They say that every single action and choice one makes has a completely different chain of events follow it than the events that would have happened otherwise. One little difference can change an entire future, an entire lifetime of circumstances. I'm Izuku Midoriya, and I'm sure by now that you've heard of the story of Deku, a boy who strove to become the greatest hero in the world. If not, it would be quite strange for you to have clicked on this story, but I digress. This story is much different from the one that you may know, and I'll warn you now that it's much less pleasant.

Still reading? Well, I'm sure we'll get along great, but don't say I didn't warn you. My story starts off much like the one you already know. A glowing child was born and suddenly humans were being born with fantastical abilities that you could call superpowers. These powers became known as Quirks, and they were everywhere. By the time I was born, around eighty percent of the population had Quirks. It had become a society of Heroes, superheroes come to life. However, no one ever stopped to question the problems in a world like that.

That brings me to were my story differs from the one you know. I'll paraphrase on some of the details. As I'm sure you know, or for those of you who started reading this without a clue, I was attacked by a thief with a sludge Quirk. I didn't have a lot of time to work it out, but from what I could tell, the guy's body was made completely of a thick, slime substance. I was saved from the Villain by the World's Symbol of Peace, and my idol at the time, All Might. He was a huge man, standing over seven feet tall and built of pure muscle. His golden hair stuck up rather ridiculously like two antennas, and shadow from his strongly pronounced brow fell over his eyes, a smile on his face completing the image everyone in the world knew. I was in awe when I met him, so much so that I was too shocked to say much of anything. When he had to be on his way, I grabbed on without thinking as he leaped miles across the city. When we landed, it wasn't long before I saw All Might's true form, a smaller, average sized man that looked like a frail and sickly version of the great hero. I remember what I said to him just moments before, not caring that my idol was apparently past his prime. I was shocked of course, a fight had wounded him years before and made him unable to maintain his power for more than three hours a day. However, an even greater shock awaited me next.

"Even if I don't have a Quirk, can I become a Hero?" I had asked with embarrassment and hope on my face, plain as day. "Can even someone without a Quirk be like you? I want to be a great Hero, like you." The short answer was hard, brutal even. No, not without a Quirk, and not even my personal hero thought so. All Might just told me to become a police officer and left. I remember how heartbroken I felt as my mind flash through all the memories I had, memories that felt more like scars than anything. My childhood friend, Bakugo Katsuki, and his amazing Quirk, a Quirk that went right to his head. A Quirk that he began to torment me and others with. My mom, unable to find the right words to comfort me as a child. Then, as I looked out from the rooftop that All Might and I had landed on, the last thing Katsuki had said to me that day had popped into my head.

"You know, if you really wanna be a hero that badly, there actually might be another way"

I could feel the familiar pricking of tears in the corners of my eyes.

"Just pray you'll be born with a Quirk in your next life, and take a swan dive off the roof of the building"

I stepped forward, my hand finding its way to the railing as I looked down at the city below. Was this rock bottom, or could things get yet worse? If they could be worse than this, than maybe I didn't want to be there for that to happen. I shook my head suddenly and stepped back, somewhat mortified by what was going through my mind. I wiped my tears away with my sleeves, gritted me teeth, and headed for home.

On the way to my house, I came across the scene of a battle. Heroes ran to and fro to save whoever they could. A chill crept up my spine as I saw the sludge villain from earlier, surrounded by explosions. Trapped in his slim like body was a familiar boy, Bakugo, a temperamental boy my age with messy pale blonde hair.

"Kacchan" I muttered, and despite everything he had done, I threw myself forward, rushing toward the scene in a desperate attempt to pry my classmate away from the monster, even where Heroes had failed. Of course, it was in vain, and I was powerless, of course. However, my intervention had inspired All Might, who had been standing hidden and powerless on the sideline until now, to act, and save Bakugo. After that confrontation, I had started to see what All Might was saying. Without another word I collected my belongings, which I had previously thrown at the villain, and left without a word.

Here is were the story turns, so I'll give you all one last warning. All Might had searched for me after all that, but I had no way of knowing. This time, the Symbol of Peace had missed me. Whether it was a street away, or half the city away, I wouldn't see All Might again for a long time. Thus, my story changed. It was no longer a story about Deku, the world's next Symbol of Peace. No, this story was about Izuku Midoriya, the boy who not even an entire Hero Society could save. Izuku Midoriya, who had been broken and remade by the flaws in not just the Hero Society, but modern society itself. Izuku Midoriya, the Villain who would turn this world upside down.