AN: I'm so sorry for the ridiculous amount of time it takes me to update my fics. I'm working still almost every day so I don't have a lot of time for myself despite this damn quarantine. I am grateful to have my job still but holy fleep.
Any who, I added a Music Room because technically, even though it's not canon, if you look on HP-wiki there is a section of the site that says there was such a room in a few of the various HP video games, I forget which ones. So I believe that's all I really have to say about this… I'd say more but I don't want to give anything away! I hope you guys like this chapter, thank you as always for the lovely reviews and thank you for reading, you people are bitchin' :0)
Finders Keepers
Chapter Five
April 15th, 1999
It'd felt as if Ancient Runes might never end; Hermione had trouble containing her excitement for what followed after class and all the possibilities of it had her anxious and giddy like a fourth year getting ready for the Yule Ball again.
Thank Merlin she was well-groomed, smelled fantastic and had done some reasonable primping in the mirror that morning. She'd entwined her curls into two long plaits that trailed down her back, giving her a bit of an innocent look and her eyes, a discreet coat of muggle-mascara, naturally. That sort of thing couldn't hurt, right? After all, she'd worn just as much for the skimpy portrait she took and it wasn't as if a minimal enhancement made Hermione look like a different person.
For the rest of the class the students silently, diligently studied their charts and took notes. Hermione managed what she could – while being so bothered – and translated three symbols by the time the bell sounded. Before long, she'd be well on her way to decoding the whole sheet.
Malfoy had made it out before her, waiting as the rest of their peers spilled out of the classroom. He was leaning against a far wall down the corridor and Hermione approached him slowly, tediously. Despite her attempt at nonchalance, still they gained a few glances from some of the other students but for the most part were ignored.
Only one boy – an otherwise harmless Slytherin sixth year named Pascal Hobbes – somewhat lingered, complete confusion etched into his brow while he ambled by.
"Mind your own, Hobbes," Draco drawled lazily, though the waspish glint in his ice-grey stare held clearly the sincerity of his threat. Hobbes shook his head uncomfortably, perturbed from the Fallen Prince's frozen glare but never again looked back. When all were out of earshot the ex-Seeker snapped his attention to her, gaze now warm with a playful smirk toying at the corner of his lips. "So," his voice was slow, sinking into and slinking within her bones. "Final chart's amusing enough. I assume you're already more than halfway done with the translations…"
'Ah, nicely done,' she thought. He was jesting with her in an amicable manner which was, surely always a good sign. The strange sentiment it brought on was a mixture of confusion, happiness and approval – something still so hard to wrap her brain around. Hermione couldn't help but feel at a loss for words in Malfoy's presence when he was behaving so… so not like his old, repugnant and bitter Malfoy-self. She realized she should be getting past it by now but she supposed, after years of abuse from the wizard in front of her it'd take a lot more getting used to.
"Not in the least," Hermione replied, a small smile gracing her features, reaching and lighting up her deep, amber-brown eyes. "Only managed three, with our time given… you?" she asked.
Throwing a sly grin over his shoulder, Draco began a trek towards the lone, spiral stairwell that'd led to the fifth floor. Hermione followed after, curious of their destination as he answered, "Just two actually – I was distracted you see, couldn't focus on the task at all, I… kept taking in the scenery."
His statement was laden with innuendo; faint, rosy spots had swirled upon his pale cheeks and from his words instantly Hermione was matching him, flushing from her nose to her toes.
"Ah, well," Hermione swallowed nervously, the blood humming in her ears. "I ran into some trouble myself…" his sharp gaze met with hers, flickering in the candlelight as they stepped side-by-side down the shadowy, stone stairwell. Hermione almost gasped, unable to take a suitable breath as she averted her gaze, averted the general nature of their conversation (though it was helpful to know how much of a distraction Draco found her to be; perhaps this meant he really had used her portrait, had looked at it for inspiration while he was indulging in self-stimulation) "Where are we headed to?" she demanded, her freckled nose-scrunched up cutely.
