonfa before clashing said tonfas against Leo's katanas just as Raph, Mikey, and Don all leapt over the other three right as they landed; but the three Bushi turned around to charge at the Turtles.
"Maybe we should have ran instead." Mikey suggested in a nervous tone.
"Who are these bozos?!" Raph questioned.
"They don't look like the Foot." Donnie stated as he, Mikey, and Raph each engaged a single Mousei no Bushi in combat, clashing their respective weapons against the enemies' tonfas.
Raph looked both his sais with the tonfas of the Bushi he was fighting, but the masked entity was able to flex his hand and send one sai flying out and landing behind him. Raph held is remaining sai and glared, but the Bushi simply bowed to him, silently allowing Raph to retrieve his discarded weapon. Though confused by this gesture, Raph did just that as he picked up his sai.
"They sure don't fight like Foot either." Raph observed as the Bushi was on the attack again.
Don spun his staff over his head before striking at the Mokusei no Bushi he was fighting, only for the staff-strike to be blocked and parried by the enemy's tonfa. Don spun his staff defensively in front of him before attacking again, which was also blocked before swiping at his feet, but the Bushi jumped up and fell down to try and slam the tonfas onto Don, which he was able to barley block with his staff. These guys were a lot stronger than they looked as Don could barely hold his enemy back. Don jumped back briefly and tried to pole-vault a kick at his Mokusei no Bushi, but it slid underneath Don as he jumped and turned his entire upper body a full one hundred and eighty degrees just as Don landed. Don tried the same attack, but the Bushi limboed his twisted body to avoid the attack.
Don could only look in shock as the overly twisted body straightened itself out with no issue at all. No human is capable of being that flexible. Even Ty-Lee would be disturbed at something like that.
Leo was on the edge of the building as he blocked and parried the tonfa-strikes of his Mokusei no Bushi opponent with both his katanas. He sliced and hacked in every opening he could find, but the Bushi was quick and fast enough to block each strike before lashing out at Leo, which he avoided as he back flipped to get some distance.
Mikey performed multiple backflips before jumping back and landing on the roof of the doorway that led inside the building. He spun his nunchucks in an attempt to show his skill and intimidate the Mokusei no Bushi he was fighting, and even spun one on his foot. In response, the Bushi copied Mikey's exact moves with his tonfas, spinning them in both his hands, and even spun one on his own foot.
"So, you got some moves." Mikey said with a scowl before he put on some more moves of his own. He spun one of his nunchucks onto his elbow and even around his own neck. "Huh? Huh?!" He challenged.
In direct response, the Mokusei no Bushi locked both his tonfas together and repeated the same technique and then some as he spun them in his hand, onto his elbow, and around his neck before jumping to launch them both in the air. As they fell, he caught them with one hand behind his back with no effort whatsoever.
"Show off!" Mikey shouted before the Bushi jumped up to meet him and continue their duel.
Raph continued to lash his sais out at the Mokusei no Bushi he was fighting and even tried a punch with the back of his sai into its gut, only to feel like he pouched a rock. "Ugh! Ow!" He rubbed his sore knuckles. "What is up with these jokers?! Talk about your rock-hard abs!"
Donnie struck his own Bushi opponent on his side, but it left him open for the enemy to deliver a kick onto Don's own right ribcage, knocking him down. "It's their rock-hard kicks I'm worried about."
Leo went on the offensive of his own opponent, and while the Mokusei no Bushi was able to block all of Leo's strikes, he couldn't deflect the powerful attack Leo unleashed as he jumped in the air and sliced right into his head. However, his enemy wasn't fazed in the least, despite Leo appearing to have sliced the enemy's head clean in half. The mask was cut in two and fell off the Mokusei no Bushi to reveal his face, or rather, the lack-of-there off as his head appeared to be a tree-stump; no eyes, no mouth, causing Leo to back away in shock.
The Mokusei no Bushi briefly put his own weapons away before removing the sword from his own head and handed it back to Leo just as the wound in his head regenerated in seconds.
"They're… they're made of wood!"
"That explains the lack of weak spots." Raph said.
Mikey ducked under one tonfa strike from his own Mokusei no Bushi before trying to punch him in the gut himself, only for Mikey's own knuckles to hurt as he punched the rock-solid tree body. "Ow! And why my hand hurts when I punch them!"
Leo hesitated for a moment, before walking up to retrieve his own blade as the Mokusei no Bushi handed it back to him, but once Leo had both his swords again, the fight resumed as the Bushi struck his tonfas at Leo, though he blocked it with his swords, the Bushi quickly kicked Leo in the chest to knock him back, all the way to the corner of the roof. He struggled to get back up and saw that his brothers weren't fairing any better than he was. Leo scowled as he pushed himself to get back up on his feet to charge at the Mokusei no Bushi, only for it to jump over Leo and as he was in the air, land a solid attack on the back of Leo's neck to knock him onto the ground hard. Leo struggled to pull himself back up, but the Bushi delivered the final blow to the back of Leo's head to knock him out.
Mikey jumped back and tried to lash his nunchucks out at the Bushi he was fighting, only for the enemy to block the attack, only for the Mokusei no Bushi to land a powerful kick into Mikey's gut and knock the wind out of him, while also knocking him unconscious.
Raph went on the offensive, lashing out with every kick and slash from his sai at every spot he could find on the Mokusei no Bushi he was fighting, but none of them had even the smallest affect as the Bushi blocked the next attack and threw his arms out to knock Raph onto the ground before he quickly walked over and jam his foot onto Raph's chest to squeeze the air right out of him before Raph lost consciousness.
Don was the only one left standing as he saw his red-clad brother fall. "Raph! No!" The Mokusei no Bushi he was against charged at him, and Don tried to block every tonfa-strike with his staff, but the Bushi was too quick as he delivered a knee to Don's gut before quickly delivering the final strike to the back of Don's head and knock him out as well.
That was it, all four of the Turtles had been defeated. With their mission now complete, each of the Mokusei no Bushi picked up one unconscious Turtle and carried him over his shoulder, while also picking up their downed weapons before walking away with their prisoners.
