Hi 👋 Potter fans, I am 🆕 here and I hope that you like my story and all review are accepted


Important note to tell you all readers, viewers and reviewers, I will post the chapters of this story slowly because I am writing the story and DaCatOfAdventure correct it and helps me alot so please wait patiently for the chapters of this story


Do they really love me?

Here the story starts

In a dark cell, a seventeen year old girl was sitting on the floor, staring blankly at the moon. She was wearing grey and black prison clothes, smiling sadly. A dementor passed by, and she felt cold and a flash of guilt arise inside of her. She knew why she was here, she had committed a crime against her family. However, she was not ashamed of what she did, just revisiting memories of her parents and cousin, whom she hated with her entire heart. Because of him, she lost everything. She knew what she was thinking was unfair, but she did not care about it even a bit. If he hadn't been there, she would have not hurt her parents. Her thoughts were interrupted as the bright moon was blocked by a shadow of a person.

"Don't you want to greet your uncle?" Lucius asked.

She stared at him blankly and Lucius removed his hood from his head, smiling at her kindly.

"Why did you do that to them?"

She looked at his face blankly and did not answer his question. Lucius took a deep breath and looked his niece in the eye, "I have a trial for you. Narcissa is very worried, and Draco was admitted to come here and see you.

Still, she did not say anything, staring at him blankly.

"Sirius was trying to get you a trial with me, and Snape has been trying to find a antidote for the potion you gave to your parents," Lucius said, "You made a very strong potion, the antidote you gave to Snape is not working.

Still, she didn't say a word, so Lucius continued, "You are coming with me right now so that you can fix everything"

She smile sadly, looking down at the ground for a moment. "What is there to fix?" she asked, "They choose him over me, so it would be good if they forget me."

"Albus told me to bring you, and Snape needs your help with the antidote."

"Get Hermione Granger."

"Destiny, don't joke about something serious like this!"

"Granger can make any potion..."

"She couldn't do it."

"Then I can't do it either! If she can't, then how could I?"

"You like it or not, I am taking you home now," Lucius said.

"I'm not going anywhere, don't waste your time." Destiny said stubbornly, turning away from him.

Lucius turned toward the guard.

"Don't!" She yelled angrily.

The Azkaban guard opened the cell and Lucius took her hand, leading her to the office.

"Are you sure, sir, that you want to take her out with you?" The man in the office asked uncertainly.

"Yes, I have the papers here," Lucius took out a small stack of papers and put them on the desk, "Kingsley Shacklebolt signed them himself."

"It doesn't look like she wants to go with you."

Lucius turned around slightly to look behind himself and saw Destiny trying to free herself, glaring daggers at him.

"How much long will it take, Hunter?"

"Sir, you have to bring her back here after your work is done..."

Hunter checked the papers, making sure everything was in order.

"You can take her now, but remember my words."

"I don't want to go anywhere!" Destiny yelled, tugging her arm away from him, using all of her weight to lean backwards while prying away at his fingers.

Lucius ignored her.

"Thank you very much, Hunter."

Lucius took Destiny outside and pushed her into a boat, "Be quiet."

Destiny sat angrily, facing away from Lucius, who waved his wand to make the boat move.

Then, he gave Destiny an extra wand that he had been carrying.

"I'm a criminal, I can't have a wand," Destiny said, in a tone of voice that just screamed, duh.

Lucius told her to take it, so she did, feeling a familiar and nostalgic flood of warmth from her hand.

The wand chooses the wizard or witch

Destiny remembered what core her wand was, a unicorn tail hair and dragon heartstring core, blackthorn wood, and fifteen inches long. She was so lost in the past that she missed almost the entire ten-minute boat ride to the Black-Potter house.

"Who is in the house?" Destiny asked, turning to look at Lucius for the first time since they left.

"I don't know. When I went to pick you up, Sirius, Remus, and their wives were there with Albus, Snape, and McGonagall.

"I hope I don't see that stupid chosen boy for once," Destiny grumbled, crossing her arms.

Destiny and Lucius entered the house and immediately two people and an elf hugged Destiny. Destiny headr a familiar woman's voice say, "You're back, Destiny."

"Mistress! Oh, my kind hearted mistress is back to Angel Elfle, now Elfle won't let her mistress go anywhere but home!"

A boy spoke, "I am glad that you are back with us. Don't worry about anything sis, father will make everything alright."

Destiny hugged them and said, "I'm sorry I lost it, I couldn't take it anymore."

