Everyone had gotten the story wrong, even that muggle born witch Rowling. Though Greyson had to admit that she was the one that wrote it best out of all the biographers and publicists and whoever else wanted to write about the amazing boy who lived.

She at least remembered the Weasleys and Harry's other friends. The other people made Harry appear to have accomplished it all on his own or completely took out the parts where he had his connection with Voldemort.

Of course, that made Rowling look so bad that no one would even glance at her work in the wizard world. So instead she embellished some of it to be even grander than real life and sold to muggles around the world and it became a near instant success.

But of course, she failed to mention Greyson, Harry's older brother by a little less than a year (ten months to be exact) but everyone failed to remember that.

If it wasn't for him, Harry probably wouldn't have been able to survive growing up in the Dursleys. Though it wasn't as terrible as Rowling made it out to be. Hell, when they were in they're sixth year they sorta became 'frenemies' with Dudley.

It was at least enough of a decent relationship they'd stop by around the holidays, though it had to be at Dudley's house. He was still scared of magic from that whole dementor incident, not that either of the Potter brothers blamed him. It would have been terrifying for any wizard, much less a magic-fearing muggle. Fortunately, Dudley tolerated the harmless fun and magic when the Potters came over with their children, and, in Harry's case, godchild.

Greyson was glad that all the fame hadn't really changed his brother. He was still the same Harry he remembered, clever and decently humble. Of course, it helped that he had Greyson and Ginny to keep him grounded. Ron, on the other hand, enjoyed hero worshipping his best friend from time to time.

But Greyson could still remember the day everything started to change for them, Dudley's 11th birthday.

"Come on," Greyson said, shaking Harry awake. "We have to go make breakfast for the lards and giraffe neck." Instead of getting up, Harry just curled in closer to his side. He looked so peaceful. Maybe he was having a dream about their real parents? Greyson was, until he realized it was morning from the way Dudley and Uncle Vernon thudded down the stairs. Harry was always the heavier sleeper of the two.

Soon enough Aunt Petunia was banging on the door of their matchbox sized closet bedroom. "Boys," she shrieked. "Get up. You have food to make. And it needs to be perfect for Duddy's birthday."

Harry groaned and grabbed one of their cousin's old hand-me down shirts for himself and one for Greyson. The giant shirts swallowed them and left them with a big drooping neck and sleeves that had to be pushed back to their elbows to fit. The pants weren't any better, they had to tighten the yards of fabric extra around their waist with an old used belt. Fortunately, they were brought to the store for shoes that fit so they got that new once they grew out of them.

The boys were practically the same size, small and lithe, while Dudley was more of a bowling ball kind of size and Uncle Vernon was a beach ball. (Of course, Greyson only told Harry that when Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia couldn't hear. Though it never ceased to put a small on Harry's face when he cracked jokes about the unfortunate lot they called family.) They both had the same messy unkempt black hair. The only difference is Greyson had brown eyes, while Harry had green and wore glasses. That and the cool lightning scar Harry had on his forehead from the car crash, as they were told by Aunt Petunia.

Of course, Aunt Petunia never gave them the real answer to anything. At least that's what Greyson thought. Harry believed her on the whole car crash story as to what happened to their parents and Harry's scar, while Greyson had the theory they Vernon drilled their brains out or something. With the hate his uncle held for their deceased parents, he wouldn't have doubted them plotting their murder and at the very least having a hand in it.

They wouldn't have even been sure which of them was older if Petunia hadn't written down their birthdates for record keeping. If that hadn't been done, though would have assumed they were the exact same age, especially since they were in the same grade. Greyson was older by exactly ten months, born on Halloween. So of course, he cracked jokes about having magic powers to aggravate the Dursleys, despite being in trouble near all the time. But it was well worth it to see his brother smile and the Dursleys ready to pull their hair out from his antics.

Once they were dressed in their old clothes, they made their way to the kitchen where Dudley was slowly counting out his pile of presents. "...34...35...36..." Then Dudley frowned as he tried to remember something. Honestly, Dudley's thinking face always made Greyson think he needed a laxative or something. "I had 39 last year. That's three less than last year."

"At least you know he can do math," Greyson piped up, just to be rewarded with a solid whack from Uncle Vernon's newspaper and a smile from Harry as Aunt Petunia pleaded with Dudley about how expensive his gifts were and point out that Aunt Marge had given Dudley one, making it a more substantial thirty seven gifts over the thirty six. Of course Aunt Petunia had to do the addition part for Dudley, who took too long to figure it out.

"Tyke just wants his proper share, just like his father," Uncle Vernon said cheerfully as his glare fell away from Greyson.

