"Welcome Unar." smiles Kuran as he greets his Taumin Mistress as she came through the gate. With her were a few other Taumins, one especially is very big. And in her arms was their daughter.
Smiling down to the little girl he says, "Hello Visala! Want to say hello to daddy?" The little taumin squealed as she saw her father and reaches out her hands towards him, and the Overlord chuckles as he picked up the girl and holds her close, causing a happy wail from her.
Chuckling he looked up at her mother and asks, "I take that big guy next to you is your champion?"
"Right you are." smiles Unor, "Name is Drunius. Strongest Warrior."
"Then why isn't he one of of the Chiefs?" wondered the Overlord, knowing that one is not one of the chiefs on his territory.
"Strong he is. Skill he has. Mind not sharp for chief." she simply explained to which Kuran simply sweatdropped, feeling that guy won't make it to the final rounds. Anyway, he got close to the Taumin and took her hand, "Let's get to your room and then, in a few days, enjoy the tournament." he smiles to her.
"Good idea." smiles the female Taumin in return and they started to go.
Overlord: Kingdoms Rise
Queen Arlene sighs while resting from a long day of work… despite what everybody tells her, even her husband Kuran, she doesn't let others handle her business while heavily pregnant with her first child. She was quite stubborn about that. Shaking her head, she looked at the only other person in the room: The best knight of the humans, Knight Thierri of the South. Which… doesn't tell much given the state of the kingdom after that bloody civil war.
Anyway, the knight was kneeling in front of his queen and Arlene spoke, "You know why I called you… you will be my champion in the tournament."
"Yes, my queen. And it is an honour to claim victory in your name." replied the knight.
However, said queen only shakes her head "No. You will not claim victory. The forces you will face are too much for a single knight. Even the best our kingdom could offer. All I ask you is to achieve at least one of the final rounds."
"I fear I don't understand, my queen." countered the knight "You called because I am the best…"
"I know. But I also know that at least my husband, Overlord Kuran, has a demon as his champion. Are you proficient you could deal with that demon if you face her? Or the other quite powerful champions the others gathered?"
Taking that into account the knight shakes the head, "No… and I understand why you place no faith in my victory. But I will reach as high up as my abilities will allow me! That is what I swear upon my honour."
Arlene nods to that and sighs, hoping that it won't end in a disaster.
Overlord: Kingdoms Rise
"Raven, are you sure you want to do it? While you were great as my right hand, I don't think you should go to a tournament once more." stated Lehid, while eating some nuts she was carving for recently. She wondered briefly if it is due to her pregnancy. It wouldn't be that surprising and a hand-rubbed her swollen stomach gently.
"I can see why you have these concerns." admits the older Skeith but shakes his head, "But I am the most experienced of all the Skeith under your command. And if you need one to be your champion in this tournament, then I will at least try to see how far I come before I get stomped on." and laughs while slapping his leg a bit.
"Just… be careful." sighs Lehid, leaning back again. "I don't know what I would do if you get too seriously harmed. While the tournament is strict non-lethal… who knows what kinds of wounds you could get for being reckless or not careful enough."
"I will return in one piece, that is my promise, my lady." and Raven bows to her, in assurance.
Overlord: Kingdoms Rise
"Good that you came." spoke Ahya towards the Naga that came to her room. She turned her head with her staff in hands and whistled with her tongue a bit before asking, "You know why I called you?"
"Yes." answered the female, "You want me to fight in your name in the tournament." and fiddled with her own staff. "Though… are you sure I might win? I managed to gather information on the other champions. And given my speciality is long-range magical strikes, I will perform poorly."
"I am aware of it." admits Ahya while gazing at her staff and then turns to the other naga. "And I don't expect you to win, Pherite. In fact, I only want you to survive the tournament long enough to face one of the other Champions. I don't plan to give out all cards our species can perform. Not even the Overlord. Our support for the war already showed too much of our capacities as war mages. And the research we support our intellect in that direction as well. But on one to one battles… the type of battles that will matter in our near future. I prefer to send somebody ill-suited into the match than secure victory."
Understanding the logic Pherite bowed. "Then I will perform the best I can offer. But if it comes down to it, I will forfeit the last match before the final rounds."