The Southern Air Temple
A memorial had been built as Aang and his friends found all the remains of the deceased Air Nomads and even the dead Fire Nation soldiers and brought them all together to be cremated in a large fire-pit constructed by Aang and Toph with Earthbending as well as lit via Aang's Firebending. Sokka t first questioned why they would do this with the remains of the Fire Nation soldiers, Aang had told him that he would still respect those who lost their lives, even if they were on the wrong side; it was simply the right thing to do. Even Momo watched from a perch as his ears and tail lowered.
As the fire continued to burn, Aang placed a single fist in his palm as he bowed. Katara, Sokka, and even Toph stood silently as they watched the fire burn, showing their own respect.
"I will never forget this, or any of them." Aang began. "But I won't dwell on the pain in the past, I'll learn from it so that I can help make a better future. I'll find a way to preserve my nation's traditions, while also looking a way to improve and create a new future for everyone."
After several minutes, the fire died out and all that remained of the deceased was nothing more than dust, having been given a proper send-off. As Team Avatar walked out of the chamber and onto a large flat platform, Toph's dull eyes widened as she picked up something with her Seismic Sense.
"Guys, someone else is here." She said, getting everyone's attention. "There's four of them and… wait… what?" She looked confused.
"Toph? What's wrong?"
"Okay… this is gonna sound really weird but… I think… they're made of… wood!" Toph wasn't sure what to make of this.
Before anyone could question what she meant by that, the four entities that had been watching them, also known as the Mokusei no Bushi landed in front of them, surprising the young heroes. Momo flew from Aang's shoulder and landed on a railing to give a hiss at the four Bushi
"Whoa, who the heck are these guys?!" Sokka exclaimed.
"They… almost look like the Foot." Katara observed.
"That's impossible!" Aang stated. "The Turtles and Karai helped us and Zuko track down all the Foot after we defeated the Shredder!"
"I don't know who they are but… I don't think they're human." Toph stated. "I can't feel any heartbeats or anything!"
Aang looked questionably at the Mokusei no Bushi as they drew their tonfas and spun them before clapping them together.
"Okay… what does that mean?" Sokka questioned.
"Are they looking for a fight?" Toph had a bad feeling about this.
However, the four Mokusei no Bushi actually crossed their arms and bowed to Team Avatar, much to their surprise.
"So… wait… do we bow back or what?" Katara wasn't sure what to make of this.
"I guess so." Aang confirmed as they each made their own bows before all eight of them stood back up.
Aang held a firm grip on his own staff but walked toward them. "Hello, can we help you with something? Are you lost?" The Bushi each said nothing. "Can you understand what I'm saying?" He asked one single Mokusei no Bushi, who gave a nod in confirmation. "But… you can't speak, can you?" The Bushi shook his head in response. "So… is there a way for me to understand you? I'm the Avatar and… if you need help…"
The Mokusei no Bushi he was speaking to immediately drew his tonfas and lashed them out at Aang, who was able to block it with his staff instinctively, but it left him open for the Bushi to kick him in the chest and send him sliding across the platform.
"Aang!" Katara exclaimed as she, Sokka, and Toph were about to help him, but the remaining three Mokusei no Bushi immediately leapt to the remaining young heroes and engage them in one-on-one duels.
"Okay, these guys are definitely not friendly!" Sokka exclaimed as he drew his space-sword to block and parry the tonfa strikes from the Bushi that challenged him.
Toph shot two large rocks with her Earthbending at the single Mokusei no Bushi that singled her out, but it proved strong enough to shatter both rocks with strikes from its own tonfas before leaping at Toph, who used Earthbending to catapult herself out of the way and down to a lower platform, with the Mokusei no Bushi jumping down to follow her.
Katara drew water from a duel set of water-satchels strapped to her back and covered both her arms in water as she lashed out two large water tentacles at the Mokusei no Bushi she was fighting, only for it to diver the attack as it spun both its tonfas like helicopter blades to act as shields before jumping over behind her, and before she could even react, it delivered a kick to her back and knocked her down.
Aang got back up but leapt high into the air with Airbending to avoid a tonfa-strike from the Mokusei no Bushi that attacked him, while airborne, Aang spun his staff and lit it with Firebending to send multiple fire-balls raining down toward the Bushi, who backflipped out of the way in a speed and swiftness that would make even Ty-Lee jealous. It leapt onto a ledge as Aang fell and tried to jump and tackle him, but Aang inhaled and sent out a gust of air from his mouth to blow it back and gain some distance as he fell back and landed on his feet next to his beloved lemur.
"Momo, go get Appa! Go!" Aang told his pet. Momo gave a chirp before flying to retrieve the Sky-Bison right as the Bushi leapt down towards Aang who kicked and punched to send multiple rock projectiles at the mysterious assailant who was able to shatter each rock attack with a strike from a tonfa or a kick before landing right behind Aang who just raised an earth-wall in time to block the kick; though it did end up shattering the rock wall before Aang could gain some considerable distance.
Katara and Sokka found themselves back to-back as Katara froze much of her own water and sent a hail of frozen shards at the Mokusei no Bushi she was fighting, but it blocked all the attacks with its own tonfas as it ran to her, but Katara was able to pull much water in from the snow in the area and quickly create a water shield to block the attack just as Sokka used his own sword to block and parry the tonfa strikes from his own Bushi opponent. When Sokka tried to go in for a thrust, the Bushi crossed both its tonfas like an x before throwing his arms out to knock the sword out of Sokka's hands.
Sokka raised his fists, not willing to back down, but the Mokusei no Bushi merely bowed its head. "Huh?" Sokka voiced in confusion before looking back towards his downed weapon. "You… want me to get my sword back?" The Bushi nodded its head in confirmation, letting Sokka cautiously step back while keep an eye on his opponent as he picked up his sword. "Uh… thanks? That was nice of you." The Mokusei no Bushi went back on the attack.
Katara created a multitude of water tentacles around her body to act as a defense and keep the Mokusei no Bushi she was fighting from getting any closer. However, not even this appeared to stop it as it ran directly at her. Despite the water tentacles lashing out at quick speeds, the Bushi was fast enough to use its own tonfas to block and parry each strike before coming in close to Katara and delivering an upper-cut strike with its tonfa to Katara's face and knock her back.
"Ow… these… these guys hit like rocks…" Katara rubbed her mouth as a bit of blood came down.
