Howdy y'all, back again with some more goodness! Loving what you guys think and happy to give you more of what you want. Wanted to know if you guys were interested in seeing one of those 'read along' stories happen to this fic as the cast of DxD and Naruto are brought together and witnessing this all play out before them, and also getting along despite the vast differences between the groups. Though a stipulation is that while the casts are there to see this stuff, Naruto himself is not with them as there could be some reason why he's not along for the gathering, found it a bit more interesting with him not around than him just there and reading along with the others. Maybe is those type of fics are kinda rare.

Also, who should I turn to for this idea, as communication between authors and setting things up for the idea would be nice. Anyway, I'll take any suggestions if you guys are wanting to help out. Also on the lookout for a beta-writer for help with the story, as my knowledge of DxD isn't the greatest and I want to smooth the story and dialogue out as I go along.

Let's continue~


Little Rias had calmed down from her sobbing earlier as she was sitting on the shoulder of the young man, who introduced himself as Naruto Uzumaki when asked, her hands holding on his head as she felt safe around him. Having cast a small spell of comfort as he helped the young girl from her hiding spot and was taking her back to her home, which Rias surprisingly was content with considering her earlier mood and act running away.

"Where are you from mister, I never heard of an Uzumaki clan." She asked as being in his presence just made her feel better and washed away her fear.

"I'm not from around, little cherry, new in town." He replied as he carried the princess back home, but Rias tugged his hair gently as he looked to where she pointed.

"We can't forget my friend Akeno!" She pouted as he nodded and went over to the frozen girl, waving his hand before her face and muttering 'sleep' as he caught the now asleep child and earning a 'thank you' from Rias as he took them back, Rias on his shoulders and Akeno in his arms.

"Now, I hope you don't mind me asking, but what is a little one like yourself doing out in the rain, you'll catch a cold." He asked politely as he glanced up to her as Rias had the decency to frown cutely at his words, had a point about getting sick, especially since she was just in her dirty pajamas.

"… My parents don't like me anymore…" she got out as she sniffled, her happy mood instantly brought down by the reality of her life.

"Nonsense, children are a blessing to their parents, no child should be hated by their family." He rebutted as he sensed her negative emotions. Rias didn't comment as she doubted, he was even aware of her problem. But she continued instead of telling him off like any noble would about private affairs.

"Mom and Dad said that there was a big fight earlier and hurt a lot of people. So, the remaining families want to try and fix things up, and now they want to get rid of me…." She sniffed and wiped her budding tears as Naruto just frowned at her words. So this was in regards to the Civil War that ended a sometime after he arrived to this lovely place, the remaining Pillars wanted to try an preserve their 'pureblood' lineage in the wake of this system that was in the works by the top leaders and their plans to replenish their losses, something to do with the game Chess. Well that was what he got off his intel and snooping around in places he shouldn't.

"Right, so the clans are wanting to try and keep their influence and arrange marriages that would benefit them. And your family is also going with the motions here to not look bad."

"But I don't want to be some creep's toy, I want to pick who I want to love!" She whined out. They had arrived at the mansion as he whistled at the sheer size of the place, and here he thought the Hyuga's and Daiymo's back home were full of themselves with their castles and compounds that took up chunks of villages. Rias guided him around the house from the outside and pointed to the window of her room as Naruto floated off the ground and into her bedroom after opening the window. He placed Akeno in her bed and used a heat spell to dry her wet clothes before tucking her in and moved over to Rias' bed and plucked her off of him, setting her down on the furniture.

"I hear that, little cherry, (earning a pout from the cute nickname he bestowed upon her) no one wants to be stuck with some jerk who doesn't like them for who they are. But with the recent big event everyone is coming back from, sometimes those in charge must make tough choices when it comes to their people they watch over and protect, even if it means upsetting a few people in the process." He said as he gently knelt down by the bed, so he was level with Rias and gave a smile to her.

"Sometimes, in order to prevent war and stop stuff like arranged weddings and one-sided treaties, you have to gain influence and power if you want to change the world for the better and help those stuck in situations like yours. You see war and peace have a cycle; people meet, agreements are made, some bad seeds break the rules, tensions rise, peace talks fail, and war breaks out. Rinse and repeat every while or so as not everyone are good with the terms and take matters in their hands. It's an unfortunate part of any civilization's history regarding allies, enemies and neighbors and quite hard to just make people get along and come together, I should know." He explained in simple terms and used a piece of paper and his magic to animate a small stick figure drawing to go along with his words as she watched with curiosity.

"W-we're you in a war, mister?" she asked as his tone about the civil war seemed like he knew how things would play out after such an event. Her question just had his warm smile shift to a defeated smile as he couldn't help but look to the floor, his mood shifting a bit.

"I was, lost quite a few friends…." He uttered out, sounding like he held himself accountable for their deaths as she felt bad for him and reached out to pat his head. This of course had his mood change as he faced her again, any semblance of sadness gone from his eyes.

"But that's enough about dear old me, you actually summoned me earlier and as per the rules, I'm here to strike a deal with you." He smiled once more as Rias remembered something about Devils making deals with others when summoned.

"Wait are you a Devil?" she asked in surprise, he didn't seem like one and his energy was hard to place really.

"Nope, I'm just your local magic genie." His response just had a question mark appear above her head, before it turned into an exclamation point as she got it, a bright smile on her young face as this was her chance.

"I wish to have the power to break my marriage!" She wished with a finger raised looking cute in her moment of triumph. A couple moments passed as nothing happened and she looked around.

"Huh, did it not work, I don't feel any different." She asked as Naruto couldn't help but snicker, which got a pout and mean glare from the princess. "You lie!" She whined as he barked out a laugh.

"I can't grant you something you already have, lil cherry." At her confused look, he just explained and poked her right over her heart. "You see you already have the power to better yourself and choose your own life and love. But as of right now, your still too young to even get a grasp of your powers. Not to worry as with training and growth, you will be able to. In fact, I can help you unlock your true potential, I can be your secret teacher if you wish to unlock your true power and dreams, would you like that?" He offered and she nodded and asked after realizing,

"But mister, how will that work? Mommy and Daddy keep a close eye on people coming and going, and big bro is suspicious to strangers he doesn't know." Naruto just nodded at that as he picked up the paper he used and asked.

"Want to see a magic trick?" He then held the paper in hand as he waved the other hand over it in a circle, the paper glowing as his energy seeped into the item and the paper shifted, changing shape and becoming a rose, its petals a beautiful mixture of blue, purple and red. Rias was taken back by the pretty rose as he offered it to her and she took it, handling it gently like it was made of thin glass.

"To call me for your secret training, just hold that close and focus on my name, just make sure your alone and no one is following you, ok. Not everyone is aware of me and I'd like to keep it that way for a while, at least until I'm settled in, ok." He instructed as she shook her head yes, getting up to leave as he ruffled her hair with a smile. He went over the Akeno and reached into his cloak, bringing out a small handmade felt doll that was dressed as a miko with hair like Akeno's, but the button eyes were a light brown to her purple. He gently placed the doll in her arms as she hugged it to herself, then using some heat and cleaning spells, he made sure Rias was mess free and any evidence of his presence was zero. Returning to the window and ready to leave,

"You promise?" He stopped at that as he turned back to face her and gave a bow, not some mock bow or an extravagant one, but a simple one that conveyed respect. Straightening up as he gave one of his warm smiles at seeing her questioning and sad look, like she thought he was gonna bail on her.

"Promise of a lifetime, goodnight Rias Gremory." He waved as he hopped out of the open window as it closed and locked while Rias snuggled into her bed, hiding the rose under her pillow as she held a smile and went to sleep. Naruto was at the edge of Gremory territory when he raised a hand and snapped his fingers, time resuming as his form burst into demon bats and scattered into the night sky.


