All the companies had accomplished their objective. Darui 's company had taken care if kinagaku and ginkaku the gold and sliver brothers of the cloud . The ino shika cho has taken care of asuma sarutobi. Kakashi and his co.pany had taken care of the former seven ninja swordsmen of the mist along with the scorch user pakura and the explosive style user of the stone. The commander in chief gaara and ohonki had sealed off the 4th kazekage, 3rd Raikage , 2nd mizukage and the 2nd tsuchikage . Gaara was on his way to the last company facing madara uhicha. He wondering " who threw that justu at the former raikage it wasnt the fourth since he isnt a wind style user ... so who could it be "? Madara and obito stood on top of the ten tails. When suddenly madara started shining. Ohonki said " what's going on "?! He said" it seems that the reanimation justu has been released so it looks like you have capable shinobi at your side too". Mei said " but how we havent even loacted kabuto yet and who could have defated him"?
At some unknown loaction. Few minutes ago
Itachi had used tsukuyomi on kabuto who was utterly defeated and itachi with his sharingan used him to release the reanimation jutsu. Sasuke said " so i guess this goodbye once again nii san". Itachi said" yeah i suppose it is". He said " reanimation jutsu release ". He said " i have shown you everything i must say you ahve grown sasuke to think you would accpet help of others"? He said " well when madara told me what you have been through i was furious wanted to destroy everything but then 'that guy' told me how you suffered and my actions will only make you suffer you more i will maintain peace from the shadows just like you itachi". Itachi slowly walked towards sasuke and brought his hand to push his head to touch his own and said " thank you sasuke ". He disappeared. He said " lets go its time to finish the war once and for all ".
Ay said " then why isn't he disappearing"? The uhicha said " tell the castor to never use a forbidden justu without understanding it completely". He weaved some signs and said " reanimation justu release ". He said " now then whta will you do now "? The three kage stood infront of the ten tails. The legendary uhicha said " i wanted to be revived completely not just by reanimation". Obito said " yes well some unfortunate circumstances caused this ". He said " well that can be dealt with later on however right now its seems thaat the 8 and 9 tails are still not sealed"? He said " the eights tails is infront of us and the nine tails is under my command we can extract the nine tails whenever we want ". He said " i see". The 3 kages where almost out of chakra the enemy attacked wood spikes and knly thing they saw was sand infront of them ". A redhead saud " looks like i made it in time ". Ay said " kazekage ". Ohonki said " look eveyone is here". Obito said " they just keep on coming well no matter they all will end up like me at some point ". His eyes widened as he saw madara's hand crush his heart ". He said " Didn't i teach you to never let your gaurd down "? He said " why...". He fell down and coughed some blood . He said " to end the cycle of hatred ". Obito eyes widened in suprise and said " wha... who...are"? He fell. Minato said " what just happened "? Ohonki said " he killed his own comrade". They smoke around the uhicha the fence sitter eyes widened as he saw 5 people around madara and he recognised on eif them said " no way its deidara "?!!!!! Gaara said " i thought you died how are you alive ...sasori "? Minato saw " its sasuke and the akatsuki"he saw a blue hared woman and red haired man wearing akatsuki cloak. Madara said " took you guys long enough ". He puffed to smoke and shocked everyone . Out of the smoke cam out a certain blond. Mei said " wait is that ... naruto"? He said " hear me the fourth ninja is over ". Ay said " what do you mean you started this war and now you say its over "?!!!! He said " we started this to end cycle of hatred and bring peace". Gaara said " stop messing around this war has brought a lot of casaulties and deaths do you thnk we can let you get away with this in the name kf peace "?!!!!! He said " i am sorry but the deaths yoy speak of are not dead ". Inoichi from the sensory unit said " its true all the sead are coming back to life ". He said " we declare here that we are no longer mercenaries and we will maintain peace throughout the shinobi world from the shadows". They all disappeared.
After weeks the five kage were sitting silently as they heard footsteps. The room was entered by naruto namikaze. He sat on the chair and said " i suppose you must have figured out what happened "? Gaara said " yiu went through all this trouble to end the war"? Ay said " let's say we accept what you did but whhat will you do about the damage akatsuki had already caused "? He said " well actually all the jinchuuriki are separated from their bijuu and have returned to their village and the failed beasts are free to go where they want as to repay the damage he took out a scroll and said " this contains the remaining seven ninja swords of the mist ". " Deidara and sasori are helping train the shinobi in the stone and sand". " nagato and konan with sasuke are takjng care of the damage and eliminating all zetsu". He said " in exchange for this we wish to to have our group some rights". Minato said " what kind of rights"? He said " allow sasuke to be forgiven and allow him to investigate your villages to eliminate all zetsu who are still hidden ". " To be a separate group who doesnt take orders from anyone and moves of its own free will ". He looked at five . Minato said " very well your rights are approved ".
In the leaf. A purple head woman was sittinng and looking at the moon. She said " you are still here "? She turned to see her husband standing there. He said " just wanted to pick few things and say final goodbyes". She said " cut the crap ". She walked towards himand pulled his collar and said " you threw away your home , your friends, me, to bring peacr that you have no idea will ever last "? He said " that's why we are to ensure that it lasts ". He said " i understand what you are going through yugao and i told you i will sacrific anything to achieve dream i only imagined "? She let go of the collar . She let out tears and said " y...yo...u idoi...t y...ou ...had to ...take every...thing on your...self...i resented you for leaving me in a way i didnt even try to understand your motive what kind of ninja am i "? He said " yugao ...i...don't deserve to even hear your words after all i did any sane person would have broken all connections ". " we do what we must do yugao i did what i did ". He said " although will you hear my last selfish request"? She looked up and wiped away her tears. She shut him up as she sealed off his mouth with her own. His was taken aback but gladly accepted her . They looked at each other and couldn't move away their noses rubbed she wanted to kiss him again to feel the on thing that calmed her . How she had missed her blond idoit. He closed their distance furthur as thier heads touched giving her the warmth . He looked at her eyes and said " thank you ". " i don't even have to say it i knew i was right when i picked you ". He kissed her forehead lightly and said " goodbye yugao". She didn't let go. She said " please naruto ". He said " don't yugao ". She said " why"? He said " cause then i wont be able to leave you ". She said " baka ...". She claimed his lips as he slowly pulled away. She said " will we meet again "? She mingled her hand with his own. He said " we will ". She said " just for a few ...". He said " sure ".
How that okay guys i will release one more chapter as epilogue i hope you enjoyed m y story.