Breast Cancer Show Ever: Aftermath.

Author's Note: So, I was recently watching the episode of South Park called Breast Cancer Show Ever, in which Wendy beat the living shit out of Cartman and because we were never given any sort of an aftermath, an idea to write about what happened after the fight popped up in my mind. This oneshot was particularly awesome to write, since BCSE is my favorite South Park episode of all time! :)

I've always wanted the show to give us some sort of an aftermath to the fight, especially because Trey and Matt had a lot of material to work with.

Don't get me wrong, I still think Cartman is one of the best characters in the whole series, but he rightfully deserved to get his ass kicked. And Butters cheering for Wendy was only the cherry on top! ;)

Rating: T
Pairing: Stendy (Stan Marsh/Wendy Testaburger)
Word Count: 3319

DISCLAIMER: I don't own South Park or anything related to it. It belongs to South Park Studios, Comedy Central and to the legends themselves, Matt Stone and Trey Parker.

Wiping the dirt from her clothes and beads of sweat from her face, Wendy sprinted down the school hallway towards the girls' restroom, with Bebe, Red and other girls hot on her heels.

She leant on one of the lockers, and she breathed hard, feeling as if all the oxygen was being pulled out of her lungs. Just as she was about to barge inside the girls' restroom to clean herself up, Wendy abruptly stopped in her tracks upon hearing her best friend call out for her.


The dark haired girl turned around on the spot and saw Bebe, Lola and her other friends finally catching up on her.


''Wendy, that was fucking amazing!'', Bebe cried, trying to pull her best friend into a hug, but before she had the slightest chance to wrap her arms around her raven haired best friend, the latter jumped back slightly, folding her arms across her chest. Wendy let out a faintest sigh possible.

"Yeah, yeah. Thanks.", the sarcastic tone in Wendy's voice caused Bebe to raise an eyebrow at her.

"What's wrong?"

Wendy glanced away from her closest girl friends and looked down at her feet for the briefest moment. She knew she was in for quite a long scolding session from her parents and nervous talks with both principal Victoria and Mr. Mackey.

Only God knew for long long she would be grounded and suspended.

"Nothing. It's just that I can't believe I actually beat someone up.'', Wendy glanced back at her friends, ''You guys know that I'm not usually the one to start fights with other people."

"Oh please Wendy, don't be silly. Everyone was just waiting for the day someone would finally kick Cartman's ass! He should've known that there was no way for him to get out of this fight.", Red spoke up, patting Wendy on the shoulder.

Smiling at her vibrant haired friend, Wendy finally dropped her hands down to the sides.

"Well, I suppose you're right, Red. I mean, he's been doing shit like this for years. But what's even funnier, he tried to convince me to call off the fight by eating his own underwear, he tried to bribe his way out with twenty seven bucks and he even came to my house crying like a big pussy with his mom!", Wendy admitted, as Bebe, Red and Lola all gave her supportive smiles.

"I'm definitely in some serious trouble with my parents though. They told me not to fight Cartman, otherwise I would be in big trouble.", the dark haired girl continued.

"But honestly Wendy, that doesn't matter. Anyone with half a brain cell should understand that. And while some people might say that you had gone overboard with beating Cartman up, you had a pretty good reason to do that. He's an insensitive fat piece of shit and he deserved every single punch.", Bebe chimed in, trying to reassure her best friend.

But before she had any chance to respond back, Wendy was suddenly cut off by Mr. Mackey yelling through the speakerphone.

''Wendy Testaburger to the principal's office immediately, please. M'kay!''

''Oh great. I'm truly and utterly fucked right now.'', Wendy thought to herself.

Snatching her light purple jacket from the floor, Wendy dressed up, brushed the dirt off of her face and headed straight to Principal Victoria's office.

A million and one different scenarios had been playing inside the raven haired girl's mind. She knew her parents would probably ground her for a lifetime, she knew that she would get a long period of detention, but most importantly, she would probably have to apologize to Cartman in front of the whole school.

