Life is Strange 2: Falling Into Place

First chapter of the final story in the LIS2 trilogy, as usual, it's a recap chapter with important scenes from the previous two stories, in relation to the current story, enjoy.

Reviews for previous story:

Boris Yeltsin: Of course not, not by a long shot.
Marina Ka-Fai: Thanks.
Wolfgirl2013: Thanks :)

Now onto the story.

Disclaimer: I don't own Life is Strange 2 or its characters.

Chapter 1

In the Previous Episodes of Falling Into Place…

'Fuck, fuck, FUCK! Again...Fuck.'

With those desperate thoughts running through her overwhelmed mind, Lyla rolled over in bed and fumbled for her phone on the night stand by her bed. Finally getting a grip she lifted it and turned the screen on to see the time.

She groaned heavily as she put it down and rolled back over. 'two-forty-seven am...always two-fucking-forty-seven am.'

She should have seen all the signs that were there, but she had hoped, just once, that things would be alright. She had kept up her usual peppy cheerful attitude all day, had met up with Sean, Eric and Ellery at the skate park after dinner and had easily demolished them all in the impromptu competition they had, she could certainly claim being the best out of them by virtue of being the only one not to fall off her board at all throughout the contest. But as the day wore on and she began to notice the tell tale signs she tried hoping that it would be nothing. But no, while she had gone to bed, she had just lain there, trying to will herself to just sleep, all to no avail. She'd heard her mother going to bed and knew with certainty that she was certainly asleep by now. But still she was awake and it was well after midnight now.

'Urgh, just my damn luck, why now…?' She wondered sadly.

But there was no doubt about it, her insomnia had struck badly once again.


Still she did her best to remain composed as she came closer. Looking up the liaison officer smiled kindly.

"Ah Lyla, hello." She greeted. "You're just in time, please, sit down."

Sitting next to her mother, Lyla nodded. "So um...what's...anything happened?"

The liaison officer shook her head. "Well, not really. So far everything is much the same as our last meeting."

"So, he's still locked up then...and he's not getting out." Yu-jin remarked at once, hopeful.

"Yes, he won't harm you or your daughter." the liaison officer replied. "But there is a slight detail that might cause some troubles...something we'll need to address..."

Lyla froze at that, her breathing quickening as her fears began to mount. She couldn't believe what she was hearing, was her father trying something new to try and get himself out of jail. Just the thought of him being free caused fear and revulsion to build within her.

It was her worst fear, having anything to do with her father ever again. It was after his actions that Lyla found her insomnia getting worse. Including times that when she was able to drift off to sleep, she'd wake up from nightmares that kept her up for the rest of the night.

'I just can't escape's there, clawing at my mind, hearing the door creak open, to know that he might be trying something' She thought, shuddering.

The hated the thought of having anything more to do with her father, after he had spent months sexually abusing her before being arrested and her and her mother moving to the house they currently live in, that had been three years ago and ever since then they had been in contact with the liaison officer on a monthly basis who kept them updated of any changes involving her father's imprisonment and any potential dangers.


She made sure her door was closed, just to be extra sure, and then went and sat on the edge of her bed before picking up her phone again. As she began opening her contacts and scrolling down she stopped, suddenly realizing what she was about to do and began to question herself.

'What am I thinking, he's probably asleep right now and, and...Oh, but I...I can't help it, I really need to talk to someone.' She thought worriedly.

With a shaky breath, she hit the call button and put the phone to her ear, waiting anxiously. Finally, after a pause, the phone was answered.


She bit her lip, worried all over again as she noted the grogginess in his voice. "Jamie, I'm sorry to wake you, I just..."

But when he spoke again, he sounded much more alert. "Are you okay, you sound...upset?"

"I can't…I can't sleep, my insomnia is kicking in hard and..." She admitted at last.

"Lyla..." Jamie whispered. "I'm so sorry, I wish, I wish I could do something, be there, I mean..."

She smiled at that, touched by his concern.


He quickly lowered herself down and dropped into the room below.


He hurried to her at once. "I'm here, Jenn, I'm here!"

He quickly pulled the gag out of her mouth.

"Kyle, you, I...I..." She burst out.

"It's okay, I've got you." He told her softly.

He began tugging at her bonds, trying to get her free. But then he heard the noises outside and then Laura's voice.

"No Kyle, you are mine, I won't let that slut take you from me!"

He reacted at once and Jenn cried out. "Kyle, no!"

Kyle rushed to the gun, trying to at least knock it aside. Jenn screamed, Laura opened the door, resulting in the gun firing and Kyle gasped.

He couldn't believe how close he had come to being shot himself, he had only just, narrowly, knocked the gun aside before it could fire. Laura stood, staring in shock at what had nearly happened. Jenn stared, wide-eyed, breathless, then came the shouts as the police arrived.


At that moment she felt strong arms wrap around her and hold her comfortingly, she let out a soft breath.

"Kyle..." She whispered.

He smiled lightly. "Hey...penny for your thoughts?"

She shook her head, turning to face her boyfriend, like her dressed up casually in a black T-shirt with dark blue jeans and grey hi-tops.

"I just..." She said at last. "I can't get what happened out of my head...nightmares, and even during the day, I'll remember it, I'll hear the sound of the gun going off and, and..."

Kyle's expression softened and he tightened his hug slightly. "Oh Jenn, I know what you mean, I've been, having the same issues. I keep wondering, what if I'd...been too late, or, or...What if she had managed to knock me out..."

"I keep remembering when you tried to stop the gun, I keep replaying that in my head, all the time wondering, what if you'd got shot, what if…?"

They both paused, realizing their issue and immediately they closed the gap between them, kissing, trying to help each other through their love.


t seemed to be hard for her and he hated the thought of causing her any distress.

