For those of you who are wondering, no, this is not a sequel or a non-canon spin-off, this is a reboot of the entire series. Same story, but refined, with less spelling mistakes, more development and better writing altogether. I hope you all enjoy.

When you are destined to make it big, there are often signs along the way, hinting to your eventual rise to whatever top you strive for. Whether that be an abnormally huge iq, a unique personality, or a special ability no one else possesses.

"I'm sorry mam, but according to our diagnostics, it would appear as though your child is... well how do I sugarcoat this? Power-deficient? Non-special? Pressed skip in the character creation screen? Quirkless. Your son in quirkless."

Or in this case, a lack there of.

"M-mom? I can still be a hero... right?" Asked a young, teary-eyed Izuku.

"O-of course Izuku! I'm sure you can! You'll be a great hero, just like your dad!" His mother replied.

Izuku never met his father, but his mother always brings the hero subject back to him. apparently, he was one of the world's first quirkless heroes. Sure, he was just a late bloomer and developed fire breath later on, but she still emphasizes on how much of a great man he is.

"Will I ever g-get to meet him one day?" Asked Izuku, wiping off his tears, "Is he still working overseas."

"Of course Izuku, you'll get to meet him soon enough!" Inko replied, smiling through her own tears.

Yet despite all her words of reassurement, Izuku always felt as though she was hiding something. Still, it gave him hope, and that's all he needed.

Years later...

"Oi Deku! What'cha doing?" A grown up Bakugou stared down at him.

"Oh... uh... Kacchan, hi... I was just... uh..." Izuku mumbled, clutching his notebook. It was her mother's birthday gift to him, It even came with two built in bookmarks that were shaped like All Might's signature hair.

"Gimme that!" Bakugou snatched his notebook right out of his palm.

"Hey! give that back!" Izuku cried.

"Why?" Bakugou said in a sadistic fashion, "Aren't we friends?"

"I know what you're gonna do! Give that back before I-"

"Before you what?" Bakugou cut him off. Two other guys showed up, his "friends" probably.

"well look at that! This kid wants to be a hero!" Bakugou yelled out loud as everyone in the classroom laughed in unison.

"Isn't he that quirkless pipsqueak?" Someone in the crowd laughed.

"And won't you look at that? He actually sketched a hero costume in here!" Laughed another.


This is normally where Izuku would fight back, thrashing. But he has been laughed at and beat up so many times that he was used to it at this point. Instead, he just raised his arms helplessly as the crowd pelted him with erasers and crumbled up candy bar wrappers.

"Listen Deku." Katsuki called out, grabbing Izuku by shoulder, his fists sizzling with fire and Izuku's uniform started to emit black smoke, "Don't bother with this hero business and just go find a hole to die in, okay?" he said, with a menacing smile and in a eerily calm tone.

And Izuku nearly pissed himself at Katsuki's aggressiveness, the blond student took his notebook, blasting it to smithereens in front of him and tossing the remains out the window. Izuku, letting out an exasperated gasp, ran out to the window, in hopes that the notebook was still intact. While this happened, the rest of the classroom left, as class was soon dismissed to the sound of the bell.

"Oi, don't you think you're being a little hard on him Katsuki?" Asked one of the students.

"Like anyone would care what happens to that insignificant piece of crap." Katsuki laughed back, "Besides, if were actually smart..."

Izuku turned around, overhearing Katsuki.

"Then he could just take a dive off the building and be born with a quirk in his next life." Katsuki laughed.

Izuku, angered, lunged at him, only to freeze in fear as Katsuki ignited sparks in his hands.

"Yeah? Were you gonna do something?" Katsuki asked sadistically.

"My...My dad made it as a pro hero while he was still quirkless! So you're wrong!" Izuku yelled out, despite his mom telling him to keep that a secret for reasons beyond him.

"Oh? your old man? A quirkless hero? Don't make me laugh." Katsuki replied, "Where is he anyways? You always use him as an excuse yet we never hear about him."

"T-that's because he works overseas! I may not met him before but he..."

"Is a miserable failure that your old hag refuse to admit." Katsuki cut off, grabbing him by the neck and picking him up, "Listen here Deku, the only two reasons why a man stays away from his own family for so long is either because he's actually having an affair behind your mom's back or that he's dead."