"Make still a believable show. I don't want anybody to suspect us holding back."
"Of course, my lady." and the naga retreats out of Ahya's quarters.
The red-haired naga whistled with her tongue once more. "If all comes to plan… the Overlord will head to our territory next after the tournament. And once he did his deed… we will show him what our true goals are." and giggled to herself.
Overlord: Kingdoms Rise
Isadel was wandering in a garden and looks at the flowers growing there. Despite the time of the year, she feels curious how it was possible that here, in the garden of the late Isota, the flowers and plants are still so green while most of the land is turning slowly to autumn. Which also worries a bit now that she thinks about it.
The lands that were burned in the civil war are far from being recovered, and while the food reserves are mostly covered for this winter, the future is uncertain in her eyes. The death tolls mean that many of the farms are no longer being taken care of or are undermanned. And the thought of using the Minions for that task was thrown away instantly. With their intelligence, who knows what they would do in the incompetence.
She sighed and suddenly heard somebody land behind her. Turning around she expected to see one of the gardeners that came to that growing Skeith community. They were after all those who managed to keep the green for so long. Though she learned they can only do that little miracle so far and is mostly to grow some more fruits and vegetables before the winter months.
Though she was surprised that instead of a gardener, she spots one of the mercenaries… or should she call them soldiers? She really has trouble to determinate it at this point as she isn't sure if they are really still Mercenaries or part of her lovers' army. "Yes?" she asked the Skeith.
"Mylady." he bowed, "A dark elf has arrived and requested an audience with you."
"A dark elf?" she asked and wondered if he came from her home. If that is the case, he must have been traveling for months.
"I will meet him in the small saloon." she informed him and was glad that Lehid had allowed her to use the mansion fully when she wasn't around.
She was soon standing in the Saloon with a Dark Elf she could easily identify as a female Warrior with the name Somno. Kneeling down, the warrior had his shield and sword strapped on his back. "Princess Isadel. Your Grandmother, Queen Fay, has sent me to represent you at the tournament of Overlord Kuran."
"You must have been travelling for months to arrive here. I hope the trip was uneventful." greeted the dark elf princess to her.
"Aside from bandits, I were not really bothered during the trip." was Somno's answer.
"Then rise. Rise as my champion… and have a bath and a decent meal. You had a long trip and I prefer that you're at your peak condition when your time comes to face your opponents at the tournament."
"Your words are proof of great wisdom." nodded the dark elf and rose at this command and Isadel called for a servant to provide food and a bath to the warrior.
Overlord: Kingdoms Rise
"Thank you for seeing me on that short notice, Hama." Exclaims Silver while walking alongside a human ranger. "I know you're quite caught up with your training but I simply want to know if you're feeling up to the challenge now."
Hama snorted, "I'm feeling more than up to it. At the end of the week, I will be the last one standing and hold in your name the trophy of this tournament. I never lost before and I won't change that philosophy."
"I just want to warn you, my friend. In this tournament are some participants that promise many troubles. And I am left to wonder how some of these are even allowed to participate." countered the young Lord. "But I believe in your ability and have little doubt in you earning great honours."
Hama placed a hand on Silver's shoulder, "Don't fear Taumin or Skeith. Whatever strength they hold, I can work around them."
"That reassures me. Now take some rest. Soon you have to fight many strong members." smiled Silver and they head back to his estate.
Overlord: Kingdoms Rise
"Welcome! Welcome to the first tournament held by our Ruler, Overlord Kuran!" shouts a voice out of a very large trumpet-like construct resting in the hands of half a dozen minions. The man on the smaller end paused for a moment and drinks some water before he continues. "Today we will watch the first battles which will in the end determine which final eight candidates will fight for the title, starting tomorrow!" and an uproar was heard.
That uproar came from audience that came to the newly opened colosseum to witness its virgin round of tournaments. The caller had cleared his throat once more and the people became silent. "I would like to introduce all of the tournament members at once but given of how many we have here today, it would cost so much time we wouldn't even see a single battle today! So let's save it for the final tournament members. Except for the champions chosen by the Overlord, his mistress, his advisor and of course his lords."
And as he had said that, the crowd turned to the platform reserved for the upper class and they saw the mentioned people arriving and taking their seats, though Arlene needed some help as she was heavily pregnant by that point.