Sokka heard his sister's observation and looked curiously as he remembered Toph saying they were made of wood. He quickly took out his boomerang and threw it at the Mokusei no Bushi he was facing, though it arched its head to avoid it, it did nothing as Sokka watched the boomerang return from behind and clip the side of the mask, letting it fall off to reveal the wooden stump that served as the entity's head just as Sokka caught his boomerang, but his jaw dropped in disbelief as he saw it.
"Toph was right! These guys are made of wood!"
Speaking of Toph, she had made her way to a lower ledge so she could go all out and not worry about her friends as she punched the ground and sent more rock-pillars shooting directly at the Mokusei no Bushi she was facing, only for the wooden entity to jump from pillar-to-pillar at near insane speed before getting close enough to Toph and lash out its tonfas at her. Though she was able to form a rock-shield, it was shattered by the impact and sent Toph rolling across the ground, though she was quick to get back on her feet.
"Sorry Aang." She said, mostly to herself. "I know this place is special to you but… this guy has gotta go down!" She reached out to the mountain behind the Mokusei no Bushi and used her Earthbending to create a small rockslide. It fell and appeared to have engulfed and burry the Bushi just as Toph created a large rock-pillar to ascend her own body and avoid getting caught in it herself.
"How do you like that wood-boy!" Toph gloated. "That's what you get for messing with me!" However, Toph's smirk vanished as she felt movement in the ground below. "No way…" Her dull eyes widened in shock as a single arm burst out of the ground and the Mokusei no Bushi pulled itself up; though it's right arm was twisted in virtually every manner, it's upper body twisted a full one hundred and eighty degrees, it's right leg dislocated, it's left arm completely severed, and even its head appeared to be crushed. However, all these wounds began to heal and regenerate within seconds, it even picked up its severed arm and re-attached it. In no time, it had completely healed, and looked as if it hadn't taken any damage at all.
"Oh… wow… I… I don't know what to say to that." Toph said with worry evident in her voice. The Mokusei no Bushi quickly ran to Toph's stone pillar and shattered the base of it with a punching tonfa strike, causing it to begin to topple over. However, Toph quickly propelled herself at the last minute and was able to grab onto the platform everyone else was on and pulled herself up just as the Bushi she was fighting had leapt all the way up on the save level to face her again.
Aang spun his staff and sent an air-wave at the Mokusei no Bushi he was facing, but it actually jumped over the attack to lash out at Aang, who blocked it with his staff before forming an air-scooter to roll and get some distance while also pulling down snow from the mountain and melting it into water which he sent out at the Mokusei no Bushi which it deflected by spinning its right tonfa like a helicopter blade. As the water dispersed, Aang shot right at the Bushi with a fire-fist, which it limboed underneath, causing Aang to fly over it, only for the young Avatar to look in shock as the wooden entity twisted its body in a way that was impossible for humans before it straightened itself out.
"Who… or what are you guys…?" Aang backed up, but as he turned around, he looked in surprise to see the rest of his friends being defeated.
Sokka was the first to fall as he swung his sword at the Mokusei no Bushi he was fighting, only for it to block the attack with its right tonfa before it kicked him in the gut to bring him to his knees before it quickly brought its left tonfa down onto the back of his head to knock him unconscious.
Katara appeared locked with her Mokusei no Bushi opponent as both hers and her enemy's arms were coated in water as she tried to keep a firm grip on it. She looked back to see her brother fall. "Sokka!" This was enough of a distraction as the Bushi slammed its knee up into her stomach, causing her to lose her Waterbending grip, allowing the Bushi to deliver the back of its tonfa right into her face to knock her out.
Toph was getting desperate as she created rock-armor around her body to try and protect her from the assault from her own Mokusei no Bushi, but it delivered fast and strong strikes that not only chipped away and shattered her armor, but rocker her on the inside before it pulled both its arms back slammed them hard in the front to completely shatter what was left of Toph's defense and send her crashing into the wall before she fell to the ground in unconsciousness.
Aang glared as he saw all his friends fall. "That's enough!" His eyes and tattoos began to glow white as he entered the Avatar State. He formed a large air sphere around his body to send out gusts of wind to block back all four of the Mokusei no Bushi, though they each slid back, they remained on their feet as they all charged in at the Avatar who sent blasts of fire, rocks from the mountain, and even streams of water from all the snow in the area right at the assailants. However, all four of them were quick and fast enough to dodge virtually all the elemental attacks, any they couldn't they either deflected with their tonfas or shattered with punches or kicks.
When they surrounded him, the Avatar shot into the air, but the four Mokusei no Bushi were quick to jump at a height faster than he could reach before they all fell to him. Before even he could react in the Avatar State, they penetrated through his air-sphere and lashed out with a multitude of punches and tonfa-strikes, to knock him out of the Avatar State before one delivered the final strike to the back of Aang's neck, causing him to fall to the ground and land completely knocked out.
Their mission appeared complete as each of the Bushi picked up an unconscious member of Team Avatar and held him or her over its own shoulder; while also picking up Aang's staff, Sokka's sword, and even Katara's water-satchels.
However, they all heard a roar as they saw Appa flying toward them at high speeds. Acting quickly, the Mokusei no Bushi each leapt up to a higher platform just as Appa landed hard on the spot where they were. He gave a loud and booming roar, demanding that these intruders return his friends immediately. Momo even chirped as he was perched on Appa's head, pointing at the wooden men as well.
The only response the Mokusei no Bushi gave was a retreat as they each jumped to a higher area, as Appa flew in pursuit. They all ran into a small doorway and into the Temple with their prisoners just as Appa crashed into the wall. It was too small for him to fit so the Sky-Bison tried to ram its head and break down the wall.
Once inside, the Bushi got to work as the one holding Toph, who still had a free hand, took out a scroll given to them by their masters and placed it on the wall inside. The scroll unfolded to reveal all sorts of Japanese symbols with an emblem on the center, which appeared to be an upside-down Foot insignia. The scroll began to glow with white energy till it expanded and took the form of a twelve-foot swirling vortex.
Appa burst through the walls with a roar just as the last of the Mousei no Bushi entered the swirling vortex with the unconscious Team Avatar. It closed before Appa or even Momo could fly in. Appa gave a loud roar of despair and anguish, having failed to save his beloved friends as even Momo hung his hears in sadness.
