Sup y'all, apologies for the delays in my other works, had a MAJOR case of writer's block and dealing with work and so on. Anyway, wanted to hit up this idea that's been stewing in my head ever since I picked up the game that's become the Castlevania successor, Bloodstained Ritual of the Night, it's a lot of fun and I recommend it plenty. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me if you'd like and maybe get a sliver of what's planned for this or my other works. Without further ado, let's begin.
The Fourth Great Ninja War had reached its peak, everyone in the world was currently under the Infinite Tsukiyomi, leaving Team 7 to fighting the real mastermind and final villain. Kaguya Otsutsuki was revived after centuries of being locked away, Black Zetsu secure and talking shit to the best bros of Team 7, Naruto and Sasuke, while Kakashi and Sakura helped when they could. Obito was not part of the picture as Kaguya snuck an ash bone dagger through a portal to the back of the Uchiha criminal's head. She really wasn't approving of his whole reasonings of bringing her back just so he could get back with a minor while he was a grown adult. The horned celestial woman had dragged the 4 fighters to another world, this one barren as she had to admit, the two young men were quite the pair, coupled with the pinkette and the teacher they could topple her.
In the middle of swatting attacks and dodging hits, Kaguya's mind was struck by a flash of white, causing her to stumble mid-fight. Seeing this as an opening, Team 7 lunged in, Kakashi and Sakura to immobilize while Naruto and Sasuke ready to seal her away. Before they could, Kaguya lashed out with a wave of power that threw all of them back, hands coming to her head as she let out a groan, her mind flashing through images of past, present and a future threatened by a person she was wary of.
"Mother, what's wrong?" Zetsu asked as he peeked out from the hood to her. Sasuke and Sakura saw this moment to strike, but Naruto's chakra limbs had grabbed and rooted them down as Naruto himself was cautious but curious. Normally he would join in on the moment to take down the evil woman, but something was making him have second thoughts. Kaguya let out a sigh as she raised her gaze and focused on Naruto specifically. With a finger pointed to him, she said only a few words.
"I'd like a moment with you, boy." With that she vanished in a burst of speed, appearing right before the group and sending out chakra fist to push away Kakashi, Sasuke and Sakura as she grabbed Naruto before he could react, a portal consumed them both leaving the trio alone. "Well shit…" Kakashi muttered as he feared what Kaguya was doing to Naruto as Sasuke and Sakura had similar thoughts.
-Kaguya's personal home-
Naruto's eyes snapped open as he found himself staring at a wooden ceiling, finding himself in a nice bed, the sheets and mattress leagues better than his apartment he'd like to admit. Sitting up as he noticed he wasn't in Sage of Six Path's mode, his jacket was on the rack by the door and his sandals were not on either. Getting out of the bed, he looked through the open space that was the window to see a forest of bamboo, as far as they eye could see. "Great now, where am I?" He asked as he then felt something nudge his foot and looked down to see a white rabbit, said critter moved to the doorway and looked back to him as Naruto picked up the motion to follow it. He found himself in a castle, but the architecture was older than the ones like Hozuki castle that he knew of. There were few decorations here and there, and paintings of worlds and stars that made him curious, was Kaguya from beyond the stars? Soon enough the rabbit led him to a room that had a balcony with a greater view of the bamboo forest, showing the sky was clear and the distant mountain ranges were topped with snow. His attention was to the person sitting and watching said view, her back turned to him as he frowned and went into SoSP mode.
"I did not bring you here to turn my house into a battle zone, child. I ask that you take a seat and listen to my words, please." Now that threw Naruto in a loop as he returned to normal, just now noticing the wooden box that was beside Kaguya and shaking as he sensed BZetsu within it. He walked over and sat down beside the woman hailed as a goddess and a monster. She was enjoying some brewed tea and offered him some that he accepted. Both looking over the beauty of nature before them as Naruto had questions, loads of questions to be honest.
"I suppose I should explain why I started this, my descent into madness and subjugating humanity to become my servants. I hail from the Otsutsuki, a clan of celestial horned beings that travel the dimensions in search of what we call God Trees. We cultivate and harvest their fruit to gain the immense powers granted from the divine food, to us, power is the only law, no concept of love or bonds as you like to preach. When I arrived to this world for the tree, I had the same mindset, 'Gather for the clan and become a god', but my time among the humans had my goals shift and change, motherhood had me wanting something for my children, who would be put to the sword due to their hybrid lineage. Of course, over time I grew more paranoid and with my Otsutsuki clansmen still out there, I took harsher actions to safeguard my home." She explained as Naruto was getting the picture.
"The road to hell is paved with good intentions." He muttered out as he was understanding the woman. She sipped her tea and continued, not minding Black Zetsu shaking in his cage as he was not able to talk right now.
"I grew corrupted with my power and my dreams of peace and a home for my boys was shattered. I may be the princess of the clan, but they are quick to off those who stray from their goals of ascension. I had formed the Zetsu army knowing that they would arrive sooner or later. Hagoromo and Hamura finding out along with my mental instability is what set everything else in motion. However, as I look upon you, I see a chance." She said as she shifted her full body to face him, her third eye closed as Naruto was puzzled.