Although her parents once again warned her not to fight Cartman, she didn't care. She didn't care in the slightest.

She tried to ignore his mocks for as long as she possibly could, but he crossed the line big time. When normal conversation with a fat piece of shit like Cartman hadn't been enough to stop his consistent mockings, someone finally had to do something about it. And Wendy was more than ready to do it, completely disregarding her parents' warnings.

The closer Wendy was to the principal's office, the more she felt her heart beating faster. Wendy took a deep breath and knocked on the door of Principal Victoria's office.

Twisting the brass door knob and pushing the door open, Wendy cleared her throat and slowly stepped inside the Principal Victoria's office.

"Hello Principal Victoria, you wanted to see me?"

"Hello Wendy. Yes, I wanted to talk to you about the fight that happened today during the recess. I was informed about everything, and I'm not too happy."

Wendy nodded in response, sitting down opposite of her principal.

"Principal Victoria, I just wanted to protect what I believe in! Trust me, I tried to ignore Cartman's mocks as hard as I could, but he crossed the line! Besides, you told me I should fight cancer.", Wendy pondered.

"Wendy..'', the curly blonde woman sighed. ''I know that my speech about fighting cancer and not allowing it to ruin you has potentially caused a great amount of detriment and it could be considered a catalyst for this whole situation.", she continued.

"Miss, I know, but try to understand me. Eric has been getting worse and worse every single week. I've put in a lot of effort into breast cancer awareness week, but he's been constantly making these lame jokes about such a serious disease. I always fight for what I believe in!"

''Wendy, I appreciate you fighting for what you believe in, but violence is never the answer. No matter how horrible of a person Eric Cartman is, nobody deserves to be that beaten up."

"But ma'am, you said I should fight the cancer."

"Wendy, I know. I made a huge mistake by essentially encouraging you to beat up another student. I'm also at fault for this, but you still shouldn't have gone that far."

Wendy slumped in her chair, sighing. She knew she was totally fucked up right now.

"Also, I've informed your parents about this. They've told me there are going to be serious repercussions for you. They should also be in here in a few minutes."

"Great.", Wendy groaned in response. She nervously rubbed the back of her neck, trying to think of what to say next, but before she had any time to give a further explanation, her parents entered inside the principal's office. They both had scowls spread across their faces, and were visibly furious at their only child.

"Hello Mrs. and Mr. Testaburger. Thank you for coming on such a short notice."

"Hello principal Victoria. Thank you for informing us about our daughter's incident.", Mrs. Testaburger spoke, narrowing her eyes at her daughter.

"We are deeply sorry for all the trouble our daughter has caused. Wendy usually isn't acting like this.", Mr. Testaburger suddenly spoke, narrowing down his eyes at Wendy as well.

''So missy, can you explain why did you beat up that little boy, although we specifically told you not to do it?'', Mrs. Testaburger spoke.

Wendy's eyes immediately lit up with fury, but before she could completely lose her shit, she took in a deep breath, trying to come up with the best possible explanation.

"But mom, dad, you don't understand. Cartman isn't as innocent as you think he is. He said horrible things about breast cancer and someone had to put an end to it! I swear I was trying to do my best to ignore him. I was just trying to fight for what I believe in!"

Mrs. and Mr. Testaburger sighed in unison.

"Wendy, we've told you multiple times. Violence is never the answer and you should've stopped this whole argument by having a conversation with that kid. Why didn't you try and do the same thing?"

"Maybe because violence, at least in this situation, was actually the only way to shut Cartman up? He's been doing this for years, and someone had to finally put an end to it! I know I perhaps should've backed out, but I wasn't going to let him off the hook this time.", Wendy explained, "And besides, girls told me that he isn't in a very serious condition."

"Look Wendy, I appreciate that you were trying to fight for what's good, but you should've known better.", Principal Victoria replied. Both of Wendy's parents nodded in unison. She could only shrug her shoulders in response.

"I assume you're about to ground me for the rest of my life?"

