AUTHORS NOTE: I just want to say thank you for the reviews.


The jump was clean. They made their drop zone and everyone was accounted for. She met Liebgotts eyes and he smiled. Guarnere was right by her side and noticed the interaction. He nudged her arm. She raised a single brow but he just kept walking. She looked to Toye, who was on her other side, for an answer. He shrugged his shoulders and looked just as confused as she did.

They were crouched in a ditch alongside a road waiting for direction when Lieutenant Peacock came by with news.

"There's some kind of holdup ahead." He said. "We're going in through this field."

And that's just what they did. Elsie kept her guard up and eyed her surrounding carefully. Please let this be okay, don't let my boys get hurt, not today- She prayed. Her prayer was answered by an orange flag hanging from a window. She noticed more as she got closer to Eindhoven. They were greeted by crowds of Dutch people celebrating in the streets.

It was easy to get lost in the crowds and Elsie found herself alone amongst the Dutch but she didn't feel threatened. She was being hugged by men and women and even the children- all thanking her. She smiled back at them. It was nice to see people celebrating and being happy with the chaos of war. Her smile disappeared when she saw women crying and screaming. They were being stripped and getting their heads shaved.

"What did they do?" She asked no one in particular, not knowing if anyone could understand her. Some one did. It was a familiar voice.

"They slept with the Germans." Guarnere was standing behind her.

"That's why they are being treated like this?" She swung around. Liebgott and Martin were with him.

"Yeah, the men who collaborated are being shot." Liebgott told her. She swung back around and went to push her way forward but felt an arm pull her back.

'Let go!"

"You can't get involved Elsie." Liebgott said sympathetically. She pulled away but he held on. "Elsie you can't."

"That's an order." Martin said, when he realized how determined she was to help. He was her sergeant, she had to listen or there would be consequences and they both knew that. She stopped struggling so Liebgott let go of her arm.

"This is fucking bullshit." She spat as she stormed off the other way.

The celebrations died down and easy company slowly regrouped. Elsie, Martin and Toye were holding point at a small abandoned farmhouse on the north end of the town. Elsie was sitting on the front porch of the small house. She had been quiet since that afternoon, she couldn't get those women out of her head. Were they given a trial? Asked what happened? Anything? Or was it just assumed they willingly slept with the German men.

"You're thinking about them aren't you?" Martin asked when he saw her. She just nodded. "There's nothing you could have done."

"I could have tried talking some sense into those people."

"We need their help, we couldn't jeopardize that."

"What if those women had no choice huh?" Her hands were balled into fists, and her voice got a notch louder.

"I know that's a possibility, but what they were punished for was not our decision."

"We could have helped them." She was trying calm her breathing. She hadn't realized she was shaking until Martin took her hand.

"Why is this getting to you so much?" He looked concerned- was the war really getting to her?

"They were most likely being punished for being raped Johnny!" She met his eyes and his stomach knotted.

"You?" he asked softly. She nodded.

"My step-father." She looked to the ground. He pulled her into his chest.

"I'm so sorry." He soothed.

They sat in silence, the only sounds were Elsie's quiet sobs. They sat like that for a few minutes before Toye came around the corner. Elsie had quieted the sobs, but the tears still spilled down her cheeks.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing, it's fine." Martin said, not sure if anyone knew.

"It's okay, Johnny, he knows."

"What's wrong princess?" Toye asked again, this time looking at her. She sat up straight and wiped her face but couldn't find the words to speak.

"The women today," Martin answered for her. "It was the thought that they were being punished for something they might not have a had a choice about. It just brought back some unpleasant memories."

"Your step-father?" Toye asked sitting on her other side.

"Yeah." She leaned her head on his shoulder. "I'm okay now though."

"Good, cause you need to be in top shape for killing krauts." He poked her in the side and she let out a small squeal and laughed.

"Much better seeing you smile." Toye kissed her head.

Martin watched the two of them. He hadn't the slightest idea how Toye was able to get her to smile like that. It was like she'd forgotten that she'd even been crying a second ago. He wondered who else knew about her stepfather.

"I'm sorry." She said after moment of silence.

"for what?" Toyed asked.

"For having a melt down." She looked at the ground. "This is the middle of war, I shouldn't let little things like that get to me."

"Little things?" Martin half shouted, then quieted his voice a bit. "Elsie, what happened to you was not a little thing."

"yeah you can't think like that." Toye gave her shoulder a squeeze.

"Yeah I guess, but you can't bring emotions like that into war." She stood up to do a sweep of the perimeter. "Thanks for the talk boys."

The two men just stared at each other dumbfounded. That was not the response they would have liked. Something about her demeanor changed when she got up and neither one of them liked it.

"Joe, who else knows about her step-father?"

"Guarnere, Liebgott, Malarkey, Hoobler and Tipper were there the night I found out." He said. "I don't know if she's told anyone else."

