Viper Addams
Fem-Harry(Ivy-Lily Potter-Black)/Blaise Zabini,Morticia Addams/Gomez Addams
Mentor:Severus snape
Summary:Ivy was saved by a strange family and was loved and raised by them to be dangerous and beautiful woman.
Chapter 1
One november cold night in 1981 halloween an old looking man cam walking down Privet Drive when he spotted Professor Mcgonagall and said"Surprised to see you here Professor Mcgonagall.""Good evening Professor Dumbledore,is it true?""Afraid it is the good and the bad I'm afraid.""How about little Ivy potter is is she?""No she is still alive,Professor."What the Professors didn't know was that in the shadows they were being Dumbledore said"Hagrid is bringing her as we speak right now.""And do you trust him with something as important as this.""Ah professor I trust Hagrid with my life."What about her scare on her forehead can't you do something about all of a sudden a loud sounding noise that came from a mortal-cycle that came to a landing right in front of them Hagrid said"Evening professor Dumbledore,professor Mcgonagall,try not to wake her now little tyke just fell asleep as we were flying over britain."
As Dumbledore,Mcgonagall and Hagrid was walking up to number 4 private drive Mcgonagall said"I'm telling you professor that these are the worse sort of muggles I have ever seen.""They are her only living relatives y dear,she'll be save here I promise you that."Then they left one by one saying their good byes before going to join the the mysterious person came out of the shadows and said"My how cruel it is to leave a child out in the cold for one so young like yourself, why don't you come with me hmm."Then Morticia Addams of the house of addams picked up that child and left the neighbor-hood with out a sound.
Then Morticia arrived home where they were staying in britain and Lurch opened the door Morticia said"Why thank Lurch, dear can you let Gomez and mama know that I'm back please?"Then Gomez came in to the entrance hall and said"Cara mia your back my love and with a child as well I see.""Yes mon cher we should adopt her some people left her out on the door step without protection after all one so young can not protect themselves.""Tish that's french you know what it does to me,and your right we should adopt the child she looks just like our Wednesday why they could be twins."
Then mama came in and said"Oh there she is,she'll be a little heart-breaker won't you or would you eat their hearts instead huh,she'll make a fine addams,dinner is on the table come,come and let introduce her to Wendnesday and Pugsley they'll adore her."So they all sat down to eat when pugsley looked over at the little girl sitting on his mother's lap when Ivy threw a knife at him just missed him by an inch making the adults smile and Gomez said"Ha she is a natural with knifes how fascinating."Then they all looked to Wednesday to see if she'll like Ivy or not, then she threw the knife back to Ivy who caught it and threw it back to her and Wednesday caught the knife making Ivy frown then Gomez said"Ha they both like her Tish, she'll be an addams yet and a little killer as well in time with training."
After dinner the family all went into the ceremony room to formerly adopt the little girl in Morticia's arms the grandmama said"Place the child in the potion she must sit in it for the ceremony then you and Gomez must cut your palm and let some blood fall in to the goblet so that it will mix and also add Wednesday's and Pugsley's as well won't be amiss it will just add to the potion."So Morticia place Ivy down in the cauldron that held the potion picked up the knife that sat on the table and cut into her palm and then placed her palm upside down so that the blood can drip into the goblet once done she did the same for wednesday then gave the knife to Gomez to do the same for him and Pugsley.
Once done Morticia picked up the goblet and gave it to Ivy to drink. Ivy took it and started to drink the potion not caring for the taste once she was finished her hair went from red to pitch black,her eyes stayed the same poison green that glowed in the dark and her creamy skin went a pale pasty white just like her new mother in fact Ivy looked just like Morticia then grandmama said"Now she needs a Addams name.""I know mama,how about you pick it you are the matriarch of the family."Said Gomez then Morticia commented"An excellent idea mon cher.""Ah Tish that's french.""Not now Gomez, we still have to name our daughter."Then mama said"How about Viper Ivy Addams sound.""An excellent name mama."said Gomez then he turned to Tish and said"What do you think about cara mia.""Why I think it's a perfect name for her, well we should put the children down to bed for the night."
Then Morticia left with the three children to bed and then went to bed next few years went without any eventful happening to the strange family, the three children has been studying:Dancing,sword fighting,fencing,politics,music,potions,and they had their magical lessons as well,with their father they had fencing,sword fighting and politics,with their mother they had dancing,music,and magic lessons with uncle Fester they had math,with grandmama they had potions and cooking lessons though pugsley was banned from the kitchen since he blows everything up.
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When Viper was 10 she finally received her letter to Hogwarts she opened it and it read Dear Miss Addams we here at Hogwarts do hear by accept you to HOGWARTS SCHOOL OF WITCH CRAFT AND WIZARDRY please note that the first year students are allowed to bring with them the following animals:Toad,Cat,Bat,and owl and if lucky to find a familiar they can come as well Term begins on September the 1st,we await your acceptance.
Sincerely Deputy headmistress Professor Mcgonagall. Then she saw something else in her letter a school list and it read:
First years require:
Three sets of work robes(Black)
One pointed hat (Black)for day wear
one pair of protective gloves (Dragon hide or similar)
One winter cloak(Black with silver fastenings)
Please note that all pupils cloaks should wear name tags
All students should have the following
Standard book of spells(Grade 1) by Miranda Goshawk
A history of magic by Bathilda Bagshot
Magical theory by Adelbert Waffing
A beginners guide to transfiguration by Emeric Switch
One thousand herbs and fungi by Phyllida Spore
Magical Drafts and potions by Arsenius Jigger
Fantastic Beasts and where to find them by Newt Scamander
The dark forces:A guide to self protection
1 Wand
1 Cauldron(Pewter standard size 2)
1 Telescope
1 set of brass scales
Then her mother came in and said"Another letter mon cher?""Yes mother but for Hogwarts,mother I was thinking of going to Hogwarts instead of salem.""It is your choice mon cher you do what ever your heart please my little viper."she said, with a smile and left to go find her husband so that they can take their children shopping for their school left Viper sitting at her desk thinking then she stood up with a smile and went to join her mother in finding her family so they can leave.