"A chance for what exactly?" This has Kaguya smile, not that sinister smile from before when she was revived, but a genuine smile, looked better than the other one.
"Life to flourish and to put a stop to my clan, I won't mince words when I say we are a clan of parasites. The God Trees themselves are not of our making, we harvest their spoils for ourselves, while growing and consuming one fruit is worth hundreds and thousands of lives. The population can overcome and fill up the losses over time from the harvest of one fruit. However, continuous harvesting of the tree strips away all life on the world, everything dies and the planet along with the tree is just a barren and withered husk of mass floating through the vastness of space. And we just move on, searching for more trees and fruits to claim while ending entire worlds and races on petty superiority." She finished as she set her cup down and averted her gaze from Naruto. The blonde teen was processing all this as he was now starting to sympathize with her. She had her beliefs changed and wanted to do things different but succumbed to her own darkness. He gently reached out and placed his hand over hers.
"I'll do it, I'll help you stand against your crony friends who think they can take what they want and hurt others without care." He declared with determination in his eyes. Kaguya looked back to him with a look of admiration, just how much did she hide behind the stone-cold façade? What came next surprised them both as Kaguya leaned in and kissed him, not on the forehead or cheek, on his lips. It felt nice, way better than the one he had with Sasuke a while back, which was an accident. It was a moment before the two realized what was happening and they separated. Both looking away and apologizing.
"Sorry, I don't know what came over me."
"No worries, I'm the one who jumped in…" Both were blushing as they gave a glance to each other.
"But it was nice…" Kaguya said as they stared a bit more, then leaned into engage in another kiss, this one growing deeper as Kaguya let her royal face drop and centuries of confinement and loneliness bubbled up. For Naruto it was as if he was getting the chance to relax, the fate of the world was not in jeopardy and he can kick back for a break. She teleported the two of them to her personal bedroom as things got hotter and clothes were stripped, hands were roaming and tongues mingling. Jiraiya would be so jealous…
After an unspecified moment of time of nothing but carnal desires unleashed, Kaguya and Naruto were back in the room from before, both clothed again but obviously had enjoyed the actions earlier very much. After the sex, the two learned a bit more about each other while they lay in the bed together in embrace. Naruto found out that Kaguya's former love was quick to turn on her and have her hunted down for peace, reminded him of the Akatsuki. Kaguya learned that Naruto felt alone despite all his friends and comrades, his family was taken on the night of his birth, thanks to Obito. Right now, the Otsutsuki princess was back in the room with him, both looking none less for wear besides a light glow to them. Kaguya placed her hands in a prayer pose and closed her eyes as Naruto remained silent and watched….
"What are you doing?" he asked after a few moments of silence, only to be slapped in the back of his head by some of her long hair and without a beat, she replied without breaking her stance.
"Calling upon a friend." She replied as Naruto noticed a flicker of sparks in the air which grew bigger, forming a large portal showing a set of old yet holy looking castle gates. Naruto could feel raw power coming from the other side as the gates opened and a woman stepped through and into Kaguya's domain, walking on air no less. To saw she was pretty would be selling it short, she was VERY beautiful, add in the regal air she carried as well. She looked to Kaguya with eyes full of disappointment as the portal closed behind her.
"You have the nerve to pray to me, after what you were doing to these people you wanted to protect from your siblings-" Her voice stopped as she noticed Naruto sitting there, confused out of his damn mind between some unknown history between the two ladies. Instantly her regal and cold mood changed to a mix of annoyed and surprise as her hand moved from her sword on her hip to pointing to him as Kaguya put her hands down and opened her eyes to look to her visitor.
"What is he doing here?"
"I brought him with, Lady Amaterasu." Kaguya said,
"I can clearly see that, but why did you bring him here, mortals are not allowed to meet directly with the gods." Amaterasu said as Naruto raised an eyebrow at this. Kaguya let out an uncharacteristic sigh at this.
"That law is broken, and you know it as well as I do, the other gods and their pantheons don't even give two damns about it and frolic about on the mortal plains for their own amusement and machinations." Kaguya retorted as Amaterasu had to admit she was right there. Naruto cleared his throat as he spoke up before things could escalate.
"Um, should I go before things get messy?" he asked awkwardly as he felt there was bad blood between Kaguya and Amaterasu, and was going to leave the room, but was rooted to the spot by Kaguya's hair. Amaterasu glanced to Naruto, then back to Kaguya as she took a seat and summoned a bottle of sake and a few cups for them.
"That won't be necessary, Naruto, I summoned her here to help us." The Rabbit Goddess told him as he just shrugged and figured to keep his mouth shut for now. Kaguya poured out the Sake for her guests as Amaterasu sat down and accepted her cup, Naruto sipping his as his eyes darted between the two.
"And what exactly do you suppose I 'help' you with, you're not on my graces for your little stunt, princess." Amaterasu drawled out with a disapproving look on her face as Naruto could feel heat radiating off her, like standing right next to a fire to be honest. Kaguya downed her cup in one go and poured another, holding it in her hand as she looked to Amaterasu in the eyes as milky lavender met golden honey.
