Bella/Voldemort. Bella a half blood witch through her mom who is a squib has a one night stand with a dark mysterious wizard one night when she flooed to the leaky cauldron for her birthday a year after the Cullen's betray her. A month later she finds out she's pregnant and she has to run from Forks due to Victoria. Finding out the father of your child is the Dark Lord Voldemort was a shock for sure not that Bella really minded. Having to run to him because the light wants to kill your baby was not the way Bella picture her pregnancy going but hell. Her life had always been odd. Why wouldn't this be any different? Mature content. I don't own anything. Dark winning for sure and Potter is on the dark side in this.
Bella sighed as she woke to bright lights in her room. She had another wet dream of that night about a month ago. She just couldn't stop thinking how amazing it had been.
It had started out another depressing day for her only it was her birthday. She was now 19. A year from when the Cullen's up and abandoned her. 6 months since she lost her father to a drunk driver. She was utterly alone now that the pack stop speaking to her. They only spoke to her enough to tell her whatever updates they had on Victoria who up until now they have done a good job keeping her away from town. Bella gave them all the info she had on the crazy red head and she didn't want them knowing she was a witch so she just kept to herself.
She had hoped Jake and Billy would have been there for her once she lost Charlie but once he was buried they wanted nothing to do with her since she had dated a Vampire and to them that was unforgivable. Not that she ever would again.
So on her birthday she decided to go somewhere and celebrate herself. She had always wanted to visit Diagon alley ever since she learned about it at Salem. So she took the first floo she could find to the leaky cauldron.
She spent some time in Diagon Alley learning there world was in some sort of conflict between the light and dark with the dark apparently winning not that Bella really cared much. She was only there for one night.
After that she rented a room at the leaky cauldron and spent the night getting drunk for the first time at the bar.
She had been well into a few classes of elf wine when a dark, sexy and mysterious man sat next to her. His magic was strong and she could feel how dangerous he probably was but in her alcohol induced mine she didn't care.
She struck up a conversation with him that seemed to surprise him but after a few minutes he decided to speak back to her. He ask her a few questions here and there like her name, where she was from, if she was muggleborn which she was not. Things like that. She told him of her past with the betraying virgin blood sucker as she called Edward which seemed to make him smirk at her like she amused him. He had others with him she had remembered but he waved them away once they started talking and she was too intoxicated to remember anyone else there that night.
Then she remembered asking him to fuck her. She wasn't sure if she truly ask in that way but she had kissed him and somehow they found their way to her room for a night that had left her damn near boneless and exhausted.
When she woke that next day she couldn't remember the man's name or if she'd even ask him for it but her body was deliciously sore and he had left before she woke which was probably best giving she would have been so embarrassed with the way she acted the night before.
She returned home then and spent the next month alone in her father's house reading and studying more magic. She was so tired of the muggle world she couldn't see straight.
But that morning she woke up again running for the bathroom. She had some kind of stomach bug or something the last few days and decided to go into town to get some lighter foods to try and eat.
On her way back from town her truck was struck by something hard sending her flying into the woods and crash into a large tree.
Her vision blurred and she could feel blood running down her head and she felt very nauseous again. Opening her eyes she gasp as she saw Victoria standing in front of her truck growling at her. Bella did the only thing she could think of and apperated back to her house. Stumbling a little as she landed in her room she swished her wand and packed her things quickly in a trunk before shrinking it and throwing on a cloak. She wiped the blood from her head with a towel before she heard Victoria crashing into her downstairs window followed by growls from the wolf pack. Bella decided to set the house on fire and apperated to the local floo house in Seattle and flooed to the leaky cauldron. The only place she could think of to get as far away from Forks as she could. She was done with the muggle world now.
When she landed on the ground in the leaky cauldron she knew she was hurt. The wreck had probably gave her a concussion and maybe a broken rib or two. Her vision was blurry and her head still bleeding and she just knew she was going on vomit all over the floor.
"Ma'am can you hear me?" she barely heard before she lost the fight she was having with her stomach and vomit on someone's shoe before everything went black.
