So this is the Netflix version and scroll past the descriptions for first chapter and go to Wattpad account destinycopley13 for clothing and pics
Alexis Rabbit Form
Name: Alexis
Gender: Female
Age: 1 1/2 years
Weight: 15 Pounds
Size: The size of Fiver when in rabbit form
Species: Wolf/ Rabbit Shifter
Eye color: Light Purple
Fur color: Go to Wattpad Account for the pic also the for which rabbit it's the one crouched down the light cream tan color is gonna be a very light blonde and the white up there is silverish white and she also has faded white looking sock paws you know the paws that dogs and other animals get that get called socks but there a faded out white and she has white on the inside of her ears and the tips of her ears have a faded white on them too
Alexis's voice: Dove Cameron
Her scent: Pine from being in the woods but will also smell like that of water from usually liking to hang around the water
Looks: Picture above
Alexis's theme in rabbit form: Call me Fighter
Alexis and Fiver's theme song: Were of the same pride
Powers: Ability to shift into a wolf
Skills: Skilled in fighting, tracking, and gathering food especially good at finding berries and herbs
Abilities: Extremely good hearing and sense of smell
Weapons: Wolf form, teeth, and claws
Styles of fighting: Fighting smart, crafty, and sneaky
Likes: Drawing using claws, taking walks, looking at the stars, and helping friends
Dislikes: People who judge others before getting to know them
Favorite weather: Raining
Favorite food: Mulberries
Favorite place: Near the forest
Favorite season: Fall
Favorite time of day: Night
Fear: Losing my friends and family
Personality: Smart, caring, understanding, powerful, very agile, very protective, deeply loyal, extremely fast, kind, stubborn, fearless, selfless, polite, very beautiful, smart mouthed, a bit childish, night owl, often leaps before thinking, and graceful
Crush: Fiver
Closest friend out of everyone: Fiver
Close friends: Fiver, Hazel, and Dandelion
Best friends: Fiver, Hazel, Dandelion, and Hawkbit
Friends: Fiver, Hazel, Bigwig, Blackberry, Dandelion, Hawkbit, and Bluebell
Enemies: Woundwort, humans, dogs, cats, etc.
Past: Pack was killed by another pack while mom took Alexis away and she went back to help but was killed but was helped and watched over by a pair of beautiful black drongo birds the female with blue eyes named Skailla and her mate with green eyes named Terro and for those who don't know what a black drongo is it's a beautiful black bird that looks like a crow and is also called the king of crows
Alexis Wolf Form
Name: Alexis
Gender: Female
Age: 1 1/2 years
Weight: 70 Pounds
Species: Wolf/ Rabbit Shifter
Looks: Picture
Eyes: Light purple
Fur: Solid white with silver( The silver is in the same places as in the pic)
Alexis's voice: Dove Cameron
Alexis's theme song in wolf form: Speechless
Alexis and Fiver's theme song: Were of the same pride
Abilities: Extremely good hearing and sense of smell
Powers: Ability to turn into a rabbit and wolf
Weapons: Teeth and claws
Skills: Skilled in fighting, tracking, and gathering food
Favorite place: Near the forest
Styles of fighting: Fighting smart, tricky, and sneaky
Specialties: Fighting, hunting, running, and howling
Hobbies: Howling and taking walks
Favorite season: Fall
Alexis's scent: Pine from being around the woods but will occasionally smell that of water from hanging around water
Favorite time of day: Night
Personality: Smart, caring, understanding, powerful, very agile, very protective, deeply loyal, extremely fast, kind, stubborn, fearless, selfless, polite, very beautiful, smart mouthed, a bit childish, night owl, often leaps before thinking, and graceful
Crush: Fiver
Closest friend out of everyone: Fiver
Close friends: Fiver, Hazel, and Dandelion
Best friends: Fiver, Hazel, Dandelion, and Hawkbit
Friends: Fiver, Hazel, Bigwig, Blackberry, Dandelion, Hawkbit, and Bluebell
Enemies: Woundwort, humans, dogs, cats, etc.