"The end of the Otsutsuki." She answered as this made Naruto's eyebrows shoot up in surprise as he gulped his drink down the wrong pipe, turning away to clear his throat as Amaterasu was curious. She downed her cup and was given more as Naruto came back and asked.
"Wait, do you mean to seal them away?" Naruto asked at first before seeing Kaguya shake her head, "No, we've done so much harm to the cosmos and will not stop unless forced, its time the clan was dealt with for good, seals would only work for so long." Naruto got the memo as he was wondering how the hell was this gonna be a thing, he and the team could barely survive Kaguya fresh off her return, but a whole clan?
"This is new, and here I thought you were on their side the whole time." Ammy said as she continued. "So how do you propose the destruction of your own clan, Kaguya, you care for this world so much that you've made it your home and don't wish to leave it unattended, and your family are quite slippery to get ahold of." She asked as Kaguya looked to Naruto and Ammy also looked to him, then back to Kaguya.
"Naruto will hunt them, as for how he is to stand against my brethren, he will need power. I believe the world you watch over with the other gods could be a suitable place to let Naruto grow, wouldn't you agree?" She suggested as Amaterasu thought it over for a bit with finger to chin as she soon agreed. "You have a point, very well I shall see to it that he is transported there, in turn you will stay and watch over his world, no enslavement, am I clear?" Kaguya nodded and bowed to Amaterasu. "You humble me with your generosity, Lady Amaterasu." She answered.
"Don't be a suck up, princess." The god quipped as she turned to Naruto and sized him up, focusing on the seal on his palm along with sensing the will of Asura Otsutsuki mingled within his chakra core. She addresses him directly now, "Naruto Uzumaki, where you are going is not as kind as this world, you will deal with far more dangerous threats than the Akatsuki and beings of greater power to surpass even Kaguya and myself. Potentially you might change for better or worse, I cannot say how. Do you accept the task set before you?" Amateratsu asked Naruto as she stared into his eyes, sizing up the young man before her as Naruto thought this over for a bit. He was so close to finishing the fight and getting to the dream of piece that Jiraiya had passed on to him. But with this new information, the threat Kaguya's kin posed, raised even more concerns. Kaguya was already a huge threat to him and Sasuke at their peak powers as they could barely keep up, her change of mindset/heart recently was a nice turn as she wanted his help. There would be no point to attaining peace for the shinobi world if another Otsutsuki potentially stronger than Kaguya would arrive and cause chaos. Hell, he knew he and Sasuke would not survive against the rest of her clan if they were to arrive in larger numbers rather than her single visit. But that raised another question…
"This mission will be of utmost secrecy, Naruto. Not even your friends, no matter how close, cannot know of your pact with me. A cover story will suffice in deterring their attempts to uncover anything regarding our involvement." Kaguya said as she had made a chakra connection with Naruto earlier, and had sensed his concern before he even voiced it. Naruto raised an eyebrow, but made sense of her words, Team 7 still saw her as a threat and any news of his willingness to even listen let alone to help her would be taken the wrong way. Letting out a sigh as he knew he couldn't say anything to his friends about what he was doing, he closed his eyes and inhaled before opening them and slamming a fist into his open palm with a determined look on his face. Only one way to go and get stronger to face the real threat.
"Alright I'll do it, as long as I can protect my friends, I don't care how many places I have to go to." He replied with his tone full of determination and eyes blazing with worth. Kaguya and Amateratsu smiled at him as the Sun Goddess reached into her sleeve and brought out a small hand mirror, tossing it forward as it enlarged and glowed with several shifting rune circles along the surface. Naruto watched in awe as the glowing runes faded away and the mirror surface grew darker, almost like staring into space with the small dots of light he could see. Seeing his slight confusion and awe, Amateratsu cleared her throat as she spoke. "My mirror will take you to the world my domain currently watches over. It is quite different from your world in terms of mankind and 'other' forces." Naruto saw a world come into view as she talked, still fascinated about the logic of life out there among the stars. The mirror then cracked and shattered, the shards flying out and around the mirror itself as they glowed with power and the now broken mirror pane showed a wispy vortex, a portal. Kaguya and Amateratsu looked to the portal then back to him as the Sun Goddess smiled.
"Before I can send you on your way, young man, you have to give up your power." She stated as Naruto was confused by this, but thankfully Kaguya explained. "When Ashura and Indra killed each other in their sibling rivalry, their powers rooted themselves to this world as the reincarnation cycle you are a part of. As such you'll feel an undeniable urge to remain here and come back if we had taken you off world. Same as with these Tailed Children Hagoromo had created from my power and all living beings tied to chakra. The belief of you being unable to live without chakra is not true as mankind had existed before my arrival and Hagoromo's gift. As such, stripping you of your chakra will not harm or kill you, but it will leave you severely weakened. Hopefully you can find a way to amass your own power and build yourself back up if not surpass what you have achieved with chakra alone." She reached and placed a hand on his head as he felt himself getting sleepy and heard both women say in unison.