We find everyone back at the Gremory mansion where that party was set up for the wedding between Rias and Riser, except that union was over by the lovely lady and now there was a light air of confusion. Course that confusion was divided between to things, the whispers of the purebloods still fading out as always with the current climate. The other factor was currently sitting on a couch near the long table of food and drink for the guests, enjoying a can of soda compared to the variety of expensive and tasteful alcohols offered by the Gremory's wine cellars. He was just by himself as Rias was off in Zeoticus' study having their family talk, so he just kept silent and unassuming as big noble parties like these were not his style. He was busy thinking what to make for dinner tonight as Rias' peerage, along with her other friends like Sona and Seekvaira made a beeline towards him after dressing all nice for the party. Everyone else was keeping their distance as he 'reeked of commoner'.

"Good evening, sir." Akeno started off as Naruto looked the group over, smiling as he replied,

"Hello, you guys must be Rias' little group of friends." At their nods he chuckled, "She didn't tell me you were all so cute." He complimented before getting up to help himself to the assortment of foods with them following him.

"Boss-man, its good to see you!" Gasper announced with a smile as Naruto got a high-five from the dhampir, "Hey Gasper, how's it going, still practicing with your powers in your room and those books I gave you?" He asked as Gasper nodded happily.

"Yep, I want to spar with you sometime to show my improvements, candy?" He offered one of those tardigrade looking critters (Cryptobytes from Death Stranding, cute lil bugs) from the glass jar he was carrying around to Naruto, who accepted it and popped it into his mouth and ate it.

"Hmm, B+?" He asked as Gasper nodded. He ruffled Gasper's hair like a big brother would before returning to select his food as the little talk between him and Gasper confused the group of teens. He knew and was friendly with Gasper?

"You are friends with Gasper, sir?"

"Its Naruto, sir makes me feel old." He admitted as Akeno corrected herself.

"Yeah, Rias told me when she took him in during one of her lessons with me. I heard about his issues and approached his father and 'had a chat', soon after I took to helping Gasper harness and control his abilities and better his personality. It's a work in progress." He said as Gasper blushed at the last part, still shy and meek around others that were not Naruto. He had selected his food, bunch of meats, greens, grains and some sweet dessert to go with, what he was hungry and that little cryptobiote only fed him a sliver.

"So wait, who are you exactly and what do you do for a living. I've never heard of you and from the sound of it, you and Rias have some sort of secret friendship together and its been kept from everyone until now." Sona asked as she prided herself on knowledge and going by the rules. Naruto just munched on a kebab before swallowing and answering the question as he shrugged nonchalantly.

"Names Naruto Uzumaki and I'm just a simple man making his way in the universe, as for me and Rias, she's the student and I helped her bloom into a beautiful rose worthy of her family name and choose her life as she desires." His answer was satisfactory for some as they accepted it, others though….

"Hold it, then what was the vial she drank before becoming that thing?!" Issei demanded as the resident pervert was still new to all this stuff as Naruto just focused on the new vessel of Ddraig.

"Rias is still Rias, that form of hers was just her true power of the Gremory bloodline emerging, the Bael bloodline and powers takes priority over lesser Devil blood due to its status as the King of Kings and topmost clan amongst the 72 pillars. As for the little vial, that was her power, I just used my dark arts and some of her blood to make a small enhancing agent and poof, Rias is now capable of utilizing both sides of her family's powers." He explained as if talking about the weather as this just confused them, here this guy was who quite literally changed Rias' power and being to harness both Bael and Gremory rather than just the Power of Destruction.

"B-but, her beautiful boobs…." Issei muttered with tears down his face as Naruto just rolled his eyes at the pervert, kid was sound like the long lost son of Jiraiya, bless his old hermit soul.

"Ddraig, calm your vessel down before he goes on a perverted rant." Naruto spoke as they watched Issei straighten up and walk himself over to the couch, sit down and with one hand, bitch slap himself into sleep as he collapsed, drawing a giggle from Akeno as Naruto resumed his meal before someone approached him from behind.

"Excuse me sir," Naruto turned as he saw Grayfia, the head maid of the clan and Sirzechs' Queen standing before him. "Lord and Lady Gremory would like to speak with you and your involvement with Lady Rias." He smiled with a nod and set his plate of food down as the silver maid guided him away and the group of friends now were left with trying to figure him out. Akeno noted that he was handsome an held a unique power as getting a read on him just filled her head with even more questions. Koneko smelt something familiar about him and just kept to herself as she took the sweets from his plate.

"You must be Grayfia, Rias talks highly of you, quite the big sister figure in her life." Naruto commented as he and the maid made their way to where the family was as Grayfia held her stone cold demeanor but replied, "I am just a simple maid to the esteemed family and support them in any way." Arriving to the double doors as she knocked on the wood and heard the 'enter'.

"I doubt that, but we all have our secrets, don't we? Catch you around, Snow White." He replied with a wink and was let it, not glimpsing the light twitch in her eye at the nickname. Naruto looked around and found the room nice as he then looked to see Zeoticus, Venelana, Sirzechs and Rias on the couches, the elder trio sitting on one and Rias was on the opposite one with tea on the small table between them. He waved to the family as Rias the only one to return the gesture with a smile to boot.

"A pleasure to finally meet you, Mr. Uzumaki, please sit, we have a few questions regarding your involvement with our daughter." Zeoticus greeted as his eyes focused on Naruto like he was seeing if he could find anything that would denote him as a threat, basic fatherly instincts really. Venelana held a softer gaze as did Sirzechs despite the mood of the room. Naruto just shrugged as he walked over and plopped himself down next to Rias. As if reacting to him, her angry mood softened a bit as she gave him a small smile which he returned with a wink.

"So, I would say its nice to finally meet the lovely family of Rias, but I guess this isn't the mood for fun conversations." He spoke as he leaned back in his seat while father, mother and son examined him. They deduced from name and appearance he was probably a mix of Japanese and European with his fair features, easily mistaken for a human, but what was intriguing was that they sensed hefty demonic power on him, in him, and also a marginal amount of angelic power mixed in as well, as well as several other signatures, how strange… He just held a casual smile with the silence as he let them take their time. Finally, after a small moment, Sirzechs spoke first.

"What is your profession, Mr. Uzumaki?" asked the Leader of the Devils.

"Well for entertainment I got several hobbies and plenty of time on them, but for feeding and taking care of myself, I'm a bounty hunter. I keep myself busy and my wallet full between both human fugitives and criminals and of the supernatural variety." He smiled as he propped his arms over the back of the couch, his answer and the way he presented himself had the trio curious as they never heard of him until just recently. Welp time for some good old-fashioned family interrogation.

"How exactly did you meet our daughter, and how come we have never heard of you, surely someone that knows our daughter would be known by us as well." Zeoticus asked now.

"Oh, I keep to myself mostly, nothing against you fine folks, I just like to work alone and have my alone time to boot. As for how I met your little girl. She summoned me." He replied with a shrug as if it was a simple matter.

"She summoned you?"

"Yeah, kinda like how you guys respond to desires and negative feelings with the whole 'forming contracts with humans for power' or that Evil Piece system if it makes more sense. Except it's the other way around between me and her." He replied as Venelana raised a brow at this.

"Different how? Its perfectly normal for a devil to react to another-

"I never said anything about being a Devil, I'm actually human, least I like to think so with my current life." He said, the last part more to himself than to them really.

"Bullshit, demonic power can be clearly sensed within you, along with several other things, young man." Sirzechs said as he narrowed his eyes.

"I got my secrets and you have yours, Big Red, let's just leave it at that, ok?" Naruto asked with a tone that was more, 'that's really not something I'd like to discuss with people I just met'. Zeoticus and Venelana noticed that Rias was subtly inching closer to Naruto as she kept quiet as they grilled Naruto for info.

"Well I hope you don't mind if we cut straight to the point, Mr. Uzumaki. But I hope you realize that interfering with family matters that do not concern you might put you in a bit of trouble with local authority, especially with matters such as the future of households and bloodlines." The mother spoke up as she sipped her tea as she tried being more logical and rational to Zeoticus and Sirzechs being the more doting and affectionate, someone had to steer the family safely in the world of politics, nobility and the fancy stuff. Naruto just brought a hand to his chin and rubbed through his five o' clock shadow in thought before pointing to Venelana and replying.