When she woke sometime later she was still in some pain though not as much as before and she was very sick to her stomach. She could hear the sounds of voices around her and it took her some time to focus in order to make them out.
"What are we going to do Albus? We cannot allow her to bring this child into the world. It's the Dark Lord's for Merlin sake and now without Harry. We'd never stand a chance." She heard a women almost screech and another male sigh.
"Yes I know. But none of my termination spells are working. The fetus seems to be protecting her in her weakened state." He said and Bella realized they were talking about her.
"I called you the moment I received the paternity test when I realized she was pregnant. I was hoping to contact the father since I had no way of knowing who this witch is but when I saw the name of the father I called you instead." She heard a women say.
"Yes you did well my dear. We cannot allow Voldemort to know we have his un born child here." A male said.
She got tired of hearing them talk and decided to open her eyes and slowly sit up. She was very dizzy.
"What's going on?" Bella ask looking around the room. There was an old man, and old women and several others in the room all with wands out.
"You have been brought to St Mungo's for treatment when you feel from the floo and vomited on my shoe." Said a bald dark skinned wizard.
"I do apologize about that sir." She said.
"Were you attacked by Death eaters?" a red headed women ask and Bela frowned.
"What? No I don't even know what that is. I was attacked by a Vampire in America." She said and they all frowned highly confused.
"Look thanks for the help I'll just go." She said slipping her cloak back on that was hung on the side of the bed and patted the pocket to see her wand and trunk were still inside.
"I'm afraid we cannot allow you to leave. You see the healer here as informed me that you are with child and the father is Lord Voldemort. Leader of the dark and the death eaters. To which we are at war with." The old man said and Bella glared at him.
"Excuse me. I don't know who you are but you cannot hold me hostage. I could give a shit less who you're at war with. Wait did you just say I'm pregnant?" Bella said gapping in shock after what he said caught up with her.
"Yes it has been confirmed you're a month pregnant." The healer said and Bella took a moment to let that sink in. What the hell.
"I need to go." She said standing and all there wands pointed to her.
"As Headmaster Dumbledore just said you're not going anywhere until we find out how you came to be carrying Voldemort's spawn and how to get rid of it." The male with one weird moving eye hissed at her and Bella felt a flare of anger at these fucking people. No way in hell are they touching her baby. She took her wand out as a spell was sent her way but a burst of magic slammed into it from her stomach throwing all the people across the room. She didn't stand there long enough to ponder that just yet as she threw up her own shield and ran out the door.
Running blindly through the hospital she stunned anyone that got in her way as she ran following the signs for a floo room. Once inside she barricaded the door and flooed back to the leaky cauldron.
"Welcome back miss." She heard and ran through the pub and outside to the alley. Once inside the busy streets she decided to take the streets to the left that appeared to be dark so she could hide. Running she panted unsure where to go as she ran into a dark shop and slammed the door shut behind her ducking down as wizards ran past that had been chasing her.
She took a few deep breaths to stop the wave of nauseous that hit her as she tried to control her panting.
"Can I help you?" she heard and looked over to see an older male shop attendant looking at her like she was crazy and another male with long blonde hair and a cane standing off to the side watching her. She held up her hand for a moment as she looked out the door. She gasp and ran into the shop and ducked down behind the counter as the door opened.
"Get out of my store." The old man yelled to the wizards that burst through the door. Bella shared a look with the blonde male and pleaded with her eyes not to give her away. He shifted more so no one could see her as he sneered at the men at the door.
"Look death eaters were looking for a witch with brown hair. Did she come in here?" she heard and the Blonde snorted.
"As you can see no. And you've no place to accuse anyone of being anything." He drawled out. The men at the door huffed before slamming it shut and Bella gave a deep sigh as she laid her forehead on the wall she was hiding behind.
"You can come out now miss. There gone." She heard and she peeked out before standing swaying alittle.
She could tell both men were dark wizards the blonde more so and they did call them death eaters. So Bella thought maybe they could help her.
"I need help." She said and the blonde raised a brow at her.
"Clearly." He said.
"I need to find the Dark Lord. And now. He needs to know what I've got to say." She said and the blonde eyed her for a moment before nodding.