"We wish you good fortune in the fights to come." Naruto was out of it before he even hit the floor, but was held up by an invisible force as he floated between Rabbit Goddess and Sun Goddess. His shirt was moved up and Kaguya held a hand over his torso as she began draining the chakra from Naruto's body, the golden energy coming from Naruto and forming a sphere above him, took a bit but he was drained dry, looking a bit paler than his usual complexion as Kaguya then removed his headband and tucked that in her sleeve as his chakra floated beside her. Amateratsu looked over Naruto as she tapped his forehead and added a small amount of her power into his body, to keep him safe while traveling through the portal as humans can't travel like supernatural beings do unless they wish to die by the raw power tearing them to atoms. Kaguya moved and placed a kiss on Naruto's forehead and spoke in a gentle tone. "Be safe, Naruto Uzumaki." And with that Naruto was sent through the portal and disappeared from view as the glass reformed onto the mirror before it shrunk back to its regular size and Amateratsu put it back in her sleeve.
"Now what do you plan to do with that?" the god asked as Kaguya let the orb float before her before she replied, "I plan to return it to the earth, put a stop to the sibling rivalry that has persisted for centuries and end the reincarnation cycle. Will you allow me to make amends for my failure?" Amateratsu thought for a moment before she reached and tapped Kaguya on her third eye, making it close on reflex and then tapped the sphere as an inner silver light filled the core. "When you return, you will find that Naruto's chakra mixed with Ashura's will have better results when returned to the planet. Also, you will release the Tailed Beasts from your chakra, they have earned their existence." She commanded as Kaguya bowed and was about to take her leave while Amateratsu opened a portal back to her home.
"Oh, and Kaguya, I will grant you this second chance, don't muck it up like before. And be sure to raise the sun skyward. Til our next meeting, bunny princess~." She smiled to the pale Otsutsuki with a light chuckle before the portal closed and she vanished from view. Kaguya was interrupted from her moment of calm when the box containing Black Zetsu rattled and he let out a snarl. "Let me out of this box, mother!" His demand was answered as she shot an ash bone spike that skewered the box through and BZ as the blob died crumbling to ashes being blown in the wind. With that, the princess of the Otsutsuki clan left her home in one of her portals.
-Back in the Shinobi world-
She arrived and looked over the world as the sun began to rise, illuminating the massive collection of cocoons hanging from the roots of the God Tree that Madara had activated with the grand illusion. With a snap of her fingers, she opened a small portal that dumped Team 7 minus Naruto back to the battlefield grounds. With another snap, she had the jutsu cancel as the many dreamers were released from their prisons. The image of the Rinne-Sharingan over the moon shattering like glass as the night ended and the day emerged. Everyone was coming to as they looked around while Team 7 looked to the floating Kaguya as she raised her hand, and Naruto's chakra above her head, right in line with the sun as it glowed brightly and grabbed everyones attention. Without any words or commands, the orb of chakra began pulsating and letting off waves of its power that flowed over the world, like a heartbeat. While everyone was feeling the raw warmth and presence from the chakra flowing over them. Kaguya pricked her finger with a nail and let nine, no ten droplets of her blood mixed with her chakra drip below her in a line. The spots convulsing and growing in rapid size as the Tailed Beasts, including the elusive Zero Tailed Leech, were returned to the world. Now everyone was confused as they were happy to be alive. The reanimated remaining Kages burst into light as all but one remained. The light dispersed to reveal Minato Namikaze was back to his living breathing self. Minato looked over himself in wonder at this miracle when he felt a hand on his shoulder turning him around and pulled into a bone crushing bear hug. Kushina was also back as well as she didn't know how, but she felt the presence of her son just before finding herself alive.
"Kushina…" Minato uttered out as he hugged his wife as both parents were reunited. Kaguya looked up as she saw many golden lights rain from the heavens to the ground as some emerged from the sealed away reanimations and others emerged from the ground. Looks like Naruto's Will was more than just peace, but to return those who were unjustly snuffed out. Watching deceased relatives reuniting with family, comrades coming together, felt nice for a change as Kaguya lowered to the ground. Only to be met with Sasuke's sword aimed at her.
"What did you do to Naruto?!" he demanded as that was Naruto's chakra he recognized, but Naruto wasn't with. Kakashi and Sakura were also worried as Kaguya saw all attention was on her now. Time to play her role and cover for her man, I mean Naruto. "Naruto Uzumaki made the ultimate choice of giving up his life and chakra to restore the peace to this war-torn world, in the process resurrecting loved ones that had been slain before their time. This Shinobi war has come to an end with his choice and all of you should take this time of peace to rebuild and reconnect. If not for each other, then for the man who brought you all together." She spoke in a tone that held no room for rebuttal, but of course that wasn't enough for Sasuke.
"Bullshit, how come you have Naruto's chakra and he's nowhere in sight!?" the last Uchiha growled out as he was angry, of course Kaguya just floated over to the young man and moved his sword away with a finger before speaking to him directly. Staring into his mismatched eyes as she sensed the lone wolf nature of Indra within his chakra, she also had to put her other grandson to rest. Before anyone could react, her hand came and impacted his sternum in a palm strike, making the Uchiha double over and cough harshly as Kaguya held a small silver-purple sphere. Having separated the will of Indra Otsutsuki from Sasuke's chakra as she then crushed the orb and watched the ghostly soul fly upwards to join his family in the afterlife. Now turning her attention to Sasuke.