"You mean this whole show of the royal family wanting to keep a good look for the lower class by selling out your only daughter like a nice present to one of the other noble houses, right? Gotta say your certainly not earning 'mother of the year' awards anytime soon." He summarized, scrappily, as his words just really did a shit show at his 'observation' of the whole alliance that was set up by the house of Gremory and Phenex. While Rias had to keep a calm face lest she crack a smile at how he handled the conversation and quash her own negative thoughts. Sirzechs was impressed with Naruto's crass tone, Zeoticus was holding a light frown and Venelana….

"I would choose my next words carefully if I were you, Mr. Uzumaki." She spoke in a way that meant she was ready to tear him open if he kept insulting. But this was Naruto and he wasn't one to be cowed in, especially from some snobby noble who was ok with deciding how their child lived their life.

"Well if you insist, I find it hard to believe you're the parents to such a lovely young woman, sure the looks pass on, but all I see is a couple that is more concerned with the image their house has with the rest of the Underworld over the wellbeing and happiness of their daughter, really subverting the narrative when she spoke so highly of you guys." He finished as he was less than impressed by the prestigious House of Gremory. Must be one of those 'Noble Clan styles' that he slept through during his time at the academy back home.

"I give you some leeway because you can't get involved due to taking the throne, but still, you fucked up, some big brother you are." He looked to Sirzechs, who just looked down because he was right about that, he was always one for Rias and her happiness, yet he let this go on, and told her she would be happy when clearly she wouldn't be with the marriage. Venelana's aura flared as she was not in a good mood, while the others were cautious, Naruto looked like he wasn't even fazed by the power she was releasing.

"And what would you know of the Underworld hierarchy? You are not native to this realm despite the power within you and you clearly were never taught manners by your parents to understand the importance of such events like joining houses." She questioned with a glare as Naruto just scoffed at her words.

"One, my parents gave their lives in a sacrifice to protect me from a madman with global delusions on the night of my birth, all so he can get into some underage girls panties, so yeah, I didn't exactly have anyone but myself to rely on growing up. Two, I happen to know quite a lot on how the government works around these parts, including a certain Civil War that took its toll on your already recovering race and the whole Evil Piece system that was finalized and put in place to replenish your losses. I choose to stay out of politics cause that's a whole can of worms I'd rather not sink my hands into." Naruto finished as he brought out a another can of soda and cracked it open, sipping before speaking again. "Now before you go off on how this 'is for the betterment of Devil-kind and how someone like myself could never understand our ways', I'd like to ask you both a question, not as the faces of the house, but as parents to two wonderful young adults." He leaned forward as he brought his hands together on his lap. This had the parents pause their anger towards him and auras disappearing.

"Do you hate your daughter?" That question just took the words out of their mouths as the room was so quiet you could hear the ticking of the grandfather clock. Naruto just held his gaze while he waited on an answer, Sirzechs was silent like his parents and Rias has been quite the whole time since they called him in.


"Do you hate your daughter, despise her, see her in any light less than your darling little princess that you held in your arms when you brought her into the world and made all sorts of promises to love and cherish as she grew up?" He added to the question as he sensed their shock, then anger returned full force.

"The hell kind of question is that, of course we would never see her in any manner less than our family!" Sirzechs got out as he had a heavy frown. Naruto just looked to him and shrugged.

"Really, because you guys seem pretty heavy on the whole arranged marriage and having her get hitched with someone she obviously dislikes. How would you react, oh say this all went according to plan and the two were together, lets say that the union brought forth a gaggle of Phenex-Gremory/Bael heirs, but one day, you get a letter bringing grave news of Rias' death, not to some unknown enemy or threat to your kind, but by her own hand?" He continued, using the glass of the coffee table and some small illusion magic to play a 'what if' scenario of the wedding and how life would be between the two young adults, was not for the faint of heart.

"Now I might be stretching a bit with Riser here, but if I got my knowledge right. The Houses cannot interfere with each-others personal affairs, neither can the Ruling Council with you four. Now what do we know about Riser Phenex, well for starters he's arrogant, believes he's of higher standing due to his house and blood, selfish, and a major prick to be around. Not to mention he's driven by three of the Seven Sins your kind is well versed in, those three being Pride, Greed and Lust. So, going with the small laws of non-interference, what's to stop Riser from slapping an Evil Piece in Rias on the night of the honeymoon to solidify his hold on her and make sure not a peep of her horrid love life is uttered to you?" He asked as he played the scenario out before the family, having the decency to at least pixelate the lust driven night and seeing the gazes of parents and son fixated on her crying and depressed face.

"W-what could cause you to envision such a thing between them?" Sirzechs asked as Zeoticus and Venelana could only watch as the scenario played out with a broken Rias in her bed, closing her eyes one last time as she had used a magic blade to carve her arms open from elbows to wrist, bleeding out as she would be found and a blanket placed over her, the last scene showing a grieving family and a grave being lowered into the ground.

"Being a bounty hunter has its share of unsavory contracts, back when I was starting out my new career, I wanted to help everyone I could no matter what, ignorant to those putting on a show and begging for partners, servants and others to come back, I was just too naïve to see the bigger picture. From a young age, I was taught by my teachers to help others in need and see the good side of things and people. It took me a little while before realizing that some people would abuse my good nature and help to get their 'toys' back. So now, if someone attempts to use my services to continue whatever relationship they might claim, I make sure they pay up with a far greater price.

"It's funny, humans view themselves with a sense of superiority in a way that almost mimics other races, but they have no issues engaging in acts of cruelty and torment on their fellow man, women or children. You could say I had changed my views about my race and how I worked for those enlisting my services after seeing just how deplorable mankind can get. In regards to Riser Phenex, I saw a similar problem occurring and decided to nip it before it got out of hand and at the same time help Rias out so she could win on her own and not have to rely heavily on the resident vessel of Ddraig." He spoke as he waved a hand, the glass resuming its transparency.

"I chose to help Rias out, not for some ulterior motive or profit as you might think, but because I saw that beyond the obvious differences in species and so on, a little girl was scared for her future and believed she turned her own family on herself, so yes you could say I'm interfering with your culture, but only out of a genuine desire to help someone in need and set her up so she, and others, wouldn't have to find themselves in situations like these. Doesn't help when you got the local horror stories going about every now and then regarding bad seeds and getting their hands on the little red game pieces. Plus, I hear your quite different than the rest when it comes to servants, so not everyone treats their followers like family." He sipped his drink as he finished his little spiel as he looked to Rias after feeling her move close and resting her head on his shoulder, his arm gently coming around her shoulders in a supportive hug. He could sense Rias' emotions were a whirlwind right now and smelt the small number of tears building up in her eyes. Zeoticus and Venelana watched how their little girl was with Naruto and her telltale signs of tearing up as Zeoticus cleared his throat.

"Mr. Uzumaki, would you please step outside for a moment, we would like to have a moment with Rias." He nodded and was about to move, but felt her hand gently grasp his jacket, he moved a hand over hers and replied as she looked up to him. "It's ok, I'll be right outside the door." He ushered as his thumb rubbed over her knuckles. His warm smile helped her as she moved away and let him go so Naruto could step out of the room and she brought a sleeve up to her face to wipe some budding tears. Zeoticus and Venelana moved from their spot and took seats at her sides as their arms came around her to comfort and console their daughter, who they realized that they were pushing her away all this time with the arrangement and not seeing its effect. Naruto opened the door to leave as he was surprised to be joined by Sirzechs but welcomed the company as he nodded for Grayfia to follow the two young men. Naruto catching Rias' question to her parents before the door closed.

"Was I a bad child?"

