Hello lovely people! I'm back with another update on Jasper and Bella's adventure!

I'm glad to hear y'all are enjoying the action and suspense! I was worried I wasn't going to do it justice, and I'm glad y'all seem to really enjoy it. I love all the words of encouragement, and as always, stay safe everyone. I apologize for making it more of a "cliffhanger" than I realized… it's been almost a month since I updated and I am so sorry for letting it get that bad. If it makes you guys feel better I rewrote this chapter four times, so it wasn't for lack of trying. Also, can you guys believe that Midnight Sun is actually coming out?

Anyway, let's hit it!

Chapter Eleven

What Now?


I was so goddamn tired. All I wanted was to go to sleep, but thanks to my monumentally stupid actions from earlier, I knew that wasn't going to happen anytime soon. I was actually a bit worried I'd pass out, I could already feel the bruises that riddled my body, and Dye Job had gotten a pretty good shot at my ribs before he went down, causing each and every breath to sting like a bitch.

But I powered through it. I was waiting outside a Motel 6, which in California past 2 A.M. was not a pleasant place to be. The boys were both busy guiding Charlotte throughout the hotel room over the phone a short walk away from where I was sitting. I was well within their eyesight, and while I had practically shoved Jasper over there to plan, claiming I was fine on my own for a few minutes, I could feel the fear eating away at me. The weeks of hanging out with the vamps had lulled me into feeling safe, and now I was suddenly back to square one, on edge, thinking everyone was out to get me.

I sat on a bench outside and made sure to maintain vigilance, constantly scanning my surroundings. The parking lot was practically deserted at this time of night, but at this point, I was ready to jump at my own shadow. While I may have kicked some serious ass earlier, at this point I was too weak to do much of anything. What if those motherfuckers found their way back to me? What if someone just got to me while the boys were distracted? What if- A wave of calm went through my body, and I glanced over at Jasper who was fixing me with a look that if I didn't know better, would describe as nervous looking.

I made an effort to get my emotions under control, but the call didn't last long after that. Jasper kept casting me worried glances and then before I knew it, the boys were on their way over. Jasper slid onto the bench with me and I was grateful for the opportunity to lean on something for support, cozying up to him immediately. I ordinarily wouldn't be so… mushy, but I feel like the fact that I could've easily died earlier gave me more than enough of an excuse.

Peter's eyes gave me a quick once over. "Hey sugar plum, how're you feelin'?"

"I'm fine." I deadpanned.

Peter rolled his eyes and Jasper snorted. "She's lying. I'm surprised you're still standin' right now darlin'."

Now it was my turn to roll my eyes. "It seems to have escaped your notice, but I am in fact, seated. And seated leaning against you for that matter. I'm tired, scared, and my body feels like I went a couple of rounds with a brick wall, but I'm fine, and I'll be even better once you guys tell me what's going on."

Peter whistled. "Welp, Char's on her way over with a car to take us the hell outta dodge."

I raised my eyebrow. "C'mon Petey give me a bit more than that."

Jasper shifted next to me. "Uh, that's kind of all we got."

I sighed and immediately winced as pain flared up my side. A look of concern flashed on Peter's face and he opened his mouth as if to say something, but the sound of a car rolling into the lot drew all our attention. It was a white janky looking Camry, and I felt Jasper tense beside me as we waited with bated breath to see who exactly would end up stepping out of it.

However, the driver's side window rolled down to reveal a very excited looking Charlotte. "C'mon! Y'all ready to go or not?!"

I turned to Jasper with a smile, and he laughed and shook his head as he helped me to my feet.

Peter looked between the two of us with a wild grin. "I call shotgun!"

As Jasper and I made our way to the car, ignoring the jeering shouts of "Slowpoke!" from our companions, something unlocked in my chest. Tonight was hell, but for once in my life, I had people I could rely on. People that knew everything. Okay so maybe that was a stretch, but they knew all the important bits, and the fact that I was having to make a getaway from yet another life was softened by the fact that I had people to do it with me.

