Being the glitch of the multiverse is a double edge sword. This is a thought that often crosses Error's mind as he does his job which is to destroy the AUs whose codes are damaged beyond his husband's ability to repair or his ability to edit. On the one hand he can operate outside the rules set by the code in AU. On the other hand, he is feared, hated and bullied by every other Sans in their entire flipping Multiverse. Even the parasite Fresh picks on and attacks him in the VOID he resides in while at work. Ink, Geno and Reaper are the only ones who understand how hard his job is and the toll it takes on his mental health daily. Marrying Ink remains one of the most controversial topics within their multiverse with many thinking that it was a forced relationship. Lust being one of the Sans heading the controversy and spinning it into gossip magazine article rather than the truth of their relationship. This being said more often than not the negative half of being the glitch is what haunts Error wherever he goes. He also has an uncanny ability to attract the attention of psychos.