"Fly home little sparrow, enjoy your morning grub before the rest of the nest takes it." She said cryptically as Sasuke's eyes widened in understanding before he turned and ran, chakra boosting his speed as he hopped through a portal he opened and closed after him. Sakura calling out to him in worry, Kakashi just patted her head as he then saw Kushina and Minato approach Kaguya, the Uzumaki not at all happy and on the verge of tears. "Is it true, is my baby boy really gone?" She asked as Minato held a somber look and supported Kushina, both parents hoping this was some cosmic joke that their only child gave up his life so they could live again. Kaguya sympathized with the distraught Kushina, but the real story was of utmost secrecy. She reached into her sleeve and brought out Naruto's headband, offering it to the duo as they were crying now and accepted the only remaining item to remember Naruto by. Minato was quick to pick up Kushina before she collapsed while holding Naruto's headband as the 4th Hokage took a seat and cradled his wife. Seeing her part done, Kaguya turned to leave through a portal when Sakura shouted and got Kaguya to look to her.
"How do we know this isn't some trick from you to get our guards down for a surprise attack?" The medic asked, seeing as she was fighting the Rabbit Goddess earlier, it made sense to ask with the sudden shift to ending the conflict.
"Before he passed on into the afterlife, Naruto Uzumaki made me vow to never harm the inhabitants of this world and to let you all live out your lives without the threat of madmen like Obito Uchiha to ruin it all. Seeing as it would be rude to deny a dying man's wish, I accepted his vow and take it upon myself to maintain the order and safety of this world." She replied, before leaving back to her home and vanishing from sight. Now with the early morning shining over the land, the shinobi alliance was left to wonder what now and collect their people to return home. While it was majorly a happy time for those revived, Minato and Kushina were heartbroken as they couldn't be a family with their son. Kakashi would approach to try and help his teach and friend, but he was feeling exhaustion and was caught by someone before his knees gave in.
"Easy there, Kakashi, you're dealing with chakra exhaustion and you need a nap." A familiar voice filled his ear as he looked in surprise to the young woman holding him, looking to have grown up from the child years they spent together.
-With Sasuke-
Sasuke arrived back at the Leaf from his portal and was still in a dead sprint, hopping and weaving through the village as he made a beeline to the old Uchiha district. Upon entering the ground, he saw a sight he remembered from old memories, his fellow clansmen were alive; men, women, children and elders were all back and looking none worse for wear. His arrival did catch the attention of the police members as they recognized him.
"Is that little Sasuke?"
"Hey its Sasuke!"
"He's grown up so well!"
While he would love nothing more than to greet his fellow clan members upon seeing them in the flesh again, he was desperate to see what he desired most. Reaching the main complex and his old home, he stopped at the doors to the clan head's home. Taking a breath as he heard muffled noises behind the dusty sliding doors before ripping them open. The young Uchiha was greeted with a sight that had him stunned silent. Sitting at the table was his family; father, mother and brother… And they were in the process of getting breakfast ready when he opened the door. Mikoto's hands went up to her mouth as she recognized her little boy as Fukagu held his usual impassive look while Itachi smiled to Sasuke and greeted him.
"You look worn out, brother. Come sit down, breakfast is almost ready." The older brother spoke as he got up to help Sasuke out, whose eyes were glued on his mom and dad. Before Itachi reached him, he did something unexpected. Sasuke pulled his sword and scabbard from his belt and placed the weapon at his feet and bowing forehead to the wood floor to his parents. Itachi watched the act as he could tell Sasuke was in shock but didn't say anything as he glanced to Fugaku and Mikoto. Fugaku got up and stood before the prostrating son of his. Moments passed before Fugaku spoke up.
"Rise." Father was just as stern and commanding as he remembered, Sasuke picked up his sword as he did as commanded and stared at his father. While he was trying to hold his usual look, it was easy to see he was holding back the tears for his family. Father and son stared each other down before Fugaku shocked Sasuke by pulling him into a hug as Mikoto and Itachi joined in. The dam that held back his emotions since the aftermath of the Uchiha massacre finally broke as Sasuke started to sob and hugged his family back, Mikoto reaching to pet her crying son's head as she spoke softly to soothe him. He did manage to utter out some words through his tears.
"Thank you, Naruto…."
-With Naruto-
The comatose blonde was speeding past the stars in a sort of 'tunnel' comprised of misty silver fog circled by kanji runes. Naruto's form had a small layer of ivory shielding from Amateratsu's spell to keep him from being harmed by the vacuum of space and the immense pressure this tunnel applied as he shot through like a bullet. Coming upon a world that looked similar to the one he hailed from, just there were more landmasses spread out over the vast ocean. The tube would have a drop off point just above the earth, somewhere in the stratosphere as he was dumped out and crashed through a planet encompassing shield over the planet. Like a rock going through a window, he went through the divine shield as it reformed after he went through. The still asleep blonde began heating up as he fell to the world, by now the shield of his was faltering a bit as he fell like a comet to the ground as he landed in the waters of one city called London. Making a big splash as this caught the attention of its people. The godly power pulled Naruto along underwater and soon he was whisked out and into one of the waterway tunnels that lead to said channel he arrived at. He was gently set down amongst old clothes and trash as the divine shield around him pulsed softly and began to change Naruto's body, unknown to him or even Amateratsu. Once done, the shield dissipated away in flakes as he woke up in the damp darkness illuminated by a small lantern.