Don's eyes slowly opened as he groaned upon regaining consciousness, the rest of his brothers were quick to follow as they appeared to be in some sort of large cell, possibly in a dungeon.
"Ah man…" Don rubbed his sore head.
"Where are we?" Leo looked around as he and the other Turtles were back up on their feet.
Raph felt a door at the other end of the room. "Wherever we are…" He banged his fist against the metal door. "We're locked in!"
The red-clad Turtle pulled back a fist, however that proved to be unnecessary as the door unlocked itself and even opened, much to his and his brothers' confusion.
"Or… not?" Don observed.
"Okay…? More freaky weirdness anyone?" Mikey questioned.
With nowhere else to go, the Turtles walked out of their cell and into a long hallway, with several other cells lining the side, most of which appeared to be empty.
"Uh guys… our weapons don't usually float in the air by themselves, do they?" Don pointed to the wall where he and the other Turtles saw all their weapons hovering in the air, being surrounded by some form of mystic aura.
"This just keeps getting weirder and weirder." Leo observed, not only was their own cell unlocked, but their weapons were right in front of them, with nothing to stop them from retrieving them.
"Weird or not, I'm getting my gear." Raph said as he walked up to take back his sais. His brothers had no argument to give as they each retrieved their respective weapons as well.
"Hey uh bros… if these are our weapons, what about those?" Mikey asked as he pointed to another set of floating weapons; which included a staff, a pair of Dao-swords, a black sword, and even a set of water-satchels.
Leo's eyes widened as he was the first to recognize each of them. "Wait… are those…?"
One of the cell doors opened to reveal a certain scared Fire Lord as he walked out to observe his new surroundings.
The young Firebending master turned around in shock to see the surprised Turtles. "Guys?! What?! What are you…?!"
Before anyone else could say anything, another cell door was opened as the rest of Team Avatar was quick to file out, much to everyone's shock.
"Aang?!" Leo exclaimed as Team Avatar looked in surprise to not only see Zuko, but their Turtle friends as well.
"Leo…?!" Aang questioned.
"Katara?!" Mikey voiced.
"Mikey?!" Katara exclaimed.
"Toph!" Raph shouted.
"Raph!" Toph exclaimed back.
"Sokka?!" Don shouted in surprise.
"Don!?" Sokka exclaimed with wide eyes and a lowered jaw.
"Guys… what… what in the world are you doing here!?" Katara asked as they all met in the center of the hallway, while Team Avatar also re-acquired their respective weapons.
"We can ask you guys the same thing." Leo stated. "Not exactly our idea of a reunion."
"Well, I'll still take it." Aang said with a smile, having found something of a silver lining this unusual situation. "It's really good to see you guys again." The young Avatar said as he and Leo exchanged a quick hug, before Leo shook hands with Zuko and the others exchanged their own greetings as well.
"Nice to see you again, too." Zuko said with a smile.
"Likewise." Leo smiled.
Raph and Toph exchanged a fist-bump. "Glad to see you're still kicking, runt." Raph commented as he ruffled her hair.
"Same to you, ya hot-head!" Toph smirked as she playfully punched Raph in the side.
Katara and Mikey exchanged their own hug as well. "I'm really glad to see you all again, you especially Mikey."
"Same here sis." Mikey smiled at Katara.
"Hey Sokka, how have you been?" Don exchanged a high-five with Sokka.
"Oh, you know, it's nice being kidnapped and beaten up by some freaky wooden guys." Sokka replied.
"Nice to see your sarcasm is still as bad as ever pony-tail." Raph smirked as he pushed Sokka's forehead with just his finger.
"Wait… hold on a second... you guys were jumped by some creepy wooden-men to?" Mikey questioned out of shock.
"Yeah, they attacked us at the Southern Air Temple." Aang answered. "You guys were attacked to?"
"We were in New York when it happened." Leo answered.
"I was in the Fire Nation capital when I was attacked." Zuko added. "So, if we were taken from our world, and you were attacked in yours; which world are we in?"
"That's a good question." Don began to think. "We could be in ours, or yours, or maybe a new world entirely."
Toph's own feet inched a bit as she felt something. "Hey guys, there's someone else in here with us."
"Where? Who?" Katara questioned.
"Just over…" Toph's eyes widened slightly as she recognized this footing. "Oh, you have gotta be kidding me."
Before anyone could ask what she meant by that, a large explosion of blue fire blew a cell door off the hingers, causing most of the group to look in surprise.
"Blue fire… Wha..?" Mikey's eyes widened as he and everyone else recognized that type of fire. "Oh man…"
"Uh oh." Don winced as well.
Azula, the former princess of the Fire Nation, stumbled out of her cell, her breath ragged as a small plum of blue flame escaped her nostrils. As opposed to any royal or military attire she would usually wear, Azula had nothing more than red prison rags for shirt, pants, and a pair of shoes. She looked around, but once her eyes set upon Team Avatar and the Ninja Turtles, her eyes widened slightly with surprise; right as each of the Turtles drew their respective weapons, along with Sokka, as Katara, Toph, and even Aang made their respective Bending stances, while Zuko just looked in surprise and concern, but kept his hands on the handles of his own blades just to be safe.
The former Fire Princess could only sigh and roll her eyes. "Oh, just my luck." She said sarcastically. "Out of all the people in this miserable world… it just had to be all of you."
"Nice to see ya to Azula." Leo said sarcastically.
"What are you doing here?!" Katara demanded as she glared at Azula.
"I could ask you the same question." Azula's eyes narrowed. "For what purpose would you send your minions to about me?"
"Our minions!?" Raph questioned. "We got no idea what you're talking about, Princess!"
"Do you take me for a fool?" Azula questioned. "That individual in black clearly knew some form of ninjutsu. I've been around enough of your kind to recognize your fighting style."
"Hey, that's stereotyping! Not all ninjas know each other!" Mikey exclaimed.
"Those same guys hit us to, you know." Sokka pointed out. "In fact, how do we know you didn't send them!"
"Oh, go ahead and assume I'm somehow responsible for this, must be very coinvent to make me the root of all evil." Azula stated. "I was sitting in my cell, eating a somewhat pleasant lunch, when an individual clad in black attacked me and knocked me out."
"Toph?" Raph asked the blind Earthbender for confirmation of this.
"Heh, believe it or not, she's telling the truth." Toph confirmed.
