A/N: This is the final chapter. Thank you for the favorites, follows, and reviews. I appreciate everyone who has stuck around for this story. It sure has been a fun one to write and it holds a special place in my heart.


Chapter XI:


Pregnant. Pregnant. Pregnant. Pregnant. Pregnant. I was wrapping the word around my brain. I'd just gotten a call from the doctor. My blood work came back and it was a confirmed positive pregnancy. I was around three weeks pregnant. I was actually having a baby grow inside my womb right now. Adam was super hyped about his Wrestlemania match, so I would tell him about the pregnancy after Wrestlemania went off.

That gave me two days to prepare myself to tell him.

Adam went to our makeshift gym two hours ago, so he should be back in any moment. I waited for him to come inside and shower so I could start preparing our lunch. As if his ears were burning, Adam walked inside the house all hot and sweaty from his workout. I met up with him and greeted him with a kiss. "How was your workout?"

"It was good."

"That's good. Now go get in the shower so I can prepare our lunch."

"Alright, boss lady." He walked up the stairs to ourr bedroom so he could get a shower.

I prepared one of Adam's pre-made healthy meals for him and I prepared myself a grilled cheese sandwich for lunch. Shortly after I finished preparing our lunch, Adam appeared in the kitchen. He was all fresh and clean. "Here you go, husband." I handed him his meal and a bottle of water.

"Thank you, wife."

I grabbed my grilled cheese sandwich and a glass of iced tea. "Do you want to eat outside? It's a beautiful day outside."

"If that's where you want to eat."

I smiled and opened the back sliding door to the back deck. Adam shut the door and joined me on the bench swing. "On a scale of one to ten, how hyped are you for Wrestlemania?"

"A million." He took a bite of his meal.

"That's super hype," I laughed. "I'm excited about seeing your match. I'm going to live tweet during your match."

He smiled. "I must be super special if Kelsey Ash-Copeland is gonna be live tweeting during my match."

"Well, it's your return match. This is a special occasion." I took a bite of my grilled cheese. "Yes, I know Wrestlemania is a big deal and it's the one night where Hall of Famers, legends, and the current wrestlers tweet about it, but I am tweeting as Edge's wife that night. I am merely showing support for my husband."

"I'm honored, baby."


Adam and Kelsey's wedding, 2016


It was our wedding day. After being with him for six years, I am finally marrying Adam. We had been through so much the last six years. I was there for him during his retirement, he was there for me during my retirement, and so on and so forth. We were having a small intimate ceremony right in the mountains of Asheville, North Carolina. Jay was his best man, Kelly was my maid of honor, and his mom and my parents were there.

I was shocked whenever Adam proposed to me. I honestly wasn't expecting it to happen. He had been married twice and had bad relationships before me, so I was sensing that he didn't want to marry me because he was afraid it was going to end terribly. It would've been okay if we hadn't got married, but there would always be that lingering question in my mind: am I good enough for Adam?

I remember the day he proposed to me. He'd been acting funny all day and it was making me suspicious of him. He made me go to town for the day by myself, so I went grocery shopping and went to downtown Asheville to shop just because I wanted to. I figured he would've messaged me and asked me what was taking me so long, but he never did and it made me sort of disappointed. I was beginning to think something was up. Not in a good way.

I drove home to ask him what was up with him, but when I walked inside all thoughts were cast away as soon I saw what was going on. The lights were out and there were candles lit in the kitchen and living room. I walked into the living room and saw Adam standing in the middle of the living room.

"Hey," he greeted.

"Hi," I replied. "What's all this?"

Adam held out his hand to me and I accepted it. "Kelsey, you have put with me for the past five years. My relationship with you is by far the best relationship I've ever been in. You're nothing but supportive of me and patient with me. No matter what stupid shit I've done in the past, you've never judged me for it. I wake up thankful every day that I have you." Adam got down on one knee and I started crying. "Will you marry me?" He held out the most beautiful princess diamond engagement ring I've ever seen.

"Yes! Yes, I'll marry you." Adam placed the ring on my finger. He stood up and placed his lips on mine. We shared a few chaste kisses before we hugged in the tightest hug ever.

Here I was a year later standing in front of the man who was the love of my life. He was dressed in a light gray suit with a white dress shirt and white and gray neck tie. His hair was grown out again and put up in a neat bun. I was dressed in a white spaghetti strap mermaid dress with lace appliques. My hair was half up with the rest of my long red hair falling down in perfect curls. A tulle veil with cascading pearls flowed down my back.