"And now we start the games!" called the announcer, "Our first match is special as it also features our first champion! Let us welcome the champion of our dear Queen Arlene! Sir Thieri of the South!" and the people roared as the knight walked into the arena and bowed in front of his queen. "And his opponent… is a girl thinking herself as a pirate with an embarrassing outfit… Here isssss Anastasia!"
And the stadium went so silent crickets could be heard as the pink wearing pirate went in. Looking around on that reaction, she shrugged and placed her umbrella on the shoulder. "Well… looks like I have to prove my worth."
"Both fighters are now required to go to their positions."
The two stood on opposite ends and Thieri draws his weapon, a large two-handed sword.
Kuran looked at the knight and glances at Arlene, "That is your champion?"
"Yes, he is. Something wrong?" asks the pregnant queen.
"I'll tell you after that battle." was the Overlord reply.
Anastasia opens her umbrella and used it seemly to cover her from the sun. Then a horn was blown and it was the sign to Begin.
The knight rushes towards the pirate with his blade held above the head. Anastasia smirked and threw her open umbrella in the air, grabbed the handle and pulled, revealing a blade inside the umbrella.
Holding it in front of her she sidesteps the knights overhead attack and thrusts forward to poke the blade in a gap of the armour. Thieri shouts in pain and swung his two-handed weapon around but she ducks under it and thrust her weapon again. This time she didn't get the gap so she jumped back and holds her hand out, catching the rest of her umbrella with her hand. With a trained flick, the grip made some clicks and turns into the hold of a shield.
"Such a sad view. A girl thinking to win with a blade that breaks easily and an umbrella as a shield." Taunts the knight while placing the blade on his shoulder.
"Oh, you will be surprised." smirks Anastasia and starts running towards him, throwing herself at his direction. He swiped his blade in a circle but she rolled under it and slashes with her rapier and Thieri cries loudly as the inside of his knee was wounded and fell on his knees, and then felt the tip of the girls' weapon at his neck, causing him to stop breathing for a moment.
Everything was silent for a moment before the announcer declared, "And the Winner is Anastasia!" and roars of cheering erupts from the stands.
Arlene gave an applaud but sighs loudly as she mused, "And I thought he would make it at least so far to lose to one of the other champions."
"In the way he held his weapon and took his stance, forget it." stated Kuran while drinking some wine, "I take he is mostly an honorary knight?"
"The best of the ones I have." she admits and turns her head. "Father always gave him lots of praise but I never understood why he never was sent to fight."
"Arlene… most honorary knights are good for parades but not for combat. He lacked serious experience." shakes the Overlord his head and huffed. "That he lost now is only proof here. Even if the girl is something unexpected."
"So, in short, my choice for a champion was faulty because I didn't know it better…" she groaned while placing a hand on her head as she got a headache. "I hope that isn't going to reflect on what people think of me."
"That I cannot promise." was her husbands weak reply.
Overlord: Kingdoms Rise
The battles continued for a while without real surprises except for the obvious ones due to some of the choices of the tournament. Until the next fight was again between two Champions. Namely Lord Halberts champion Aeva, an Anubis, and Unors champion Drunius, a Taumin.
The two fighters meet in the middle of the field and Drunius looks down at the dog-like girl. "Small Champion. Drunius squash you like other enemies." and laughed loudly while the Anubis only huffed and went over to her position while Drunius went to his corner and draws his axes… two large two-handed axes wielded by one hand each.
Aeva blinked at the weapons as the fighters don't see each other between battles, ESPECIALLY the champions. But she knew what to do. Once the announcer shouts them to fight the Taumin roared a battle cry while Aeva concentrated and began to speak out words in a low tone.
Drunius roared and jumped as high as he could to land on his opponent and smash his weapons against her body. However her hand stretches out to her and a thunderbolt shot out of it, hitting his chest and sends him flying.
As he came down, he crashed into the stands, the people barely had time to get out of the way. The eyes were white and smoke rose from the entire body but he was still alive. As barely as it could be.
Raising an eyebrow the Overlord looked at Steadfast, "You already surprised me with using a sorceress in the first round she fought… but I really underestimated how strong she is."
