I'm not usually one to have stories that rely on updating, but I decided to take a risk this time. This story was inspired by Awaken by HeavenStar 18. It's a great story and while we share similarities the stories are very different in the end.

Story wide Disclaimer: I do not own anything!

"Hi" = Speech

'Hi' = Thoughts

~Kingdom Liones Ten Years Ago~

In the continent of Britannia there is a kingdom called Liones, and at the outskirts of Liones Capital City there was a boy knight named Allioni who was walking through the city when an older knight spotted him.

"Hey! You there boy give me a hand." he said while walking.

Allioni got excited, "Yes, sir!"

They began walking through the city together. "So where are you from boy?"

"Cains, sir."

The old Knight looked confused. "Cains? I've been serving this kingdom for 40 years now. I've never heard of such a place."

"That's not surprising Sir, it's way out in the boonies." Allioni said in a fluster.

"Now you mustn't get flustered if you want to become a Holy Knight Apprentice someday."

Allioni shook his head in denial, "I couldn't be a Holy Knight in a million years."

The Old Knight scoffed, "Then this might be a rough job for a young fellow like you."

The knights walked down an alley and into a square filled with bodies all torn apart, broken and bloody. Allioni started trembling with fear gazing upon dead body after dead body. "Who are all these people?" He asked, still shaking.

"They were Holy Knights one and all." The Old Knight gazed sadly upon all the lives that were lost. 'What a waste.'

"What happened to them? I- I don't understand."

"What happened? They were all mercilessly butchered, in a blink of an eye at that, by just seven people." The Old Knight said in awe and sadness.

This is a tale of ancient times. An era before the human and non-human worlds were forever divided. When the Holy Knights defended the realm wielding their magical powers; they were feared and highly respected. But among them a group emerged that betrayed the kingdom and became mortal enemies to all Holy Knights. They were known throughout the land as "The Seven Deadly Sins."

(Couldn't resist)

~Purgatory Now~

In the dark world of Purgatory ruled by the Demon King Kieron stood a boy, but this was no mere boy. This boy had spiky black hair and his attire is a body suit, crimson in color and has a white insignia on several places. The suit had an open collar and exposed his chest. He had silver gauntlets and carried his sword with a strap on his hip. His name was Zeldris and he's the youngest prince of the Demon Realm and was known as The Executioner. He stood in his room contemplating what happened 3,000 years ago. Remembering how his father worked with the Supreme Deity, his sworn enemy, to curse his eldest son Meliodas and the Goddess Elizabeth, his son's lover. The knowledge that his son, his heir, his first born, betrayed him to be with a Goddess had driven him to make a decision in rage.

'Why brother? Why a… A GODDESS of all creatures! She does nothing but torture him life after life!' He was interrupted from his darker thoughts by a thought. A thought he had not indulged in a long time. 'Why do I judge Meliodas? I would have done the same to be with Gelda. I would have done anything to be with my love.'

He groaned. "I tire of this insanity. This unfairness my brother has to suffer through! But how do I fix it?" He started pacing. 'I can't get rid of both of their curses; even with father's power I am not strong enough.' He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. 'Maybe I could take off the curse father bestowed upon Elizabeth and they could figure out a solution…' He stopped. 'There might be one way, but this could get me killed. Is it worth it?' He immediately headed for a chamber deep beneath the palace.

He entered a dark and dreary chamber, to see in the center a lone object covered in cloth, wrapped in chains and sealed with powerful magic. Zeldris took it all off to reveal a large golden mirror. This mirror long ago was used to communicate with the Goddess race. 'Let's hope the right people hear me.' He put his hand on the glass. "Sariel! Tamariel! Answer me! I ask for aid in helping one of your comrades."

~Celestial Realm~

In the bright and beautiful Celestial Realm ruled by the Supreme Deity Arula, two of the four archangels were roaming the halls of the palace when they heard their names being called in the distance.

"Did you hear that Tarmiel?" asked Sariel.

Sariel has the appearance of a child with light blue hair with bangs covering most of his forehead. He possessed four angelic wings on his back, the second pair smaller than the first and wears a set of coat-like robes with a symbol of the Goddess Clan on his chest; his hoodie resembles that of a halo.