"Still doesn't mean we should trust her, though." Katara glared at Azula.
"True, she doesn't exactly have the best track record." Don added.
"Like the time she burnt down that village, or when she helped Shredder invade Ba-Sing-Se…" Mikey listed.
"Or that time she attacked us at the Western Air Temple with Shredder, or how she helped him with Project Meteoroid…" Sokka listed as well, only for him and Mikey to both comically scream as they ducked to avoid a blast of blue fire.
Azula's eyes narrowed further, as Zuko could only sigh. "Azula, use your head and think for a minute. You were already imprisoned; the war is over, and Foot and Fire Nation have all been defeated. What can we possibly gain from kidnapping you?"
"Yeah, we were all attacked and abducted to, we're in the same situation." Aang added.
The former Fire Nation princess realized they had a point, but rather than admit it, she simply lowered her guard and scowled in the other direction, while everyone else put their weapons away and lowered their stances.
"Look, standing here and arguing isn't going to get us some answers." Leo said, speaking to Azula directly. "We're gonna find out what's going on here, you can follow us if you like."
"What?! Leo, you can't be serious!" Katara exclaimed.
"I am, Katara." Leo confirmed. "I don't trust her either, and that's why we're taking her with us so we can keep an eye on her."
"Leo's got a point." Aang agreed. "If we're all in the same boat, it make more sense for us all to work together. Even if one of us can't be trusted." Aang's own eyes narrowed at Azula. While he was among the most open-minded of the group, even he wasn't naïve enough to trust Azula of all people.
Azula said nothing, but reluctantly agreed, as did everyone else. "Fine." Katara said before glaring at Azula. "But we're not letting you out of our sight."
"Yeah, first sign of a double-cross, and you'll find my sai in between your eyes, sweat-heart." Raph warned.
"Noted." Azula briefly glared as the group turned around and began to walk down the long hallway. Toph, Zuko, and Raph stuck close to Azula to make sure she didn't attempt any funny business. Though Raph and Toph would spring into action the second she tried something, Zuko looked towards his sister with a concerned expression.
The group made it toward a door but were a bit hesitant before walking through it. "Toph, can you sense anything behind it?" Leo asked. "Is there anybody else here?"
Toph walked up and felt her hand along the door, but her eyes only squinted in confusion. "What the shell…?"
"Toph?" Sokka asked. "What's wrong?"
"There's… nothing." Toph tried to explain it as best she could. "I can't feel anything behind it! In fact…" She adjusted her feet. "I can't feel anything outside this hallway. It's all… nothing! Just one big void!"
This caused the whole group to look in confusion. "That's impossible! We can't just be floating in mid-air or something!" Aang pointed out.
"I sincerely doubt that door leads to an infinite void." Azula said.
"Only one way to find out." Zuko said. "Everyone, stick close." He was the first to open the door as he and Leo entered first with their guard up, followed by everyone else.
The group found themselves in larger chamber with only a faint blue light from floating lamps to provide some form of illumination.
"What is this place? Where the heck are we?" Katara looked around.
"Some place where there are no more doors, it would seem." Don pointed out as they couldn't see any more doors around them.
Aang looked behind them and his own eyes widened in shock. "Guys, the door we came in, it's gone!" The entire group, even Azula, looked in surprise to see the door they had come in through had completely vanished.
"I can't even feel the hallway we were just in! This is crazy!" Toph exclaimed.
"It's downright impossible! Doors and rooms can't just vanish!" Sokka exclaimed in a panicking tone.
Mikey was also starting to panic. "Okay… I am not enjoying this whole haunted mansion motif. I want a door and I want it now! Please!"
"Then how about we make one and bust our way out of here!?" Raph suggested. "Toph…!"
"I'm on it!" The blind Earthbender was more than ready to tear this entire place apart, but before she did, a large glow emitted from the other side of the chamber.
"Toph, wait!" Zuko stopped her as they all looked to see a massive gate appearing out of nowhere.
"Where did that come from?!" Sokka exclaimed.
"What is this place? Some kind of insane fun-house?!" Don questioned.
"Yeah, but without any of the fun." Mikey added.
"Hopefully we'll get some answers through here." Aang said. "I have a feeling somebody wants us here for a reason."
"Of course, that much is obvious." Azula said spitefully, resulting in some glares from Katara, Raph, and Toph.
"Come on, let's find out who's running this freak-show and lodge a complaint." Raph stated as they walked toward the door.
"And break their faces too while we're at it." Toph added as she, Raph, Aang, and Zuko opened the gate, rather easily and walked into an even larger chamber.
To say this chamber was huge would be an understatement, it was about as big as the Earth King's throne room in Ba-Sing-Se, if not bigger. There were torches lined along the side to provide light along with black drapes on the walls and dragon-engravings along the walls and ceiling. To say the group was intimidated would be an understatement.
Aang's eyes widened as he looked at one of the walls. "Hey guys… you might wanna look at the walls."
The group looked around and were stunned at the sight of more of the Mokusei no Bushi embedded in the walls, and from the looks of it, there was at least a hundred of them.
"It's them!" Katara stated.
"Those creepy wooden-guys!" Sokka exclaimed.
"Everyone, stay on your guard, be ready." Leo told the group.
"Guys, there's somebody here." Toph said as she felt the presence of individuals she's never felt before via her seismic sense. "There's four of them, at the other side of the room."
The moment she said that, a light shinned on the other side of the chamber to reveal a massive staircase with five thrones lined on it; two near the bottom, two in the middle, and one at the top. Four of the seats were occupied, but the right one in the middle was empty. There was also a massive banner at the very back with an insignia that looked like an upside-down Foot symbol on it.
"Bow when you enter this sanctuary!" One of the individuals stated firmly.
"What the hell?!" Raph shouted as every single person's eyes widened with shock, borderline terror, at the four individuals that stood from their thrones, even Azula's face went pale. All four of them had helmets and shoulder pads near identical to the Shredder, save for robes that stretched to each of their feet. Each of their armors were colored differently, along with glowing eyes as well; one wore dark blue armor with glowing blue eyes, another was dark green with glowing green eyes, one had cyan-colored armor with glowing white eyes, and the one at the top had golden armor with glowing yellow eyes.
"Is… is that… are they… the Shredder?!" Aang stuttered.