"I got already an idea of her skills as I hired her." smirked the lord. "I bet she will do well in the final rounds."
"We will see." nodded Kuran and turns back to the field where the next round was coming… while Unor was covering her face in shame, not having expected her champion to lose THAT easy.
Overlord: Kingdoms Rise
"Next is Lord Marads champion Abigail VS… Sam! The Halfling warrior!" shouts the announcer
"How cute!" smiles the seemly taumin to the Halfling, "Looks like that match is not going well for you!"
"Hah!" shouts Sam while pointing his sword at her, "I will slay you, wear your horns, claim the Overlord's prize and then I will lead the halflings to be the dominant species of the world!" and rushes at her at the very second the fight starts.
Just twenty seconds later…
"And the winner is Abigail! And for future references, the judges ask the consultants to NOT kick the opponents out of the stadium as it will be troublesome for search reams to find out where the halfling ended up after that kick."
"Come on. All I did was just playing a little football with him!" called the "Taumin" up to the announcer, confusing almost everybody in the question what football is.
"Well." chuckles the old Lord, "I knew she has quite some kick in her." and all other groaned at that bad pun.
Overlord: Kingdoms Rise
"It looks like we have a beastly match now!" shouts the Announcer at the stadium, "Because the next two fighters are the Champion of Lady Miona, the Wolfgirl Yvette AND the Skeith Irian! Two women of the field of battle! That sight will not end well!"
"I am a Direwolf." complained the champion to herself, not bothering to tell the world about it, as she figured that they won't even bother to listen. As she saw the two sabre wielding Skeith, she looked over him and smirks, "Quite the beautiful girl, you are… too bad after that match you won't have many feathers left. Else I might have invited you to a drink."
The fellow female chuckles loudly. "Thanks. But I think without fur you wouldn't even leave the room to fetch the drink. As I will layout in front of my bed to keep my feet from the cold ground." before drawing his blades and falls into a fighting position.
Yvette got into a fighting pose as well, not drawing the sword their "Contractors" have given to her as they don't trust her with her real weapon. Thinking of a few obvious weaknesses of her opponent's style and that he gives up its greatest strength she knows what to do for quickly ending the fight without revealing too much about herself like in the previous matches. The need of hiding as much of her fighting ability as possible decide between victory and losses in the final round. The less the potential opponents know the better.
The signal for the fight came and without wasting a single second, the Skeith rushes forward and holds the blades in a way that indicates she is planning to run her through with the blades. Of course, that is just a feint to distract Yvette from the real objective so the Direwolf kept valiant for anything that bird could be planning. And indeed, with just two meters away from her, the Skeith's wings flapped a few times strongly, lifting the bird's body up and she flips once in the air to bring down the blades in an overhead strike.
Jumping back, Yevette lands on her feet at the moment the Skeith slammed on the ground and jumps forward, tackling the Skeith as she stood up and made her fall onto her back, pinning her arms first to prevent the blades to be in play. Then she reared its head back and slams it as hard as she could into her opponents head.
Letting go of the arms, the Skeith, as expected due to the sheer pain, grabbed her head in pain. Yvette ignored her own pain in favour to grab the Skeith throat and cut off her air supply. Fighting against that grab the other girl grabbed Yvette's arms and tried to pull them off but the Direwolf kept her iron grip and only adjusted to keep the centre of weight at Irian's chest, pressing the air out of her.
The struggles continue until the hold of the Skeith weakens and the arms fell to the sides. Letting go quickly, the wolf waited for some more moments to see if her opponent was faking it but once it was clear she is out for the count, she stood up and moves off, giving one kick to cause the body to react in proof the Skeith was still alive.
"I expected more but it was breathtaking all the same!" admitted the Announcer. "The winner is Yvette!"
"I might have underestimated how far she would go…" muttered the Lady while holding her own throat with a dry gulp.
Overlord: Kingdoms Rise
"Now time for having once more a snake in our midst." shouted the announcer. "The mage that destroyed the field six times already. Man and woman! Welcome the champion of Lady Ahya of the Nagas! The destructive mage Pherite!" and the naga slithered out onto the field and the people roared as she made quite a light show so far… at the cost of having to remake the battlefields so far.
