Lee Everett, a former teacher at UGA, had killed the state senator after he had found him sleeping with his wife. Now, he was on the highway in a cop car, silent and ashamed of himself. The cop had exchanged several glances with Lee, but didn't say anything until just about now.
"Well, I reckon you didn't do it then?" The white, aging officer asked. Lee stared at him for a bit before answering.
"Does it really matter?" He asked with a hint of agression. The officer shrugged and smirked.
"Guess not.. Y'know I've driven a bunch of folks down to this prison, Lord knows how many. Usually is 'bout now I get the 'I didn't do it.'" He said, eyes going from the road to the car mirror.
"Every time?" Lee asked out of curiosity.
"Every time." He responded. Lee stared around the car, realizing that, holy shit, he was going to prison and there was nothing he could do about it. He deserved the time however, and he wanted punishment for his horrible crime. Even the radio was driving him crazy.
The officer interrupted his train of thought by speaking again. "I followed your case a little bit, you being a Macon boy and all."
"You're from Macon, then?" Lee responded, staring at him through the mirror.
"Yup. Came up to Atlanta to be a city cop in the seventies. Always wanted to work a murder case. Like that senatorial mess you got yourself mixed up in, with all due respect. A real shame that is." As the cop finishes, two blaring police cars speed past, drawing Lee's attention to the highway.
"Hell the whole family used to be regulars at your folk's drugstore right in downtown. Still there?" The cop asked.
"Sure is." Lee responded with a small smile, remembering his family who had actually stopped talking to him after the murder went public.
"Good." The officer responded simply, the car being filled with just the sounds of the radio.
"Be advised of medical personnel on route to Hartsfield, various 10's and 20's coming in." The voice spoke into the radio. Lee was actually starting to wonder if the cop even cared.
"Any of that seem important to you?" He asked the driver.
"All of it, but that box never shuts up. Sit in this seat and pay too much attention and you'll drive yourself crazy." He responded, shrugging with annoyance in his voice. He quickly changed the subject. "I got a nephew up in UGA. You teach there long?"
"Going on my sixth year." Lee responded naturally, looking at his cuffs.
"You meet your wife in Athens?" The cop asked, knowing the question was sensitive. Lee looked out the window and frowned. "You wanna know how I see it?" He asked as three police cruisers suddenly zoomed by, sirens blaring. Lee thought of an answer to the cops question before answering.
"Sure." Lee replied simply, not really caring about his opinion. He stared up at the cop through the mirror, glaring at him. The cop opened his mouth to speak before seeing Lee's expression.
"Regardless, could be you just married the wrong woman." The officer stated matter of factually. Lee was about to mutter an insult, but just grumbled angrily instead, lowering his head. A helicopter and two swat cars sped by suddenly and grabbed Lee's attention fully. He thought as the cop continued to drive, what the hell is going on out there?
"I was driving this man much, he-he was the worst one. He wouldn't stop going on about how he didn't do it. He was an older fella, big, soft eyes behind a pair of smart folk glasses. And he's just wailing back there, says it wasn't him, cryin' and snottin' all over right where you're sitting!"
The cop was interrupted by the radio once again, so he shut it off. Lee was a bit concerned of the reports, but continued listening anyways.
"Then before long he starts kicking the back of the seat, like a fussy baby on an airplane. And I tell him he's gotta stop. That's government property, and I'll be forced to zap him otherwise. So he stops, and, having exhausted all of his options, starts crying out for his momma. 'Momma, it's all a big mistake, it wasn't me!'" He dramatically yells out, imitating the criminal.
"So did he do it?" Lee asked out of curiosity.
"They caught the fucker red handed, stabbin' his wife, cutting her up as the boys came through the door. He sits in my car screamin' bloody murder that it wasn't him. I think he actually believed it himself." There was a short pause before the cop finished. "It goes to show, people'll up and go mad when they believe their life is over." Lee noted that and nodded, looking out the windshield. That's when he noticed a silhoutte in the distance, slowly limping into the highway. The cop kept driving, however, and didn't notice what was in front of him.
"I got another good one for ya. This one's a little bit less depressing and a bit more hilarious if I do say so. This other time-"
"Fucking drive!-" Lee screamed at the officer, who's eyes returned to the road too late. He crashed right into the pedestrian, knocking him unconsious before the car spun out off of the highway. The car flipped off of a hill and landed into a tree, the final crash knocking out Lee and stopping the car.