"Hope you don't mind the company; I feel it is best for mother and father to have their time with my sister and mend the strained bonds. Also, I wanted to ask you a few questions about yourself if you don't mind." The Lucifer proposed as Naruto just shrugged and nodded to go ahead as Sirzechs just lead them through one of the many halls away from the guests

"Where are you from, and I could also ask, what are your thoughts about humankind and the other races such as we Devils?" Sirzechs was curious, here was a stranger who he knew nothing of and helped Rias with a little deal, no strings attached in his own words. But something about Naruto was interesting, he reeked of demonic power and other types as well, but he still felt human beyond looks, no evil piece within him could be sensed either, or any of the powers of the remaining noble houses. Anything he could get from Rias was that he was a friend of hers and he helped train her.

"I would say upstairs, but truth is I am just a new guy in the neighborhood, my old home is out there and to be honest, I'm liking my life here. As for your other question… Ill be simple, I've seen and dealt with worse than what I explained earlier when asked, slavery, genocide, war, corruption. Its not pretty and I grew out of my innocent views from when I was younger. I won't turn around and say humans are better than devils and vice versa, or the angels for that matter, the fallen included. The way I see things is that you all have your high points and low points, for example, I know about the civil war your kind had gone through a while after the Great war and the reasonings behind the implementation of the Evil Piece system. What I would say is that yes, there are flaws here and there, but you can fix these issues with time and effort." He answered as Sirzechs was impressed, Naruto spoke like someone who experienced loss and troubles and wanted to focus on a better tomorrow, how interesting.

"You sound like a bit of a philosopher there."

"Back home I was part of a nation that bred children for combat and had my fair share of life and death situations, not to mention I was thrust into a war in my late teens with a target on my back since I was born. Guess it comes with being an orphan with a dream of peace." He replied as Sirzechs and Grayfia shared a look, war was never pretty and as both had experienced, children should take no part in it. What kind of culture was his like?

"I see, how old are you, you look close to my age, Mr. Uzumaki?" Was his next question when Naruto spoke up,

"Call me Naruto, I'm only a few hundred years old, give or take a decade, I'd rather not go with having my last name be so formal all the time." The red-haired king nodded to his request, now Naruto wanted to ask something.

"Now that you know a few things about me and a small secret about my past, I hope you don't mind me asking you something personal?" Naruto turned to the two as they noticed he cast a small silence bubble around them before asking.

"What's this about you getting with a human and lying to everyone that you and Snow White here got together? Sure I can understand the motive as 'inter-species' romance is frowned upon, but to your own family?" That instant the final word left his lips, he was slammed against the wall with arm to throat and a PoD sphere aimed at his chest by Sirzechs, several sharp icicles having been formed and aimed at his vitals by Grayfia as both glared at him with caution and suspicion.

"How the hell do you know of that!?" Normally Sirzechs wasn't a hard man to anger, hell he was quite like Naruto in regards for waking up with a smile every morning and ready to have a good day. It's just whenever someone, some guy that your sister knew of, brings up a well kept secret that he's hidden from everyone, including his own parents and sister, it just made him suspicious of Naruto's intentions and just what the hell was he planning with something so juicy as that detail about his human wife.

"Easy there, big red, I'm not going to get a megaphone and say that in front of the news station. Also you might want to back up, don't wanna ruin your clothes with blood." He glanced down as Sirzechs followed and found in Naruto's right hand was a blue and gold dagger, the handle, pommel and guard were blue and gold and fancy in design, but the blade itself was a glossy silver that glowed with light, holy light. Took him a second to realize he was staring at the dagger that once belonged to the legendary King Arthur. The blade was about an inch away from piercing his sternum as the holy light from the blade had begun burning away at his clothes.

"Are you a spy?" he questions as Naruto just laughed at that, "That's good, but no, spying would imply I intend to use that information against you. Don't worry your little secret between you, your human lover and the lovely maid here is safe with me." Seeing no ill intent in Naruto's face, Sirzechs dismissed his power and let Naruto go, the ice shards vanishing as well with Naruto putting his dagger away in his jacket.

"How did you find that out, Mr. Uzumaki, we made sure to be quite discreet about My Lord's secret love." Grayfia asked as she sense the silence barrier was still up. At least thankful he was keeping good on his word about this not being found out.

"That kid of yours, despite having more of his father's genes than his mother's, has the faint traces of human blood flowing through his veins, thus he's a Cambion, but that's hard to really tell when he looks and feels just like you in terms of his demonic power. That and there's not a drop of your power within him, despite your role as public mother and wife." Naruto answered as he looked to Sirzechs and Grayfia respectively. "Also, I'm not the first human to be tossed into the Underworld, so I'm guessing you met her rather recently and helped her survive the rather harsh and inhuman climate for all these decades, am I right?" He asked as Sirzechs couldn't help but nod to Naruto.

"Yes, she survived in this realm well despite the curse she was afflicted with upon her 'arrival' into Hell. I found her hiding out in an old temple dedicated to one the ancestors of devil-kind during the civil war and took her in. We grew close over the time and recently after little Millicas was born, I had discovered the curse on her is slowly consuming her body, I've tried my best attempts to stall and stop it, but I'm afraid she's getting weaker by the day." Sirzechs admitted as for some reason he felt Naruto deserved to know such private information. Grayfia remained silent as she had also gotten to be good friends with the lovely woman. Naruto just hummed to himself as he pulled the glove off his left hand asked.

"Does her curse look something like this?" He questioned and held his hand up to the King and Maid as they saw that his hand was covered in the stained glass tattoo markings of dark and warm coloration, the back of his hand had the same rose icon that Rias now had over her heart as his fingers were left untouched besides the nails painted black. The detailing did look familiar to what was happening to the dear wife of Sirzechs as he cleared his throat.

"Yes, yes it does, how exactly did you figure out such a coincidence?" He asked as Naruto put his glove back on and gave a light smile. "Well going off your description of her showing up, the curse and the timeline of when I arrived, I happen to know this woman, she was a good friend to me early on, and I happen to know of a way to help you save her." He said with a determined look as Sirzechs and Grayfia's eyes widened and sense he was not lying. With a look they shared, they nodded and asked him to follow them as they guided him to a more secluded wing of the manor, close to Sirzechs' room as the red head opened the door, being greeted by his son who was a good boy and stayed at his mother's side in her illness.

"Father, you're here, she's started coughing again." Millicas commented out in a sad tone as he then noticed Naruto and wanted to comment, but Naruto's gaze was on the occupant in the lofty bed. Been a long time since he saw her….

"Miriam…" He got a weak smile from the pale woman as she looked clammy.

"Hello, Gebel…."

Back in the study, Rias was being held by her parents as they had managed to get through the bulk of her long built worries about her family not wanting her, both parents knew they were perhaps a bit eager for the cause and they should have been more open and thoughtful to how it would dwell for their daughter.

"We are so sorry that we were blind to your fears and never took the time to reconsider this union, Rias. We're horrible parents." Zeoticus lamented as he rubbed Rias' back while her mother stroked her long red locks.

"We would never hate you, Rias" Venelana added as she held her little girl close, perhaps some family time was needed to mend things together and focus on the new things, like the potential issues from the arranged marriage not going through. Well, best to handle it when the time comes, for now, focus on the present.

"Come, let's go get Sirzechs and see what can be done with the party that was thrown in advance. Maybe later we can take a small vacation together, no business, no school, just all of us enjoying the fun together, does that sound good?" she asked as Rias nodded and smiled, might take a bit, but she was more than happy to reconnect and fully trust her parents, to forgive them of their mistake. The trio then made their way out of the study and to where Sirzechs was as they were none the wiser about big bro's big secret.

"You look well, I remember you being blonde when we were still upstairs, all those years go…" Naruto had pulled a chair over and sat at the side of the bed as he and Miriam caught up, like old friends,

"Very funny, you were blonde as well, though your hair seems to have a bit of the blonde remaining compared to mine." *pausing to drink some water from the glass on the nightstand* "I heard you've been quite busy over the years," She smiled as a small pink pixie with four arms, known as a Carabosse (a type of cousin to the fairy race) peeked out from Miriam's flowerpot on her nightstand and waved to Naruto.