"No princess," Narcissa said, kissing Destiny's forehead, "it's not your fault, everyone loses their temper sometimes, it's natural."

"You bottled up your feelings for a long time, so it just came out in the wrong way," the boy comforted.

"I know," Destiny said sadly, "Where are they?"

"In their room," the elf told her, "Everyone is there."

"Let's go."

Destiny looked around, seeing a photo on the wall and went to her parents room with the Malfoys and the elf behind her. When she opened the door, immediately a boy started to shout at her, "How dare you come back to this house after what you did to your parents?!"

Destiny ignored him as always and looked at her parents. Her parents were sitting on the bed, reading a book, and when she cleared her throat they looked up, not recognizing her.

"Mr. Adam Alexander Black and Mrs. Grace Hope Potter-Black, do you recognise me in any way?" Destiny asked.

"I'm sorry, but I don't know you. My wife might."

"No, I don't recognize you," Grace said.

Destiny smiled sadly, splitting into five more of herself, "Do you guys remember them?"

"No," Grace said like it was obvious, "who are they and who are you?"

"We are your daughters."

"No," Adam denied, "it can't be. Grace and I didn't want a child and we didn't have one, our one and only child is Harry, whom they adopted after the downfall of Voldemort

"They are Mia, Tisha, Hazel, Evika and Alvina Black, do you remember them?" Destiny asked again.


"It worked!" Mia, one of the five girls that had appeared, said.

"Completely worked."

"What did you do to them?!" The boy who had been yelling before asked angrily.

"Shut the fuck up, Harry James Potter, or you will regret it for the rest of your life."

"What did you do to them?!" Harry asked again.

One of the other girls spoke casually, "They did not want us and they replaced us with you, so we gave them a powerful forgetfulness potion that we made ourselves."

"Why did you do it?" Sirius said from an armchair near the window.

"Asking us like you don't know Mr. Black," Hazel, one of the five that had appeared said.

"Stop calling me like that for fucking heaven's sake!"

"Whatever." Evika spoke, rolling her eyes.

"What did you call us here for?"

Snape spoke next, "You gave me the antidote but it wasn't working, I didn't understand at first, but now I do." "We are not going to make the antidote," one of the girls protested. "If you don't, you may sent to Azkaban again."

"We don't care about it!"

"I don't want a bright student to rot away in Azkaban just because of her parents' mistake!"

"We are firm in our decision," Evika said.

"Destiny, Mia, Tisha, Hazel, Evika and Alvina, don't ruin your life by letting yourself be ruled by your negative emotions," McGonagall told them sternly.

Destiny turned around to face Lucius, "Uncle Lucy, please take me back. I don't want to help them. My parents are happy now."

"That's not true!" Narcissa protested.

"Do they even remember that I exist in this house?" Destiny asked angrily, "Do they even remember my birthday? Do they even remember when was the last time they tucked me in the bed? Do they even know what I like to eat, wear and do in my free time?!" She was yelling now, "No one knows that I have feelings! Nobody invited me to Mr. Black or Mr. Lupin's wedding! I don't have any friends except you, Draco, William, Angel Elfle, Professor Snape, Samantha and Uncle Lucy..."

Destiny trailed off looking exhausted for a moment, "No one in this room knows that I even exist! It's always Harry Potter. What he wants and what he feels! Harry Potter this, Harry Potter that... I'm fed up with it all! Let it be like this forever! I'm not doing the antidote, I belong in Azkaban!"

"Sis..." Draco whispered after a moment of silence.

"Draco," Destiny said, "my feelings mean nothing. Please take me back to Azkaban, please, I beg you, or I might do something I will regret forever. What I did right now is not regrettable and I am happy for what I did for them. They don't need to remember me."

Mia, Tisha, Hazel, Evika and Alvina hugged Destiny and disappeared. Draco hugged Destiny too, and she began to cry, holding on tightly.

"Just give them the potion and you can stay with us forever. You don't have to see anyone in this room ever again," Draco said.

"Okay," Destiny said, turning to Elfle, "Get my potion set Elfle, I need your help."

"Everything is prepared, mistress."

Draco took Destiny to her room and Angel Elfle followed them. In Destiny's parents' room, Narcissa began to speak, "I warned you before. I don't blame her. I told Adam and Grace that this could happen but they continued to ignore her."

"I warned Adam and Grace to keep an eye out for Destiny..." Andy said, looking sad.