Hours later, Lee awoke to find himself still in the car with a painful headache and a dry throat. "Thirsty…" he remarked, looking at his cuffs. Then he felt a sharp cut in his leg, hissed in pain and looked to the wound. "Ah, fuck.. My leg.." He groaned out lowly, looking around for a way out.
When he looked behind him, he saw the officer, dead on the ground with his gun a fair ways away from his body. "Hey.. Hey officer, are you alright? I'm still cuffed back here!.. Why the hell did he have his gun out?" Lee questioned, looking in front of himself now to see any other option. He noticed the cracked window and began kicking at it. Eventually, it broke and Lee was able to crawl his way out of the space and onto the ground. He remained there, trying to recover from the injury on his leg but he eventually got up and leaned against the cop car, gasping as blood splashed from his leg to the floor. In time he was able to get off of the car and move to the dead body. After all, Lee needed to get these cuffs off.
He looked down and shook his head at a closer look at the dead police-man, crouching down and retrieving the keys from his pocket. He attempted to unlock himself but the keys slipped and landed next to the corpses head. "Shit!" Lee whispered, a bit shaken up. He slowly grabbed the keys again, trembling until he was able to finally get the cuffs off. He breathed a sigh of relief, but something caught the former teacher off guard; a low grumble that seemed to come from the body.. "O-officer..?" Lee whispered, backing away slowly before the corpse reanimated itself and tackled the man to the ground. "Ah! Holy shit!" He screamed, backing away as quickly as he could, the cop crawling towards him while growling and moaning.
"What in the hell..?! What the fuck are you?!" Lee was cornered as he hit the cop car. He looked around for a way out of this and remembered the officers shotgun. He grabbed it, as well as a bullet, but dropped the shell to the ground in his panic. He scrambled to get the bullet, "Don't make me do this!" he exclaimed to the undead cop who continued to crawl. Seeing no other option, he aimed for his head and pulled the trigger, his pale, balding head popping like a balloon.
Lee sat there for a few seconds, gasping for air as the cop dropped dead, for good this time. He tossed the gun before noticing how late it was, it was getting close to dusk. That's when a small silhouette caught his eye from afar. Naturally, Lee was panicked and waved his arm in the air. "Help! Go get someone. Th-there's been a shooting!" The shadow on the hill walked away, and the sound of grumbling returned behind the cop car. Lee looked to the direction of the noise and spotted more of the corpses walking towards him.
With the rest of his strength and fear, Lee got up and began limping away, only to trip over the rotting cops body. The monsters were closing in, so Lee got up and tried to go faster again, as more and more of them started coming out of the woodwork's. More growling faces, dead bodies that he hadn't noticed before and plenty of awful scents. Lee got caught up in it and almost tripped again, this time over a hill. His balance returned to him and he was able to make it over. He found a fence waiting for him and climbed it just as the ghouls were creeping up behind him.
Once he had climbed over, he crawled his way away from the fence which was being banged on heavily. Lee was panting like a mad man and panicking for his life until a gun shot was heard, followed by two more. The banging stopped and the convict was brought back to his feet, wiping sweat from his forehead. Turning around, he saw a house and realized just how close to society he really was.
"Hello..? Anybody..?" No response, and so Lee decided to get help from the people in the house. After all, there was a figure earlier near the fence. Unless he was seeing things..
Lee climbed the stairs to the porch, looking up at the tree house and shaking his head, 'What if a kid turned into one of those things?' He thought before groaning and finally knocking on the door. "Hello? Anybody home?" knock, knock, "I need a little help." He tried looking inside but the glass appeared dirty and blurry. What he could see was a flashing red light. He decided to knock again, he needed help for his leg.
"Hello? Ah, something's going on…" He knocked once more, to no response. At this point, he had to come in. So, he gripped the handle and pulled the sliding door open. "Comin' in.. Don't shoot, okay?" After a few seconds of silence he walked inside.
Upon entering, Lee's closed the door behind him before reaching to his leg in pain. "Ah, shit.. Hello? I'm not an intruder. Or one of them.." The house was a mess. Furniture was piled up against the wall, the answering machine was untouched, it reeked of something awful, and the TV had no signal. "These people might need more help than I do.." He muttered to himself, limping to the kitchen to find a first aid, or something to help. On his way, however, he ended up slipping on a puddle of blood and landing on his side. This place was starting to creep him out even more. What could have happened?