Adam and I decided to write our own vows. Adam was going first. I'm pretty sure my perfect makeup was going to be ruined. He held onto both of my hands. "We look pretty good. What is it were dressed up for?" I knew he would add a joke in there somewhere. I laughed. "You look so beautiful to me today, but know that you always look beautiful to me and will always be this beautiful to me, tomorrow and the next day and the next. As gorgeous as you are right here and right now, I will only love you more and more each day. There's no man in the world I would change places with today. I am so eager to be your husband. There is no place in the world I would rather be than here in front of our friends and family, pledging my love and devotion."

Yep, I was now crying. That was the most beautiful thing Adam has ever said to me.

I wiped my eyes and composed myself. It was now my turn to say my vows. "Adam, I vow to be a loving and devoted wife, without judgement, without scorn, but always with an open heart and mind. I promise to celebrate you and your achievements and to support you in your times of need. Together we face the world - stronger than the sum of our parts - now beholden only to love and each other. I pledge to be your ever faithful, honest, and loving wife."

I could see Adam got misty eyed too.

"Do you, Adam, take Kelsey to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do," Adam answered, smiling at me. He placed a beautiful silver wedding band on my ring finger.

"Do you, Kelsey, take Adam to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do," I answered, beaming at Adam. I placed a black wedding band on his ring finger.

"Kelsey and Adam, you have heard the words about love and marriage, have exchanged your vows and made your promises, and celebrated your union with the giving and receiving of rings. It is at this time that I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride!"

Adam kissed me and bent me down intensifying the kiss. I was now married to Adam. Wow! When our kiss ended, I motioned for everyone to join us for a group hug. This was the best day of my life.


Sunday night was finally here. That meant it was night two of Wrestlemania, where my match would be airing. I couldn't contain my excitement. Kelsey seemed to be enthused too because she was glowing all day. As a matter of fact, I'd never seen her glowing like that before, maybe except for the day we got married. She was so gorgeous that day.

Kelsey was upstairs in the bedroom doing something. She'd been busy majority of the day putting a scrapbook together of some sort. My match was now airing, so I yelled out for her. "Kelsey, baby, my match is on!"

She came down the stairs with a smile on her face. "I'm so excited!" She plopped on the couch beside me.

She got out her phone and started live tweeting. I was on twitter too to see what she was posting.

KelseyAsh: That hunk! *heart eye emoji* #EdgevsOrton #LastManStanding #Wrestlemania

KelseyAsh: Randy doesn't know what he got himself into. #LastManStanding #Wrestlemania

She was liking and retweeting tweets of anything pertaining to mine and Randy's match. We made use of the performance center. I took some brutal bumps in the match, but Randy still worked safe with me. I give him props - it's been a good experience working with him in my return match. After all the hell Randy and I went through, I was declared the victor.

KelseyAsh: He's still got it! And your winner: THE RATED R SUPERSTAR EDGE! #LastManStanding #Wrestlemania A little bit after my match went off, I retweeted Kelsey's last tweet.

She got up from the couch. "I'll be right back." She went upstairs. Moments later, she came back downstairs with the scrapbook in her hand. She handed it to me. "Take a look at this."

"Okay." I opened the scrapbook. It was pictures of us on meaningful days in our lives. The first picture was of our first selfie as a couple. The second picture was of us at the Hall of fame ceremony in 2011 - it was our first public appearance as a couple. The third picture of us was backstage at Wrestlemania 27 - I was the World Heavyweight Champion and she was the diva's champion. The fourth picture was of us during the night of my Hall of fame induction - she and I posed for a picture backstage. The fifth picture was of us along with our huskies - sort of like a family picture. The sixth picture of us was a picture of us right after we announced our engagement. The seventh picture of us was during our wedding. The eighth picture of us was during the night of my Royal Rumble return - she managed to get a candid photo of us hugging after I made my return. I flip the page and see two positive pregnancy tests and a newborn onesie. "Baby...you're pregnant?"

"I'm pregnant!" She beamed.

I jumped off the couch and hugged her, spinning her around. "This is incredible news!" I placed my lips on hers.

"We're finally going to have a baby." There were tears of joy forming in her eyes. "You make your grand return at Wrestlemania and I find out I'm pregnant, this is the best weekend ever."

I kissed her again and hugged her. Everything has come full circle for us. I started last decade off dating Kelsey and retiring from wrestling, now in the beginning of this decade - Kelsey and I are expecting a baby and I made my return to wrestling.

A/N: THE END! Thank you for reading! I hope you all enjoy this happy ending.