"On the other side! The champion who won so far without a scratch on his armour or body. The champion of Gnarl, our Overlords Advisor! The oldest Minions living today! Here is Hatroz!"
And the titan stomped out of his gate, moving to his spot and simply crossed his arms. He didn't have a reason to speak until now and won't have a reason to speak soon. The naga only smirked as she knew how that fight will end.
Like the orders of her lady was, the female began to chant a spell made for large groups instead of individual targets. The devastating effect would be the same but would not reveal they could also be dangerous in tight spaces.
Once the chanting was over, several large magic circles appear around Pherite and several crystals shoot out at Hatroz, impacting and exploding, covering the entire arena with dust and properly create, like the previous fights before, a large crater and the victim of the spells barely alive.
Pherite was already turning around as she heard heavy stomping. Widening her eyes, she turned around and only got out a squeak before her tail was grabbed, pulled and her upper body slammed against the ground… before being lifted again and slammed down again.
Hatroz did that a few more times before throwing her as hard as he could against a wall and she broke through it, her tail only twitching after the landing and painful whines. For sure out of the count.
"Well, it seems our invincible giant is once more going up without even a scratch on his clothes! Will anybody put at least a dent on that juggernaut?"
"If there is anybody able to do it." chuckles Gnarl, "Then he or she is certainly not joining the battles today." feeling confident that his choice of a champion wins the day… and quite a large betting pool for his own personal use.
Overlord: Kingdoms Rise
"Alright, folks! That's it!" called the Announcer with a voice of Euphory, "Only three more battles of the day! And all three are battles between champions! Which means no matter what, three of the high folks are going to be mad at their champions! Now, who will be disappointed about the result of the next match up? Our great Overlord, or his Mistress Lehid? That's right people! The next fight takes us to the sky! Here are Raven and Cross of the Skeiths!" and the two moved onto the field.
Cross was holding back a sigh as it still didn't get through people who and what she really was… thought, on the other hand, it makes her life a bit easier as only a handful of people really know who she was. A stadium full of people going into panic due to her "demon" status wouldn't be really fun.
She narrows her eyes a bit while tightening her grip on her Guan Dao. She knows that Raven is an experienced warrior, so underestimating him could lead to disaster if she isn't careful. But she doesn't want to show off to much yet, as she needs to save her trump cards for the real challenges that await her… quite the act of balance she has to pull.
Giving a smirk she taunted first, "Isn't it a bit late for an old man like you to be on the field?"
"Can you even properly move with that weight on your chest?" he jested back while twirling his weapon of choice, a mace and falls into a fighting stance.
Cross doesn't like that weapon… even if was rather blunt, it could still be wielded effectively AND if she isn't careful to cause a nasty dent or two in her own weapon. She needs to end that before he could utilize it properly or she has the night to fix her equipment… which would still be a pain.
As the announcer shouts, "Begin!" Cross was jumping forward, flapping her wings hard to shoot towards him, holding her Guan Dao forward as she seemingly tried to run him through with her attack.
Only smirking, Raven opens his wings and… as Cross moved slightly upwards, he jumps forward, rolls under her attack and took into the air, managing to tackle her before she had the chance to turn around and properly think about what he did.
She managed to land on her feet and get in a proper pose to see Ravens next attack in time and sidestep it while whacking his head with her shaft. Grunting in pain he jumped back and the two circled around each other.
Cross was narrowing her eyes. While it was expected that her opponent had the experience, she was surprised by how fit he was even by Skeith standards. If it weren't for her subtle manipulation of the wind, his last adept to strike her would have hit her before she even had a chance to see it coming.
Her past opponents were pushovers so far, so she could hold back a lot. However, she hoped that her luck would hold until the next round. Well… beating up five guys and one woman who had more eyes for her body than her fighting style was too much of luck in one row she figured.
Rolling her shoulders she thought about her next step and she knew Raven was doing the same. Both were aware of the advantages and disadvantages of their weapons. Cross had the far larger reach, but Raven doesn't need precision. And a hit on the right spot can render hers unreliable for the duration of the fight.
She scowled and decided that she is going to drop one of the cards… as much she hates that idea. Lowering down the tip of her weapon, she rushes forward and Raven sidesteps her charge, his fist trying to hit her head.