"There's four of them!" Katara exclaimed with fear evident in her voice.
"Four Shredders?!" Sokka, Mikey, both exclaimed at the same time.
"Are you kidding?! We barely survived one Shredder!" Toph shouted.
"This doesn't look good." Don gulped.
Zuko noticed the banner behind them. "Guys look at the flag behind them! It's a Foot symbol!"
"Are you sure?" Aang asked as he got a closer look at it. "Because it looks upside down."
"Stand your ground! Be prepared." Leo told the group as they readied themselves for a fight.
"Silence!" The individual in cyan armor exclaimed to the group. "We are the Ninja Tribunal. Prepare to be judged."
"A great evil is coming." The Tribunal member in blue armor spoke in a deep voice. "Darkness beyond your worst imaginings."
"We require warriors to combat it." The female Tribunal member in green armor said. "And as pathetic as you are, you ten are our best hope."
"Oh, I'll show them pathetic." Toph cracked her knuckles and was ready to throw a boulder at them, but Zuko held a hand on her shoulder to keep her from doing anything stupid.
"You will battle each other and only the most worthy will survive." The one in blue armor told them. "Warriors left standing will become our acolytes to aid us in our battle with the coming darkness."
"You expect us to fight each other?!" Leo questioned.
"Forget it, bucket-heads!" Raph added as well.
"Yeah, who the hell do you guys think you are?!" Toph pointed directly at them.
"You attacked us with wooden soldier and kidnapped us, now you want us to fight?! That's not happening!" Katara added.
"Please listen…" Aang spoke up, trying to sound as diplomatic as possible. "Why did you bring us here? You say you want our help but why don't we settle this peacefully. You see I'm…"
"We know who you are, Avatar Aang." The Tribunal member in blue armor interrupted. "Master of the four elements and supposed protector of your world."
"You are indeed powerful, but even a fully-realized Avatar cannot stand against the darkness that approaches us." The one in cyan armor said, much to the surprise of Aang and most of his friends. "You will fight, or you will be destroyed."
The moment that was said, more than a dozen of the Mokusei no Bushi emerged from the walls and dropped down to surround the group before they each drew their tonfas, which had blades emerge from their ends. Immediately, everyone was put on the defensive as they drew their respective weapons or took bending stances.
New York
Master Splinter had followed the Ancient One to the very same rooftop where the Turtles had fought and lost to the wooden assailants before their capture.
"Yes, see, Mokusei no Bushi were here." The Ancient One observed as he felt the damage along the ground. "Signs of a struggle."
"So, it is true." Both the elder masters looked in surprise to see Karai arrive on the rooftop. "The Turtles have been captured."
"Karai?" Splinter didn't expect to see her.
"A few of my agents witnessed the battle and reported it to me." Karai informed them. "They attempted to follow the Turtles after they were captured, but they couldn't track them. I came over as soon as I could."
Though Splinter was grateful for her assistance, he was far from pleased with this outcome. "The Ninja Tribunal has taken my sons! Ancient One, you must take me to the Tribunal!"
"Take me as well." Karai insisted. "I will not abandon my friends."
"Splinter-san, you know that what you asked is simply not permitted." The Ancient One told the rat-master.
"Permitted or not, I will protect my sons!" Master Splinter stated with anger and determination evident in his voice.
Fire Nation Capital
"What do you mean Zuko's gone?!" Mai exclaimed as she, Suki, and Ty-Lee faced a group of royal guards in the Fire Lord's throne room.
"I… I apologize my lady it just… happened so fast…" A guard stuttered.
"Did you at least see the guy who took him?" Suki questioned.
"No… he was too fast, and he vanished without a trace!" The guard stated.
"'Vanished without a trace'…" Ty Lee's eyes widened with shock. "Was he a ninja… a Foot ninja?!"
"Impossible, we tracked them all down, there's no way!" Suki stated.
Mai glared at the guards before their leader spoke. "We have men searching every inch of the capital, we won't rest until the Fire Lord is found!"
"Call off the search, they won't find him here."
The three young women, and guards, looked in shock to see Iroh walking into the chambers in his White Lotus attire.
"Gen… General Iroh!" The guards straightened themselves up in his presence.
"What do you mean, call of the search?" Mai questioned. "Your own nephew was kidnapped and you're not even worried?!"
"Mai, please calm yourself." Iroh spoke in a calm yet decisive tone. "I understand you're worried, but Zuko is not in danger. I know who is responsible."
That caught everyone's attention. "You do… Who?!" Ty-Lee questioned.
"And I fear it is not just Zuko." Iroh muttered to himself. "You three, come with me." He told Mai, Ty-Lee, and Suki before speaking to the guards. "I've already gathered the council and they will look after things while we are away, but there is no need to worry for your Fire Lord. We will return soon."
Iroh turned to leave, with the three girls following him. "Iroh, where are we going? What's going on?" Suki asked.
"I will explain everything on the way." Iroh told them. "It is time to meet up with some old friends."
Meanwhile; the ten young warriors and benders stood ready for a fight as they were surrounded by the many, many Mokusei no Bushi warriors as they were watched by the Ninja Tribunal.
"Fight." The Tribunal member in blue armor stated to the young warriors. "Be judged. Prove your worth. The Ninja Tribunal commands it!"
"If you do not fight, others will suffer. Both your worlds, and beyond, will suffer." The one in cyan armor told them.
"Those that you care about." The blue armored individual added.
"Like your father and grandmother in the Southern Water Tribe, Katara and Sokka." The female Tribunal member in green armor said, getting the attention of the Water Tribe siblings. "Or your parents in the Earth Kingdom, Toph Beifong." The blind Earthbender's eyes narrowed as she scowled. "Or your uncle or missing mother, Fire Lord Zuko." Zuko's own eyes widened, not just at the mention of his uncle, but the fact the Tribunal basically confirmed his mother was alive somewhere; something that caused even Azula to look in surprise. "Or the rat, that you four reptiles call your father." She spoke to the Turtles directly. "If you will not fight to save yourselves, fight to save your loved ones."
Soon enough, the group looked towards each other as they each broke off to face each other; Leo faced Zuko, Katara faced Mikey, Raph faced Toph, and Sokka faced Don. Aang tried to get in between them.
"Guys… what are we doing?! We're friends, we shouldn't be fighting each other!" Aang told everyone.