"I'll take you with me and let him decide if he wants to hear what you have to say." The blonde said and she nodded before he grabbed her arm and apperated away.
When they landed Bella bent over and heaved willing her stomach to not give way this time as the blonde male stepped away from her.
"You're not going to vomit are you?" he ask her and she took a few deep breaths.
"I hope not." She said as she battled with her dizziness and nauseous.
"Lucius. What's going on?" she heard another male say but she didn't bother to look up.
"I'm unsure Severus. Inform the Dark Lord I've someone here that says she needs to speak with him urgently once she gathers control of her bodily functions." Lucius said and the other male fled the room as Bella finally was able to breathe and stand up again.
Bella could feel the small sensation of magic in her stomach pulsing with need the closer she got to the father and Bella knew then the healer had been right. She was pregnant indeed.
A dark haired male came back into the room and nodded to them.
"He said it better be important. Come." The male said and Lucius grabbed her arm gently and steered her down a long hall until they reached a set of double doors. Lucius and the dark haired male shoved the door opened and pulled her inside.
Bella got a look at the man that has been haunting her dreams for over a month. He was even better looking then she remembered though she didn't recall the red eyes.
When he saw her standing there his eyes widened slightly.
"This was not what I was expecting." He said and she snorted before she could help herself.
"Yeah no shit. You've no idea the day I've just had." She told him and the other two men stepped back from her but she just stood her ground staring at the man she lost her virginity too.
"I don't remember the red eyes though. I must have been really wasted." Bella said and the dark lord's lips actually twitched as he looked the young witch over.
He'd thought of her often since that night. He had a rare night where he went out to have a drink to test the climate of the public after Potter had deflected to his side. He had been surprised when this beautiful witch talked to him obviously not knowing who he was as he had a slight glamour on that night. He ended up taking her to bed several times that night before leaving. He had not indulged in those carnal needs in many, many years and he had been thinking of her often since and now to see her standing there obviously having been attacked by someone it had him very curious.
"I had a glamour on that night. Have a seat." He said and she nodded and sat in the seat in front of his desk.
"Why do you look as if you've been in a battle?" he ask her tapping his fingers on his desk looking her over.
"Because I was ran off the room in my truck by a crazy blood sucking leech, flooed to the leaky cauldron to get as far away from there as I could, vomited on some assholes shoe who took me to some hospital where I was being held hostage by some Santa clause looking old fucker in an ugly ass hat, a man with one eye and a few others to inform me that I was pregnant with your child and they planned to get rid of it." She said all in one breath and the dark lord's eyes widened as she spoke.
"What did you just say?" he said slowly seeing his two followers gapping at the girl as well.
"They said I was pregnant and did a test to determine the father and you were it. Since I've never been with anyone else and I've been sicker then crap for days now I think I believe them." She said and Voldemort stared at her for several minutes.
"How did you escape?" The dark haired male ask from her right.
"They shot a spell at me when I informed then they wouldn't be holding me captive but apparently the baby is a little protective and powerful already and conjured a shield giving me the out I needed to run. I didn't stop running until I ran into blondie here." She said waving to Lucius who gave her a slight glare at the name but said nothing.
"Do you know who it was that was holding you captive?" Voldemort ask sitting back in his chair trying to take this all in.
"I have no idea. I heard the name Albus and I think they called him Dumbledore as well. There was a male with one fake eye ball, a black bald male, red headed women and older women with a strict looking face." She said and he nodded.
"The order then. How did they know you were there?" he ask and she shrugged.
"I vomited on one of them and the healer called the old man when she saw the results. I heard as I was waking that they had been trying to cast termination spells at me as I was asleep but the baby must have protected me." She said placing her hand on her stomach as the dark lord's eyes narrowed in anger.
"I'm going to fucking kill that fucking old man painfully." He hissed standing and pacing the floor. Bella watched him walk back and forth for a few minutes as he tried to calm himself down. She was just glad to not be running anymore and she was very tired.
"Look I didn't come here to complicate your life. I didn't even know until they told me. I didn't know you were you either until today. I could care less who you are or what war's going on here but I'm keeping the baby. If you wouldn't mind just letting me rest for a day or two and I can leave after that." She said and the dark lord stopped and turned towards her.