"I think he had more than his proper share," Greyson told Harry lowly.

"Well, I think I know where ours went," Harry replied and the two boys gave a silent laugh.

"Quit your snickering," Aunt Petunia snapped. "And don't burn the bacon, it's Duddy-kins special day." The phone started to ring and caused Aunt Petunia to scurry off to the foyer.

"Well, don't worry Dudley, we'll get you some more at the zoo today," Uncle Vernon told Dudley with a smile and sipped his mug of tea. That satisfied Dudley who began tearing into his gifts, all of which were ridiculously expensive and would be destroyed in a few weeks or be left in the room of forgotten presents.

The room of forgotten presents was actually Dudley's second bedroom. It even had another bed in there but all it served a purpose for was all the things that Dudley didn't want anymore. Greyson had tinkered with the idea of taking some of the items and restoring them for Harry for his birthday or Christmas but didn't think it would be taken well by Dudley who trashed his old toys but hated the thought of someone else having them.

"Vernon," Aunt Petunia said coming in as Greyson and Harry served up breakfast. "That was Mrs. Figg, she can't watch the boys today. She broke her leg. And no one else can watch them."

"Well, we certainly can't leave them home alone," Vernon said. Greyson saw as Dudley's face fell and became red like an angry tomato.

"But it's my birthday!" he yelled. "And I want to go to the zoo."

The brothers shared a look. Dudley went to all these extravagant places every year for his birthday while their birthdays always went by unnoticed. This year it was to be the zoo with his best friend, Piers, joining him. Though normally when Piers was around, Greyson and Harry were trying not to be turned into punching bags.

Vernon was quiet and had a stern look. "Call Mrs. Polkiss, see if she can bring Piers to the zoo," Uncle Vernon said. He looked at Greyson and Harry. "Now listen here you two," the boys straightened up a little, "We're taking you with us because we can't trust you not to make a mess of things without us here to constantly watch you. If I see any funny business or even one toe out of line, you'll be weeding the garden for a week and scrubbing the garage clean. You understand me?"

"Yes, sir," they said together.

"But I don't want them to go," Dudley wailed. "They're ruining my birthday."

"They're going and that's final," Uncle Vernon said. Greyson smiled as he quickly finished his breakfast along with Harry. It was a pleasant thing to see their cousin being told no.

Soon enough they were all in the car with Piers mom bringing him to the zoo. "We're actually going," Greyson whispered excitedly to Harry.

"I know," Harry said smiling. Dudley was just sitting there, angry and pouting as they made their way to the zoo.

"Get off the road!" Uncle Vernon yelled loudly at the motorcyclists as he slammed on his horn and shook his fist. "Bloody hoodlums and their motorcycles..."

"I had a dream about a motorcycle," Harry spoke up and Greyson turned his attention to his brother. "It was flying..."

The sound of nonsense coming out of Harry's mouth caused Uncle Vernon to slam his breaks and had Greyson getting choked out by his seatbelt.

Uncle Vernon turned around in his seat. "MOTORCYCLES DO NOT FLY!" Uncle Vernon yelled, getting spittle in Greyson and Harry's face.

"I know," Harry protested. "It was just a dream." However, it had already worsened Uncle Vernon's bad mood and improved Dudley's.

"Don't worry Harry," Greyson piped up, grinning. "At least you didn't dream about turning Dudley into a pig. Though it wouldn't be too hard. Just needs the tail and nose." He ducked just in time to miss the first of Dudley's fists, but not the second, which got him squarely in the shoulder and the full force of Uncle Vernon's wrath, but he knew that he would receive his punishment in the quiet of the Dursley's home. It was worth it though. It would make Harry's punishment less, if he even got one at all.

Soon enough they were at the zoo and Aunt Petunia chatted with Piers' mom about how terrible it was that they didn't have a sitter for those horrid Potter boys. Though his mother left after assuring Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia it was fine, as she had some shopping she had to take care of in town anyway.

"Thanks," Harry said as they made their way through to the ticket lines.

Greyson gave him a crooked grin. "Not a problem," he said. "Besides, what kind of big brother would I be if I didn't try to make them remember how horrid they are?"

Harry chuckled as they made their way through the zoo. "So, tell me more of this flying motorcycle dream," Greyson said as they watched animals just out of earshot of the Dursleys.

Harry shook his head. "I don't remember much about it," he confessed. "But it was a really good dream." He was quiet for a moment. "You know... sometimes when I think really hard about my scar... I think I see bright flashes of green and my head feels like it's splitting open... but that doesn't make sense because I got it in a car crash." And then added, "The green light, I mean."