Jasper held open the door of the car and bowed. "Your chariot awaits."

I stifled another painful laugh as I clambered into the car, Jasper following right behind me. Once I finished adjusting the seatbelt, I gave the car a once over.

"Who's fucking car is this?" I exclaimed.

Between the pink seat covers and the matching dice dangling from the rearview, there was no way this was their car. Call me Nancy Drew, but they also didn't seem the type to own janky white sedan. I know I probably should've clued in sooner, but I was tired, beaten down, and probably concussed, so I gave myself a bit of a break.

Charlotte let out an incredulous laugh as she put the car in reverse. "Sugar, do I look like I can answer that question?"

"I can!" Peter proudly replied, waving the car's registration in the air like a prize, "This lovely piece of machinery belongs to one Hailey Murphy."

Charlotte shook her head, laughing as she turned out of the lot.

"Don't worry darlin', we'll find a way to send her some cash for the trouble later. Right now all we gotta focus on is gettin' you somewhere safe to rest up." Jasper said, brushing a lock of hair out of my face.

His face drew up into a frown as he brushed his cool thumb over my injured eye but as his gaze shifted up to mine, his eyes sparkled. Butterflies hammered against my ribcage, and for the first time tonight, I realized his eyes were a startling blue, not unlike a summer sky. I couldn't believe I hadn't noticed it sooner, I really was off my game tonight.

"Have your eyes been blue this whole time?" I asked.

Jasper let out a loud laugh and I felt my cheeks grow warm. "Yeah darlin', they have. I guess with all the commotion you didn't notice."

Peter turned around and gave me an exaggerated wink, revealing that he wore the same blue contacts as Jasper. "Do you like 'em sugar? Jasper and I match." He said with a grin.

I shot them both a wide grin. "Of course I like them, you boys look very handsome."

Jasper shook his head, unsuccessfully trying to hide a smile behind his curls, while Peter just sat there beaming at the compliment.

Charlotte whipped her head around and locked her eyes with mine."How 'bout mine?"

I laughed and ignored the following pain in my ribs. "You look stunning Char. Really, the soft green really compliments your hair."

She shot me a dazzling grin and turned back towards the road. "Thank you sugar plum, this color is one of my favorites, it reminds me of the summertime."

"And as always, you are lookin' spectacular in them if I do say so myself," Peter said.

"Aw, thanks baby," Charlotte crooned back.

The vamps seemed more than a little in touch with their human sides tonight, and that added to the fact we were driving in a stolen car away from my old life caused me to lose touch with reality a bit. It was like nothing existed outside of this car, that we were in a moment separate from the passage of time, and that weird sense of disorientation is what led me to decide it was in fact, time for bed.

I told the vamps as much, and they said their goodnights and offered me their extra sweatshirts. Between Jasper's and Peter's, I was able to make a pretty decent makeshift pillow and blanket set, but as I was ready to curl up and pass the fuck out, I realized I had a small problem: I was sharing the backseat.

Jasper seemed to understand the cause of my confusion and looked at me. "Here, just put the pillow on my lap, that way you can lay all the way across the backseat."

I raised my eyebrows and turned to look at Peter and Charlotte, who were dutifully engrossed in their own conversation.

When I looked back at Jasper he was avoiding eye contact, staring at the car ceiling. "Obviously you don't have to, I just thought it would be easier to have your head there than your feet because of how my legs are positioned higher than the rest of the backseat."

I grinned. "Alright cowboy, whatever you say."

I got set up, and while I expected Jasper's legs to be well, stone-y, with the addition of the sweatshirt pillow it was pretty comfortable. It was only minorly awkward, and I didn't even have to worry about keeping my mind out of the gutter in order to get to sleep because almost as soon as my head hit the pillow, Jasper had already knocked me out.

