hi yes im back on my bull(crap)
uhhhh so here. is another dumb herobrine romance fic. very different vibe than the nether queen, tho, more like ottwcd tbh.
anyway enjoy. or dont. whatever.
The sun came out from behind the clouds, and she tilted her head back as the rays warmed her face.
It was probably beautiful.
Olivia sat on the hill, leaning back in the grass on calloused palms. She could feel the wind playing with her hair, and the tickle of grass on her bare ankles. She heard light footsteps in the grass to her left, probably a squirrel from the sound of it, but she didn't open her eyes. Not that it really mattered.
"What's a pretty young maiden like you doing out here all alone?" The voice startled her, and she jumped, pushing herself up. It was a masculine voice. That in itself, coupled with the prickling feeling of eyes on her, unsettled her, as being alone with a strange man wasn't really her idea of a good time.
"Minding my own business." She retorted. "And I suggest you mind yours." A pause, followed by a genuine laugh.
"Sarcastic, hmm? I like that in a woman."
"Yeah, well, no one asked you." Another chuckle, then approaching footsteps. Olivia decided she did not like this man.
"You didn't answer my question, though." A shuffle as he sat in the grass a couple feet away. Olivia cocked her head towards him, formulating a possible escape route should he try to do something... unscrupulous. "What are you doing up here all alone? Blindfolded, no less? Playing the world's most complicated game of Blind Man's Bluff?"
"I did tell you, minding my business." You press a hand to the blindfold on your face absentmindedly. "I'm really not in the mood to talk about my personal problems with a random stranger. Go away." A scoff.
"Is this how your mother raised you to treat strangers?"
"Yes, actually, when they're a strange man who won't leave me alone." A tch.
"I am wounded, but I suppose that's sound enough logic." A sigh, then another shuffle as he got back to his feet. "Answer one thing for me, though, for I am burning with curiosity." Olivia frowned.
"What is the purpose of the blindfold?"
"It keeps my eyes safe." She answered curtly. "I'm blind. Is that what you wanted to hear?" Expecting a snappy retort, she was surprised to be greeted by only silence.
"I don't know." He said at last. Then he walked away.
Although she heard his footsteps fade away into the wind and the rustling grass, the feeling of being watched never went away.
Something hard smacked into her shoulder, and Olivia let out a grunt as she stumbled to the side.
"Oh! Miss Olivia, I'm so sorry." A young woman apologized, and she shrugged before continuing on. She heard a whisper travel through the busyness around her, and grumbled as she pulled her cloak's hood over her head. At least the path would probably be clear, now.
Hugging her cloak around herself, she cut through an empty alleyway before coming out onto the muted street her home sat on. She let herself in through a side door, ditching her cloak before making her way to the small bedroom on the other side of her single-floor house.
"Olivia!" A shout stopped her in her tracks, and she turned towards her mother's voice. "You're late home. It's pitch-black out there."
"I am?" She blinked under the blindfold. "Sorry. I didn't hear the bells."
"It's fine, just…" Her mother stepped closer and placed a hand on her shoulder. "I really do-"
"-worry about me, yeah." She patted her mother's hand once before brushing it off. "I know. I'll be careful."
Before her elder could continue, Olivia slipped away, disappearing into her bedroom with the full intent of going to sleep.
"Hey." A voice dashed her hopes, and she let out a low groan.
"I won't keep you up." Her brother assured her, and she sunk down on the edge of her bed with a sigh.
"You'd better not."
"I won't." Olivia lay back on her pillow, and a few seconds of silence followed, punctuated only by the soft clicking of whatever her brother was fiddling with.
She lay in bed for a good few hours before she fell asleep. The sound of the city was always so busy, so insufferably loud. She eventually fell asleep with her head buried in her pillow.
so yeah