"Hi master." He waved to the small creature as he felt Miriam's hand on his knee and a concerned look in her weary eyes.

"Did- did you find them?" She asked as Naruto knew who she was asking about, he just gave a sad smile and patted her hand, responding,

"I did, they didn't make it and I made sure to give them proper burials." He answered as Miriam closed her eyes and exhaled, those poor children…

"I heard the curse was consuming to you, Miriam, I'm here to put a stop to it." He said as this caught her attention as she looked to him.

"You can remove it?"

"No, unfortunately, once bound, its permanent, but I can permanently halt its spread and let you live with Big Red and the cute little family you're a part of." He said as he summoned a familiar black and gold book, one that the others recognized.

"Is that?" Grayfia asked as Sirzechs spoke.

"The Libre Logaeth, the occult book in the Enochian tongue, desired by many for its ability to summon demons and commune with the angels. Also believed to be the source of the great calamity that consumed almost all of London in the 18th century during the eruption of Mount Laki. How do you have it, Naruto, or is it Gebel?" He asked as he was curious why Miriam called him that. Naruto just smiled.

"Gebel was the name I took during my short time upstairs when I arrived, Miriam had some trouble with my real name, so she called me Gebel, it stuck. As for this little tome, its mine after I pried it from the cold dead hands of the alchemists that did this to us as they were dragged to Hell as well. Did a few favors for the Angels to fill out some things in the book as well." He replied with a shrug and looked to Miriam.

"Alfred is still around and kicking, he's taken a vow to remain down here as punishment for his time with the guild and the project even though he turned against them for us in the end. Maybe you can knock some sense into his old head and visit him as he's holed up in my place." He offered as Miriam smiled and nodded, the old alchemist was like a father to her and the children and tried to stop the ritual as he saw it was completely immoral and dangerous. Naruto opened the book and flipped through pages as he began speaking the old tongue, the page glowed as the runes and letters floated off the page and above Miriam, forming a runic circle above her form as he kept going.

"This might hurt a little, Miriam, apologies." He said as he resumed, the glyph glowing as small jolts of power danced over it. Naruto pointed his hand to her and with a final word, the spell rushed down and poured over her body. The pain had her hiss and groan as her body strained and spasmed. Everyone watched as the black symbols slithered over her body to the edges of her limbs and up her neck. A small huff of power had exhumed from her body as the seals finished imprinting on her as she collapsed on the bed. Grayfia immediately moved in to check and sensed she was alright. Inhaling deep breaths as her eyes opened and she looked to the concerned group.

"All done, how do you feel?" Naruto asked as Miriam raised a hand and hit him with a blast of icy water from her palm as it shot from a spell rune. She moved to sit up as she felt better, in fact, there was no gnawing feeling in her bones from the demonic essence. She moved her limbs and checked herself as she smiled. "Im not ill…."

"Yeah, it was easier to perform for you as your level of corruption isn't as big as mine, plus made some changes from when it was done for me." He commented as he dried off and Miriam hugged her husband, son and best friend. "Thank you." She told him as he just smiled with a bow and put the book away as he made his way to leave and let them have their moment.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I am starving, also might want to get a few chairs, Sizzy." Naruto had opened the door as Rias, Venelana and Zeoticus were at the doorway, surprise on their faces as they looked at the scene. Naruto passed by and winked to Rias as he closed the door behind the family to let Sirzechs explain himself to his parents. He made his way back to the party and picked up his dish, finding out his sweets were taken as he just grabbed some more and resumed his meal. He finished and thanked the chefs in charge and even tipped them generously as he felt someone push him from behind, which felt like a soft object being thrown at him really. Turning to see Ravel Phenex with a scowl. He also saw Riser's peerage and his family except Riser himself and another there as well, all concerned and wanting answers.

"What did you do to my brother!?" The small blonde demanded as this drew everyone's attention, the Gremory family having returned as they planned to talk later as Rias was in a red dress to fit the occasion.

"Nothing big, just put him in a bad dream." He answered with a shrug. "Liar, he's screaming bloody murder like he's being tortured." One of his peerage called out as they had been with the guy since the game ended, watching as the medics could do nothing to break the magic over him as he writhed in the bed wailing 'don't hurt her, take me instead!'. It was a heartbreaking sight for one such as him that was so cocky and arrogant to be broken and raving. Unknown to everyone, someone had arrived and was making his way through the crowd politely to the Phenex family.

"Could you please reverse whatever you did to my son, young man? Also how are you able to do such a thing, we Phenex have a natural immunity to illusions." The mother, Cassandra Phenex, asked as while both parents were wanting to curb their son of his ego after his loss, the current spell he was under had them worried. Naruto just snapped his fingers as he dismissed his own work over Riser, who had calmed once it was broken. Naruto was about to reply when another voice was heard as he sensed a friend, having him mutter 'here we go.' The room darkened as everyone watched tendrils of ash and embers form before them to show images of humanity within the country of Europe during the 18th century.

"The year was 1783 as mankind had entered the Industrial Revolution, with the rise of the age of progression and discovery, the people enjoyed the new benefits and luxuries afforded thanks to the help of science and technology. However now everyone was content with this massive shift in culture." The image shift from the people to the inside of a large church, where a group of priests and scholars were convened around a large table arguing and so on.

"The Church, fearing that the new age would see the dissolution and abandonment of their wealthy patrons and their followers, turned to the Alchemy Guild of their order with an idea. A message in which to secure their standing and not be forgotten by the people, the alchemist had gone about gathering orphans from the streets as they turned were gifted demonic crystals that was in the possession of the Church. With the necessary components and an old book, they've kept to themselves, they set about creating the Shardbinders, humans fused with the demonic crystals and its energies in order to offer up to Hell and summon demons to answer their call. However, they found out all their sacrifices were not working as one by one, each child was consumed by the power implanted in them." The next scenes showing the experiments the orphans went through, the power being put into them, then seeing them scream and go into a seizure upon the altar as the crystal burned them to ashes as only the gems remained. For some it was a horrid site as they couldn't stomach the view, Asia looking away as Issei hugged her while he watched. The scene of a blonde-haired Miriam being sacrificed had Sirzechs put a comforting arm around her as her family gave her looks of sympath and remorse seeing what she went through.

"With their time running short and on their last sacrifice, they were all but ready to report their failure to the Church, but against all odds, it worked. The young boy known as Gebel proved to be the perfect conduit as he had adapted to the demon power far better than the others and the ritual was completed upon his sacrifice. Countless demons poured forth through the gateway that was opened and rained hellfire upon the city just as Mount Laki had erupted and blanketed the countryside in darkness. Thousands perished as a result of the foolish plans and the Church did their best to cleanse the world of the demonic invasion and any evidence of the events that transpired. All related to the Shardbinder experiment were killed by the demons, thus leaving the church to wipe their hands of the mess. In a few decades, it was all but forgotten by mankind as they entered the 19th century. What happened to Gebel is unknown as he disappeared without a trace in the Underworld." The person finished as the scenes showed Naruto's sacrifice, the demon invasion and the Church working overtime to stop it as all records of their plan were destroyed. A few Angels even having to step in and wipe the horrible memories away from the survivors as it was blamed on the Laki volcano for the disaster.

The following scene showed those used that were sacrificed were cast into Hell during the Devil Civil War. Each child didn't last long as the purity of their souls attracted the beasts of hell and they were devoured and torn apart. Miriam ended up taking residence in the Church she would be found in as the last scene showed a young Naruto actually surviving as he had fight in him, the boy knee deep in dead demons and wielding a makeshift weapon as he had injuries, but kept fighting them off as the curse could be seen growing on his chest through his tattered clothes. It was fascinating to see when he slew a demon, its blood formed a shard and stabbed into him as he absorbed its power and used their own abilities against them. The last scene showed a slightly older Naruto making his way deeper into Hell and away from the Devil civilization as their war went on, the Libre Logaeth in his pack he had on his back along with other things as he had a smile on his face. With a pulse of wind magic, Naruto dispersed the show as he gave a casual smile to the guy who just arrived and gave a little backstory about him.

