Title: Sacrifice Born From Love
Author: TrinityTheSheDevil
Archive: Just ask.
Rating: R for a few things. Lots of angst included.
Disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters, even tho I would really like to. sighs and floats off to a dreamworld
The song included throughout the fanfic, Sacrifice Born From Love, is Copyright © TrinityTheSheDevil 2003.
Summary: With the sacrifice of one, a family falls apart. Can Legolas bring them all back together before they self destruct?
Thanks to Karine, who beta'd this for me!

EDIT! April 27th, 2005! Due to taking down fics / accounts because of song lyrics, I feel the need to paste this onto every chapter since there have been people to ask who wrote the poetry in this fic. They're MINE. I wrote them! Which is why you see the copyright © TrinityTheSheDevil on them.

"Don't weep over me brother,
I'm not there to catch your tears.
Don't weep over me brother,
I'll be in your heart forever, don't fear.
My gift to you was a sacrifice born from love,
And if you ever need me, just look above."

It wasn't suppose to be like this. The accident was never supposed to happen. It wasn't anybody's fault really, but emotions ran high and fingers were pointed. Words that never should have been said were spoken.

Legolas sat back on his heels, and picked the weeds off of the tombstone he was sitting in front of.

"Why did you have to die?"

One simple question. Too bad the answer wasn't just as simple.

-One Month Ago-

"I swear, I had nothing to do with the horse!" Aragorn laughed, and ducked as his brother swung at him again.

"Yeah right! I suppose the Magic Paint Fairy just swooped down last night and painted my horse green!" Elladan lunged at his brother, who was currently hiding behind Elrohir.

"Do you think?" Aragorn asked seriously, before cracking up again.

Elrohir rolled his eyes as his brothers continued their fighting. They would never really grow up. And for that, he was thankful. The younger twin wouldn't have them any other way. Elrohir had to laugh now, as Aragorn was currently using Legolas as a shield, much to the Mirkwood elf's dismay.

Looking around, Elrohir took in the breath taking beauty that was Middle Earth. He, his brothers, and Legolas had decided to go on an outing. Things were really quite boring around Rivendell, and they all decided it would be best to get out of their father's hair for a while. Valar knows the Lord of Rivendell needed the reprieve.

Elrohir's eyes narrowed as he saw the sun glinting off something in the shadows of a nearby cliff. The others hadn't noticed it, too caught up in their horseplay. Looking closer, he noticed it was an Orc. The elf gasped when he saw the Orc had strung an arrow, and was pointing at Aragorn.

There was no time to think, no time to bellow a warning. There was only time to act. And Elrohir hoped there was enough time for that.

Giving no heed to his own safety, the younger twin ran and slammed his body into Aragorn as the arrow was released. He felt the arrow enter his throat and a white hot pain traveled through his body. Sharing a look with his human brother, he smiled. His brother was safe. Closing his eyes, Elrohir drew his last breath, and went still.

Aragorn growled as he felt Elrohir slam into him. What was the elf up to now! Turning over to glare at the younger twin, he gasped when he saw an arrow sticking out of his throat.

He watched as his brother tried to convey a million emotions and thoughts into one look. Aragorn shook his head, hardly aware that Legolas had strung an arrow and killed the Orc. This couldn't be happening.

Elrohir smiled, and his eyes closed.

"No, Elrohir! Don't do this to me! I need you!" Aragorn sobbed, and felt for a pulse. His fingers came in contact with cooling skin. But there was no beat of that elvish heart, no blood flowing through the veins.

"Ro?" Elladan feel to his knees beside his brothers.

"Elrohir?" Elladan said weakly, and looked over to Aragorn. He met tear filled eyes, and felt for a pulse himself. He would not believe his little brother was dead. He couldn't. They were supposed to be together forever!

Feeling none, Elladan let out a long mournful howl, and layed his head down on Elrohir's still chest. He lay there sobbing with Aragorn for several hours. Legolas sat just a few feet away, silent tears rolling down his cheeks, as he kept watch.