"Let me g-go Kacchan." Izuku uttered, as Katsuki dragged him towards the open window.

"Hey, Bakugo... what are you doing?" Asked some of his classmates.

Katsuki ignored said classmates, instead slamming Izuku against the wall, knocking the wind of of him.

"And honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if it were the latter, because nowadays, someone quirkless..." Said Katsuki, opening the window.

"Somebody help me..." Izuku cried, looking at the teacher, who was on his phone, not even acknowledging what was going on.

"IS BETTER OFF DEAD!" Katsuki yelled out, throwing Izuku out the window.

"Bakugo! What have you done?! You could have killed him!" The other classmates yelled out.

"So?" Katsuki retorted, nonchalantly, "One less worthless piece of shit in the world, big deal."

"This is too messed up, even for you!" They added.

"Well then, what are you gonna do about it?" Katsuki asked, giving them a killer glare, as shivers ran down their spines.

"Huh? Something happen?" Asked the teacher.

The other students looked at the teacher, then back at Katsuki, who was giving them the dead stare.

"N-nothing sir..." They muttered, too scared to tell him what happened as Katsuki passed them.

"That's what I thought."

Izuku struggled to get back up. Miraculously, he landed in the dumpster, the trash breaking his fall, but also soaking him in a cold, dark green sludge who's mere smell made him wish the fall had dealt some kind of damage his olfactory cortex. Trying to get up, he found his notebook, or what's left of it, in his right hand. Charred and burnt up, he clenched onto it, trying not to cry. He failed.

On his way back, the words of Katsuki resonated within him, as he felt his insecurities swelling and weighing him down like a ball and chain. However, his period of moping was interrupted, as a greenish sludge attacked him out of the blue, encasing him in it's goopy body and attempting to enter every orifice of his body.

"Oi kid! You wouldn't have seen my wallet by any chance, have you!? You tiny burglar!" The sludge man yelled out in rage, "Can't a homeless sewer waste guy enjoy his dumpster nap without kids landing on them and snatching their wallets!?"

Looking to what he initially thought were the charred remains of his notebook, Izuku quickly realized that what he was holding was in fact, a very old and moldy wallet.

"I-I sor-"


Suddenly, both parties heard a third voice nearby. Just then, for a brief moment, Izuku saw a glimpse of his very idol, before a giant fist covered his field of view.


A massive gust of wind followed suit. When Izuku came back to the realm of conscience, he saw that the sludge man was defeated and trapped in an empty soda bottle and that the one responsible for said feat was non other than the living legend of the hero world, the symbol of piece himself.

"A-A-A-All might?" Izuku uttered in awe.

"Ha ha ha! Never fear kid, for I am here!" All Might called out in booming laughter, "In case you're in need of an autograph, i couldn't seem to find any notebooks on you, but your wallet did just fine."

"My... wallet?" Izuku asked, noticing that the sludge man's wallet was still in his hand, and that All Might had signed the front of it.

"Well, I'd love to stick around, but I've got places to be. You're quite lucky, not many kids have the bragging rights of being saved by me, in fact, some rich kids even pay other people to attack them just so I can save them. So cherish this moment." Said All Might, as he walked off, seemingly in a hurry, "Goodbye! Little fan!"

"Wait!" Izuku yelled out, grabbing onto his ankle, "Blblblblis Wahahahat'z Hiuuuuus! (Translation: This is that guy's wallet!)"

"Kid!? Let go! You're gonna make me..." All Might called out, before coughing out a handful of blood, "Damn..."

While Izuku's encounter with All Might was still underway, Katsuki and a few of his goons left the convenience store below where All Might leaped off from.

"Katsuki, don't you think you went a little overboard there?" Asked one of his classmates, smoking a cigar.

"Hey, it's his fault for being born quirkless." Replied Katsuki, kicking over a can, which flew into a little kid's face, knocking him over.

"Owie..." The little kid cried, as his nosebleed.

"You're in my way! Fuck off." Katsuki hissed, as he proceeded to kick the kid out of his path.

"Jeez, what's with you today, Katsuki? You're a lot more of an asshole than usual." Said his classmate, blowing smoke into the face of said kid.