"Evening, Roxas. Didn't think you'd show up considering your distastes for big shows like this." He chuckled as the newly introduced Roxas just shrugged and adjusted his glasses.

"I wouldn't have, but I heard about my dear brother getting his ass handed to him in the Rating Game from Ms. Gremory with her new powers and hearing you showed up as well. Now, what did you do to my idiot brother?" he asked as he folded his arms, clearly the two knew each other well as the Phenex family was surprised to see their second born was back, having gotten into an argument with Lord Phenex a while back and leaving the Underworld.

"Nothing really, just gave him a taste of his own medicine and used his weakness against him." Naruto motioned to Ravel and then Sirzechs as this confused the two. Roxas sighed and ran a hand through his blonde hair.

"I see, did you have to use your Dream-Devour spell on him?" He asked as he plucked a drink from one of the trays.

"Would you rather I danced with him, instead?" Naruto asked as Roxas just frowned at the thought. "No, I'd rather you don't cripple him for life. How's your hunting going, any big hits lately?" He replied as the Phenex then felt a hug and looked to see Ravel, who was happy and upset with him leaving a while back.

"Roxas, where have you been?" He just smiled and ruffled her hair as he greeted his family. Sure, he left home and wanted nothing to do with politics as father wanted of him, but he did keep in touch with his mother.

"Hey, sister, sorry I gave you a scare and left. How's everyone doing?" he asked as he was approached by his family. Things were going to resume, if not for Riser showing up in a burst of flame from his summon crest, and he didn't look the best. Soaked in sweat, red eyes and rather pale looking like he relived his worst nightmares. Staring at Naruto as the Phenex family went to collect him, but Roxas motioned for them to wait. Moments passing as Riser and Naruto stared at each other then the Phenex heir did the unthinkable, he bowed, getting on hands and knees like the Japanese did.

"I want to apologize for how- Naruto cleared his throat as he corrected Riser, directing his attention to the real person he should apologize to

"Oh, you shouldn't apologize to me, kid, that's for her." He pointed to Rias who looked unsure but kept her composure as Riser directed himself to the red head.

"I wish to apologize for my actions and behavior against you and your family, Rias. I have been greedy, arrogant and an ass unbecoming of my house and wish to change my ways before they consume me. I hereby renounce my desire for your hand in marriage and wish that we could start over as friends." He said as this stunned just about everyone, save for Naruto and Roxas. Rias thought it over for a bit before she nodded and saw no issues with giving him another go as he was a changed man from what she saw. Catching the small wink Naruto sent to her.

"Apology accepted, Riser Phenex. Maybe we can be good friends in time." She replied with a smile as Riser stood up and nodded with a smile as he went with his family. Seeing as now was a good moment, Sirzechs announced the end of the party as he was more concerned with private affairs, like the talk with his family regarding the lie he sold.

"Ok, this has been a truly eventful party and unfortunately, its about time we wrap this all up. Wouldn't you all agree?" He asked as many agreed and things were being closed, however someone had wanted something of Naruto as he found an old man from the House Naberius smiling to him.

"Can I help you?"

"Yes, I couldn't help but overhear your conversation with Lord Phenex and heard you were a bounty hunter. I was wondering if I could request your services, young man?" he asked nicely as Naruto could smell the pride coming off this guy and knew a few things about his house and one of its members. So, he figured to enlighten him.

"Sure, who is the target?" he asked as the man's demeanor shifted, happy was now mad, glowering as just thinking about that bitch had him in a bad mood with her actions and the slander on the family name.

"Yes, there is a wench that has cost me greatly and murdered a member of my house upon being drunk with power. She goes by the name of Kuroka Toujou and she's a very dangerous criminal, one of our highest." He brought out a wanted notice and showed it to Naruto as he looked over the photo of the feline beauty and the price on her head. Rias, her family and peerage stood by as they watched the exchange as no one noticed Koneko stiffen at the mention of her estranged sister. Naruto took the paper offered and without a wasted moment, the item burst into flames and fell to the floor as ashes.

"Sorry, I can't accept this particular bounty." He said as this upset the old Devil, who was clearly showing his displeasure at being rebuffed.

"Excuse me, do you have any idea who you are talking to?!" He questioned as Naruto just picked something out of his jacket and flicked it to the Naberius clan leader. He caught it and opened his hand to see an Evil Piece with several cracks and chips along it.

A Bishop

"I can't accept the contract because said individual is already dead, that is the position she was given when she was brought into your house, right? Now I'm not part of this whole system, but I'm positive the removal of a Piece results in death or the person is killed, and the piece is ejected, right?" He said as the Devil nodded dumbly, more surprised that he couldn't enact his vengeance on Kuroka himself for her defiance.

"I take it you have the reward on hand for her bounty?" Naruto asked as he might as well make good here as Lord Naberius composed himself and nodded, snapping his fingers as he summoned a briefcase full of cash and handed it to him. Naruto took the handle and gave a nod.

"Pleasure doing business." With that, he turned to make his leave, but stopped before the Gremory group. He gave a smile and reached out with a hand to Sirzechs, who returned and shook his hand. "I'd make some changes to this game that you guys set up,make the rules fairer, pipsqueak got lucky with his obsession with ladies and she was kind enough to accept a second chance even if she was working with the enemy as the Church says, not many people like having no say in being chosen and being a servant for another." He spoke while pointing to Issei and Asia as Sirzechs saw logic and would speak to the other Leaders about the Rating Games rules.

"Thank you for helping my family, Naruto. If your ever around, feel free to stop by." The Lucifer leader said with a happy look as Naruto saw no issues with that. He got a hug from Miriam as he slipped a small piece of paper in her hand with a phone number on it, winking so she could keep in touch as he said his goodbyes to the rest of the group. Rias was the last one to see him go as she hopped in his arms with a strong hug, her wings hugging around him as he chuckled.

"Thank you, for everything, Naruto." She broke their hug and slipped the Phenex Tears she got earlier from Yubelluna in his jacket pocket when no one noticed. He just ruffled her hair and nodded.

"That was all you, Rias. You don't need to thank me for anything, friends stick together right?" he grinned as she hugged him again, just enjoying the moment before she separated and let him out of her house. "See you around, princess~" He called out as she waved and closed the door before returning to her peerage, noticing someone was missing. "Hey, where's Koneko?"

Naruto had brought out a pair of keys connected to a small keychain of a rabbit's foot, pressing the unlock button as a car materialized right in front of him in the entrance. The car itself was a slick looking Hot Rod with a black body and red flames running along the front. Looked like it hopped straight out of the pages of a car collector's wet dream. He put the money in the passenger seat and went to the driver's spot when he paused and turned to see Koneko standing there. Nothing was said as he felt her emotions, resentment, anger, pain, fear and love…

"I-is Kuroka really dead?" She asked, biting her cheek to get the words out. Her eyes looking at him wanting to answer her. Naruto knew who she was, seeing as he was a close friend to the feisty cat. He let out a sigh as he knew this might be a thing. He hated bearing bad news for others.

"You're her sister, Koneko right?" He got a nod as an answer and just folded his arms, prepared to break her heart with the truth. "Thought so, truth be told she was a good friend of mine, she honestly wouldn't shut up when it came to you, her 'beloved and sweet sister'…. You still care for her." He commented at her silence as he picked up the lingering emotions she tried so hard to quash.

"…. Is it really noticeable?" she asked with a small whimper at the end. Naruto knelt to her level as he added, reaching out to rub her shoulder in comfort.