"I didn't know why Destiny changed until now. She always hated being around Adam, Grace and Harry. I tried to talk to her but she never said anything."

"I'll go check on her," Snape stood up to leave the room, and McGonagall stood up too.

"I'm coming with you, Severus."

The two went to Destiny's room. Inside, Destiny was making the antidote with Draco and Angel Elfle helping her. The teachers entered her room and McGonagall was shocked to see that the room looked exactly the same as when Destiny was two years old. The room was painted rainbow, photos of Destiny and her family hanging on the wall, and three bunk beds bought when Destiny was two. Six small chairs and a table were near the corner of the room, and McGonagall sat on one, looking at Destiny sadly.

"I don't need your sympathy," Destiny said, not looking up from the antidote.

"Why didn't you tell me anything about this?"

"I tried to get their attention and I had the Malfoy, Professor Snape and Elfle. I did not want to embarrass my so-called parents and I did not want to be seen as attention-seeking. I was already surrounded by people that could help, hear my views, thoughts, feelings and ideas. Let's go and finish this potion in front of Mr and Mrs Black."

Snape cast a featherlight charm on the cauldron to make it lighter, and Destiny carried it to her parents' room, placing it in the center. She slit into five more of herself and they each cut a small part of their hair and put it in the cauldron, adding the needed ingredients. They waited for fifteen minutes, when Harry asked, "Will it work?

"It worked on Alexander," Evika said, "so it should work on them too."

"You used the potion on my brother!" Ron yelled.

"-With my permission." Alexander cut in, stopping Ron from saying more.

"It could have backfired!"

"It did not. Shut up, Ron."

"Just because you love her doesn't mean that you do whatever she wants!" Ron continued angrily.

"Can you both stop it?" Alvina glared at them, "We might forget the main ingredient of the potion."

After five minutes Destiny, Mia, Tisha, Hazel, Evika and Alvina put their memories in the cauldron and the potion turned white.

"The potion is ready," Evika said.

Tisha put the potion in a tall glass and gave it to Destiny, who gave it to her parents.

"Drink it in one go or else it could harm you," Destiny warned.

"What type of harm?" Hermione asked curiously.

"Nothing much," Mia said, "just some mood swings and they can forget about us anytime."

Adam and Grace drank the potion in one go and felt a headache forming. A few minutes later they saw Destiny, who turned around to look at everyone else.

"They are alright." She announced.

"My head hurts like hell!" Adam complained.

"That's a good thing."

"What do you mean?" Grace asked.

"Nothing," Tisha replied.

"My work is done here. I have to go back to Azkaban now." Destiny started to leave, but Adam interrupted her, "Why do you have to go to Azkaban?"

"None of your business," Mia said rudely.

"I am your father," Adam replied.

"At last he remembered that," Evika said.

"Evika, remember that he is your father. Give him some respect," Grace reprimanded.

"Yeah!" Harry agreed.

"Stay out of it, Potter!" Tisha yelled at him.

"Tisha!" Grace reprimanded again.

"Enough!" Destiny yelled, "I have had enough of this… We should have never cured you! Even now, you both want Harry Potter! I, Destiny Hope Black, declare from now on I am no longer a daughter of Adam Alexander Black and Grace Hope Potter-Black. I won't stay with Harry, I will not protect him. I'll go against the prophecy, I don't want anyone to find me! I hate you both! I hate every single person in this room!"

Destiny looked at Harry, "You won, Harry James Potter. My parents are yours now."

Destiny was about to leave again, but Hermione grabbed her hand.

"Let me go, Hermione!"

"You need us and we need you! You once told me that we need each other, no matter the situation. You just need someone to hear your feelings and trust you. We need to lean on each other's shoulder. You were always there for us and, true, we did not try to help you whenever you needed us. We want you to stay!"

"Let's help them," Alvina said, "but we are not going to stay here."

"Hermione," Destiny spoke, "I don't trust anyone in this room except you, Ginny and Alexander. You three were there for me. I'm so exhausted with everything. I wanted a normal family life, it never happened, but the Malfoy accepted me as their own daughter. For me, they have been my family since I was six years old. I gave up on my parents. I will help but I'm leaving. Elfle, let's go home"

"Yes, mistress."

"Draco," Lucius said, "stay with her until we come home."

"Yes, father."

"Elfle," Narcissa told the elf, "feed her something."

"Yes, mistress." Destiny's sisters disappeared and Elfle held Draco and Destiny's hands.