"Kid just reminded me of Deku." Replied the blond haired teen, "With his beady eyes, full of stupid dreams. It pisses me off." He ranted, before turning around, "And quit smoking, if we get caught, it's going on my record too."

However, his two other classmates froze in fear. Not because of Katsuki, rather, because of something behind him.


"I'm sorry kid..." Said the shriveled up shell that once was the top hero, "I know you mean well, but people like you really aren't cut out for this kind of job."

Izuku froze at the revelation. It was shocking enough to find All Might in his true form, but now, it seemed as though his entire world was crumbling down on him. Tear ran down his face, as he tried to find the right words, trying to say anything, whether it would be in denial, despair, desperation. But all that could come out with soundless gasps. He didn't want to admit it, but it seemed as though Katsuki, whether he liked it or not, was right about him.

"Hey, if it makes you feel any better, I heard that U.A. accept quirkless into their general education department. Maybe you could find work as a police officer or something. But please, don't tell anyone about what you saw, okay?" Said All Might, heading towards the roof exit.

"Wait!" Izuku cried out, "I-I-I have a friend, well, not friend, more like... person I knew since childhood who told me quirkless people are completely worthless at this day and age. Is that true? Am I really that worthless?" Asked Izuku, trying his best not to burst into tears for the fifth time today.

A shadow loomed over All Might's eyes.

"I really can't answer that..."

"Please say it ain't so All Might!" Izuku begged, even more desperate than before.

"Please just shut up and leave me be..." All Might replied, his fists clenched and shaking.

"I don't want to be a useless person! I want to change this world for the better!" Izuku called out.

"Then you shouldn't have been born quirkless!" All Might snapped at him, reverting to his muscular form, only this time, he wasn't smiling, "Know your place kid! Look around you! Do you really think you ever had a chance to make it big in this world?! Be a little realistic and give up, will you!?"

Never had Izuku seen All Might in such an imposing form. The aggression emanating off of him, making his legs shake in fear. That sight, it was just like Katsuki's.

"He's the same..." Izuku thought, "He's no different from the rest of them."

Suddenly, All Might reverted back to his previous form, only this time, his face seemed a lot more wracked with guilt.

"I-I'm sorry if I'm being harsh." Said All Might, in a scornful tone, "But if it makes you feel any better, I was never that much of a hero myself to begin with. I hope to never see your face again. Goodbye, kid."

As All Might left the stairs, Izuku turned the other way, heading towards the edge of the building. All of the emotions he was suppressing until then swelled up, ripping into the walls of his sanity. As minutes passed, he knew All Might was long gone. Just like that, he snapped.

"DAMN IT AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!" Izuku yelled for what felt like hours. His fists, clenched so hard that blood came out, as he collapsed, punching the ground until his fists were bloody.

While this happened, All Might walked down the streets of the Yokohama shopping district, feeling guilty for what he did. What pushed him to act that way?

"I should really apologize to the kid." All Might muttered to himself, "It's not his fault yet I snapped at him."

Looking at his scar, a sudden flashback came to him.

"Take a good look, all of you! All For One, Destro, even the Shirogane family, all your years, shaping this world into what it is today shall be all for nothing! Witness this world's rebirth!"

An injured All Might, on the near verge of death watched the ominous figure looming over him, as a massive beam of light that pierced the clouds formed white cracks in the sky over a rather secluded island near Okinawa.

Everything that happened after those event are a blur in All Might's memory. Almost like a traumatic moment, all he could remember of that event were two things: that man was not All For One, and he was quirkless.

As Izuku walked home over twenty minutes after his mental breakdown, he hoped for nothing more than to leap into the arms of his caring mother and having a lovely home cooked meal. Then again, Katsuki might be right about what happened to his father, so he needed to ask her about him as well. But honestly, Izuku just wanted for the day to be over with, and for it to be nothing more than a distant nightmare tomorrow.

Just then, screams wrung out over the street he was passing by. looking over, he noticed the sludge villain from earlier.

"A villain attack!" Yelled some of the civilians, as pro heroes struggled to subdue the now rampaging villain.

"WalLeT!!" Yelled the sludge villain, "NeED... WALLET!"