"No Wendy, we're going to ground you for three weeks. That means no TV for three weeks, sleepovers at your friend's house or going somewhere with us.", Mr. Testaburger confirmed.

"Oh great, but what about being suspended from school? I'm not going to get permanently suspended, am I?"

''Wendy, you're not going to be permanently suspended from school, but you are going to be in a detention for the next three weeks. I suggest you also visit Eric at his house and apologize to him for hurting him."

"Fine.", Wendy rolled her eyes.

Wendy was well aware what would happen if she beat Cartman up, but she honestly didn't care.

She was just hoping that from now on, no one would even dare and try to fuck with what she believed in.

Stan was worried, very worried.

He hadn't heard back from Wendy ever since she banished inside the school after the huge fight. And even after the fight finished and everyone returned to their classrooms, Wendy didn't return at all. Stan just assumed she was in big trouble with her parents, and potentially grounded for a very, very long time.

Through Bebe and all of Wendy's girl friends, he was informed about his girlfriend's punishment. He had felt bad for her, but on the flip side, he also understood why she was given such a punishment.

Nonetheless, he felt quite proud of his girlfriend beating up Cartman. He also couldn't believe how Cartman actually had the decency to say that all the guys still liked him, even though Stan and other guys were claiming the opposite.

But even though his lovely girlfriend was potentially grounded for a very long time, that didn't stop Stan from deciding to pay a visit to the Testaburger residence.

Just as the school bell rang, Stan stuffed all of his belongings into his blue Denver Broncos backpack and stormed out of the classroom. He was determined towards visiting Wendy and talking with her about everything that had happened earlier that day. But, Kyle was fast enough to catch up with his raven haired best friend, as he was also trying to find out more about what had happened with Wendy.

"So, did you even talk to her?", the Jewish boy caught his best friend's attention, trying to keep up with Stan's pace.

"No dude, I haven't heard from Wendy ever since she came to school today. She wasn't too interested into talking with anyone. Especially not after her parents came to school and picked her up."

"Well, why don't you go over to her house and talk to her?"

Stan immediately rolled his eyes at his friend's suggestion.

"She's grounded for the next three weeks. I seriously doubt her parents are going to allow her to see anyone, let alone me."

"Well, you're her boyfriend. I don't think her parents will ground her to the point where she won't be able to see you."

Stan bit down on his bottom lip, stewing in thought. The longer his best friend's words replayed in his head, the more he thought about actually swinging by his girlfriend's house.

"I guess it's worth a shot. See you tomorrow dude.", slowly walking away from his red haired best friend, Stan made a beeline for the Testaburger residence.

He walked a few more minutes, before reaching the driveway of the khaki coloured house. Taking a few more steps and swallowing a nervous lump in his throat, Stan knocked on the door of his girlfriend's house.

"Hello Mrs. Testaburger!''

Opening the door of the her house, Mrs. Testaburger lips parted into a smile, seeing Stan standing at the front door of her house.

''Hi Stan, nice to see you. You came to see Wendy?''

''Yeah, is she home? I haven't seen her since recess, and I really want to talk to her about the whole fight that happened today.''

''Well yeah, she is home, but she's grounded for the next three weeks.'', Mrs. Testaburger explained, but she soon smiled softly at Stan. ''But since you're so worried about her, I guess I can make an exception for you. She's upstairs in her room and I think she will greatly appreciate you visiting her."

"Thank you Mrs. Testaburger. I will try to cheer her up."

Shooting Mrs. Testaburger a small smile, Stan began to walk upstairs towards his girlfriend's bedroom. He slowly took a few more steps before he found himself standing in front of the door of Wendy's bedroom. Stan knocked on the door a couple of times, patiently waiting to hear Wendy's voice.

The dark haired girl laid on her bed, listening to music. But, her peaceful thoughts were suddenly shattered by a loud knock on the door. Taking one earbud out, she groaned out in response.

"Mom I told you already, leave me alone!"

"It's me, babe."