"Maybe we should tell them what happened?" Martin said. "I just don't know if she's okay. It might get her killed out there."

Toye agreed.

She walked along side the first tank as they approached the town of Nuenen. Elsie walked silently ignoring the eyes she felt baring down on her. She'd been watched like a hawk all morning, she figured Toye and Martin told the others about her breakdown. She was concerned that, if the officers found out, she'd get sent home. She'd show them all that she could handle it, she just had to let go of her emotion.

On the side of the road a woman stood, silently watching as easy company rolled along. Her head was shaved unevenly, and she was holding a newborn baby close to her chest. Elsie's stomach turned, she knew that look in the lady's eyes. This is what needs to stop- Elsie thought. She averted her eyes and continued to walk forward. She saw Alley handing something to the lady, probably some rations.

They finally came to a stop, just before entering Nuenen. Lieutenant Brewer walked a bit further a head to scout the town better. What the hell is he doing- she thought.

"Lieutenant!" Bull called out. He turned to see who had called him just as a bullet hit him. The allies started firing back. Bull was off the tank and running towards the Lieutenant in the middle of the gun fire. Elsie was right behind him with covering fire.

"Medic!" Her and Bull both called.

"Medic up front!" Bull shouted over the noise. Roe arrived and set to work. Elsie followed Bull to the ditch where half of easy company took cover.

"Keep moving!" He yelled at his squad. "Move! Move! They shoot at stationary targets."

She followed Bull and his squad to cover behind a building, where she was met by her squad.

"Nice of you to join us." Martin teased. She just snorted.

Bulls squad stopped up ahead. Martin kept their squad at the back side of the wall to keep cover at the rear. Bull continued ahead alone.

"What the fucks he doing?" Elsie muttered.

"Scouting." Martin said.

"That's how the Lieutenant just got shot!" She huffed. Martin could see the fire running through her eyes. If something happened to Bull and she thought she could have helped him she'd lose it.

"Go quickly and quietly." Martin said. And she did. She snuck her way up till she was crouched behind the wall with Bull.

"What are you doing up here?"

"Orders from my squad leader sir."

"Tiger, behind that building." He pointed across the street.

"I see it, but I doubt our tanks do."

Bull signaled to Martin, informing him about the tank. Martin and Babe stopped the British tank so Martin could talk to officer. It didn't seem to help. The tank kept driving toward them.

"What the hell are they doing?" she asked, not that she expected Bull to know.

Before either one could say anything else the second British tank exploded. The first tank didn't even have a chance to find its target before they were hit to. Bull covered her as debris flew over head.

"Pull back!" Bull yelled towards both of their Squads. Nothing seemed to go right after that. Elsie stayed by Bulls side, both firing at any Kraut that came into vision. They tried to get back to their squads, but another mortar blast forced them to change direction. They headed towards the ditch on the other side of the road while dodging bullets from every direction. Elsie was right behind Bull. They were a few steps away from the ditch when pain suddenly exploded through Elsie's side. She cried out as she hit the ground. She didn't have time to think before a hand grabbed hers and pulled her into the ditch. Bull looked horrified.

"I'm okay." She yelled over the noise. "Keep going."

And that's what she did. Bull followed her as she crawled through the ditch. He tried to ignore the trail of blood she left behind. How is she still moving- He thought.

A tank on the road exploded sending shrapnel in their direction.

"Shit!" Bull cried.

"Are you hit?" Elsie stopped and looked back.

"I'm fine. Go. GO." He yelled when she looked concerned. They continued crawling through the ditch, and she noticed the gunfire and mortar blast was less frequent. They crawled into a little tunnel under the road and waited. Bull grabbed his bandage and wrapped Elsie up the best he could. Elsie didn't know how long they'd sat there in silence, but the sun had fully set and the streets were now quiet. Elsie had dosed off and was nudged awake by Bull.

"C'mon sweetheart, we can't stay here." He said softly. She moaned but opened her eyes. She tried to move but her side shot with pain. She winced and tried to muffle her cry. Bull helped her, slowly, get out of the tunnel. He realised how bad a condition she was in and knew they couldn't go looking for Easy just yet. She wouldn't be able to fight. He found an empty barn to hid out in until morning, and just hoped no Krauts would stick around.

"I need to bandage you up better, Elsie." He said. "I'm going to take off your jacket okay?"

"You're just trying to see me naked." She teased.

"Hey, I never made the bet." He joked. "Speaking of…"

"I'm not going to tell you a thing Bull." Her smile was small, but it was there. "If I die tonight, I'm taking that to the grave."

"You're not going to die." He said sternly. "I won't let you."

He got her jacket off and pulled her shirt up just enough to see the wound. He poured some water on her side to clean it up a bit. He wasn't a medic, he didn't know how bad it was, all he knew was she lost a lot of blood already and he needed to bandage her up properly. He took her unused bandage and tied it as tight as he could around her waist.

"Thanks Bull."

"Any time princess."