"Jamie...what I'm about to tell you, needs to stay secret, you can't tell anyone, okay." She said at last.

Biting his lip he nodded. "O-Okay…?"

Lyla sighed. "The reason I'm so worried these days, the reason my insomnia's got because of my dad..."

And with that she revealed the whole harrowing truth, the shocking nightmare of what she suffered at her father's hands, the sexual abuse, everything.

Jamie was frozen. "Lyla, that'…?"

"That's not even the worst of it." She admitted. "I found out, just after Jenn was's escaped from prison, he's out there somewhere and I don't even know where."

"God, Lyla..." Jamie whispered.

Unable to help himself he hugged her, thankfully that seemed to be just want she needed or, at least wanted, for she quickly returned it, crying into his shoulder, yet at the same time, relieved to have gotten the burden off her chest, sharing her dark secret and the latest horrifying news with someone she could trust.


There was a pause while Jamie considered but then finally he sighed.

"Dude, I'm not gonna begin to pretend I know what you're going through, because I can't imagine. But listen, if you guys don't find some way to overcome it...that fear is gonna end up ruling your lives..." He explained. "I know you don't want that, Jenn surely doesn't either. So. Don't worry about her dad. Instead just think and ask yourself; if this is getting so bad for you guys. How are you going to overcome doing something."

Kyle sighed. "But what?"

"Again, I can't pretend I know, but just...if anyone can find a way, it's you guys...I believe you both." Jamie replied.


She swallowed nervously, for the number on her phone was that of her dealer, from the guy she bought her drugs from. Worried about what this could be about, Lyla quickly answered the call.


Her dealer's voice was a drawl. "Well, well, about time you got in touch, Lyla."

She sighed. "Look, I've not bought anything off you for a month, I don't need anything like that anymore, I-"

"Maybe, but you still owe me money." He cut her off. "Or did you forget you've not paid lately...just over a thousand in case you've forgotten."

Lyla swallowed again, suddenly realizing now. She sighed, leaning against the door.

"No, I...I didn't forget think being a barista pays that well, especially only part time?" She began desperately.

Her dealer's response showed he couldn't care less. "Not my problem, my problem is you owe me and you're going to pay me."

"Yeah, like I said, pay isn't great but that doesn't mean I can't pay..." She insisted. "I've nearly got it all, I just need until the end of the week, until...until my next pay day."

"End of the week then, but this is your last chance, no more excuses. You pay me then or we'll need some...other arrangement." He growled.

Before she could even attempt to reply he cut off the call.


She wasn't worried about the drugs anymore and at least she knew her mother actually would get rid of them and not forget.

"And as for this." Yu-jin remarked suddenly. "I'll be confiscating this."

She picked up the money as she said so.

Lyla panicked at that. "What, mom, no. I need that!"

"No Lyla, this is drug money, I leave this with you, you'll buy more, do not take me for a fool." Her mother snapped.

"But mom, I-" Lyla insisted desperately.

It was true, she couldn't care less about the drugs, but she needed the money, it was the money she owed her dealer and needed to pay him with, especially with the deadline now set with no chance of pushing it back.

Yu-jin stood up, picking up the drugs and money. "No Lyla, no excuses, it's decided, I will not have you ruining your life."

With that she stalked out the kitchen, leaving Lyla standing there, panicked.

'Shit, shit, shit...' Her mind raced. ' I needed that money, to pay off my dealer and that would be it...but mom wouldn't listen and now I'm...shit, shit what am I gonna do...What is...he gonna do to me?'

The fear clawed at her again and she knew things had just taken a sudden turn for the worse.


Finally she sighed. "Wow...makes me ashamed of my own issues right now."

"Your own...oh, Jenn, don't, you-" Lyla began, trying to reassure her.

Jenn cut her off. "I got kidnapped but I was saved and now Kyle and I are too afraid to get intimate...but you guys have serious problems, for me, it's just...something petty."

"Not if it's causing you that much hassle." Cassidy remarked. "Listen, the best way to deal with something like that, is just to let spontaneous and don't over think it, okay."

Jenn blinked, surprised at that, but then smiled and nodded, hopeful. Trying to move past the bleak patch that settled on their talk, the three girls continued to hang out and get to know each other better.


Her father ranted again. "This is your last warning, fucking leave now, or I'll start shooting, I mean it...the brat will die first if you don't back the fuck off!"

Cassidy had used this distraction to remove her gag, she needed everything available to her to act, she knew that much. But hearing that nearly gave the game away when she nearly gasped.


The boy froze, eyes wide with terror as her father turned, the gun pointed right at Daniel, he then pulled the trigger.


Cassidy's world exploded in agony as she leapt in the way, taking the bullet meant for Daniel. Her father froze, eyes wide at what had just happened and then the door burst open, there was shouting, Cassidy struggling to focus, to keep breathing, her abdomen was on fire, she could just barely make out her father being arrested, Daniel being freed. Then she saw Sean, kneeling beside her.


She groaned and finally got the words out. "I...I..."

But then everything faded and her world went black.


Cassidy smiled at that; she had to admit, there was a lot to process right now, for her and Sean, but for now, the joy of waking up, their joy at her waking up, that was front and foremost in all their minds.

"You. You saved me." Daniel blurted out. "I...thank you."

"It's, it's no trouble Daniel. I wasn't gonna let dad shoot you...Is he…?" She began, before wondering.

Daniel grinned. "He's in jail now, but we thought you...I, I'm so sorry, to both of you."

He looked over at Sean as he said that part.

"As am I...for misjudging you." Esteban added. "I think we're all very happy for you both now."

The others all nodded and Cassidy and Sean both shared another smile at that, Daniel had finally made amends with them and now he and Esteban, and everyone else it seemed, both accepted them.

End of chapter, hope you enjoyed it, read and review please.