"Nothing wrong with that, despite her abandonment of you and that hate, you still remember the good memories of her tucking you in at night and making sure you had a warm meal and a place to live when you two were alone. She thought the world of you and wanted only the best, even when she went crazy with Senjutsu and went on a rampage, she never harmed you. When she was still around, she always wanted to see you again, to make sure you were living a good life that she tried her best to give you before it went to shit. She would be happy if she saw you now, with nice friends and well on your way to finishing school." He said as he saw she was starting to tear up, his words getting to her.

"H-how did she die?" She asked, her voice wavering as she did her best to try and stop her tears. Naruto looked down as he thought for a moment but relented and answered.

"Even though we were close friends, she knew my profession and feared I would bring her in for the crime she was guilty of. No matter how many times I assured her I would never do such a thing, the thought remained and grew. It was several years ago when her paranoia broke and she ran off, I gave chase trying to calm her down in a big game of cat and mouse as she ended up taking her own life before I could get to her, all that remained was that Evil Piece you saw earlier. I'm so sorry for taking her from you…" he finished as Koneko had her head down and he saw tears hitting the ground. Now he felt like real shit as he could hear Koneko's light whining as she cried over the loss of her sister.

"Hey, I got something for you. Think of it as a gift from your late sister." Reaching into his jacket, he pulled out a kitten that looked adorable with its black and white fur, though three things stood out. The kitten had two little horn nubs growing from above its eyes, its ears were bat-like, and it was about as big as Koneko's torso. She wiped her eyes and looked at the infant cat in wonder as she's never seen such a specimen before. Naruto gently offered the kitty to her as she tenderly accepted and held it like one would a newborn.

"Kuroka was caring for some cats that I had as I was busy with work, spoiling them plenty as they grew up to be quite lovely. This little girl right here was the runt of the litter the mother gave birth to and something tells me Kuroka would want you to have a cat that she owned." He said as Koneko looked at the kitty as it woke up from its nap and mewed, reaching and pawing at her face as Koneko couldn't help but smile. Naruto stood up and got in his car as he let Koneko move away as the engine roared to life. He reached and ruffled Koneko's hair as he gave a small smile. "See you around, Koneko." With that he drove off as Koneko watched him go before returning to the house, new friend in tow as she was thinking of a name for her new companion. She also felt something when Naruto put his hand on her, it was Senjutsu.


"Where am I…?" the woman asked herself as she was coming to, this wasn't what she expected death to be, finding herself in a cell as she was on the bed a fireplace built into the back wall and burning blue flames. She was happy her clothes were still on, but the inclusion of a chain and cuff around both her ankles was annoying as she tried using her Light Spear to break it, only for the spear to fizzle out the moment it made contact with the dark metal. She tugged at it as it was impervious to anything she tried as she looked around.

Kalawarner wondered where exactly she was and how did she avoid death as the last thing she remembered was being hit by Rias' PoD when the group came in to save Asia from the Fallen's plan to extract her Sacred Gear.

-Back home in the Shinobi World, a couple years after the end of the 4th war and Naruto's 'death'-

Peace was at an all time high as the villages were getting along happily, Minato retaking to Hokage reins as he did something interesting. Before he retook the position, he approached Fugaku and offered to split the title between the two of them, citing that the past mistakes of the previous Kage always came down to the sole leader's decision and wanted to change those rules. He stated that the exclusion of the Uchiha was one such mistake that should no longer be in effect and wanted to bring the clan back into the village wholly. Fugaku was hesitant at first believing this to be a sham. But Itachi and Sasuke had convinced him that Minato was genuine with his offer and wanting to change the rules of the village, so he ultimately accepted as both Minato and Fugaku became the first 'dual hokage' as they worked together to help the village and its people. Fugaku had appointed Itachi as head of the Police Force in his stead as Sasuke went on his reconnaissance mission and atonement for his bad deeds but stopping by often for his family and to see Sakura.

Kiba knocked on the doors of the main Hyuga complex as he was wondering how Hinata was as she took the death of Naruto the hardest out of them all, more so than his parents. He did care for her like a little sister and hoped she hadn't done anything drastic. The doors opened as he was greeted by her father and mother, Hiashi and Honoka.

"Hey, is Hinata home. I was wondering if she was available for lunch." He asked as Hiashi was with his usual stern look as Honoka smiled, knowing her teammate was looking out for the young woman as she replied.

"She is, just a moment and she'll be ready." She left as Kiba and Hiashi stood there, a moment of silence as Kiba cleared his throat.

"So, uh, hows the family going?" he asked in an attempt to lighten the mood as Hiashi just let out a sigh and replied. "It is well, Inuzuka. However, my daughter has kept herself stooped up in her room, depressed over the loss of Naruto Uzumaki. We have tried everything, but nothing is getting through to her. Hopefully you and her team might have luck where we do not." He admitted as he ignored the Hyuga Elder's sneers about Hinata as the father in him wanted his girl to overcome her depression. Hooka returned with Hinata as Kiba held back a wince, she was gloomy, bags under her bloodshot eyes as he could tell she wasn't getting enough sleep.

"Hey Hinata, you want to grab a bite, my treat." He offered as she smiled and hugged her parents before going off with Kiba. He led her to a restaurant as he got them some seats and drinks. Noting her silence as she was receding into herself, he knew her affection for Naruto and how much he meant to her, even if the dumbass wasn't even receptive to her obvious signs. Hell, he missed him too, they all did, but they all came to accept his loss and move on as several got together, like Sasuke and Sakura, to no one's surprise.

"How are you doing Hinata, you feel alright?" He asked as he was trying to get her to open up, it was like a tug of war as he watched her sit there and stare at her menu with a blank look. The waiter took his order as he said to give Hinata some more time as she didn't even respond to him when asked. Kiba just bit his cheek as he scratched his brain for something that would get Hinata out of her self-imposed isolation. That's when it hit him, it was a stupid idea and he barely recalled that night he and Naruto went out for drinks.

'Kiba you're a genius! This might work and we need to stop by the Memorial Stone later to pray in hopes we don't get haunted by Naruto's ghost.' He thought to himself, his hand coming to go over hers as her eyes snapped to him. He swallowed as he prepared to spill the beans, hoping that Naruto's ghost didn't come after him for this as the whole thing was a drunken dare anyways.

"Hey, I remembered that Naruto visited the hospital a while back, something about a new donation drive for a bank inside. The place might still have something of his if you want to take a look after lunch, ok?" He said as her eyes brightened as she put the pieces together. The words seemed to have lit a fire within her as she waved for a waiter and ordered her meal as Kiba couldn't help but smile as Hinata was coming back.


It was the years of the Civil War in the United States of America, North vs South. The war itself was going in the favor of the North with battle after battle as deep within the South, a prominent family of slavers did not like the idea of the Union winning and losing their right to slavery that they saw as a god given right. So, they turned to the occult in hopes to wish a Southern victory and curse the North for their heresy. Using all their slaves they owned, they set up a blood ritual in the living room to summon a servant from Hell on their behalf, gutting and butchering the scared slaves to get the ritual right as they placed body parts along the sigils and the corpse of the infant in the middle. Following some heavy chanting and offerings of the souls of the slaves, their plea worked as the house shook, candles lit up in great balls of flame and anything glass shattered. The lights dimmed as they watched as the blood pooled into the center of the ritual and the corpse of the child sank into the formed blood puddle.

A demonic hand shot out, rather a skeleton hand as it was clawed and the bones themselves looked monstrous. Fear was apparent in the humans as they saw the skeletal beast that emerged for their call as it was clearly inhuman and large around 8 to 9 feet tall, demonic even as it had a sharp tail of sorts, large wings and the skull of a hellish beast topped with curved horns. Standing on two digitigrade legs and flexing its bone hands. The eye sockets burned with red and blue energy as it was suddenly latched on by the blood, growling as the blood slid over its form and muscles grew over the bones and organs filled the torso cavity. The shape of the beast shifting and changing as it took a more human shape and shrunk to a bit over 6 feet tall as the muscles finished forming over the vitals and the wings and tail sucked into the body as the head morphed into a human head. Next the skin and features grew as the blood was being sucked into the person, a male going off the formed genitals as the final parts to grow in was the hair that went to shoulders and claws along his fingers and toes. He was covered in blood and nude as the crystal growth was on his chest and grew further as it reached his shoulders and pelvis, some along his arms and legs as he opened his eyes. The color of his iris shifting from sapphire blue, to ruby red and settling as a royal purple. Naruto 'Gebel' Uzumaki was back in the human world. He examined himself as his form was toned and fit for that of a healthy young man that hit the gym occasionally.