"Can I come with you?" Ginny asked quietly.


"Floo, say Draco's room." Destiny said quickly.

"I will be there in few minutes with Alexander and Hermione."

Elfle disapparated with Destiny and Draco.

"Ginny have you lost your bloody mind?!" Ron yelled, "She is dangerous and she won't think twice before hurting you!"

"I trust her, Ron! I know her much better than you. Mom and dad wouldn't accepted her as Alexander's girlfriend if she was dangerous."

"She has completely brainwashed you!"

"Ron, just because she is friends with Draco and his family does not mean that she is evil! You and Harry did not give her a chance to tell us how she felt and you both have been insulting and almost body shaming her in front of everybody in school. Harry, you called her a whore in front of everyone in the Yule ball. She doesn't deserve to be treated that way. You both were taking advantage of her and you both should be glad that she didn't hurt should be thanking Draco, Samantha, and Williams for keeping her calm. Come on, Alex, Ginny, Let's go!" Hermione yelled, whirling around and leaving the room as Alexander and Ginny followed her to the hall to floo. Grace asked, "Adam when was this prophecy about Destiny made?"

Everyone turned to face her, shocked.

Adam took a deep breath and began to speak slowly, "When you were six months pregnant with our daughter... When my great-grandmother was dying she said that our daughter would protect Harry until she died."

"Why you fucking didn't tell me?!"

"You were already having a hard time with the pregnancy, I didn't want to worry you more with the prophesy.

"Why you did not tell me till now?"

"I did not know how to bring up the topic…"

"I can't fucking believe that you hid something with this much importance. Who else knows about the prophecy?" Grace asked, turning to everyone in the room.

"No one, not even Siri."

Grace looked at Sirius.

"I didn't know anything until now," Sirius said.

"Does Dumbledore know about this?" Grace asked, looking at Adam for a second before turning to Albus.

"I didn't know," he said.

"What did Destiny do to us, and why did she shout about curing me and Grace?" Adam asked.

"She gave you and Grace something to drink and you guys forgot about her completely," Sarah explained.

"She gave us a forgetfulness potion?"

"None of us know exactly what she gave you," Remus replied.

"I can only guess that she made a strong forgetfulness potion and added her secret ingredients. I am not shocked that she made this much strong potion for her age and actually used it on you both." Snape said.

"What do you mean, Severus?" Ted Tonks asked.

"She is one of my favourite and brightest students and my assistant after school hours. She used to ask me lots of questions about potions and how to make them stronger but I did not know what she was doing. Once, she asked me what can she do to strengthen the forgetfulness potion, but I thought that she was just asking out of curiosity. When she told me how to make the antidote, she did not give the secret ingredients so the potion did not work."

"So that's what she was doing during her summer holidays!" Narcissa exclaimed.

"What?" Adam asked her.

"She was working on a potion during her summer holidays for the last two years. . She always used to do something so we did not give it too much attention."

"When is her trial?" Grace asked.

"A week later." Lucius said.

"It's all my fault," Adam lamented, "I should have not neglected her…"

"What's the point of blaming now? Let's prepare for the trial and hope that everything goes well."

"But aunty-" Harry started, but Grace interrupted him.

"Harry, she's my daughter and I can't see her in Azkaban because of my mistakes!"

"I'll help," Sirius offered.

"No…" Adam said, "It's our mistake, so Grace and I should fix it ourselves once and for all. I know it's going to be hard to win her trust now, but I can't live with a guilt of losing her."

"We want Molly, Arthur, and Severus to help." Grace told them.

"Help with what?"

"You guys know Destiny much better than Adam and I, so we want some memories from you, it might help us a lot."

"Arthur and I would love to help you with anything relating to Destiny," Molly told her.

"Thank you, Molly," Adam and Grace said in unison.

"Alrighty, let's get into the work!' Adam said, standing up straighter.

Grace - I will get the pensieve and Adam I mainly want to see the prophecy of our daughter

Adam - Yes Grace

Lucius and Narcissa - We will leave now and we will meet you afterwards

Adam and Grace - OK

Narcissa and Lucius used the floo to go home. In Draco's room, Destiny was laying on Draco's king size bed and staring at the ceiling. Suddenly her view was disturbed by her boyfriend who kissed her on the lips. Destiny did not respond, but hugged him and asked, "How are they?"

"They're fine. What about you?" Alexander asked.