"I know." Leo said as he clashed one of his katanas against one of Zuko's Dao-swords. "I don't want to fight any of you."
"Yeah, this is crazy." Zuko lowered his guard. "I won't fight you, any of you."
"Neither will I." Katara stood straight, not even drawing a single drop of water. "We're not just friends, we're family."
"I'm with you, sis." Mikey agreed.
"But do we have a choice?" Sokka held his sword as he glanced back at the Ninja Tribunal. "These guys just threatened our families!"
"I don't think so." Don disagreed. "From the sound of it, I think they meant this 'darkness' they were talking about was threatening our loved ones."
"Big whoop." Toph stated. "We all took down a genocidal alien freak together."
"I'm with you, Toph." Raph agreed. "We can take whatever comes our way."
Most of the group lowered their guard as they refused to fight each other, causing Aang to smile. However, his smile vanished as he and everyone else looked to see Azula drawing a large amount of lightning as she charged for an attack.
"Well, can't say we didn't see this coming." Don commented as everyone brought their guard up and were more than ready to fight Azula.
"Does she seriously think she can take all of us?" Katara questioned.
"Yeah, I'd say she's officially lost it." Raph said.
Azula had her lightning charged and ready as everyone glared, though Zuko looked with a concerning expression. However, Azula's eyes shifted directly at the Tribunal, as just looking at them made her sick. They all reminded her of the one individual she hated more than anyone she'd ever encountered before. She glanced up at the one in gold armor that stood at the top and had yet to utter a single word.
Before anyone could say anything, Azula turned and shot her lightning straight at the Tribunal member in gold armor. However, right before the super-fast and incredibly deadly attack even made contact, the golden armored individual slapped his hand to slap the lightning away, sending it crashing and exploding right in the ceiling near the right wall with explosive results.
Azula's pupils shrunk. "Impossible…"
Every single Ninja Turtle and member of Team Avatar looked with either wide eyes or dropped jaw expressions at what just happened.
"Did… did that dude just backhand lightning?!" Mikey practically screamed.
"No freaking way…" Toph uttered.
"Who the shell are these guys?!" Raph exclaimed as Sokka's jaw fell to the ground.
Aang, Leo, and Zuko were the most stupefied. They had seen how fast and deadly a Firebender's lightning attack was; only a select few could even pull of such an attack, and only Iroh, Zuko, and Aang knew how to counter such a deadly attack, and yet, this Tribunal member just slapped it away like it was nothing.
"You dare…" The female in green armor narrowed her eyes directly at Azula.
Azula's look of shock turned into one of blind rage as she tried to shoot a blast of blue flame at the Ninja Tribunal; but two Mokusei no Bushi warriors appeared in front of her to block the flames as they spun their bladed-tonfas before one swept Azula off her feet and tried to strike her down with his blade. Azula instinctively closed her eyes and waited for the deadly blow but it never came. She opened her eyes to look in utter surprise to see Zuko standing above her, having used his own sword to block the blade as he glared the Bushi before knocking him back with a fireball from a kick.
The other Mokusei no Bushi surrounded and approached the young warriors. "Oh, not these guys again." Sokka gulped.
"Don't know about you Sokka, but I welcome the re-match." Raph stated.
"That makes two of us. Let's show these wannabe-Shredders what we can do!" Toph stated as she punched the ground, sending out a circular earth-wave around herself and her friends to try and blast back the Mokusei no Bushi, but they had all leapt over the attack and jumped directly at the young warriors who were ready for a fight.
Don and Sokka came back-to-back as they used staff and sword respectively to block and parry attacks from several Bushi. Zuko lit both his blades on fire as he tried to do battle with two Mokusei no Bushi, but they were able to block his attack with minimal effort. Katara created two long water-whips on her arms as she tried to swipe at three Mokusei no Bushi, but two ducked while one jumped over to kick her down and lash out its bladed-tonfa at her, but Leo came in to block the blade with his own sword.
Aang threw out two fire-fists to keep two Mokusei no Bushi back while spinning on his hands to send out a circular-air-wave to blow them and three more back, but all five stood their ground before trying to advance on Aang, however Toph punched forward to send five earth-pillars from the ground at them, only for the Mokusei no Bushi to jump and run on the pillars directly at Toph, where Mikey and Raph each jumped to try and kick them down, but two Bushi easily intercepted them to punch them to the ground.
Even Azula was on the defense as she was surrounded by four Mokusei no Bushi. She shot blue flames from her feet to propel her into the air, but they each jumped to meet her in the air before she could even counter where they laid a series of punches and kicks to knock her down on the ground hard, with one Bushi finishing her with a smack to the back. Zuko was about to run and help her, only for one Bushi to slam the back of his tonfa into Zuko's abs before kicking him in the face with a roundhouse to knock him down.
Toph propelled herself and Raph into the air with a large rock-pillar as they came back-to-back to meet five Mokusei no Bushi that jumped up to their level. Raph tried to do a circular kick, only for one Bushi to catch his foot and kick him into Toph, sending them close to the edge where two Mokusei no Bushi smacked them both off the pillar, causing them to land hard on the ground.
Don and Sokka continued to block and parry their weapons against two Mokusei no Bushi, only for a third to jump in between them and smack them hard in the back of their heads to knock them down. Leo and Mikey were with Katara as she attempted to form a multitude of ice-spikes around all three of them and shoot them out, only for the four Mokusei no Bushi surrounding them to block them with their tonfas before quickly jumping and moving in to punch and kick all three of them down.
"Guys!" Aang exclaimed as he saw all his friends fall one-by-one while blocking one Bushi's bladed tonfa with his own staff, before it was kicked from his hands and he was knocked to his knees with a strike to the head. But he wasn't down.
"You will stop this NOW!" Aang shouted as his eyes and tattoos glowed, indicating he entered the Avatar State before creating a massive air-sphere around his body which he shot and expanded to blast back every single Mokusei no Bushi before shooting straight at the Ninja Tribunal itself.
However, the Tribunal member in cyan armor, leapt from his chair and met Aang in the air and, with inhumane speed, drove a finger at seven different points on his body: the crown of his head, followed by his forehead, his throat, his heart, his stomach, his sacrum, and finally at the base of Aang's spine on his back before his eyes and arrows stopped glowing as he fell and landed hard on the ground before the Tribunal member jumped back to land back at his throne.
