Disclaimer: I do not own the story of Dragon Ball Super or the characters of Godzilla, only how the story goes . The story, forms and moves of Dragon Ball Super Broly belongs to Akira Toriyama and the characters of Godzilla belongs to Toho and Legendary Studios. I apologize for any errors in grammar and/or if I was not accurate in reference to something.


Titan Super Broly/Destroyah Trailer

Fate is a mysterious thing for three young Titans…

On a distant world called Planet Vegeta, home to its own powerful Titans three young Titans; the Titan Prince Monster X, the lower class Titan Xenilla and the mysterious Titan child Destroyah.

"My son, my pride and joy!" King Ghidorah exclaimed as he looked to his son as the smaller Titan floated within an incubation pod.

"I'll raise Destroyah to be a powerful warrior on my own." Caesar vowed. His eyes became maniac as he added, "And then I'll have my revenge, against King Ghidorah!"

"Listen son, you do whatever it takes to survive, got it." Dagon told Xenilla before he would be launched into space. Xenilla placed his hand against the glass as if trying to touch his father's hand as Dagon said, "Goodbye."

But fate would bring these three together in an epic clash…

Both older now, Monster X and Xenilla stood in the Arctic as they could sense the presence of an old foe coming down. But then they felt a different energy coming from the ship.

"What is that?" An older Monster X questioned and narrowed his eyes. Feeling it, Xenilla said, "It's not Bagan, that's for sure." His eyes narrowed as he said, "There's someone else, and his power's crazy."

After the ship landed, first a small squad of Jet Jaguar's moved to where they stood before the ship in two lines. Lord Bagan, Caesar and Destroyah all walked down the steps. As he looked to his opponents, Destroyah's power rushed out as a gust of wind. The Jet Jaguars were nearly blown back and even Xenilla and Monster X had to brace themselves.

Be ready for the battle of the century in…

Titan Super Destroyah


Author's Note: A little story that I had in mind. Hopefully I'll be able to do this story good. I've chosen at least someone for each role and I might go a little off book in some subjects. I look forward to reading your reviews. Be sure to leave a comment either about if I've done something wrong or if you want something specifically to happen. See you next time.