"Agh, damn it. Don't tell me I slept on the floor again." Naruto muttered as he rubbed his eyes and viewed his surroundings, great, he was in a shithole. That's when he noticed something off about himself. "The hell?! I'm a kid again!" Naruto was back at the age of 7 as he stared and examined his reduced form. In every aspect he was a kid except his mind. He then felt a gnawing absence as he couldn't feel his chakra core or even the presence of the tailed beats. It felt weird as one of his senses was now gone and he was now a chakra-less young kid. He also saw that his signature clothes were ready to just tear apart and worn away as he looked around, spotting the lamp. Grabbing the handle as he looked around for any clothes to wear, luckily, he found some, unluckily, they were on the rotting corpse of an orphan boy that was being munched on by sewer rats. Shooing the rats away with the light of the lantern, he set it down and gave a small sorry as he began undressing the cadaver and cleaning the old clothes off best he could before pulling his worn outfit off and putting the new garments on. It wasn't fitted, but it would do for now as he stared at the body, then his old clothes. He felt bad about robbing the dead and dressed the boy in his old ruined clothes and went to trying stones to the limbs before gently pushing the kid's body into the murky waters of the sewer. He couldn't give a proper burial for the child, but he couldn't leave him to be eaten by rodents, least he hoped the watery grave would suffice.
"Now then, where's the exit." He asked himself as he adjusted his clothes and picked up the lantern to begin his search. Took a while to find an exit as he passed by more trash and critters than he cared to admit, now he was climbing up the ladder and pushed the manhole cover up and to the side. Peering out, he saw that he was at the end of a hidden alleyway of sorts, and the buildings all around him were made of stone and brick. The place also was in serious need of color cause everything looked so drab and lifeless, also the smell was horrible, not as bad as the sewers he went through just now. Getting out of the hole, he pushed the manhole back in place as he stood up and looked around. He watched from the shadows as he watched horse drawn carriages and people going about in the grimy city. Thinking of his next option, Naruto was unaware of two hooded and robed figures sneaking up on him, one holding a large burlap sack, the other holding a small police club.
"That boy there will do, just another orphan." One remarked as Naruto heard them but was too late to react as the bag came down over him as he struggled, but one bonk on the noggin later and he was out cold with the two figures carrying him away through some old passageways. The next few moments for Naruto upon waking up were filled with pain, suffering, occult practices and inhumane experimentation. The young child was held down and cut open as these strange crystal shards were inserted into his body, he must have blacked out a few times as he remembered being in this large ritual or something as he was surrounded by chanting and praying robed people and he was tied down to a slab with chalk markings along it and the floor as candles surrounded the whole thing. He also saw his own body was stripped bare and runic symbols were painted along his skin in blood, most likely his own.
Struggling to get free despite his pain, he felt the candles growing hotter and the crystal inside of him began to hum and pulse, causing even more pain as he let out pained screaming. He could feel the shards inside of him start to grow, merge and spread, just as the whole church they were in was starting to shake. What happened next was unknown to the world as Naruto's body lit up in flames and the fire exploded outwards consuming the cultists, the church and everything in a city block radius. Unfortunately, that was just the beginning as monsters began emerging into the human world from where Naruto once was, the blackened stone slab coated in his blood that the terror emerged from.
-Unknown location-
Naruto would find himself waking up in a place that looked oddly similar to that one town he was in before he was used in the ritual, except the sky was a shade of purple, also he could hear the sounds of a battle going on. Rather than sit around and become a casualty, he decided the next best thing, run and hide away and figure out his situation. Of course, he couldn't really run far as the crystal inside of him kicked up and seemed to hum in this land as it hurt like a bitch to move as he hid in an alleyway that was poorly lit. He heard the sound of snarling and looked to see a heavily emaciated dog creeping out of the shadows and gazing at him with red eyes and a maw filled with sharp fangs, salivating like mad as he groaned out despite his pain and feeling the shard inside him shift more and fill him with a sense of heat.
"Oh no…" The demonic canine lunged at him with a snarl as he reacted and brought a hand up in weak defense.
-Centuries later-
Within Kuoh Academy was a club known as the Occult Research Club, ORC for short as it was nighttime, and everyone went home or to their dorms. Well mostly everyone as two young women were in the clubroom, both young beauties, wearing similar school clothing as the red head was at the nice desk going over plans for the upcoming Rating Game.
"You think we have enough to go against, I know we just got new additions, but there is only so much we can do within the time period to train for the game against Riser and his peerage." The raven heard one said as Rias sighed, she knew Akeno was right about this plan, even with her wholeheartedly wanting to help Rias get out of this arranged marriage in the first place. The meeting with Riser earlier went peachy with Issei getting riled up at Riser and almost starting a fight on the spot, thankfully Grayfia suggested the Rating Game to salvage the chat and get Riser off her back for some time.