"Hold!" He ordered the recovering Mokusei no Bushi to halt their fighting.
"Aang…" Katara tried to pull herself up as every person and mutant present was lying on the ground. "Are you…?"
The young Avatar felt his whole body shake as he looked at his hands. "I… I can't… I can't feel the Avatar State…"
"Of course, you cannot." The Tribunal member in cyan armor spoke. "I have just locked all seven of your chakras, and while they are, you cannot access the Avatar State."
Aang's own pupils shrunk as even Leo was taken by surprise. He remembered how it took days of training with both Guru Pathik and Master Splinter to unlock most of his chakras, yet one member of the Ninja Tribunal was able to lock all seven of them in less than a second!
"So, this is your choice?" The one in blue armor questioned.
"You would attack this Tribunal before you would each other?" The female in green armor questioned as well.
"Yes!" Zuko stated without a hint of hesitation in his voice.
"Absolutely!" Katara agreed.
"Without a second thought." Sokka added.
"If you think you can just kidnap us and expect us to take orders from you, you've got another thing coming!" Toph exclaimed.
"I take orders from no one…" Azula muttered. "Especially someone who bares even a hint of resemblance to him."
"We're all friends and we'd never turn our backs on each other." Don added.
"Got that right." Raph said.
"Except maybe her." Mikey gestured to Azula who simply ignored his comment.
Aang tried to stand back up. "You said you know me… but if you think for one second… that I am going to hurt the people I care about… then you don't know me at all! I'm the Avatar and even without the Avatar state, I'd rather die than be forced to fight my family!"
"Well, looks like you guys have your answer." Leo narrowed his eyes at the four members of the Ninja Tribunal.
All four had remained silent for a few seconds before the blue-armored Tribunal member spoke. "You have been judged."
"All ten of you have passed the first trial." The one in cyan-colored armor revealed as the Mokusei no Bushi retreated back into the walls
"The first of many." The green-armored female added.
"You are now Acolytes of the Ninja Tribunal to be trained in the most secret techniques of the ninjutsu arts." The blue-armored one spoke.
Though confused, the ten of the now-chosen Acolytes stood back up and put away their weapons. "A great honor has been bestowed upon you." The Tribunal member in cyan-colored armor said before he several hand-gestures with his hands. Aang's tattoos lit up briefly, much to his surprise as he felt a great breath rush through him. "I have now unlocked all seven of your chakras, Avatar Aang. As before, you will now be able to access your Avatar State at will."
Aang looked at his hands before exchanging a surprised expression with Leo at how quickly and easily this member of the Ninja Tribunal can lock and unlock his greatest power.
"But know this; the training will be hard; the weak will be separated from the strong." The female in green armor warned. "And the battle you are being prepared for will be fought against an enemy unlike anything you have ever faced before."
Suddenly, a set of invisible spiral steps revealed themselves as they led straight up towards the skylight that opened up, allowing the ten young Acolytes access to another area of their mysterious location.
"Take this time to reflect on all you have seen and heard thus far." The one in blue-colored armor told them.
"Okay…?" Leo exchanged glances with both Aang and Zuko, as did everyone else. Seeing no other option, all ten of them, Azula included, walked up the steps revealed for them.
"I am not liking this, not liking this one bit." Raph commented.
"I'm with you Raph." Katara agreed.
"Same here." Toph also agreed.
The group walked out of the skylight and onto a new area that appeared to be wooden and moving, evident by the clouds from above. "Whoa, what is this place?" Aang asked, looking around.
Toph's dull eyes widened slightly as she could finally get a good feel for the area with her seismic sense. "Guys… we're on a boat!"
All of them looked in surprise as they quickly made their way toward the front of the ship where they not only saw they were on a giant ship in the middle of an ocean, but the ship itself was both massive and magnificent. Its front bow was in the same of a dragon as it had two massive sails on the front and back, with two flags that also bore the upside-down version of the Foot insignia.
"We've been shanghaied!" Mikey exclaimed.
"But… which world are we in?" Sokka wondered. "Are we in ours, yours, or what?"
Raph groaned in frustration. "Ugh, this is messed up! I say we find a way off this tub and forget we were ever here!"
"What makes you think the Tribunal will allow us to leave?" Azula questioned. "We can barely handle their soldiers, and just one of their members was able to defeat the Avatar at his most powerful state; and I have a feeling they were only toying with us."
"She has a point." Zuko reluctantly agreed with his sister. "We have no idea what their capable of."
"Well, what do you think Aang?" Katara asked the young Avatar.
"They said that a great evil was coming." Aang said. "Maybe… we should at least find out what it is they're talking about, right?"
Before anyone else could agree or make an argument to disagree, Don spoke up. "Hey guys, land ho!"
The group looked to see the ship was making its way toward a land as the fog began to lift "That sure as shell ain't New York." Raph observed.
"Definitely not the Water Tribes, or the Earth Kingdom… and I don't think it's Fire Nation either." Sokka guessed.
"Then where the heck are we?!" Toph exclaimed. "Can the blind girl please get an answer to that!?"
Leo's eyes widened slightly as he caught the massive and unmistakable mountain known as Mount Fuji, and he knew exactly where they were.
"My friends, welcome to Japan."
So, this officially kicks off the start of the Ninja Tribunal Saga for my Worlds Collide story! This is sure to be one amazing story as not only Leonardo, Raphael, Michelangelo, and Donatello; but also, Aang, Katara, Sokka, Toph, Zuko, and even Azula have all been chosen by the mysterious and powerful Ninja Tribunal to serve as their Acolytes.
I'm sure some of you have noticed that I did not include Faraji, Adam, Joi, and Tora in this, because honestly, they didn't serve any real purpose in the cannon TMNT 2003 show. They were there to make good friends with the Turtles, only to be killed off near the half-way point in the season and mysteriously be resurrected near the final battle. There was no development with them at all, so I decided to cut them from this story. Sorry for those of you who liked the characters, but this is final so don't expect them to show up here.
Anyway, I hope you like this story as our heroes begin their next battle against a threat arguably more dangerous than even the likes of the Utrom Shredder and Fire Lord Ozai combined. I'll see you soon with the next update, until then, peace out!