"Yes I did. Where is it coming from?" Tarmiels' heads looked around.

Tarmiel is a tall, muscular man that has three heads and three small pairs of angelic wings protruding from his back. These three heads are unique; the right one has the appearance of an old man with a long white beard tinged with purple, the left the appearance of a young man with slicked back green hair and the middle head an ageless face with a golden bowl cut. He wears a toga with robes adorned on his body and had a symbol of the Goddess Clan.

Sariel listened for it again. "I think it's coming from the catacombs."

"Should we investigate?" Sariel shrugged and headed towards the sound.

They enter a bright yet somehow dreary chamber where they see a silver mirror hanging on the far wall. As they approached they heard the voice more clearly.

"Sariel! Tarmiel! Can you hear me! This is important!"

Sariel looked at Tarmiel and then touched the glass. Zeldris appeared in the glass.

"DEMON!" The archangels readied an attack.

"WAIT! PLEASE!" They halted at the emotion from the normally calm demon.

Sariel was the first to break the resulting silence. "What do you want Demon Prince?"

Zeldris bowed his head and sighed; as he raised it again they could see his desperation. "I need your help to break the curse on my brother and his lover." The angels gasped.

"You mean Lady Elizabeth and Meliodas? Why? Aren't you happy he's suffering?"

"You have no idea what Meliodas has gone through! He hadn't grown or changed since the curse was put on him! Elizabeth keeps being reborn over and over again! And... AND MELIODAS HAS TO WATCH HER DIE EVERY TIME SHE REMEMBERS THEIR LIVES TOGETHER OVER AND OVER AGAIN!" He then continued softer, "If I'm not mistaken he's had to watch her die over a 100 times now."

Tarmiel looked skeptical. "Why should we believe you? You've killed innocent people without mercy or hesitation." Sariel hits him on the shoulder.

"Shut up Tarmiel. We've done the same and so has Meliodas and we still fought together." He gave a smile. "Don't you remember how happy Lady Elizabeth was when she introduced us to Meliodas?" He snorted. "Do you remember how she slapped Ludociel when he was going to attack him? I don't think he could have looked more shocked if he tried." He sighed. "I care a lot about Lady Elizabeth, she was always so kind to everyone no matter the race. She's always just wanted the best for people. It's been 3,000 years… can you imagine what she feels every time her memory returns. Realizing she's going to die and is making Meliodas suffer through her death again." Sariel looked back to the mirror. "My question is how did you know we would consider helping you?"

"I heard about how you helped Elizabeth cure Derieri and Monspeet when they became Indula." Zeldris looked pained at the memory. "You believe in fairness and not vengeance. I knew you would at least consider helping if only to help your comrade."

The angels looked at each other and smirked. They nodded at Zeldris. "We're in. What do we need to do?" Zeldris smirked.

"Just let me say one phrase, but make sure you use as much of your magic as possible for this to work." They all collect their magic. "Ready?" They nod and raise their hands in unison. "End this curse and restore these lives!"

They all released a powerful orb of magic into the air, which exploded and they could feel the drain that comes when a spell is successful. They looked to each other, smirks on all their faces. Until Sariel had a thought.

"How do we know that our rulers won't just redo the curses?"

Zeldris thought about it for a second. "What if we agree not to fight if we ever meet? Think about it! If there is peace between clans then Meliodas and Elizabeth could be together without repercussions." The angels looked skeptical, but agreed.

"You'll have to convince the Ten Commandments to agree on your end. I can't say Loduciel will listen to us, but we can convince pretty much everyone else if it comes to it." Sariel pointed out.

Zeldris nodded. "Consider it done. Estarossa and Galand will be trouble, but I can handle the others." 'Drole and Gloxina will be easy.'

Tarmiel nodded to this idea. "So are we in agreement?" They all nodded and disconnected the communication.


Zeldris sighed in relief after ending the connection. 'Now if only I could see Gelda.' He shook his head. 'Should I have told them that the spell restored my brothers' power? Nah!' He walked out of the chamber after restoring its previous protections. 'I still can't believe they could find Goddess amber that could hold most of his power.'