However what Raven haven't noticed is that Cross had let go of the shaft, freeing her body of the restrictions of such a long body and had ducked under the swing, putting her weight on the arms and swung her legs.
The male didn't know what had happened as he suddenly lost his footing and crashed sideways on the ground. Though what neither he nor anybody except for perhaps Kuran knew, is that in these crucial moments she had her winds aid her to pull that stunt off in a speed that is realistic but not to slow at the same time.
Jumping on him, Cross rolled Raven on the stomach, grabbed one arm and twists it behind his back, rendering him unable to move. The male grunts loudly the pain he is experiencing but didn't protest further or tried to free himself. He knew that grip and knows that with how his wings are positioned right now, he cannot throw her off. For that, he would have to fold first but that move would be way to obvious and give her the time to hit him hard enough to discourage him or knock him out.
So he did the only thing he could, "I yield!" he shouts as loud as he could, so all could hear it.
"Well, people! Looks like our Overlord knew why he picked that redhead! The winner is Cross!" and the people cheered while Cross let go of Raven.
The older Skeith stood up and the two shake hands, while he whispered to her, "You were holding back… I can tell it from experience."
"Would you have preferred to face me at full force?"
"Would have hurt my pride less." he admits before he picked his mace up and began to leave the area.
Picking up her own weapon, she looks back at Raven, "Sorry. But I prefer to keep my trumps in my the sleeve." before starting to leave the stadium.
Overlord: Kingdoms Rise
"That next match is going to be another special one! A predator and a hunter facing off! Who will win? Who will lose! I present you the Champions Trevor and Hama!"
The audience welcomes the two, though not as much as many of the other champions due to the role the two had. One a rouge, the other a ranger. Not the most prominent roles as champions of lords.
Hama shrugged and looks at the Fenek, "Let's have a clean battle. Whoever comes in the next round will have nightmares."
"Thank you… that really encourages me to keep on. The threat of my hands removed if I don't give it my all is a better inspiration then your words."
"Well. You cannot win it all lad." he laughed and took his bow out and one of the non-lethal arrows. For Trevor it was clear: He had to avoid hits from the Ranger at long range while breaking any of the tournament arrows to prevent their reuse during the match. So he could take on the guys with an advantage.
The Fenek was surprised anyway that a Ranger focused on arrows even managed so far due to the obvious limitations of archery. Drawing his two daggers he twirled them once and got ready to fight.
As the signal came he started his first move and dashes forward and was rewarded with a shot from Hama. Using one of his daggers, he spun on the spot and sliced the arrow in half before running forward once more.
Surprised at first of that sudden showcase of skill, the Ranger took the next arrow and shot again, though due to how it was aimed, the Fenek had to jump aside that time to avoid the hit. Taking the third arrow Hama didn't like how it plays out.. he has only a limited amount of arrows before he's only limited to his bow.. and while it is made especially for that tournament, it can only take so much punishment before it would break.
Still not thinking he could lose, the Ranger let loose two more arrows before running towards the Fenek.
The feline had dodged the first one while slicing the second and didn't see the Ranger coming until he barely saw in the corner of the fact, that the bow was racing towards him. Rolling to the side, he avoided being swatted by that thing and rolls some more to avoid a kick. He "lost" one of the daggers on the way and stood up, throwing his fist forward.
Hama wondered why the punch came in such an awkward way before he suddenly had a face full of sand. He stumbles back and tried to get the sand out of his face as felt a sharp pain.
Taking the advantage, Trevor had punched Hama in the stomach, before slamming his knee between the legs.
As his opponents were on the knees, Trevor twirled his dagger and slams the back of it into Hama's head, knocking him out cold.
"Looks like that hunter didn't get the prey that time!" shouts the Announcer. "Winner is Trevor!"
Trevor forced a smile while showing off a little but hold back the wince in knowing that he would be properly facing a brutal beat down if the other champions are anything like that Skeith Chick he happened to see as she beat down one of the other tournament members for trying to be funny to her. He only recently learned she's the Overlords Champion… oh joy
Overlord: Kingdoms Rise
"The last battle folks! Now we see the final member of our eight finalists for tomorrow's matches! And they are the champions of two non-human lovers of our Overlord! Iskren and Somno!"