Past: Pack was killed by another pack while mom took Alexis away and she went back to help but was killed but was helped and watched over by a pair of beautiful black drongo birds the female with blue eyes named Skailla and her mate with green eyes named Terro and for those who don't know what a black drongo is it's a beautiful black bird that looks like a crow and is also called the king of crows
Chapter 1 A Chance Meeting
One night as Alexis is walking around in her wolf form patrolling her territory she soon spots a rabbit trying to be carried off by a corvil. Alexis then immediately runs over and grabs the bird as she jumps into the air after it managing to get the bird to drop the rabbit. Alexis then looks behind her at the rabbit who is giving her a fearful look before turning back to the crow growling viciously trying to fight it as it then claws her in the shoulder making her yelp and shift back to rabbit form as another rabbit intervenes and kills the corvil.
"Bigwig thank goodness. I thought I was done for." The hurt rabbit says as he tries to stand but is unable to fully stand on one paw.
"You aren't but she is. What are you anyway? Your not a doe your an elil!" The rabbit says aggressively.
"Look I just saw your friend in trouble and I only wanted to help." Alexis says as she keeps her distance between herself and the rabbit.
"Help us!? Your a wolf. Wolves eat rabbits." The rabbit says aggressively.
"Bigwig just settle down a bit. If she was going to harm us she would of done it already." A brown rabbit says as he and some others come over.
"What makes you so sure of that?" The rabbit says as he looks at the group.
"Because if she was going to harm us she could of just killed the corvil and Dandelion instead of using attacks to keep it away from him and wouldn't of put herself between the two that caused her to get hurt herself." A smaller brown rabbit says as he looks at Alexis.
"Your really going to trust a wolf? She's an elil. Even if she is also a doe she could be trying to trick us." The rabbit says angrily.
"Look I'm not trying to trick you. I don't want to hurt you. Look your friend is hurt. Looks like he just twisted his paw but he won't be able to do much with his paw like that. I have a burrow of my own not far from here. Your welcome to follow if you would like food and a nice warm and cozy place to sleep until your friend is able to walk again on his paw but if you wish to think I'm so horrible to harm you than go ahead. Not like I'm not used to from people who don't even give me a chance to speak." Alexis says as she walks off limping leaving the rabbits to look at her curiously.
"Males. They can be so hard headed sometimes. Although that wasn't my first unkind encounter. Oh well." Alexis says as she is nearing her burrow before stopping upon hearing rustling in some bushes and gets into a fighting stance before seeing the rabbits from before appear in front of her.
"I see you decided to follow me. Is that for help or do you wish to growl at me some more?" Alexis asks with irritance in her tone.
"Look I apologize for our friend's behavior earlier. Your right. Our friend won't do well being injured while traveling. If your offer to help is still there we will happily accept it." The lead brown rabbit says kindly.
"Follow me then. My burrow isn't far from here. I have some herbs that should help your friend's paw and plenty of food." Alexis says as she gives a soft smile before moving on with the rabbits following closely behind her.
"We greatly appreciate it." The smaller brown rabbit says kindly.
"So if we may ask what are you exactly? I mean we've never seen a doe like you around." A grey rabbit says.
"Well I was born with it. My parents were both wolves but I was the only one with my ability. Sadly others thought it was some kind of weakness in our kind and sought to remove it but it costed me my family in doing so when I was still very little." Alexis says sadly.
"How did you survive then?" A light brown rabbit asks.
"Let's just say I met a very kind female bird and her mate when I lost my family. What my birth mom hadn't taught me in survival they did. I'm very grateful to them. The female actually says I'm quite different from my kind saying its a miracle I even survived with my birth pack. But my birth mom was happy just to have a happy healthy pup. She didn't care that I was different and cared for other living things and didn't care I'm also a rabbit. She just wanted me to be happy and safe... Even if that did in the end cost her." Alexis says sadly.
"Well are you happy?" The lead brown rabbit asks.
"Not really. I miss my pack. I'm more than a capable fighter and well capable of protecting myself and my home but to me what's the worth in fighting if you don't have someone and something to fight for. I really don't see why my mom thought it was good to save me. I haven't done anything to deserve it." Alexis says sadly as she flattens back her ears.
"I wouldn't say that. Your mother seemed to care very much for you. If she saw reason in you living than you must be alive for a reason." A light grey rabbit says.
"Like us in a way." The smaller rabbit says.