-Present Time-

"I suppose that was the moment everything started to fall apart. How we ever got back to Rivendell will remain a mystery to me. We were all wrapped up in our own grief. Elladan..." Legolas paused, and sniffed. A tear snaked its way down the elf’s cheek. "Elladan probably worse than the rest of us. It was hard for him."

Legolas picked up a dandelion, and watched the wind blow the seeds away, swirling around before disappearing out of sight.

"Look at me, you wouldn't think I would be sitting here pouring my heart out to you. But I guess I've changed. We all have." Legolas barked out what was meant to be a laugh, but ended up as a sob.

"I don't think the change was for the better..."

-One Month Ago-

"We should.." Aragorn paused as his breath caught in his throat. "We should get back home. Ada will need to know."

Legolas stood up, and helped the young ranger to his feet.

"We can use the horse to carry your brother, mellon nin." Legolas said, and walked off to find the supply horse they had brought along.

Aragorn nodded dimly. "Elladan."

The older twin didn't say anything. He had stopped crying a little while ago, and now sat staring off into space. He wouldn't, or couldn't, focus on anything. The grief was tearing him up inside.

"ELLADAN!" Aragorn lightly slapped him on the cheek.

Elladan looked upwards, his eyes so full of pain that Aragorn felt his heart clench.

"We have to get 'Ro to Ada." Aragorn's voice was no more than a whisper.

Elladan said nothing, but slowly stood up and gently cradled his twin in his arms. Legolas brought the horse over, and held Elrohir as Elladan climbed up. After handing him back to Elladan, they set off for Rivendell.

Neither Aragorn nor Legolas opposed Elladan carrying his brother back. It was his right. They had been best friends, brothers, all their lives.

And now they were separated.

Elrond sighed and put down his pen. He had a feeling something terrible happened, but couldn't pinpoint what it was. Hearing hoof beats outside, Elrond sighed in relief. His sons were home.

Walking out the door he spread his arms to greet them, then stopped from shock. Elladan was wearily holding Elrohir, who had an arrow protruding from his throat. Elrond's breath caught in his chest. He couldn't go through this again. Losing someone he loved so dearly.

With a choked cry, he ran to the horse and pulled the younger twin down. The body was cold as ice, and there was no movement. It was true. His son was dead.

"How...how did it happen?" Elrond blinked through the tears forming in his eyes, and looked from face to face at his sons and Legolas.

"He died, saving me Ada." Aragorn sniffled. "That arrow was meant for me."

Elrond said nothing, and turned around. He slowly walked into his home. There was now a small crowd of elves trying to see what had happened, and gasping when they saw the state of their Lords son.

"Come on, Estel. We shall go clean up before we are needed." Legolas gently took Aragorn by the arm, and led him towards the bedrooms.

Elladan's glare at Aragorn went unnoticed, as the young human was too wrapped up in his own grief. That man, his so called brother, had taken the life of his twin.

The fact that it was not Aragorn's fault passed Elladan by, as he was blinded by the pain of losing his other half. He only saw death. The death of his brother, and ultimately, the death of himself. He would not be able to go on without Elrohir.

And someone would pay for the death. Be it himself, for not protecting his brother, or Aragorn, for being the cause of it.

In the end, someone would pay.

-Present Time-

"I should have seen the emotions that were going through Elladan then. I didn't, having been blinded by my grief, and the pain of everyone else." Legolas sighed, and threw the flower stem away.

"Elladan wasn't the only one to have negative emotions on that level. Aragorn, Elrond...and even myself experienced them. Valar, we're still experiencing them. I'm very worried about Aragorn. He's been very depressed lately, along with being injured, and hasn't been himself at all. I just hope he doesn't do something irreparable."

Legolas looked upwards. "I wish you were here Elrohir. You were much better at keeping this family together than I."

Reviews welcome:)