With that announcement, the human and the dark elf entered the field and the Dark Elf grins, "The only human champion left in this tournament. I will be happy to kick you out." and draws her dual swords and twirled them a little.
Drawing his own sword, Iskren holds a relaxed state with both swords on his one, stating, "Quite the claim… but can you back it up?"
"Oh I will prove it to you." she smirked and once the signal came she dashes forward and only a second later they locked blades.
They stood there for several seconds before separating and jump again to clash. The two exchanged blows. While the dark elf had two weapons she is skillfully using, Iskren had the advantage that he only has to coordinate his body movements to one weapon. She has to always pay attention to where both weapons are and in which direction she is holding them.
Also, he is at a disadvantage as he has to use both hands on his swords to get greater leverage on her strikes to not being hit by the other blade.
In short, it is a battle of endurance here. And he has to pull something off to distract her or he would lose as this dark elf is definitely long term trained in her style. That champion was chosen by a reason.
As she jumped to perform a forward flip to bring down both of her blades at once with great momentum, Iskren saw his chance and rolled forward to avoid the attack. As she spun around, he shot one arm forward and shot a fireball. The hot projectile came too fast for her to move aside so she had to use both blades to block it. She stumbles slightly as, while the spell wasn't that strong, she was not properly balanced for the hit and gave the opening the human needed.
He got close and swung his blade, cutting her arm and forced her to let go of her blade, rendering also said arm useless due to the wound.
It wasn'T something permanent but a serious enough wound to render the arm useless and in need of attention. As both know that fact, the dark elf came back in a flurry. Iskren defended himself but soon realized his opponent relied strongly on the dual wield and haven't properly trained with only one arm… and that is what gave him what he needed. As he caught the blade in a good angle, he forced a twist and catapulted the blade of the dark elf off and before she could react, his tip was pointing at her throat.
Gulping she raised her arms and called, "I yield!" realizing she has no chance anymore.
"This was it, folks! Now we have at least one human champion left in our tournament. Now we know who is still fighting tomorrow and I hope I will see the lot of you again!" shouts the announcer and the crowd was cheering for Iskren, who only thought himself that it will be a fun day with the only human opponent he can hope for being a pirate as far he was able to tell. Each of the others will be a pain to fight against in his opinion. Well. It could be worse. With that, he began to leave the stadium while some rushed in to tend the wound of the dark elf.
Overlord: Kingdoms Rise
"Well, that was it for today." mused the Overlord "And except for that pirate girl, we have only champions in the final rounds tomorrow."
"Indeed." smiles Lehid, "While Raven lost, it was at least against your champion… so no shame here."
"Was that a hit against Arlene?" giggled Sunkrem, "After all, her champion lost in the very first fight of the day. People will laugh about that in the next few months… wouldn't be surprised to even find a song. But again… I picked my champion upon the first impression without seeing a fight of him… he could have lost in the very first round as well."
"You had at least a few thousand years of experience in judging people." sighs Arlene while rubbing her head. "I only picked by reputation… the best knight. Should have known why he wasn't involved in the fights."
"Everybody makes mistakes in judging people." assured Lord Marad while placing a hand on her shoulder. "At least your mistake in judging people didn't cost many people's lives…"
"Thank you Lord Marad." sighs the queen and stood up, holding her stomach. "I hope I give birth soon… that extra weight isn't good for my back."
"I could give you a potion that eases the trouble." offered the Alchemist to her and she considered his offer…
Overlord: Kingdoms Rise
Gnarl was smirking and chuckling. So far his plan was working... now it is only a matter if his champion wins tomorrow or not. Though for both cases he has a plan to work upon. And then after that day… his master is learning about a simple detail Gnarl has found out recently.
"Very good so far. Once I tell the master, our efforts of getting the business down with the Skeiths and Naga's will be increased." and looks at the fields again. "Of course it would be even faster if I tell now. But seeing the faces of those Lords that their champions are defeated by mine will be just too wonderful… and I hope that this Succubus will be crushed by him. I don't like it that the master is so friendly with this red-feathered demon." and began to leave. "At least they don't show any signs of her becoming one of his mistresses… that would be a nightmare." and shuddered at the thought of Cross living constantly in the tower… or worse her having children with the master. That would be a nightmare incarnate in his mind.