"Really now? Had you went through something similar?" Alexis asks curiously.
"To put it simply we lost our old home and we're traveling to where it's safer." The lead brown rabbit says.
"I'm sorry for that. I know how you feel... Well we're here." Alexis says as the rabbits hesitantly follow her into her burrow.
"Ow!" The brown rabbit says as Alexis is gently wrapping his paw in leaves and herbs.
"Sorry. Your paw should be better by next night Frith. Just stay off it and get some rest." Alexis says as she brings a carrot over to him before beginning to tend to her own wound.
"So we never really did get your name. May we ask for it?" The lead brown rabbit asks as Alexis looks at him after finishing up tending to her wound.
"Alexis but my adoptive mom Skailla and her mate Terro would and still sometimes calls me their unbroken wild flower. They call me this because they say I'm as beautiful as the night stars and as wild and untamed as a wild flower." Alexis says.
"Those are beautiful names." The small brown rabbit says causing Alexis to smile and blush slightly.
"Thank you. You never introduced yourselves though." Alexis says getting all of the rabbits to look at her.
"Our apologies. We've had many things happen at once so forgive our rudeness." The lead rabbit says as Alexis nods politely.
"Your forgiven and its understood." Alexis says kindly.
"Well the rabbit you helped earlier is Dandelion and the one who got to you before us is Bigwig. I'm Hazel. I'm glad you were around when you were." The brown rabbit says kindly.
"I'm Bluebell. It's honestly very weird speaking to an elil that hasn't tried to eat us." The pale grey rabbit says earning an irritating look from another buck.
"Bluebell do try to show some manners. She didn't have show us her kindness. Besides she's a doe. We don't want to scare her off for being rude. Like Hazel said forgive our rudeness but I'm Blackberry." A light and dark brown rabbit says.
"I'm Hawkbit. Thank you for allowing us to stay until Dandelion gets better." The grey rabbit says.
"I guess that leaves me. I'm Hazel's little brother Fiver and thank you for allowing us in your burrow." The smaller brown rabbit says kindly as Alexis looks at him.
"Your all very much welcome. Your welcome to stay as long as you like. As I said earlier I enjoy helping others even if it isn't always appreciated due to my uh looks." Alexis says as the bucks are eating on flayrah.
*Timeskip three days*
"How can we be sure we can trust her Hazel? Your off your rock if you think I want that kind of a doe in our group." Bigwig says as Alexis is outside the burrow stopping upon hearing his words but getting close enough to hear.
"Bigwig does have a point Hazel. I mean what will happen if she gets hungry enough and decides to attack us. She could easily mislead us and takes us to a pack of elil." Dandelion says.
"And has anyone else seen these birds that were supposedly her adoptive parents? For all we know shes been lying to us." Hawkbit says.
"Let's all just calm down. She is a wolf that's true but she hasn't harmed any of us. In fact she's done the opposite." Fiver says as Alexis manages to get closer without the bucks realizing she is close by.
"Look Fiver, Hazel if you two want to stay and be around that doe or allow her to have a chance to travel with you two than go ahead. We don't want her around." Bigwig says firmly.
"Is that how you see me? A good for nothing wolf? Well if that's how you feel than your more than welcome to leave. I should of known it was too good to be true. Just when I thought other creatures were finally being able to look past my abilities. The abilities grew up hating myself for because of reasons like this. Do you think it's easy being what I am? Knowing that no one will ever accept me in their group or even want me as a mate because of what I am? Losing my family to my own kind because they see me as something that shouldn't have ever been born. Do you think I wanted to be born this way? I went through hell as growing up because the family I once had is no longer the family I know." Alexis asks angrily getting the attention of Hazel and the other rabbits.
"Alexis please let us explain." Fiver says as he goes over to Alexis.
"Save it Fiver. You guys have said enough and made your thoughts loud and clear. I don't know what I was thinking when I allowed you all into my home. I thought you all were different. I thought you were good rabbits but your just like everyone else. Nobody could ever want a doe like me around because of my imperfections. You hate me for what you see and clearly that's how it'll always be for a worthless doe like me. I guess I'm just the fool." Alexis says coldly as she quickly leaves her burrow ignoring the others asking her to come back and to listen.