He then saw the bloody remains he came through and then the family that opened the peephole into Hell that he used to arrive, having spent what felt like an eternity down there, he needed to catch up with the times and what happened since. Without wasting any time, he set upon the family of 7 and tore them apart in a fashion that would make people queasy, what had been hope and dreams of winning the Civil War had turned into a nightmare as he murdered the family of slavers within their own home using his own hands, not caring for their pleas for mercy as they had murdered a bunch of innocents to get their wish. After crushing the skull of the last one, he explored the place and helped himself to a bath, cleaning up of the blood and gore before drying off and inspecting himself in the mirror, having to break it first as the silver properties made it hard for him to see himself. He rummaged through their closets and got himself some threads as he put on a pair of circular sunglasses and set fire to the house after going to the living room and waving a hand over the remains of the slaves, small glass balls coming into his hand as he pocketed them in his red coat and left the manor as it burned down.

He had on a pair of black boots, black trousers, a dark blue shirt that had the top closed to hide his 'tattoo' and a red and black pea coat over it with tails that reached the back of his knees, also a pair of red fingerless gloves. He had walked int the bayous of the South, far from the people as he reached into his pocket and brought out those glass balls, each glowing a light blue as he looked at them and with a toss, threw them before him as each ball burst in mist and formed a slave's soul, every single soul of the slaves that were killed for him stood before him, rightly scared as even though they died, they got to see him emerging from the ritual and his murder of the family. Naruto felt pity as he put his hands together in prayer and closed his eyes to focus.

"What are you doing?" a slave asked as he was an older gentleman, his wife and child next to him as they were confused.

"Getting you a ride." He answered as soon the area lit up with light as Naruto stepped out of the holy rays, lest he burn under them as a honk was heard and everyone could see a gold and pearl bus form and land right next to them. The sliding door opening up as the driver was an elderly black man with pure white clothes and smiled as he saw the group.

"Come on in, fellas, next stop is paradise!" the angel said with a cheerful smile as the souls all got in the bus and took their seats as the father turned to Naruto and shook his hand, a smile on his face.

"Thank you, young man, our prayers have been answered!" He said as he then hugged Naruto as he just patted his back and let the man go, turning to leave them as the driver called out with a whistle.

"Young man, I can tell from the look that you had it hard downstairs and I'd like to help a fellow brotha out. Take this and give the lovely lady a call and she might be able to help you out with your tattoo." He said as he handed over a golden card as Naruto took it and look it over, on it was the icon of praying hands and a cross underneath it. Turning it over as he only read one word, a name, Gabriel. He looked to the driver and pocketed the card in his breast pocket.

"Thanks." The angel nodded as the doors closed and he snapped his fingers as everyone on the bus sans him had delicious food appear on their service trays as the bus took off and playing some music as it soared into the sky and disappeared with a flash of light. Smiling as he watched them go, Naruto's smile dropped into a frown as he felt something press against the back of his head and a clicking sound of a revolver being cocked. Some Southern hick had snuck up on him and witnessed the whole show as he didn't like Naruto, not one a bit.

"What the hell is a god-less nig-Urk!" He couldn't finish as Naruto's eyes had shifted red with black sclera and he reacted faster than the man could pull the trigger. Naruto had turned and with one hand, grabbed the guy's extended wrist as with his other, grabbed the top of his head and chomped down on his neck as his teeth shifted to many sharp fangs and his mouth opened wider than normal. The man went down as Naruto tore through his neck with his teeth like a ravenous and starving beast. Pulling up as he let out a huff and raised a bloody hand with the human's heart in it, his long tongue emerging through his open mouth to lick some blood off as he settled for crushing the organ rather than eating it. Features returning to normal as he wiped the blood away with the guy's shirt and some water. He spotted some gators and gave a small whistle as they swam over, and he tossed the body and head into the swamp for them to enjoy. Naruto got up and dusted himself off as he inspected the revolver, he had kept from the guy along with the holster, looking it over with curiosity as he ran a finger along the barrel. Holstering the gun away, he just whistled a haunting tune as he left the area.

It would be days as he later showed up sitting in a chair in the center hall of the White House, having acquired a top hat since and filing his claws down to look presentable as well as a neat looking walking cane with the handle being a serpent with gem green eyes. He smiled as the doors to the oval office opened and he was motioned in by the security. He entered the room and looked around at the décor as he let the guard take his gun from his hip and took a seat before the desk as he looked to the current president, Abraham Lincoln. The man was busy with a document that would ensure the freedom of all slaves within the South as the war was almost over. He set it aside as he was almost done with it and turned his attention to the man before him.

"I hear you had come with news that should be of great concern to the top officials?" Abe asked as he was informed that this 'Gebel' has information that would be of great importance to the White House and other high positions of the government. Naruto nodded and cleared his throat.

"Yep, want to ask you something, what do you know of the Supernatural?" He asked as silence filled the room and Lincoln just looked at Naruto like he was a nutcase.

"Get this loon out of here." One of the guards moved to grab Naruto's shoulder, but Naruto was faster, pulling the blade out from the cane, revealing it was a weapon as he aimed it along the throat of the man as it stopped him in his tracks. Naruto just blinked as with his other hand holding the wooden scabbard, he reached up and pulled his sunglasses off and tucked them in his breast pocket as he looked to Abe with his purple eyes.

"Easy there, figured you'd be more open, seeing as you hunted vampires in your youth in revenge for killing your mother, also the axe under your desk is laced with silver and also turns into a rifle with silver ammo." Naruto pointed out as Abe looked to Naruto, then nodded to his guard as the man backed off as Naruto sheathed his blade.

"Alright, I'm listening." He replied as Naruto snapped his fingers and the window shutters closed as the conversation would be held in secret and form a little something to benefit humans in the world where the Holy and Unholy had the advantages above all else.

Whew~! Another chapter for you fine people. I feel like this could have been broken in two parts, but also didn't want to drag on the 'meeting the Gremory's and such' as its kinda a short thing anyway, also wanted to doa different approach rather than play it off for laughs like others do in fics (not complaining, just something different). As for the new people, Roxas here is the second son to the Phenex family and a good friend to Naruto, he's modeled after Johannes from Bloodstained as I don't believe there's any stuff on the second Phenex heir in DxD anyway. Miriam is around and the wife to Sirzechs and mother to their child, she and Grayfia came up with the plan for the maid to cover for her as it would be seen as distasteful in Devil Culture to marry outside your race (that's what I'm getting from the whole Rias and Riser marriage, that and save the purebloods). Alfred is around as he's taken to keeping to himself within Naruto's home, he'll show up later.

The events of Bloodstained did/didn't happen as the whole Shardbinder Project and the chaos still went down, but no resurgence as Naruto's in a right state of mind and things are different. I'm not sure whether to include Dominique or Zangetsu as I dunno what to do with them here, im open to suggestions tho. Also debating whether using flashbacks to show more of Naruto's past and how he knows some characters, maybe as its easy to get into that too much. I might do that thing where authors answer review questions at the beginning of chapters as well. Anywho, feel free to leave a review or a PM for questions, suggestions or discussions and ill try my best to answer if asked. Hope y'all are staying safe and not getting sick with the Covid stuff going about.

If anyone wants to beta write and help with this I am more than happy to accept help, or one of those 'read along' fics as well.

Signing out.