I felt a hand go through my hair, but I didn't mind it in the slightest. I drowsily opened my eyes and was only minorly surprised to find that the view in front of me was just a pair of jean-clad knees and a grey fabric car seat.

"Mornin' darlin', how'd you sleep?" A voice drawled above me.

I grabbed the seat and with the help of a once again red-eyed Jasper, I was able to prop myself up into a seated position.

"The sleep was great, thanks to you Mr. Sandman, but god, I feel like I got hit by a train." I rasped.

My head throbbed, and I could tell without even looking my body was riddled with bruises. My ribs still ached with every breath, and the pain from muscle soreness had joined the party, leaving me a little worse for wear.

"Well sugar, I can't say you look much better either. You sure took a beatin'." Char said worriedly from the front seat.

I turned my head and peered out the window. Evergreens lined the road, obscuring my view of any other remarkable terrain, but it didn't matter because I already knew where we were.

I whipped my head around and glared at Jasper, ignoring the flare of pain in my neck. "Does somebody want to tell me why the hell I'm back in Washington?"

He raised his hands in surrender, and I turned my gaze to Peter who shook his head. "Not Washington darlin', Oregon. We need to get somewhere that leans towards the rainy side for the summertime, and Emmett and Rosalie have a place a bit outside of Eugene."

"Oh do they!" I sarcastically exclaimed, turning my angry gaze back to Jasper. "Will they be making an appearance? If so, drop me at the nearest motel with some cash, because I'm going to have to pass on that."

Jasper grit his teeth. "You're stuck with us, so stop with the 'drop me off' nonsense. As for Emmett and Rosalie, you know we wouldn't blindside you like that." His harsh gaze softened. "They are out travelin' right now, and they will be for a while longer."

I raised an eyebrow. "So they lent you this place no strings attached?"

He scrubbed a hand over his face. "Now I didn't say that. Rosalie's been houndin' me for a visit, so they intend to meet us there eventually."

I tried to say something but Jasper held up a hand to stop my interjection. "Now there darlin' there's an easy fix to that, Peter and Char can take you somewhere to camp out for a bit while we visit, and I can meet up with y'all later."

I took a deep breath, and winced from the ensuing pain in my chest. "Won't they smell me there?"

A throat cleared from the front seat. "I hope you don't mind if I interject on y'all's lovers quarrel," I felt my face grow warm, and I rolled my eyes as Peter shot me a smirk, "but sweet pea, rest assured me and Char will thoroughly 'christen' the house to get rid of any of your scent."

"No more details please," I said. Living with them has taught me that it is best not to give Peter a chance to elaborate on his innuendos, and I certainly was not going to change my ways now.

I thought about it for a moment and everything seemed taken care of so I let the subject drop. "I don't suppose you guys happen to have any ibuprofen?"

"Peter found a pill bottle in Ms. Murphy's glove compartment," Charlotte helpfully supplied.

Peter tossed the pill bottle into the back seat and Jasper caught it with ease and looked at it only briefly before handing it off to me.

From the second I laid eyes on the bottle I knew it was worthless. I passed the labelless orange cylinder back and forth between my hands as I briefly considered just throwing caution to the wind in hopes of easing some of the pain that riddled my body.

I finally dismissed that idea and tossed the pills back to Jasper. "I have no idea what those are, but I can tell you they aren't anything over the counter."

Unfortunately, the throbbing in my head was reaching a new level painful, and I shut my eyes and began rubbing circles on my temples.

"Sugar, we still have a few hours, so why don't you have Jasper knock you out until we get into town and get you some stuff to take care of the pain?" Charlotte gently advised, shooting me a comforting look in the rearview.

I turned to Jasper and brushed some curls out of his eyes. "Do you mind if I borrow your lap again Cowboy?"

He laughed and helped me get comfortable, even going so far to sweetly lay Peter's sweatshirt over me like the blanket I had used it for last night.

"Sleep well darlin', we'll get there soon." He whispered, and with that, I was out.