Draco didn't miss a beat and could see how roused he'd made her. He felt enthralled, fully enjoying this moment and relishing her adorable reactions. "You'll see, Granger," he responded cheekily, pausing as they reached the landing to the fifth floor. "Believe it or not, there is a purpose to where I'm taking you,"
Hermione sounded amazed, "Is there really?" her expression was that of mild wonder and Draco rolled his eyes at her, chuckling as they kept walking.
"There certainly is. Nowhere to be, do you? Was sure you had a free period, just as me,"
"No, nowhere to be," she answered, shrugging lightly. There could be nowhere better, nowhere at Hogwarts she would rather be right then than going on some impromptu adventure with Malfoy. She only hoped they didn't run into any of the usual suspects.
"We're almost there actually, right up here," Draco said, pointing to the two large doors situated at the heart of the corridor and already Hermione's worry slightly diminished. "I just thought you'd like to see where I've been… spending most of my time this year, hiding from everyone."
"The Music Room…?" she thought out-loud, peering through the tiny windows on the door. "I've only gone in a few times, prefect duties mostly." Indeed nobody was inside and they entered, Draco shutting the door behind them. Hermione cheerily peered around; she always felt delighted to see shiny, beautiful instruments but sad she'd never been keen enough to play them. "This is where you've been spending your time?"
"Yes," he replied simply, wading through the sea of violins, violas, cellos and basses. Hermione almost tip-toed after him, afraid she'd knock something over. Draco approached the ebony grand piano located in the far corner of the room and sat down on the bench before it. He cracked the knuckles of one hand, staring back at Hermione and biting his lip in consideration; it was like he was a completely different person.
"Um, excuse me," said Hermione dramatically, pointing to the large, glimmering black and white apparatus. "But are you actually telling me you know how to play that?"
Draco laughed heartily, "The piano? I – yes, of course I do," he seemed almost flabbergasted which in turn, had Hermione feeling just that much more herself.
"What do you mean, 'of course I do,'?" Hermione was chuckling and spluttering in disbelief. "You act as if everyone is trained for it or something. I mean, I've fiddled around with a piano or two but I never actually learned a song,"
Draco's eyebrows rose in surprise, "You didn't learn –?" he gasped, clasping his hand over his mouth in sarcastic shock.
"Oh shut up," she spat, grinning. "I don't know, I suppose at those times I felt I couldn't be bothered with it. I had other things to focus on, priorities."
"Not much for music, then?"
Hermione side-eyed him, "I didn't take you for such a musical man, Malfoy,"
At once a familiar, but pleasant cacophony of notes hit her eardrums; it resonated throughout the room, ricocheting between every crevice and Hermione was rendered speechless, for Draco's long, pale fingers drummed along the keys with such delicacy, skillfully playing the beginning of the tune she'd long known as Piano Man by Billy Joel.
Draco fingered the entire first part, right up until the vocals would have started and slowly ceased before smirking up at her devilishly. "Not a musical man, you say?"
Hermione couldn't help but feel embarrassed, "I'm… I retract my statement," she said plainly, crossing her arms. "Muggle music, eh? Well, obviously I'm quite impressed. Where did you learn that?"
He nodded to the wall-adjacent – it was completely covered in shelving with different scrolls and various books of musical songs, compositions and scores. "Got to know plenty locking myself in here all year," he stated, "I was forced to learn piano almost from birth. I had my own private instructor and everything, though mother taught me a lot too. I hated it at first, but I was good at it and, over the years I guess I grew to love it."
Hermione felt jealous; she almost wished for the same, to have been forced to learn piano. Though, she was positive she'd be rubbish at it regardless, at least she'd have more knowledge of the art. In fact, it was unfortunate her own intense, thirst to learn whatever she could hadn't ever brought her to sit at a piano's bench for long.
"Would you… care to play some more?" she asked tentatively, shyly.
