I know that this first part is horrible, I am currently re-writing it, you do not need to read it and I will likely completely delete it.

It had been over a thousand years. A thousand years since it had happened since I had failed. Since he had died. Since I lost everything thing that mattered to me. Everything I had promised to protect.

Despite the promise from an old friend that he would return. He never did. Dooming me to a life of endless wandering. As punishment for my failure. Life without end. A life without those I care about. I am unable to join them in life after death. I am unable to die.

To fill my empty life, I learned all I could. Medicine or science. Math or art. Music. History. Magic. But there is only so much you can learn. So many times you can take a class before it loses its appeal.

But something is changing. I can see it in the way the animals move. Hear the way the birds sing. Feel the anticipation in the grass leaves and rocks. Something is coming, it won't be long before it comes. Perhaps it will bring his return.

I can feel it start to gather. Choosing its puppet, the one who's life is sacrificed, so that others may have theirs.

It has made its choice. I pity him, for I know the pain of not getting to choose your path. Of having those you love taken away if they will get in the way.

I could not interfere that night. So I watched it from afar. Through the crystals which have caused so many problems in the past. Watch as one of their closest friends betrayed them. And framed another friend. I watched without interfering as he was struck down. As she begged for her son's life. So he took hers before advancing on the small baby.

But as he struck out at the boy, I was permitted to act. Trading her life for the boy's. A mother for a son. A life for a life. The boy lived, the spell rebounded and struck the man down. The most powerful Dark Lord in history was dead. For 10 years. Before he tried to complete his mission of killing the boy by possessing another. And 4 years later, only a few days ago, he fully returned.

The dark Lord sat in contemplation. So far the newspapers had been quiet about his return. Giving him critical time. But the big question now was what next? With Dumbledore at Hogwarts, there was little he could do there, but unfortunately for him, the old man was still going strong. What he needed was someone more powerful than the 'greatest wizard of his age' but who?

No matter what this did not solve his other problem. The boy, Harry Potter. Despite his age and lack of experience, the boy continues to get lucky. Luck. There was no other way he could continue to best him time and time again (that and the incompetence of his followers). All starting when he was only a baby. That is when it came to him. He needed to hear the full prophecy spoken by that seer. Seer!

Who better to best the so-called greatest wizard of his age than the only one the great Merlin ever feared and the greatest seer to ever live.

Getting up from his chair in the living room. An old man started preparing to leave, gathering important things and saying goodbye to his neighbours. All important objects needed to be deposited in the bank before he moved on as he would never know when he would meet someone of importance. The more belongings he had, the more that could lead to questions.

Sending his things away with a wave of his hand. The old man served his small house, deciding he had everything of value, physical and emotional, he gave one last look of love at the faint figure that could just be seen in the lake. Then he disappeared with another wave of his hand.