"You're far past the bargaining stage villain!" The heroes yelled back, "Now surrender quietly and this can all be resolved without violence."


"What could be in this wallet that he needs so badly anyways?" Thought Izuku, taking the moldy wallet out of his pocket, "All it has are a few bus tickets, expired condoms, 1200 yen and this... ruined business card?"

He took a good look at the business card, there was something written at the back.

"Some kind of address?"

Just then, loud explosions distracted him before he could fully react in time.

"Wait, explosions? But that would mean." Izuku thought, running to the front, "Kacchan!"

He saw him, Katsuki, writhing about in agony, struggling with the sludge villain. He looked so helpless and pathetic, it was almost cathartic to Izuku. In any normal cases, he would have tried something, anything to help him. But now, all he wanted to do, was laugh.

"He he he..." Izuku chuckled.

"Hey, what's so funny about this?" Asked some of the people in the crowd.

"N-No it's just... He ha ha ha... ha ha ha... It's ha ha HA HA..." Izuku tried to retort, but he couldn't contain his laughter.

Suddenly, he felt a stinging pain, as one of the civilians dragged him far away from the crowd and into an alleyway, beating the crap out of him.

"You wanna laugh, do it in a hospital!" Yelled the group of men.

"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Izuku laughed hysterically.

As the group of men beat him to a pulp, they got tired and left, as the Villain was later subdued thanks to the arrival of Endeavor, who was just passing by.

"Mad..." Izuku muttered.

"What was that?" The group of men asked, turning around, still pissed off.

"This world... so mad..." Izuku uttered, bloody and covered in dirt and bruises, "It's hilarious... ha ha..."

"Oh hilarious is it?" Asked the man, grabbing a nearby by rusted crowbar, "Then I bet your funeral will be a laughing stock!"

"Hey, chill man!" Said one of that guy compatriots.

"Shut it, crazy kids piss me off. If they don't belong in an asylum, then they are better off dead."

Izuku looked at the three of them. Once again, Katsuki and his goons came to mind.

"Deja Vu..." Izuku muttered.

The man lifted his crowbar, ready to smash Izuku's head in like a watermelon. Suddenly, a shadow loomed in, and for a brief moment, Izuku saw a dash of silky, blond hair. Just then, the three men were dead, their throats slit with 28 stab wounds, each.

Before Izuku could tell what happened, the figure, which he could deduce was a girl, walked up to him, revealing what seemed like a sailor uniform.

"You... You're cute." The girl said in a flirtish way.


"Hey! What's going on here?" Asked a random cop, "Who are you?"

"Boo! You cops are no fun." The girl called back, before disappearing into the shadows.

As more cops arrived, they let out a gasp in horror. They immediately picked Izuku up, calling an ambulance as Izuku was transported to a nearby hospital.

It was around 8:00 pm when the police pulled up to Inko's home. Having learned the news, the woman rushed to the hospital at so quickly, the police that were meant to escort her got to the hospital only 30 minutes after she did, despite the fact that she ran there on foot and they were in a police cruiser.

"Izuku!" Inko cried out, "My baby! Where are you!?"

"Ma'am, I can take you there, so please be patient." A nurse ran in, holding two bucket below Inko to catch all the tears flooding from her, one for each eye.

As Inko was finally allowed into Izuku's room, she saw that Izuku was covered in bandages and unconscious.

"Who did this?" Inko was, still in tears.

"We are not quite sure yet." Replied the nurse, "There are reports of a certain serial killer roaming these parts. Some suspect it was her. I assure you, the police are working extra hard to catch this criminal."

"I don't care about the criminal, I only want Izuku to be okay!" Inko cried back, shaking the nurse.

"His injuries are not as severe as you might think. It's all superficial. In fact, he will be dispatched tomorrow if all goes well." Said the nurse.

Hearing this, Inko let out a sigh of relief, as she sat next to Izuku's bed, singing a soothing melody, one he hasn't sung for years.

"All you need is love is all you need..."

Memories of the first time her husband sang this song to her flooded her minds. Suddenly, a fear loomed over her, as she suddenly remembered what happened all those years ago. Holding the hand of his only son, she whispered to him.

"You will always be my baby... I love you Izuku..."

To be Continued...