Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Wing

Relena didn't greet Heero when he strode into their room and immediately began to pack his things.

"I won't be long."

"I know." Her voice barely rose above a whisper. Their son, Odin, who was just old enough to crawl, was swaddled in one arm. While her other arm was wrapped around her eldest, Helena, as they all sat on her bed.

She wondered if their daughter knew what was going on, or if she would remember the events leading up to this drastic decision. In the end Heero had been right, and she was glad to see that he didn't rub it in when she agreed to leave. Temporarily at least. Relena didn't like what their decision might insinuate, or how the media would twist the situation to make it appear that she was running. Worst of all that her opposition would see it as an opportune time to move in and fray at her work.

But she shoved that away now, and she did so with no regret. Their daughter and son were here, safe, and thanks only to the goodness of her staff and strangers. Even one of the perpetrators. All she cared for right now, was her family. Her mother had always told her since she became the Foreign Minister that she needed to make time for herself, well before she had a family of her own. Well after everything she had done for the world, and everything that had been done to her, she deserved this small reprieve. Without concern if the world falls apart for a few days or weeks while she was away.

"Let's go." Heero had rounded the corner of the bed and reached his hand out to her. She took it and he helped her up while taking Helena in his arms. Relena had already done her rounds of the house. She didn't need to do it twice. Pictures were still framed on the walls, and plants still lazed on the corners. Now she caught the glimpses of everything they had brought together in their home, and left it without a second glance.

Her assistant would be moving in temporarily while she and Heero left for another house they had leased under assumed names, across the Atlantic and far from Brussels. Howerever there was a pang in her heart when she settled herself in the back seat with her children while he drove them to the private airport. She still didn't glance back at their house, she wanted the memory of it to remain good, but wouldn't lie it had become a place that held a deep cut now. Nonetheless it had been the first home that her children had resided in. Where she and Heero had lived in well before their births.

Perhaps one day they could go back but now, they needed distance and space. North America would be far enough for now. Neither Heero or her spoke the whole car ride. Ambient music played on the background and she guessed either Heero or her had forgotten to take out the CD, they had come to find that on the nights Odin couldn't sleep walking or driving around helped. It was an odd and dated she'd heard, but she welcomed anything at the time to help her son sleep. It was also a good excuse for her to learn how to drive while there weren't so many people on the road.

Those nights weren't so different from this one. Pagan and he mother would watch over Helena, while Heero, Odin, and herself would drive around the amber lit roads until Odin's small chest rose and fell in blissful slumber. Even now he had fallen asleep before they were half way there, but Helena remained awake and alert. Relena tried to keep her features in check when her large eyes looked up to hers.

When she was returned to them Relena had immediately embraced her, held onto her for so long. A doctor, and then Helena's personal pediatrician, had checked her and she had been fine. They even said that it was possible she had been asleep through the whole ordeal. Yet there was always a chance, Relena thought, that Helena could've seen something terrible.

There had been blood on her clothes after all.


She looked to the review mirror to meet Heero's gaze.

"It's okay."

She began to blink rapidly, looking up to the roof of the car, and finally to the side of her window, just in case Helena was still staring at her. "I know. It's just," her head bent and she took a shallow breath and pressed her fingers in her eyes. "Not in front of them. I don't want to upset her."

He didn't say anything, but he reached back to her with his right hand. She took it and felt his calloused fingers wrap around hers. She could feel the sprinkle of tears sit at the edge of eyes, his hold, the flesh around his bones, steadied her. It always had. He always called her strong, stronger than him even, but she was happy when he acknowledged that she could break too.

He didn't let go of her hand until they had reached their destination. Although she was sure it must have been an awkward position as he did stretch his hand once they were inside and checking in their luggage. She chuckled at the sight, even though this wasn't the best of circumstances. He in return gave her a soft look, and he brushed her eyes gently with his thumb. His look almost brought her to tears again but her kissed her forehead and she breathed a sigh of relief. His expression was everything reflected in her own heart.

Grateful that they were together again, determination to protect them no matter the cost, and fear of what could have been. She took him by the hand again until they reached the gate and were seated. This wasn't their jet, she had called a favor and Dorothy had been more than happy to oblige. Only Dorothy and a few handful of people who would know where they would be. This would be Odin's first flight and surprisingly he did not wake once they began to take off. Helena on the other hand had been drifting off but became alert once more when she looked out the window.

Relena also looked out and how every second brought them farther into the sky. If their flight had been during the day Helena would've been able to see the clouds, instead she saw the many lights of the city in the distance. She had no idea what was on her mind, but when Helena could no longer see the lights she had turned over on Heero's lap and curled up and began to nod off again. Relena was relieved when her breathing slowed and she was truly asleep.

"She must be so tired." Relena brushed their daugther's dark brown curls. The first day she had been returned to them she had been wide awake and by night she slept but woke more easily. The second night she found that she had slept sparingly during the night, and the only reason she had found out is because she couldn't sleep well either. Heero too had found Helena awake by the third day, then they knew something wasn't right.

"Whatever they gave her is wearing off. I checked her blood myself, it's healthy."

She nodded, then rested her head on his shoulder. She trusted the doctors fine, and in the past that line would've made her believe Heero was being overly protective again. Now she was just grateful that he could confirm their daughter's health and ease her anxiety. He rested his head on top of hers and she could feel her exhaustion catching up with her now, the three nights she stayed awake. Waiting to hear about Helena, where she was, whether she was alive or dead. Having her hand touch her hair, and the warmth of their son, felt like a dream she didn't want to wake from. She desperately wanted to stay awake until they reached land again just to make sure they wouldn't disappear and find that this was a dream. So many things could go wrong, and your imagination only became worse when you had so many people to care about.

"Relena you can rest. I'll stay awake, we can take turns."

She let out a short breath and smiled. The way he could read her, it could be annoying when she wanted to surprise him, but the majority of times, like now, it was always a relief.

Relena tilted her head up and kissed his cheek, then rested her head on his shoulder again. "Okay."

She was afraid for her children, but with all them together right now, she knew they could face the future. They would start again with tomorrow. That was the thought she held onto when she finally drifted off to sleep.

A/N: Hello everyone here's another story I hope you'll enjoy! Also I hope everyone's New Years went well and that this year brings plenty of great opportunities! I actually needed to finish editing 2 finished works I have been working on since last year but this one just came out and struck like lightening and I needed to get it posted! I wanted to do something for Valentine's Day but this came out instead. Lolololol I plan to make this fic short, although I'm not sure how short it will be I will try to post it weekly. It was actually based off another fic I had started doing randomly but never concluded. This was also a sort of congratulations to Relena for President for her move to a new home! Congrats dear! Well I hope to have the other 2 works edited soon to have them ready for April and they're both long, unintentionally but I'm happy about it! And sorry if there's a lot of typos or mistakes! I wanted to post this as soon as I could and re-read quickly.

Have a great day everyone!