"Hmm…" Draco peered up at her half-lidded, scratching his chin as if he were deciding. "Only if you come sit with me," He of course, had every intention of playing her more if she fancied so… he just wanted to see if he could get her closer.
Hermione blanched, "Wouldn't I be in the way?" He shook his head, snickering and she suddenly felt silly. The wizard had nice, long arms, which she was only just realizing and coming to fully appreciate. Surely he'd have no trouble at all, reaching any key he needed.
Without another word, a sheepish smile on her lips, Hermione plopped herself beside Draco. "Any requests?" his spine was straight, poised but relaxed. He was so close, their shoulders brushing and Hermione felt tingly everywhere. Her cheeks were so damn hot, her spirit ignited. She had no idea how she even got there.
"I don't know," she was giggling, clutching sweatily the thick material of her long skirt. "What's your favorite?"
"You want me to play you my favorite song?"
"Well, yes,"
"I don't have a favorite, per say," he was very thoughtful for a moment. Then his digits were again splayed out over the bed of the device, settling over the right keys before pressing down and along different ones to produce a stylistic, upbeat song Hermione didn't think she'd ever before heard. It had to be muggle, but she couldn't be sure. It'd seemed as if he started right in the middle of the song and although a bit bombastic and fast-paced throughout the bit, it was clear to Hermione the notes held more melancholia than she initially thought. It was bittersweet sounding, she decided and she very much liked it.
The song died out and Hermione glared at Draco, getting herself to appear offended by his talent. "Seriously, I had no idea you had this in you," she told him scathingly. Draco lightly chortled, just as pink-cheeked as she. His body was somehow much closer than before – their hips were now flush against each other. "What the hell was that?"
"The song?" he asked, brow furrowed. "Uncertain Smile by The The, released 1983,"
"What the - The The…?" Hermione spoke slowly, scoffing. "Such a strange name, but the song was beautiful – very, very elegant and, and just different, it was brilliant. I was mesmerized, can't believe I've never heard it before now. Your musical knowledge must be extensive."
"Perhaps," replied Draco, finding it difficult to think of anything cohesive, when all that filled his mind was how beautiful, elegant and mesmerizing he found her to be. Didn't she even know how badly he wanted to ravish her? Every little lovely, funny thing about her drove him nutters, even ever since they were children – this witch turned him inside out. "You sound envious, Granger," he supplied, grazing his digits along the keys but not necessarily in any specific order, no song on deck.
Hermione scoffed at him again haughtily, looking outraged. "Ugh, well… maybe a little, yes."
"Can you sing?" he wondered and Hermione cackled profusely.
"No, I can't carry a tune to save my life,"
"Come on, I doubt that," Draco responded, nudging her with his elbow. "Try it right now,"
"Oh no, definitely not," she told him earnestly, her heartrate escalating. "I can't, please don't make me,"
"Merlin Granger, I'm not going to make you sing if you don't want to, I just thought I'd see what I'm working with here,"
"Working with?" she parroted, confused.
"I only meant, if you wanted me to teach you that is but, since you can't," he imitated her squirrelly, girlish voice.
"Teach me? Teach me to sing?" her voice was high-pitched, agitated. "Can you sing? Unbelievable, since when the ever-living frick, do you sing, Malfoy?
"Lovely language," said Draco, skipping his fingers over the keys lazily, haphazardly. Had she forgotten about Weasley is Our King? It'd been one of his great masterpieces. "I don't know how or when exactly, I just started one day. It sort of comes hand-in-hand with the piano. I don't think I'm that good at singing either, really but I know some things, I know how to get better at it. It's all about your breathing,"
"Ah, that makes sense," Hermione agreed, knowing she'd heard that somewhere before.
After a moment's pause, she felt a tug on one of her pig-tails, "Nice braids, by the way," Draco murmured, not quite catching her eye.
