Before you even ask, yes, the title is a TFS reference. True fans should know which one, and what that may entail. Now, let's see what the resident shinigami has cooked up to make this international super-powered Olympics event even more interesting!

Oh, and I figured out how to give Izuku some of the more classic Bleach powers without breaking the Zanpakuto only rule. Basically I'm just taking the(admittedly slightly headcanon) interpretation of Zangetsu's power and pushing it to its logical conclusion. You'll see what I mean when you get there, STORY START!

"Midoriya, objectively speaking I think we can all agree you're the strongest among us. A pro in all but name. I plan to show the world that I can surpass you, reputation be damned. Prepare yourself out there, because I'm coming for you." Todoroki made his intentions perfectly clear, and this time the sentiment was shared with the rest of the class, albeit with varying degrees of intensity.

"Hmm, I'll be looking forward to it. In fact, I have something nice planned for everyone that will give you all the kick in the pants you might need to make that threat a promise." Izuku said with a massive smirk on his face, obviously looking forward to the challenge. His words sparking a chilling thrill through his classmate's spines.

Just what was the school's resident madman thinking?

As the group of students walked towards the ceremonial field, the 18+ hero herself introduced the millions of watchers to this year's festival. "Welcome one and all to esteemed show! Now I know that you're all here to see the peak of youthful power and athleticism but let's give our students the time to make their athlete's oath!" Her introduction brought a raucous roar, so loud that the stadium itself seemed to shake for several seconds.

"Ok, ok pipe down! It's nice to know I still have that effect on people but this isn't my show! Let's shift that applause to the man of the minute. The first-year representative for the festival, and coincidentally one of our largest sponsors, Midoriya Izuku!" A smaller, but still substantial applause made its appearance as the famous youth walked up the steps to make his speech. Along with his challenge to everyone else.

"Midoriya! That's the guy who took down all those villains and made the leader run right?!" "Didn't he beat them back before the pros even got there?" "I heard he killed a monster that was supposed to fight All Might! Is this competition even fair?!"

Tapping the microphone to get everyone's attention Izuku made his oath. "Ladies, gentlemen, fish, reptiles, etc. Today we will indulge in the time-honored tradition of watching a bunch of kids brutally compete against each other for physical and social supremacy. With the occasional dash of blood-sport to keep you savages invested of course. And in the spirit of this, I've decided to throw in a bit more chaos into the mix."

His sarcastic and satirical way of introducing the event seemed to work in grabbing everyone's attention as the crowd shut up at once. Whether it was out of shock at the audacity, minor offense at the accusations, or silent agreement with what he said the result was the same.

Everyone's eyes were on Izuku Midoriya. "First off, I'd like to address the concerns over fairness within the games by stating that I plan on holding myself back throughout each event. Partially to test myself, but mostly because if I didn't then we probably wouldn't be able to show this event on live television. And before you complain Aizawa-sensei, this idea was already green-lit by principle Nezu."

"...Son of a-"

"Before my homeroom teacher earns us a 13+ rating allow me to clarify my self-placed limitations. I will not be allowed to use my awakened quirk in any way. Only it's base abilities that you are all likely familiar with will be allowed." That brought a massive sigh of relief by damn near everyone in 1A. They all saw what a Bankai was capable of and none but the most pridefully blind could boast about wanting to face one in battle.

"I have limited my blades to non-lethal types for hopefully obvious reasons." So no instant win conditions like Heineko and Senbonzakura, that would just be hilariously unfair.

"And finally I'm only allowed three unique blades per event. No exceptions." That was probably the biggest one right there. Half of his whole deal was versatility, limiting that aspect was a serious blow to his overall combat ability.

"In addition, I'd like to sweeten the pot so to speak for the winner of the sports festival. In addition to the world-wide clout, you will be rewarded with something few others have been able to attain." Pausing for a moment, Izuku made a show of summoning a copy of one of his blades and unsheathing it right next to the microphone to show off its sound.

"Your very own zanpakuto, free of charge, and don't worry, I'll handle all the paperwork. I'll also leave which specific one it is as a surprise for the lucky winner. Now, who's ready to give their all, Plus Ultra for the sake of owning this absolute beauty?" Beautiful was an understatement, the blade was simple enough but it's guard was an ornate hourglass and it had a very vibrant crimson hilt attached to it.

Complete and utter silence. For nearly a full minute stunned shock was all that could be seen within the stadium itself, even the teachers had no idea about this little development. 'Take that you furry bastard, bet you didn't see that coming did you? That's what you get for making me make that super cringy, edgy fucking speech!' Izuku thought triumphantly as his eardrums were promptly set on fire when everyone's brains caught up to his words.

"H-Holy shit! Aren't those things worth millions!" "And he's just giving one away for free, to a bunch of high school students, the fuck!" "Dogpile?" Izuku's ears twitched as he heard that last one. Someone's thinking ahead. Tossing the mic back to Midnight he made his way back to his shellshocked classmates who wisely chose to stay several feet away, lest they catch his particular brand of insanity.

