FAGE 12. Never Too Late to Start Anew

Title: Letters To My Love

Written for: Cullen Cousin

Written By: brierlynn03

Beta: LadyLoonie

Rating: M

Summary/Prompt used: Open Prompt

I do not own Twilight. I just borrow the characters and hope that you enjoy the story! And now, my FAGE 12 story, Letters To My Love! Enjoy!

FAGE 12. Never Too Late to Start Anew

Title: Letters To My Love

Written for: Cullen Cousin

Written By: brierlynn03

Beta: LadyLoonie

Rating: M

Summary/Prompt used: Open Prompt

I do not own Twilight. I just borrow the characters and hope that you enjoy the story! And now, my FAGE 12 story, Letters To My Love! Enjoy!

September 15th, 1987

My Sweet Isabella Marie:

Welcome Home, Isabella! Today, on your second day of life, your Mama and I were able to take you home from the hospital! What an experience this has been for us!

There are many things that I am thankful for this year. Well, starting with last Christmas and New Years'. There was an extra gift under the tree last year that took a while to make. That gift was you, my darling and sweet daughter. I am not a man of many words, but I am feeling extra joyful right now so I might surprise even myself. I am going to try to write to you on your milestones so you know how much I love you.

Just weeks after your Mama and I got married, you became our Christmas miracle. When your Mama found out that she was pregnant, we found out you were conceived on Christmas. My life is finally coming together and complete with you being here. Or coming. I am forever thankful for you being included in my family.

Grammy and Grampy Swan were so excited for your arrival. I was their original miracle who they never thought that they would have. I am sure that between the three of us you will soon tire of the story, but Grammy and Grampy never thought they would have children. God had other plans when I came into the world kicking and screaming while Grammy was forty-four and Grampy was forty-seven. Most people get convertibles for their mid-life crisis. My parents had me. Go figure.

After I was born, I became the center of their world. I was very lucky that way. When I met and married your Mama young, they were excited at the chance to be grandparents. When I told them, around Valentine's day, that we were expecting, they were thrilled to tears. "Helen, our prayers have been answered! Praise God!" Grampy said. While they never said anything, I think they wanted a girl since they had their boy; and, to be honest, I wanted a little girl too. I am forever grateful to you. You are the best birthday present that a Daddy can ask for. Since we share birthdays. If you had taken another twenty minutes we could have been twins, well, twenty years later.

Needless to say, you will be spoiled as long as they are here. I swear, your Mom and I have barely had to buy anything because it is a grandparents' job to spoil the grandchild. Well, I was not going to argue with them!

I am amazed at how much you have changed in two days! My heart is filled with so much love and joy that I never thought I would have. I have barely been able to sleep because I keep trying to check on you to make sure you are alive. It is the best way to not get sleep and I love every minute of it!

Every time I check on you, I pray for you. I pray that you will become a beautiful, strong, patient, and kind little girl. One who loves her family and God. One that understands that she is loved by her family. I pray for your future husband to be kind and gentle. That he will take care of you and any children that you have. I also pray for both your Mommy and I. That we raise you the way that we should. That you have good examples from us. That we respect and love each other enough to do right by you.

No matter what, I will always love you, Isabella. You are my reason for living and being a better man in the world. I decided to become a police officer in town to help make our little town safer for you. I hope someday to make you proud of me.

I love you, my darling Isabella.