She was smiling brightly, "Thanks, I… really liked the origami cat. I miss my Crookshanks. He rather enjoys his time at the Burrow so this year I thought I'd let him stay,"
"Crookshanks…?" Draco repeated, amused and Hermione shoved him lightly on the bicep.
"Yes, that's his name and I adore everything about him," she lifted her chin proudly, unashamed.
"Uh huh," breathed Draco teasingly. "Complete fluff-ball, if I ever saw one,"
"He's special, smartest of his kind – part-Kneazle you know," said Hermione, fondly remembering how Sirius Black had complimented her beloved pet-familiar.
"Hm," was Draco's small reply, now gazing at her with a clouded, hooded expression. "That's so very fascinating," the sarcasm was dripping from his tongue, his true thoughts clearly, visibly far-away.
"Oh please," she huffed, fever-hot under his dreamy stare, huddled together so near. Hermione couldn't bear another second of his sensual silence, she would come undone before him if she didn't divert his attention again. "Well then, are you going to play another song?" What was wrong with her? Didn't she want Malfoy to snog the damn dickens out of her?
Draco licked his lips, leaning towards her momentarily and Hermione had almost closed her eyes, expecting him to eradicate the space between them. Yet he'd turned away, overcome with hesitance. "I don't know. I… didn't want to take up too much of your time."
"You're not!" she answered a smidge too hastily for her own tastes and she cringed inwardly at herself. "I just, I mean… are you-are you done playing? I wouldn't mind, if you…" Hermione trailed off as instantly she felt Draco's lengthy, cold fingers enlace with hers she'd been anxiously fiddling atop her lap. She practically gasped from his sudden, tremulous touch.
"S-Sorry, 's just… Granger, can I do this?" he gulped, Hermione's eyes watching as his Adam's apple bobbed within his throat and she nodded dazedly.
They were holding hands.
The two of them continued to sit there on the piano bench enjoying each other's presence for a peaceful minute or two, just attempting to breathe as steadily as possible. It was quite nice.
Draco had wanted to kiss her, he didn't know what'd come over him. He was horrified she'd reject his advances, that it would turn out she'd really only given him the portrait as some wily sort of truce and it didn't mean anything deeper.
But somewhere in his gut, somehow he knew she wanted this too and so he felt mortified that he had to ask her just then, he had to know for sure.
"Why'd you give it to me?"
"Wha - ?" she was befuddled by his swift question but Draco barreled on.
"Don't get me wrong, I know that you, for some extraordinary reason, wanted me to have it but why, Granger? What is your reason?"
Hermione's mouth formed a small 'o' once she understood exactly what he was getting at. Should she tell him the truth? She didn't think she could fake indifference this time, not with Draco's fierce, pewter eyes penetrating her so closely. Hermione could feel his tiny puffs of breath careening over her face, he smelled of crisp apples and it made her mouth instantly water.
"I, uh…" she tried. Draco waited patiently for her to articulate an honest response. Hermione sighed, "Surely, you might have guessed I didn't think Ronald deserved it, at that point and… oh, I don't know,"
"And you think I do?" His hand was still wrapped over hers, a bit more tightly now but she didn't think he noticed.
"I – Malfoy, I wanted you to have it," she was becoming exceedingly frustrated by the second, uncomfortable with giving him the finer details.
"Yes, yes I said I get that part but why – ?"
Hermione interrupted him, a question of her own. "Don't you like it? You said you did and I-I… haven't you looked at it at all, or shall I just demand you hand it back over this instant and we can just forget this – "
"Wait, slow down," Draco calmed her, turning more towards her on the bench. He'd been attempting to cease her woebegone bemoaning but she'd relented until his knees met hers, the hand that'd held hers now instead at the small of her spine.
He was toying with the tufts of hair at the end of her coiled pigtail, gingerly brushing his fingers against her back as comfortingly as he could manage. Being kind to others wasn't his strong suit.