"..H-holy cra- I mean, what determination, such youthful confidence! I can barely breathe and my legs feel like jelly!" Ok, Midnight, calm down. You nearly avoided a 13+ rating we don't need an 18+ worthy reaction right after. "Let's see of all that confidence is warranted, onto the first event, the obstacle course!"

Izuku POV

'An inclosed entrance holding this many people. The first obstacle is pretty obvious, but I guess that's to be expected.' I thought before summoning Zangetsu, the over-sized blade creeping people out around me.

"Y-you know Midoriya-san, this is a race. Not an execution." One of the gen-ed students tried to be smart about it. Obviously he didn't do his homework on the competition.

"I assure you that this blade is the perfect tool for speed." I said with a smirk before Midnight started the event. Sensing a chill in the air I immediately jumped up and surprised everyone by doing so again in mid-air which propelled me to the front of the pack and into the sun... A double jump, or flash step as I like to call it. A highly efficient, near-instant propulsion technique I created myself.

Zangetsu! Melee type, release command: ascend. Popularity ranking: 3

This beast of a blade is known as Midoriya's go-to for most situations. Its unique ability makes it the most efficient and versatile zanpakuto in his arsenal, and he utilizes this to it's fullest.

Ability: This blade absorbs the ambient energy from its surroundings, allowing the user to utilize it for strength enhancement, or direct propulsion. In addition, the blade can release all this energy at once for a powerful slashing attack known as-

"Getsuga Tenshou!" I yelled, cutting the incoming 0-pointer in half, molten metal visibly dripping from the inside. This slowed me down for a bit, but the energy given off by the other two giant robots quickly refilled Zangetsu allowing me to keep a steady pace as Todoroki trailed behind me in 2nd place.

'So much for starting off strong, speed isn't his forte.' I thought while transitioning into hirenkyaku as I approached the second obstacle. I giant ass pit in the middle of the race track. The less refined but more versatile technique allowed him to hover over the pit while propelling himself at a slower but still decent speed compared to the flash step.

"And all with little to no stamina loss...I love this damn thing, too bad it's full power is so unwieldy." The whole time Present Mic was singing his praise, but honestly, he didn't need to. Even with all my restrictions it wasn't like anyone else was going to-


"!" What the hell? Bakugo was never that fast! I turned around just in time to see an open palm in my direction, forcing me to disengage hirenkyaku and use a flash step to dodge the incoming blast. *Boom! 'Huh, that one would have probably knocked me out if it hit directly. He's not holding back at all.'

"Don't think I'm as clueless as these morons! That overcompensating piece of crap can't activate if the user gets hit! And it's fucking weak to direct attacks, DIE!" A much larger blast made it's way to me. 'And he never used blasts that powerful. What the hell's going on?' I was forced to use Zangetsu to block the hit, the heat and kinetic energies were absorbed but it ended up chipping the blade significantly.

'I might need to change soon. Too bad, this blade would have been perfect for the next obstacle.' Sending out another getsuga towards Bakugo before Zangetsu disappeared was my only option, thankfully the thickness of the blast was more than enough to force him to back off or risk being hit.

While he was distracted I summoned my second blade for the event. "Call for the Twilight, Mirokumaru!" It was the only Shikai that could get him over those mines(Seriously. Landmines. Who thinks of this shit?) while maintaining my speed. Minazuki would have been better but it took a lot of time to summon that thing and its travel speed was mediocre.

Mirokumaru! Kido-type, sub-type: Wind! Ability: This unique weapon has an equally special power! It can create and control tornadoes of varying sizes through its ringed end. Skilled users can even utilize this weapon as a method of transport over medium distances.

"Just a bit further…" After all that boasting I'll be dammed if I lose momentum in the fir- *Pew pew motherfucka "Nani?" A bright light blinded me and a burning sensation came soon after, forcing me to drop Mirukumaru and sending me straight to the ground. Grunting in pain I tried my best to get back on my feet. To start running. To do anything before the competition caught up. 'D-damn, I can't see! Shit, I can hear explosions!'

Summoning my final blade I chose Minazuki as a last resort.

Minazuki! Kido type, sub-type: Healing/Living! Ability: This weapon(?) Transforms into a massive single-eyed, demonic slug creature...It can fly and its stomach acid has healing properties. Surprisingly popular with children. Very gap moe.

Climbing inside I could only hope that I'd make it. Inside the beast's stomach, I could feel the burns on my back healing while my eyes slowly but surely got their sight back. I eventually heard a whistle and was flooded by light as Minazuki spit me out next to Todoroki and Bakugo, both of which were starring at me with varying degrees of smug.

"Laugh it up, you two. This isn't my finest moment but you can bet your ass I won't be holding back in round two!" Third place wasn't my crowning achievement but it was better than nothing. One thing was for sure though. I was going to find whoever hit me in the back with a laser of all things and I'm going to kick em straight in the-

To be continued~

Yeah, I went there. Some soon-to-be in pain madlad actually went and did it. They threw off Izuku's groove. Yall know what that means, the only sentence appropriate for such an offense is public execu-I mean humiliation!

Watch out mystery laser person, whoever you are…

Well, that's enough meming for one chapter, I hope you guys enjoyed it even if it was a bit shorter than usual. See you next time, and have a great day!