"Well maybe we can get a police report or go to the library and research it," Greyson offered. "But, don't worry about that, instead look at Piers and Dudley seeing their family for the first time." He threw his hand out towards the gorilla exhibit. Harry laughed, enjoying the joke.

"Fair enough," Harry agreed, letting go of his worries and stress for the time being. The day was pretty good. They were even given lemon ice pops because some nice lady noticed that the Dursleys didn't even bother getting them ice cream when they bought Piers and Dudley giant ice cream cones.

Well, at least it was good until they got to the reptile house. That was when things went... bad.

"Move!" Dudley demanded of the snake. He tapped the glass angrily.

"Maybe it's dead," Piers suggested, seeing as it was laying there sleeping.

"It's just a dumb snake," Dudley huffed. "Look! They're feeding the Komono!" And then they both ran off to see the carnage. With the area clear, Greyson and Harry walked up to look at it.

"Wow! It's huge," Greyson said. "It could wrap itself twice around Uncle Vernon's car and turn it into a rubbish can if it wanted." Harry just nodded and stared at the snake. Greyson watched as the snake then opened its eyes and looked at his brother. The snake then brought himself eye level with his younger brother and winked. "What the..." Greyson said but noticed his brother wasn't even paying attention to him, but was still very intent on the snake and even gave a wink back.

Soon enough they started hissing to each other. Suddenly Piers was right behind them yelling in their ears. "DUDLEY! MR. DURSLEY! COME AND LOOK AT THIS SNAKE! YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHAT IT'S DOING!" Soon enough, Harry and Greyson were pushed out of the way and knocked into the hard concrete floor. As Greyson was rubbing his elbows, Dudley and Piers were shoving their faces up against the mirror.

"Too bad we can't lock them up like the snake," Greyson said. And as quick as he said it, the glass vanished. Both brothers stared in wide eyed horror at that. Dudley and Piers fell into the exhibit, where the snake snapped at them playfully before slithering out. Dudley and Piers tried to get out of the exhibit only to find themselves trapped in.

The snake had even stopped to talk to his brother more. Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon were so distraught over their precious Dudey-kins being trapped on his special birthday weekend.

Soon enough, Piers and Dudley had calmed down enough to give their version of what happened with the snake. "I swear, it tried biting my leg off!" Dudley said as he shoved spoonfuls of ice cream into his mouth, as that was the one thing Dudley said would make his birthday better after his near death experience.

"Well it was going to wrap itself around me and squeeze me to death!" Piers said, trying to outdo Dudley in who had almost been harmed by the snake.

"It was going to swallow me whole!" Dudley said. Greyson held back from saying it would have choked to death trying to eat his little toe. He didn't want any attention brought back towards him and Harry. They were lucky enough Uncle Vernon forgot about what happened in the car with the whole flying motorcycle thing.

"Well... well, I saw it talking to Harry," Piers said, causing a pit to form at the bottom of Greyson's stomach. "And Harry, you were talking to it too, weren't you?"

The look on Uncle Vernon's face was even more horrible and angry than they had ever seen before. "Well, Greyson even wanted us to be locked up like the snake," Dudley added, almost gleefully at the thought of the boys both being punished for ruining his birthday.

Uncle Vernon's face looked purple. He didn't say another word as they hurried home. The moment they got in the house, Uncle Vernon slammed the door. "Go-cupboard now-no meals," he muttered and the boys rushed to their bed and closed the door to avoid angering Uncle Vernon even more.

Harry laid there, staring at the ceiling and Greyson sat there. He let out a sigh and couldn't believe their luck. Though this always happened. Weird things always happened when they were around. But this was by far the worst thing to happen to them. Normally it was things like Harry's hair growing out overnight after Aunt Petunia gave them haircuts and left Harry's bangs just over his scar.

Or when they were running away from Dudley and Piers and their gang and ended up on top of the school when they went to jump up over the trash cans to hide behind them.

"Maybe one day, we'll have some distant relative who'll come and take us far away," Harry said. "Like those weird people who bow and wave to us."

"Maybe," Greyson agreed. "But let's nap and we'll go get some food later." He moved to lay down and cuddled with his brother to get some extra warmth in their tiny cold cupboard. Though they didn't speak about the fact that they'd been wishing that same wish every year, only for it to never happen.

They were stuck with the Dursleys and didn't have anyone but each other. They didn't have friends because Dudley's gang made sure of it. They didn't even have a memory of their parents or any idea of who they were, except for whatever the Dursleys told Aunt Marge who despised them and their dead parents. There wasn't even a smiling picture they could look at... just the name Potter to link them to their forgotten past.