"I know, Akeno. As much as I would love to tear up the marriage contract in front of him. This is the only way we can stop this whole thing and I won't have to be dolled up for his amusement." She replied and drank the last of her tea before setting the cup aside. Leaning back in her chair as she looked over the papers with little doodles of her peerage members and their pros and cons. Akeno stood behind Rias and rubbed her shoulders as she smiled softly, using her control over lightning to sent small jolts along her master's shoulder muscles to help ease the tension.
"We will do everything in our power to take out as much as we can so you can kick him in the balls. We won't let you down, Rias." The fallen angel assured as Rias looked up to her best friend as Akeno leaned and planted a small kiss on Rias' lips, which the devil returned before they separated with both smiling.
"I know you won't Akeno, I'm just hoping that in case this does go south, and we lose, I can at least get you away from his grubby talons." She admitted as she did dislike Riser with a passion for his snobbish man-whoring and privileged ego, she could take the fall if it meant her friends could be safe from him as she knew he would want a go at Akeno and the others with his comments earlier. She stood up and put the papers away in the drawer as they walked to the door. Akeno opening it to let Rias out first but gave a look when she felt Rias' hand on her back.
"On second thought, you go get ready for bed, I'll join you shortly as I want to make sure we're gonna be stocked up for training and the game." The Gremory heiress said as Akeno nodded and gave a quick hug before leaving for their room as Rias closed the door and locked it with her back against the wood. She let out a sigh and returned to her desk as she sat and reached under the drawer. Feeling a small prick on her finger and hearing a click, she watched a small compartment open under the main drawer and pulled out a small glass vial with a gold and black cap, the only parchment attached to it was a small tag with the symbol of a stylized rose of blue, purple and red. The contents were a strange liquid of red and black that had similar look to ink. She stared at it as the moonlight peered through the windows. With her free hand, she brought out her phone and tapped the screen a few times and reached to the bottom of her contact list, where the number was labeled private, but the picture was of the same design as the flower symbol on the vial. Tapping to send the call, she put it to her ear and waited for a moment for the other end to pick up.
"Hey its me, just wanted to check up and see how you were doing, I'm sure you've heard the announcement of my upcoming game." She started off with a smile and her tone was much more relaxed, she even sounded a bit older by the way she spoke on the line.
"No, I'm fine, I'm just busy trying to plot out how we plan to beat this asshole. I can assure you that I have this in the bag, there is no need to get yourself involved." She said with a level of confidence. Of course, her smile faded as she listened and turned her chair to look outside the window at the moon.
"You have a funny way of making a woman feel good about themselves, you know that? The last thing I want is to cause a scene and have my brother get angry try to ban you from the Underworld over our small secret. I bet that would hamper your job immensely even if you are quite the elusive one." She held up the vial and let the moon shine on it as she watched the red and black liquid swirl within.
"I still have your little gift and I promise to only use it if I have no other options. I just need to make sure my peerage is up to par and ready for the fight, thankfully Akeno and I planned a training regimen to boost ourselves up. No, I don't want you to stop by and help with that, you'll break them." She couldn't help but giggle and smile, turning back to her desk as she placed the vial away for later. Standing up and stretching as she was tired and ready for sleep.
"Anyway, I just wanted to hear from you again and see how you were doing. I- you're really like testing my patience, do you? Yes I missed you, you big oaf, now stop being mean~" She just exhaled in light annoyance as he did always have a way to make her happy and at the same time annoyed with antics.
"I'm going to bed and seeing tomorrow where my friends need help with their skills. I hope you have a good night with your assignment, I'll call you after this rating game is dealt with. See you around, big brute and goodnight." She pulled the phone away and hung up and set it on the desk before leaving the ORC and going to her dorm to sleep, hopefully Akeno didn't fall asleep on her.
-Weeks Later at the Rating Game-
It was a failure, they did put up a good fight and took out a good chunk of Riser's gang, but the Phenex won in the end as he had somehow managed to acquire holy water in the form of a water gun and used it as a cheap trick to humiliate Rias and her team. One by one all her friends were taken down and out as Issei was the last one to fall, of course Sirezechs tempted him with his desire to build a harem all about busty babes and winning Rias' hand as well. While Rias had objections, this fell on deaf ears as Issei was in 'Oppai-mode' and fought like he was the hero, cept Riser took him out after a bit of annoyance and threw the beaten pawn at Rias' feet.
"S-sorry president. I couldn't save you…" Issei groaned out in defeat as his dreams fell apartin his mind. Rias just knelt and patted his head in sympathy. He was a good kid, really perverted, but a good kid as she was having Asia work on curbing the boy's pervyness.
"Its fine, Issei. You did your best and that's what matters." She smiled and ruffled his hair before the brunette was taken out of the game by loss while Grayfia announced so. Rias stood up and stared at the smug Riser and those of his girls he still had on the field as he chuckled.
"So, my dear wife to be, ready to submit and join our houses as one? I can't wait for our honeymoon~" he gloated as some of the girls giggled with as Rias stayed silent. She just stood there alone and glared at her arranged fiancée.