"Betrayed as usual,"

Destiny remarked, "and I missed you"

"I missed you too."

Draco groaned loudly, "Can you both please stop it already?"

"Get lost. What happened after I left?" Destiny asked.

"Arguments," Ginny said.

"About?" Draco asked.

Hermione answered, "Harry and Ron didn't want us to come here."

"Potter and Weasley need to sort out their priorities. Potter should really get away from Destiny's parents and leave Destiny alone."

"Draco," Destiny said sternly, "let it go. I disowned my parents, let Harry be happy with them."

Angel Elfle entered the room with tea, snacks and dinner for Destiny. Lucius and Narcissa arrived by floo. They hugged Destiny and kissed her cheeks and head. William also arrived by floo and said, "I'm so glad that you're back home."

"I sent him an owl when we got home," Draco explained.

"What actually happened?" William asked, "I sent Samantha an owl too."

"I don't wanna talk about it," Destiny said.

"Okay, let's talk about the new school year!" William suggested.

"I don't know if I could come to school anymore," Destiny told him.

"Don't worry about anything," Narcissa said comfortingly, "Lucius and I will handle everything, just worry about your N.E.W.T.s and your future. Now, finish your dinner and do whatever you want or go to bed."

"What about Azkaban?" Destiny asked.

"I talked to Kingsley Shacklebolt and he's letting us keep you inside the house, but aurors are patrolling outside to keep an eye on you and your movements."

"I'll stay here with Destiny," Alexander said.

"I will prepare the guest rooms for Hermione, Samantha and Ginny," Narcissa informed them, "William can stay with Draco, and Alexander can stay with Destiny. Destiny, stay inside the house, and if you want to go outside, tell me or Lucius. Don't go anywhere outside of the borders of the wards and keep your occlumency strong."

"Okay," Destiny agreed.

"We'll talk tomorrow," Ginny promised as Destiny and Alexander left.

"Thanks, guys," Destiny said as she walked away.

When Alexander and Destiny arrived in her room, Alexander put the tray on a table,"Eat, or else I'll be sharing a room with Ginny."

Destiny saw the tray, there was roasted chicken with corn, beetroot and beans, nuts, salad, corned beef cheese sandwich, cauldron cakes, pumpkin milkshake with peppermint ice-cream on top and steak and kidney pie.

"Elfle has made way too much, share with me?"

"Trust me," Alexander said, "you need to eat it all, you haven't had anything for a few days."

Destiny sat on the armchair and started to eat her dinner while Alexander was reading her homework and making remarks about it. After 45 minutes, Destiny asked, "Did you finish your homework?"

"I didn't even start it" he laughed, "but look at you, homework finished and having fun!"

"I still can't believe that they want him more than me…" Destiny said sadly.

Alexander hugged her, "But I want you. Let's hope they let you go. Besides, your mom is definitely going to be angry with your dad about the prophesy, and when they find out about what Harry called you, I'm sure they'll ground him for the rest of his life."

"I wish they would abandon him." Destiny said.

Alexander said nothing and kissed her head, hugging her tightly.

They were quiet for a long time. 30 minutes later, Destiny spoke, "I'm sorry I said that…"

"You want them to yourself," Alexander comforted, holding her closer, ''don't apologize, I totally understand you... Let's go to sleep, you look exhausted."

"Okay," Destiny whispered.

Destiny and Alexander hugged in their sleep, laying on Destiny's king size bed. A few hours later, Lucius and Narcissa entered Destiny's room and looked at Destiny sadly. Lucius and Narcissa sit on the edge of the bed and Narcissa gently brushed Destiny's hair out of her face, kissing her forehead.

"Can you free her?" Narcissa asked.

"We can only try," Lucius replied, "Let's hope that Harry does not interfere, or else it will be difficult. Grace and Adam should choose their side."

"I will do anything for Destiny," Narcissa said solemnly.

"I know you would, but right now we should have some patience or else everything will go wrong. We have to keep a close eye on Destiny."

"You are right," Narcissa agreed.

"We should talk to Adam and Grace."

"We should help them and teach Destiny strong occlumency."


Narcissa held onto Destiny's hand, and they were all quiet until Lucius spoke, "I hate this Weasley boy near my princess."

Narcissa looked over to Lucius and smiled, "It's her life, her decision is more important than ours."

Lucius and Narcissa kissed Destiny's forehead and whispered, "We love you." Then, they went back to their room to sleep.


Sorry for the spelling mistakes and typing errors.