A small chuckle escaped him, he couldn't help it. Was she mad? Draco adored everything about the portrait. Her shy innocence though, her naivety and doubt – it was very cute. "You are joking, right?" he began slowly, carefully. He prepared himself for the bomb he was about to reluctantly, but hopefully beneficially unleash. "I… looking at that little portrait of you is the best part of my day, Granger. You'll be damned if you get it back from me without a fight,"
Her breath hitched, "The best part of your – you look at it every day?" Hermione's face, her demeanor, her entire being had lit up at his admission.
Yep, she was blown away alright.
"Looking at it is an understatement," he told her exasperatedly, gruffly by her ear.
His words had her melting like putty; she could feel her nether regions slick with arousal against her panties and her thighs rubbed together eagerly of their own volition.
This was what she'd hoped for. Draco had told her what she'd needed to hear all along.
"Malfoy," her voice was lower, huskier. "That is precisely why I gave it to you, I… to be something to refer to, something to enjoy when you…"
Draco was grateful to set the record straight. "When I...? When I what?" he snickered, surreptitiously tapping her leg with the pads of his fingers. He always loved to get a rise from her.
"You know what I mean," she just about growled even though she knew he was only teasing. "I'm not going to say it,"
"Well, you're not wrong you know," he replied quickly, nonchalant. "But I can think of at least, ten other things at the top of my head that'd be much, much better than spending my night solo with, as spectacular as it is, only the portrait to keep me company,"
Hermione wasn't quite catching on, a distinct dissatisfaction in her tone, "What other things?"
Draco tried not to laugh so hard – brightest witch he'd ever known and she couldn't put this all together.
"Ehm, let's see," he pondered, smacking his lips, seeming as if he were thinking really hard. His fingers were still messing with her braids, ghosting her spine and he brought his other hand up, knuckles grazing the soft flesh of her cheek, "Kissing you, for one,"
Hermione's eyes flickered to his, her surprised gaze dropping to his plump mouth in careful consideration but before either of them could think on it more, the doors burst open and in a slew of raucous fourth years waddled, each of different houses.
Neither Draco, nor Hermione made any sudden movements (except for almost jumping away from each other) yet got ready to stand and leave. Most of the fourth years began piling into a nearby closet and withdrawing various woodwind-instruments – flutes, clarinets, obo's and who knew what else – while another group started putting the cellos and huge basses away to make room.
Only two paid them any mind, Ravenclaws whose names they didn't know.
"Hello," one said, a sweet-looking girl with dirty-blonde hair who reminded Hermione an awful lot of Luna Lovegood.
"Hi there," Hermione replied, she and Draco had both stood at this point.
"We're just practicing for the end of the year recital," a boy with glasses told them. "You can stay if you like,"
"Yes, we're really getting quite good I think," the girl added.
"Uh," Draco glanced at Hermione, trying to see where her next ambitions lie.
"Actually, we both have somewhere to be," Hermione told the Ravenclaws with a kindly, warm expression. "However, I'm sure you play wonderfully,"
"Thanks," the Ravenclaw girl said, and at once her focuses were on polishing up her shiny flute.
Draco and Hermione took this as their opportunity to leave the room and once outside, it'd seemed they both shared a sigh of relief. They both stared at each other for a long moment and finally after a while, neither of them could help but break out in a mirthful fit of chuckles.
AN: Look, I'm an 80's obsessed freak. I love all of that terrible music that everyone else hates, because to me, that shit is novelty. It's nostalgia and I am one nostalgic bitch, never mind the fact I was only born in '89 – I should have really been there, you know? Regardless, you should check out that song by The The. Yes, yes, I know it's a very strange, random choice to have Draco play it but to be honest, this song is known as having one of the best piano solos of all time. The way I see it, if the Music Room has its own little library of compositions then surely Hogwarts would have some obscure, English band's songs, or at least have random ones that other students have brought in over the years. That's the way the cookie crumbles for this fic. Pianist!Draco Sorry if you hate it, but it's too late now.
I hope this chapter found you well, please stay strong. Much love to everyone, thank you for reading :0)