He got up, spotting a paper cup. In excitement, he leaned on a counter and drank the entire cup, gasping in satisfaction as his throat cleared. Then, he started searching the drawers . Alas, no medicine but he did find a walkie talkie. He decided to pocket it for now, it could prove useful. Suddenly, the answering machine started beeping. Finally, maybe an answer to his problem. Before heading to the machine, he noticed a piece of paper on the fridge and began reading it. "Hmm.. The Marsh House. That's a Savannah area code. But that's the type of note you'd leave a babysitter.." He took another glance at the beeping message box and finally activated it.
An automated voice said, "Three new messages. Message one, left at 5:43 PM." Then, a female began talking
"Hey, Sandra, this is Diana, we're still in Savannah. Ed had a little incident with some crazy guy near the hotel so we had to get him back to the ER and get it checked out. Anyway, he's not feeling well enough to drive back tonight, so we're staying an extra day. Thanks so much for looking after Clementine and I promise we'll be back in time before your spring break!"
The automated voice spoke again. "Message two, left at 11:19 PM" Lee could already tell by his surroundings, this didn't have a happy ending.
"Oh my god, finally! I don't know if you tried to reach us, all the calls are getting dropped. They're not letting us leave and they're not telling us anything about Atlanta. Please, please, just leave the city and take Clementine with you back to Marietta, I've gotta get back to the hospital. Please let us know that you're safe." The mother sounded panicked and rightfully so.
"Message three, left at 6:51 AM." The robotic voice spoke.
"Clementine, baby? If you can hear this, call the police. That's 9-1-1.. We love you.. We love you.. We love y-" The message was cut short. The sound quality was grainy and static-y. The woman, Diana, was in tears by the end of it. Lee picked up a photo of the family and frowned.
"Daddy?" A sweet, innocent voice asked from the walkie talkie. Lee, surprised, took it out and pressed down on the communication button.
"Hello?" He replied.
"You need to be quiet." The girl whispered back.
"Who is this?" Lee asked.
"I'm Clementine, this is my house." She responded.
Lee was relieved, at least the child was alive."Hi, Clementine.. I'm Lee." He introduced himself.
"You're not my daddy." Clementine stated, disappointment in her voice.
"No.. I'm not." He said, sighing. Then, he walked back into the kitchen, this time avoiding the pool of blood. "Where are you?"
"I'm outside in my tree house. They can't get in." Clem answered.
"That's smart." Lee commented with a smile, looking out the window.
"See?" She opens the door to her tree house, waving at the teacher. "Can you see me? I can see you through the window." Lee waves back, smiling wide at her. Suddenly, the girl screams and a groan is heard behind Lee. He turns around, only to find a female corpse attacking him. He manages to pull her off, heavily breathing from the shock before trying to bolt away. Unfortunately, Lee managed to slip on the blood once again and right on his back.
The reanimated Sandra begins crawling toward Lee. He forces his foot into her face and gets back up, trying to run again only to be pulled back to the floor by the zombified babysitter. She pulls on his ankle and attempts to get a bite of his brown skin, but Lee is able to punch the creature in the jaw, knocking it back. He continued to crawl backwards, and that's when Clementine came to the rescue.
"Here..!" She alerted Lee to her presence, giving him the yellow weapon just as Sandra climbed on top of him. The convicted murderer began bashing her face in, switching positions so that he was on top of her. He continued bashing her face until she was nothing but mush and teeth.
"Man… Hi there." Lee muttered, wiping sweat off his forehead as blood began to pool around them.
"Did you kill it..?" Clem asked, stepping away.
"Yes.." He panted out, rising to his feet again.
"It's okay. I think she was a monster." Clem said with a bit of uncertainty.
"I think so too." Lee reassured.
Lee kneeled down to Clementine's eye-level. "You've been all by yourself through this?" He asked, looking in her eyes for some innocence, and luckily what she had just seen didn't ruin her.
"Yeah. I want my parents to come home now." She answered, twiddling her thumbs.
"I think that.. Might be a little while, you know?" Lee said.
"Oh…" Clem said sadly, looking down. Lee got closer and gave her a sympathetic look.
"Look, I don't know what happpened, but I'll look after you until then." He promised, putting a hand on her shoulder. Clementine nodded.
"What should we do now?" Clem asked, and now you have to decide what comes next.
We need to look for help before it gets dark.
Let's wait until night to leave.
Clementine trusts you
Your family is distant
Your wife hates you
The police officer liked you, at least a little
Vote in the reviews section, whichever option gets more votes by Saturday wins.))