The morning began like every other weekday morning for Emma Nelson. She woke up to her phone alarm going off, then groaned, shut it off, stretched, got out of bed and walked down the stairs from her attic master bedroom and down the second-floor hall to her son's room to wake him up for school.

"Drew?" She knocked then peeked her head into his room, "Time to wake up."

Drew would groan and his responses to Emma's command were usually "Already?" or "Can I sleep five more minutes?" or his most popular answer, "I don't want to go to school."

Today it was, "I don't want to go to school," to which Emma replied, "That's too bad. You have to go. Now get up."

"Ugh, fine."

Emma shook her head, "I'm starting the shower for you so you better get in there soon."

Drew covered his head with his pillow and said, "Okay, okay!"

Emma closed his door and headed to the three-piece washroom next to Drew's room. She turned on the shower and headed downstairs to cook some breakfast. She didn't do it every day, but she was in the mood to cook for her son on this particular Monday morning.

She smiled when she heard Drew's footsteps go from his room to the washroom. She made him an omelet for breakfast and was finishing a bowl of cereal when he came downstairs. When he sat down, she asked, "So, how does today look?"

"Looks as boring as every other day."

Emma looked at her son and shook her head. He had entered his moody teenage years, and she was missing the cute, happy-go-lucky, pre-hormonal Andrew. "Any tests? Papers due?"

"Nope. I had an algebra test on Friday. We should get the grades today." He took a bite of his omelet and said, "And I think we'll be getting our History grades too."

Emma asked, "And how do you think you did?"

Drew shrugged.

"Well, I guess we'll find out soon enough."

Drew rolled his eyes and continued to eat.

When Emma finished her cereal, she went upstairs to shower and get ready for work.

After he finished his breakfast, Drew retreated to his room to get ready for school and to get his books together.

Emma, who was putting some lip gloss on as she was walking down the stairs from her room, called from down the hall, "Are you ready yet, young man?"

"Yes, mom."

"Good, because it's time to go. Grandpa is expecting you in his office first thing."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah."

Emma peeked into her son's bedroom, "You're the one who got in trouble. Not me."


"Don't 'whatever' me. Downstairs now." Emma walked away from her son's room and couldn't help but giggle. He definitely took after his father. She walked down the stairs, put on her coat, grabbed her purse and waited. She called up the stairs, "Andrew Cameron Nelson, if you're not down here in five seconds."

Drew jogged down the stairs and looked at his mother.

She asked, "Do you have everything?"

"Yes," Drew rolled his eyes and Emma opened the front door.

She pointed toward the front door and said, "Go."

Emma pulled up to the Degrassi Community School and looked at her son, "Andrew, can we have just one trouble-free day?" He rolled his eyes at her and she continued, "I don't think I'm asking for too much."

"Fine. I'll try."

"Thank you." She unlocked the passenger door and said, "So I'll pick you up after detention?"

"Yes. Can I go now?"

"Yes, you can. Have a good day."

Drew mumbled, "Whatever," under his breath, opened the door and walked out.

Emma shook her head. It felt as though she was being punished for never telling Sean about his son. Although it was getting tougher and tougher to conceal Drew's true parentage because his behavior was just like Sean's when he was a teenager and he resembled his father right down to his light eyes. The only thing different is Drew inherited Emma's height genes or maybe they were Sean's father's height genes. Either way, at nearly 14, Drew was already 5'7" tall and showing no signs of stopping. Emma had been hoping that her son would inherit her darker eyes, but no such luck. She gave birth to Sean Cameron's clone.

Emma arrived at work and sat at her desk. She became a realtor when Drew went into kindergarten and had become one of the best realtors in her agency and in all of Toronto. Thanks to her hard work and high-end clients, Emma could afford to live in a large semi-detached house in a well-sort after neighborhood in Toronto. To most people, it seemed as if it was way too much house for two people but Emma always wanted a big house so she bought it when she could. She had hoped that one day she'd have enough family to justify the purchase.

Even though they lived about 20 minutes away, Emma enrolled Drew in Degrassi because she wanted him to experience the same schooling she did. And it was easier to keep tabs on him with her father as the principal.

Her boss walked over to her desk and greeted her, "Hey, Emma."

"Hi, Dylan."

"How are you looking today?"

"I have three showings."

"Oh, good."

"Yep," She opened her desk drawer, looked through her file tabs and grabbed a folder. "I was just picking up the paperwork for my first two showings. One of which is the three-story house on Lytton Boulevard." She held it up to show Dylan. "And I'll be heading over to the one on Indian Road later today."

"Both are spectacular but the one on Lytton, wow."

Emma nodded, "I know. Someone should scoop it up soon. Hopefully, it will be this couple."

He smiled and asked, "Do you think you have time for one more today?"

"I don't see why not, why? Who needs help?"

"Miriam. She's sick and is supposed to show a pretty-nice apartment to a client today." He handed her the folder.

Emma thumbed through it and nodded, "Wow, this is a nice place."

"Yeah, the guy owns his own business, and he's looking for a bigger apartment closer to his job."

"Okay." She looked at the specs, "This place seems a little big for a single guy. But, don't worry, it should be an easy sell."

"I don't know if he's single, but it is a great place and if anyone can sell it, you can." He turned to walk away then turned back around, "I really appreciate you doing this."

Emma smiled and said, "Not a problem."

"The appointment is at 1."

"Sounds good. That's right in between my other appointments and on the way to the Indian Road house."

Dylan smiled, "You're the best, Emma."

She smiled, and he walked away. She gathered all the paperwork for the day and headed to her car.

As she waited outside the building where Miriam's appointment was to take place, Emma's phone buzzed. It was Archie.

"Oh, God. What now?" Emma assumed Drew got in trouble again, but when she opened the text it was actually good news.

"Drew passed his algebra test. He not only passed it, but he also got an 82."

Emma smiled and said, "Finally." She was about to text Archie back when she heard someone call her name.


Sean Cameron was on his way to a real estate appointment. After three years of owning and running Cameron's Custom Cars, he had finally saved up enough money to buy an apartment. He had been looking for a little while but just couldn't commit to anything. Just like his love life. He was still single in his early 30s and whenever someone brought it up, he'd joke that he was married to his job. He wasn't lying, exactly. The shop was open six days away, and he ran the office and worked on cars so he was always busy but he loved it. Opening his own shop was his dream and when it finally became a reality, Sean wanted to make sure everything was done right.

He parked his truck up the street from the building where he was supposed to be meeting a substitute agent. His regular agent, Miriam, had texted Sean to let him know that she was sick but that another agent in the firm would help him today.

As he walked toward the person standing in front of the building, he couldn't believe his eyes. It was Emma Nelson.

Sean hadn't seen Emma since she was 18 but there was no mistaking her. She was a woman now. He noticed she was looking at her phone and when he saw her smile, his heart skipped a beat. No other woman could live up to Emma. That was another reason Sean was still single. Sean could never get Emma out of his system. Whether he wanted to admit it or not, he measured up every woman to Emma and if they didn't, he'd be out the door.

He called out her name, and she stopped typing on her phone.