"What, no scathing words, surely you must have something to say before we come together as husband and wife and bring forth lovely heirs for our race to prosper, fate demands it so." He went on as Rias just kept quiet and let him continue until he got bored of talking about his dreams. Her hands coming up to undo her clothes? She began with her blouse and worked down as the audience began questioning what she was doing from their seats. Riser just saw this as her accepting defeat and offering herself, to which he was oh so happy.
"You're already undressing for me; this is too rich. Are you that eager to warm my bed?" Riser chuckled as Rias was soon nude, thankfully she used a small illusion spell to cover her lower sex as she undid her ponytail and let her luscious hair free as strands covered her nipples and she had caught the small vial she had stashed within her done up hair behind her back and brough it to her side. She swallowed and spoke, loud enough so that all the audience, which the entirety of the Devil World was watching as this was a high stakes game of their noble houses.
"My parents, no matter how much I love them, are idiots. My brother, in all his childish manners and leadership of the devils, is a moron. There are times when I wish I was just a normal girl, no big responsibilities like arranged marriages being set up when you're a child happy to play with toys or going over the deep politics and all that paperwork. But what can you do, some people are born into roles or molded by their upbringing. I'm no different, I'm a young woman with dreams and wants that were cut short when I learned about my arranged marriage to you and how you presented yourself to the world." Rias raised her hand and looked down to the vial, her thumb running over the cap and tag as she smiled.
"But with this, I can change my so-called fate, and finally be free of you…" She held up the vial for him and everyone to see before she popped the cap off with a thumb flick and downed the contents, coughing at the bitterness as the now empty item turned to ash as she felt her power morphing within her, she brought her arms together in a self-hug as her wings emerged. The thin devil limbs grew longer and more bat like as the claws and wing membranes took on a dark red color. Sirezechs and the others rushed in to intervene with this show when Rias cast her arms out, sending a shockwave and enochian runes that cast a barrier over the Ratin Game field that prevent anyone from getting in. Rias' friends and family banged and tried using their powers to get through as nothing would work. Rias then moved her hands before her, manicured nails shifting to demonic claws as sparks of her gremory powers shot from her fingertips into a sphere of pure destruction. The sphere then shifted and morphed into a lovely dagger, the pommel in the shape of a blooming rose as the handle and hilt were shaped like rose stem and thorns, the blade itself looked to be made of brilliant crimson gem with a black inner core. The blade floating and twirling in the air before her.
"Rias, open this barrier right now! That's an order!" Sirezechs yelled out to his sister, some anger in his tone bust mostly worry as he could sense the demonic power within her had changed into something different, and it scared him as he didn't want to his dear little sister become something horrendous. Of course Rias heard all the shouts and pleas of worry from her loved ones, but she just droned them out, partially cause the power within her was telling her to crush Riser and also that she was taking a stand, not as the little sister to the ruler of hell, but as Rias Gremory, herself. The dagger finally aimed itself at her and plunged into her chest, right into her heart as she released a grunt and fell back first to the ground, the barrier collapsing as everyone rushed into grab her. Just as Rias' back touched the floor, a shockwave of demonic power exploded from her and sent everyone flying back and the world was blinded by a flash of light.
-Back in the Shinobi World, for those wondering-
The nations were celebrating, happy that history's shortest war was over before it lasted long and friends and family wee happy to be home with loved ones and reunite with those that were brought back. There will be a time when the nations come together in a joint alliance, but for now, people were partying, celebrating and all sorts of fun and joy, well mostly everyone.
Within the Hyuga residence, one Hinata Hyuga was bawling her eyes out into her pillow, heartbroken that the man she longed for was no longer there for her. Her mother, Honoka Hyuga stroked her daughter's hair and tried to soothe her eldest child from her woes as she was one of the resurrected and happy to see her family again. Outside the room door, Haishi, Hizashi and Hanabi watched with pity as they couldn't do much for Hinata.
At the bar in the entertainment district, people were having fun and drinking and cheering at the end of the 4th war and so on and so forth. In one corner in the back was Kiba, Neji, Shikamaru, Chouji and Sai. Each was somber compared to the others in the place as they all poured a glass and held a toast for their fallen comrade who quite literally united all the shinobi together and ended the war with being the only casualty. Glasses bumped together in toast as Kiba spoke.
"To the boss." The group nodding in agreement as they all took their drinks.
Wooo, got this up! I do want to apologies again for my disappearance, I'm still around, just got caught up with personal stuff like life and work and family. Pretty sure my writing has gotten stale as I had some issues trying to write some of this out, like what to put and make this work. As for this idea, I have it in my head, its just putting it down to fanfic is easy to think but challenging to execute for me. Depending on how things go, I might continue this idea and flesh it out more into a full story, or I might wrap it up and put it up as a challenge in case anyone wants to give it a shot. Also gotta brush up on DxD lore to get some stuff right despite the changes I'm making to fit this story (never got into DxD, just know stuff from hearsay from an acquaintance whose into it plus fanart). But enough about me rambling, feel free to drop a review on your thoughts and if curious, send a PM if you have any questions regarding my ideas for this or want to suggest anything. Also feel free to check my profile for my other works (I promise I'm getting to them, I just get sidetracked and writer's block sucks ass) and other story challenge ideas I have cooked up out of boredom. Hope y'all are having a good day.
Signing out.