"You think I'm going to just ignore what you just told me?" he said and she shrugged.
"I don't know. You left last time before I could wake so I took that as you didn't want to be bothered which is fine. I'm not here asking you for anything I just didn't want them to kill my baby and I thought you should know." She said and he came around the table and kneeled down in front of her. He placed his hands on her flat stomach and closed his eyes. He could feel the familiar pulse of his magic mixed with hers under her skin. His child clearly growing within.
He'd never thought he'd have a child. After his resurrection and Severus helping him get his normal body back he threw himself into winning the war. Once Potter joined to stay with his lover Draco the war turned greatly in his favor. He still never thought he'd ever have a child. He couldn't have one with a follower that just wanted to get higher status and it had been years since a witch caught his eye but she had caught his the moment she started talking to him as if he was any other wizard and to know she was carrying his heir. He couldn't quite place the emotions he was feeling right now.
"I swear to you Bella I'll do everything in my power to make sure you and our child is safe and well cared for. You are carrying my heir. My child that I never even thought I'd have. I want you both here with me." He told her and she stared at him for a while before nodding a tear falling down her face in relief.
She was showed to a guest room after that to rest by the house elf who was jumping for joy to know there was a baby on the way. She showered as she was in desperate need of one. Just before she planned to dive head first into the extremely large bed there was a knock on the door and the dark haired male from before stepped inside.
"I apologize for disturbing you I know you must want to sleep. But the dark lord would like me to check you over to insure none of your injuries still need immediate care until we can get the healer here tomorrow." He said to her and she nodded as she sat on the foot of the bed.
"What's your name?" she ask him and he looked down at her as he approached.
"Severus Snape." He told her and she nodded.
"I've studied your potions work back in school." She told him and he gave a nod as he ran his wand over her body.
"You still have a slight concussion take this it will help and it's safe to take while pregnant. The healer will give us a better understanding of everything you'll need tomorrow. Other than that you're safe to sleep for the night." He told her and she thanked him as he nodded and left heading back to his lord's office where his lover Lucius was waiting for him.
"How is she?" The dark lord ask the moment he entered the room and took a seat.
"Nothing pressing other than a slight concussion from the Vampire attack. I gave her a safe potion to take for that. Anything else can wait for the healer so we know more on what she'll need." He told his lord who nodded.
"Did she say anything? Ask for anything?" the dark lord said and Severus bit back a chuckle at how worried his lord was for this witch.
"No my lord. She ask my name and I told her. She mentioned studying my work in school in potions and that was it. She appears exhausted and is probably already asleep. Which is understandable giving the day she's had." Severus said and the dark lord nodded.
"As my two most trusted I don't think I need to say this but I will. Bella will be here for the foreseeable future if I have any say in the matter. Keeping her and the baby safe is now the most important thing now. Especially giving the order now knows. I will be a sighing constant protection for her so be prepared to be called upon. Lucius I want you to insure Narcissa is here in the morning. I want her to be Bella's healer I think she'll be more comfortable with a female as well. I will be calling your son, Potter and the Lestrange's as well as Greyback tomorrow to speak with them all on this matter." He told his two trusted followers and they both nodded.
Severus knew since he was no longer a spy having helped Potter escape that he'd be assigned as a guard and to brew all her potions as well. Both of which he was fine with. She seemed like an intelligent young witch and very important to his lord.
"I was un aware that you'd taken a lover my lord. We could have gotten to her before the order if we'd known." Lucius dared to ask.
"I haven't taken a lover Lucius. Bella was a witch I met and we had one night together before I returned here a month ago. I knew she was from America but have not contacted her since. Now I wish I had at least checked up on her." He said and they nodded and was dismissed leaving the dark lord to his thoughts.
He checked up on Bella later before he headed to bed himself. She was cocooned in a nest of blankets in a deep sleep. Voldemort watch her sleep for a few moments. She really was s stunning witch and his child growing inside her was already powerful. He felt a proud emotion bubbling up as he headed to sleep. His life effective charge in a matter of moments.