Once Alexis stops running she soon stops under a tree crying.
"Oh mom I'm so sorry. I tried I really did but it seems that others will never see me the way that you and everyone else along with Skailla and Terro see me. I wish you had let me die with you. At least then I could be with those I love instead of repeatedly being shot down by those who I foolishly ever thought could understand or want me. I miss you so much mom. I wish... I just wish you were here beside me. Singing me the lullaby you used to sing." Alexis says sadly.
*Song being sung is Della's Moon Lullaby by Della Duck from Duck Tales*
Alexis singing
Look at the stars,
My darling baby child
Life is strange and vast
Filled with wonders and joy
Face each new sun
With eyes clear and truth
I'm not afraid of the unknown
Because I'll face it all with you
Look to the stars
And gaze up at the moon
Even as these days pass
I'm always thinking of you
Face each new day
And keep your hope alive
I promise I'll be there soon
It won't be long 'til I'm with you
*Song Over*
Alexis then lays down sadly as she looks at the grass before hearing something in the bushes and quickly gets up.
"Who's there!? Come out!" Alexis says angrily before she sees Fiver and the others come out with sad looks on their faces.
"What do you lot want?" Alexis asks angrily.
"Bigwig and the others have something they wish to say." Hazel says.
"Please Alexis." Fiver says.
"Forget it. I think you bucks have done and said enough. You should just leave." Alexis says coldly uninterested in their apology.
"Well your gonna hear us out whether you want to or not. Look we're deeply sorry about what we said. It was uncalled for after everything you've done for us. We shouldn't of said what we did." Bigwig says.
"Then why did you say it?" Alexis asks harshly.
"Because it hasn't been easy for us since we left our home but that was no excuse to say what we did about you. It's never an excuse to talk that way to a doe." Blackberry says.
"We're still learning to get along with each other and we took it out on you. It's been hard for us and we lashed out at you. We never meant to say those things. for us we've had to come up with new ways of thinking to survive. We just never expected to have an elil...I mean a beautiful doe such as yourself around us. We just weren't entirely sure how to react." Dandelion says.
"We just want a chance to make it up to you. We know our apologies can only go so far and that our actions must now speak louder than our words." Hawkbit says.
"And how do you plan to make it up to me?" Alexis asks curiously.
"Well for starters we wanted to ask you to join our group and once we get to our destination be apart of our warren." Hazel says.
"What? Are you serious?" Alexis asks shocked at his offer.
"Completely serious. We want you around. We promise we won't hurt you or do you the way others have. We've been looking for does to join us and we would very much like it if you would join us." Hawkbit says.
"Yea your pretty good company. Besides your definitely a good welcomed change from it being just us bucks." Dandelion says.
"But are you sure?" Alexis asks.
"We're sure we want you around. Even if you don't happen to find a mate around us your still welcome as part of our warren." Fiver says.
"Well I'm still mad at what the others said but I think I can definitely give you guys the chance to prove me wrong." Alexis says happily before the group hear a squawking and look up in the tree to see two large and beautiful crows revealing to be Skailla and Terro.
"Oh not again." Dandelion says.
"Don't tell me those corvil followed us." Bigwig says angrily.
"Don't worry guys. They're my adoptive parents Skailla and Terro." Alexis says causing the bucks to look at her shocked.
"Those are the birds you were talking about?" Bluebell asks.
"Your adoptive parents are corvil?" Blackberry asks.
"Are you alright dear? Your father and I saw you come out running from your burrow and those rabbits not far behind you." Skailla says worriedly.
"Are you hurt in anyway?" Terro asks.
"It's ok they're friends." Alexis says happily.
"That's a relieve. But why are they with you?" Skailla asks.
"Well mom let's just say I think I've finally found my home and my pack." Alexis says.
"Your going with them?" Terro asks as Alexis nods causing the two birds to look at each other.
"Well my sweet unbroken wild flower if this will make you happy than you should go. I wish you all the luck in the forest my sweet darling pup. Just be careful and come back to visit us." Skailla says as Alexis smiles and nods.
"I will mom. I promise I won't forget where I come from and who I call family." Alexis says happily.
"Well then if that's settled we should get moving." Hazel says as Alexis and the others then begin to follow him.