Chapter Thirty One

Rin sighed impatiently as she plopped down on one of the concrete benches in her garden. It had been two weeks since they returned home and Sesshomaru did nothing but work, constantly leaving her at the castle for her own 'safety'. Rin rolled her eyes and ran a hand through her hair. What did he take her for? The same pathetic little girl he rescued in the forest? Is that how he still saw her? After all these years?

"Ha!," she said aloud to nobody but herself. "Impossible. He went after Koga today. He knows I can take em. I've kicked the head wolfs ass myself a time or two in recent years!," she declared defiantly. "Nooooo it's because I'm 'pReGnAnT nOw'. It's just "tOo MuCh Of A rIsK," she imitated him petulantly and crossed her arms. "I'm not a porcelain doll," she huffed and fell silent, brooding again after her outburst.

"Who's there-" Rin narrowed her eyes when she picked up an unfamiliar scent. It was that of a human, one of Sesshomaru's followers as there was the ever so present lingering of his scent on every inhabitant in his domain. Turns out InuYoukai also 'mark' every person under their protection. Human or demon. For whatever reason they need protecting. They beat the slightest scent of their protector. Sesshomaru has described it to her as sort of policy. Lowering the number of demonic threats against his people.

"M-my lady. I'm sorry. Lord Sesshomaru asked me to look after you while he was away...keep you company."

"I don't need a baby sitter thank you," She snapped.

"Oh but I'm not!," the girl peered out from behind a large hydrangea bush. Oh. It was Sukitoni. Then eighteen year old human girl who'd been fawning over Akiru for at least the last three years. 'Now I see Sesshomaru's plan. The big softie. He's trying to hook Akiru up with her. Putting her right in his sights by my side. Genius. I love it.' She thought.

"Come," Rin pat the seat beside her. "Sit. Let's get to know eachother, hm?," she beamed.

"There's not much that interesting about me I'm afraid," Sukitoni let out a nervous chuckle. "How about you? Life with Lord Sesshomaru must be very exciting."

"Well it used to be...before I got pregnant. Don't get me wrong, I'm over the moon. I'm so excited for this baby...but I wish...I wish there'd been a way to wait ya know? I just hope it won't be like this forever. Once the child is born...I can start going with him again," Rin took a sudden interest in her hands, picking at her claws. Sukitoni reached out and placed a hand over both of Rin's, stopping her before she drew blood.

"Hey now, I've heard he's very protective of you. His leaving you behind is probably for your own safety."

"I know it is! But that doesn't make it not suck," she sighed, exasperated. "Let's talk about something else. All this...anger...isn't good for the baby. After seeing Sesshomaru's mother- spiteful little shrew- it's no wonder he is the way he is," she scoffed and folded her arms. The younger girl devolving into a fit of giggles.

"What?" Rin raised an eyebrow. "What is it? What's so funny?"

"It's sound exactly like my human parent squabbling," she smiled back.

"Oh...well. I used to be a human, you know. We played together when you were small," Rin said matter of factly.

"Yes I remember! I used to love when lord Sesshomaru brought you to visit. When I learned that you were back on a more...permanent basis...I was thrilled!"

"Yes...while it's not what I thought I wanted before. love having a place to call home. A place that's ours. Where we can escape."

"The castle is very crowded."

"It is...but Sesshomaru has went to great lengths to keep our private rooms- just that- private. And we have a little...oasis in the forest. It's so beautiful. I plan on asking to go there when he returns."

"How long-"

"Another day."


"Leaving me to take care of everything. Takeharu's sister made a mess of things in the short time we were gone. And then there's the girls. Have you seen them by chance?"

"Yes, I checked on them before coming to you, my lady. Amari is on the training grounds. And Izayoi is actually down in the kitchens."

"She loves to cook," Rin smiled. "Gets that from Kagome. Amari loves to fight. She gets that from Inuyasha," Rin snorted and Sukitoni giggled.

"That's funny. I saw her roughing up some of the younger trainees."

"I knew it was a matter of time. Tell me, I've seen you watching Akiru here lately..."

"Yeah...I don't think he gives me the time of day though..."

"Well then...make the first move," Rin winked and stood.

"I-I can't," Sukitoni followed.

"Sometimes that's all a guy wants," she shrugged. "To be chased. They get tired of doing all the chasing."

"Really? It's that simple?"

"Well...yes," Rin shrugged.

"Is that how you and Lord Sesshomaru came about? You chased him?"

"Sesshomaru and I are...unique. In our own way I guess you could say I did pursue him. I didn't have to chase him for long though. Barely a day," she giggled.

"Really?," Sukitoni gaped.

"Mhm! But we'd had our eyes on eachother for years. And with a relationship as unique as ours, Sesshomaru wanted me to be the one to come to him. When I was ready. One day I decided I was ready and well...the rest is history."

"So did know? On the first day?"

"Kinda. I was so horny it was ridiculous. Well of course Sesshomaru has the best nose of anyone I've ever met. He wanted me to be sure though...before we went through with it. So he helped me and I helped him to...relieve...some tension. But no. There was no intercourse the first night."

"I've never even..."

"Neither had I. And you should keep it that way," Rin gave her a serious look. "Keep it that way until you've found the person you'll spend your life with. Trust me."

The young girl nodded thoughtfully as the fell into a comfortable silence. It wasn't long before Amari and Izayoi came and found Rin just as she was exiting the garden. Obeying their uncles curfew even in his absence. Once both girls were fed and tucked in to their respective beds, Rin took off on the short walk back to her and Sesshomaru's rooms. Suddenly she was slammed against the wall and a warm hand covered her mouth to muffle her screams.



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