Notes: Hey people! This is my first ever fanfiction and I am kind of nervous to post it here but here goes nothing! Please, let me know if I make any grammar mistakes, after all, English is not my first language! Also, I watched Naturo years back so the characters might be out of character a bit, but other than that, enjoy!
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto.
Chapter 1
The pink haired kunoichi was all dressed in black. Long sleeve shirt and tight black pants. After the war, she took the habit of wearing this outfit since everyone seemed to die. Naruto, Sasuke, Kakashi, her parents… Even her mentor. As the thought crossed her mind, her green eyes dulled a bit. She took in a shaky breath and continued her walk.
Right now she was making her way back home from the memorial the village put together for the fallen. She stood there for hours while the name of her companions were engraved in the memorial stone. Looking at it, she understood why Kakashi spent so much time there. It was were she could feel close to her fallen comrades.
As she was walking home, she realized that the street were busy and loud like they were before the war.. Like nothing happened. But the thing is, everything changed. Sakura started to walk faster. She could not stand the atmosphere around her. Her feet led her to her parents house. Her childhood home. Home. What a weird word. Especially when everything that makes a home feel like one is gone.
Nervous, she stared at the door in front of her. It was the first time that she was back there since the end of the war. She preferred to sleep in her small apartment since there were less memories attached to it. Taking a deep breath, she opened the door and walked in.
The smell of wildflowers and cinnamon floating in the air almost made her back out. Even after months, the house still smelled like her mother. Closing her eyes tightly, she stayed in the hallway and closed the door. Sakura looked around slowly and every happy memories came crashing in. She remembered the smell of breakfast in the morning, the laughter of her mom while they were sitting at the kitchen table… her dad reading on his chair near the window, the conversations they had in the living room…
They are gone.
Making her way in the living room, she looked at the pictures over the fireplace. One of the frame caught her attention. Slowly, like it was the most precious thing in the world, she picked it up. It was a picture taken the day she was made head of the hospital of Konoha. She remembered it too well. Her parents were so excited. On the picture, she was standing at the front, hugging her mother who looked so happy while her dad behind her had his hand on her head, smirking with a spark in his eye, proud of his daughter's accomplishment.
When she told them she wanted to be a ninja, the fought a lot but that picture right there, showed her that no matter what she was doing in her life, her parents would always be proud of her.
Touching the picture delicately, she started to feel tears burning her eyes. Trying to avoid crying again, she closed them for a moment and calmed her erratic heart by breathing slowly. She could not help it. She was feeling it. The enormous hole in her heart, aching like an open wound. The loudness of their absence. The emptiness crushing her from the inside.
Turning her head to the left, she saw a picture of team 7 on their first day together. That's when she cracked. Life was so unfair. Why things like that had to happen?
In a moment of painful anger, she threw the frame she was holding on the floor. The glass shattered like her heart did so many times this past week. Not being able to handle her grief and anger, she threw all the pictures on the floor, the chairs on the walls, blinded by tears and physical pain her grief was causing her. After a few minutes, she slipped on the floor, tired, with her head down. Her hair was like a curtain around her face and she was sobbing. Sitting on her heels, she grabbed her head into her hands. She couldn't breathe. The air was too heavy. To many memories. Smells. Feelings. She couldn't stay. Impossible. She knew one thing: she needed to get out of this house. Now.
Sakura got up, walking on the broken glass, she couldn't feel the pain on her feet, at least, she didn't care if it did hurt. Opening the door, she glanced inside the house one more time and started to run into the woods. Branches scratched her arms and legs but she did not care. She needed to put distance between her and her childhood home.
A few minutes later, she reached the river. The night was bright, full moon was out, shining on the water peacefully. As Sakura walked to the river, a sharp pain in her foot made her lose her balance and she fell face first on the ground. Not able to hold it anymore, she started sobbing uncontrollably. In an attempt to feel safer, she brought her knees close to her chest, trying to keep her broken heart in one piece. Her thoughts went to her fallen team, seeing the picture of team 7 in her mind. Her mentor would not be proud to see her in that state, she would tell her to pick herself up and be strong. But right now, she could not care less. She chocked and yelled to the moon.
"I just want to disappear. I don't want to live in a world without them. If only I could have save them."
Exhausted, she fell asleep near the river. As soon as her breath evened out, the moon grew brighter and brighter until a flash of blinding light took over the whole landscape. Little did Sakura know, life would surprise her.