Wendy's heart immediately began racing, as she her boyfriend's voice coming through the other side of the door. Stan carefully opened the bedroom door and peeked his head inside, instantly smiling as his eyes locked up with Wendy's.


The raven haired boy smiled at his lovely girlfriend. Wendy's eyes widened in surprise, as a small smile popped up on the corners of her lips.

''Stan? What are you doing here? I'm grounded for the next three weeks!", Wendy shifted herself up in a sitting position.

"Well, firstly, I wanted to swing by your house and see you, and secondly, you haven't exactly told me about being grounded, but Bebe did instead.", Stan said as he entered inside his girlfriend's bedroom and took a seat on her bed.

"Look, sorry for not telling you sooner, but my parents were pretty persistent towards me being grounded. After my parents came to principal Victoria, I went home and was basically forced to listen to my parents ranting for over an hour.", Wendy pondered as she got up from her bed and closed the door of her bedroom, before walking back towards her bed.

"Well, it's okay. You're grounded for three weeks? Knowing your parents, I'm surprised you haven't been grounded for much longer."

"My parents can be strict, but I know they only mean the best for me. They aren't like Butters' parents who ground him for the pettiest things.", Wendy chuckled as she shuffled a bit closer towards Stan. She glanced away from Stan for a quick second.

''Hey, how's Cartman? I didn't really meant to kick his ass that much.'', raising an eyebrow at the surprisingly calm tone in Wendy's voice, Stan began to speak.

''Well, apart from having a couple of teeth knocked out, bruises on both of his eyes and bleeding, he actually didn't end up more hurt than everyone had thought at first. He was sent to nurse's office right after his whole faggy monologue about us still liking him even after he got his ass kicked. Nurse managed to stop his nose from bleeding and fixed him up sufficiently, but he still had to go to hospital for a check-up. I'm actually kinda surprised he wasn't hurt more severely. You really got his ass handed to him.''

"Well, I've heard that phrase enough times.", Wendy chuckled, twiddling with her thumbs.

''So, your parents didn't go easy on you after all of his?'

''Not even close. On top of having to be in a detention for the next three weeks, I'm also grounded for three weeks. But I guess I'm lucky my punishment wasn't worse.", Wendy admitted, her chocolate brown eyes meeting her boyfriend's dazzling blue eyes.

"Well, regardless of your punishment, I still think you were a total badass out there. I'm actually quite proud of my girl.", Wendy's lips parted into a smile. She could feel her cheeks starting to blush the faintest shade of red possible.

"And you don't hate me because I beat up one of your friends?", Wendy's brow creased into a frown. She was nervously anticipating Stan's response, but much to her satisfaction, he grinned at his raven haired girlfriend.

"Well, at first I felt a little bit bad for him, but then I remembered that it was about the damn time someone beat his fat ass. He even had the audacity to think we all liked him, although none of us had never liked him."

"Well, hopefully he learned his lesson now. Don't fuck with Wendy Testaburger.", Wendy admitted teasingly, as Stan rolled his eyes at her.

Taking both of her hands with his, Stan didn't wait a second before pulling Wendy into his warm embrace. The raven haired girl immediately nuzzled her face into the crook of Stan's shoulder, feeling her heart racing.

But, as if that wasn't enough for Stan, he soon pulled away from Wendy and leaned forward to close the gap between himself and Wendy.

Softly pecking at Wendy's lips, Stan felt the sweet sensation of her kissing him back. She wrapped her arms around Stan's torso, pulling him closer towards her. They were kissing for a few more seconds, before Stan felt a familiar queasy sensation forming inside him.

He reluctantly pulled away from Wendy, giving her a small smile.

"Still needing to puke?", she teased him. Stan rolled his eyes at Wendy, before he forced the nervous chunk to slide down his throat.

"Not really, but you know that's not going to stop me from kissing you.", Stan admitted, as Wendy grinned softly at him. Grabbing both of his arms, Wendy leaned in and caught her lips with his once again.