She barely heard him, everything was fuzzy, she just wanted to sleep. She kept slipping in and out of consciousness. Sometimes Bull could make out what she was saying, other times he had no idea what she was talking about.

"Tell him I'm sorry." Her words were slurred together and were almost inaudible.


"I promised him," She whispered. "I tried to keep it."

"Who are you talking about darlin?"

"Just tell em." And she was back asleep.

She could hear some commotion and opened her eyes. Bull wasn't by her side anymore, he had a man pinned against a wooden beam. Elsie could see a young girl was staring through the slightly open door.

"Bull," Elsie said just loud enough for him to hear her. She nodded towards the girl and Bull let go of the man.

Their new company stared at her eyes wide. She was caked in mud and blood stained her entire left side. Her eyes closed again as she drifted into unconsciousness. The next time her eyes opened she was not in the same spot. She was with the man and his daughter but no Bull. The man quickly put his finger to his lips to shush her. And then she heard the commotion. She pushed her body to sit up, but she couldn't. She needed to get to Bull. She used all her strength to drag her body across the ground. She could see him now, fighting with a kraut. The kraut was going to kill him. The man tried to stop her, but she swatted him away. This caused enough commotion to distract the kraut just long enough for Bull to thrust his bayonet into his side.

Elsie's vision blurred, and her eyes closed again.

She was being carried, even with her eyes closed, she could tell. She tried to open them but the sun was too bright. She groaned with irritation.

"It's okay Elsie." Bulls calming voice was music to her ears. "I got ya."

"The krauts?" Her voice was barely above a whisper. Bulls heart sank even more. He was worried, that if they didn't find help soon, she wouldn't make it. He said a quick prayer in his head.

It was answered quickly by a jeep coming their way. It was one of theirs. Bull never felt more relieved.

"We're gonna be just fine Elsie." He said. "They came back for us."

She opened her eyes as they got into the jeep. Bull held her tight in his lap, afraid that if he let go she wouldn't wake up.

"Keep your eyes open for me now." He said. She fought hard to do so. Her eyes kept closing only to open quickly again.

"I'm okay Sarg." She whispered, then the jeep stopped. "Are we there?"

"No, but looks like we have some company." There was no strain to his voice and she could tell it was friendlies.

"Where the fuck you been?" Hoobler's smile faded the second his eyes say Elsie.

"Hey Hoobs." She smiled weakly. He didn't say anything, just stared wide-eyed.

"Glad to see you boys." Bull said.

"Not as glad as us. Bet you thought we'd given up on you huh boss?" Cobbs face mirrored Hoobler's when he saw Elsie curled up on Bulls lap. Her face was almost completely white, she was soaked in blood and her eyes were half closed.

The others stared in horror at her. "What? Do I have something on my face?" She tried to laugh, but it sounded more like a gurgled cry.

"Jesus, Elsie." Hoobler started but she cut him off.

"I'll be okay Hoobs, Promise."

"We need to get her to a medic now." Bull said sternly. "So either get in or start walking."

They all climbed onto the back and the jeep drove off towards easy company. Her eyes started closing again. Bull nudged her arm but she just moaned.

"Elsie open your eyes, we're here." Hobblers voice sounded panicked.

"Medic!" Was that Webster? She couldn't tell. She felt Bull move, probably to get out of the jeep. He held on to her tightly as he did.

"Medic!" She heard again as she was laid on the ground. She heard a commotion going on around her but couldn't find the strength to open her eyes. She felt her jacket being taken off, her shirt being lifted and the medic unwrapping the bandage Bull put on her.

"Jesus, Princess!" She thought it was Guarnere. She felt someone grab her hand and kiss it. "Open your eyes."

It was definitely Guarnere. Her lips curved into the slightest smile. Alley noticed and knew she'd be okay. She groaned and squeezed Guarnere's hand lightly. It was all she could do to let him know she was alive. And then she heard him.

"Fucking Christ!" She felt Liebgott's hand brushing loose strands of hair out of her face. She knew it was him. "You're going to be just fine." It was his calming voice again. She knew then she'd be okay, she had her boys there. He continued brushing her hair back, her lips curved into that same slight smile she had with Guarnere, but Guarnere only noticed this one.

He looked at Elsie's face and then to Liebgott's, in that moment, Guarnere knew Alley was on to something. Liebgott was staring down at her with a look of sheer terror that did not match his voice. He didn't seem to hear Roe when he spoke.

"The wound's not that bad, but she's lost a lot of blood." He said. "She needs to get to a hospital now."

Guarnere let go of her hand but Liebgott kept stroking her hair. Guarnere looked around to see if anyone else was noticing this. Alley and Toye were watching him, but everyone else was looking at her.

"Is she going to be okay Doc?" Grant asked.

"If she gets to a hospital soon, yes." Roe answered.

"Then what the hell are we waiting for?" Liebgott snapped. Attention was now on him, but he didn't seem to notice. His eyes didn't leave her.