Just adding some of the Tributes as I get them so I know who's where.

Same as ever. I'm not going to start the Reapings this time until I get every form. I usually take a few days to plan and go through forms anyway, so this time I'm just going to have a set period. This gives me time to catch up on one-shots and also means that I can write at a regular pace once I start. I'm only putting this story up so soon so I can post the slots and ensure I didn't double-book any. I've held two back this time for that exact possibility. Once I know everyone is properly placed I can go through my PMs and give out those slots. So let me know if you're not in a slot you reserved.

The gap years are for Cecelia and a One female.

1 Male: Sparky She-Demon- Alsace Cartier (Career) 18

1 Female: PrinceofCorinth- Andromeda Dior (Career) 18

2 Male: Reader Castellan- Sagar Dewpont (Career) 17

2 Female: Ripple237- Medusa Gorgona (Career) 18

3 Male: Guesttwelve Ryx Marker (Allying with Queenie, Camille, Joy and Aurelia) 14

3 Female: MRKenn Andrea D'Amour (Seeking allies) 16

4 Male: 66samvr- Percy Mordecai (Career) 15

4 Female: JAJ- Cyrene Longuemare (Career) 16

5 Male: SPARKALEAH- Remus Ray (seeking allies) 16

5 Female: Aurelia Jackson- (Allying with Queenie, Camille, Joy and Ryx) 12

6 Male: CarlpoppaLOL Antonion "Tony" Gear (unknown)

6 Female: foxfox12- Siobhan Hearse (Unknown) 13

7 Male: Sparky SHe-Demon- Rigel Aspen (Loner) 17

7 Female: LordZagreus- Katrina Moonshadow (Loner) 15

8 Male: AmericanPi- Fryderyk ZieliƄski (seeking one ally) 18

8 Female: Americanpi - Cerise Dupin (Open to allies) 18

9 Male: CarlpoppaLOL Arthur Harrington (Seeking allies) 12

9 Female: LordShiro Camille Igawa (Seeking allies) 16


10 Female: Platrium - Queenie Hesperaloe (Allying with Aurelia, Camille, Joy and Ryx) 18

11 Male: Professor R.J. Lupin Pikney "Pik" Reynolds (Seeking allies) 18

11 Female: Tinks- Rachel "Switch" Larson (Open to allies) 17

12 Male: SantiagoPoncini- Joy Wincenty (Allying with Queenie, Aurelia, Camille and Ryx) 14

12 Female: IIJamesII- Harper Newman (Open to allies)15

I take any form people use, since some people have their own forms or are recycling a Tribute (which is entirely allowed. If a Tribute's story got cancelled they're eligible. If the story didn't get cancelled and they died, they're eligible. You could even send a Victor if you really wanted but seems slim chances they'd win twice.

If you want some ideas, here are some suggested categories. Ones left unbolded are ones I particularly like to see since they help me write.

Name, Age, District:




Important people in their life, if any:


Mentor: You can pick which of the reader-submitted or me-created Victors you want to mentor your Tribute and you can say how they get along.

Parade outfit:

What they learned in the Capitol:

Allying or not:

Private session skills and score: I'll take whatever you send. It's a double-edged sword.

Interview outfit and angle:

Bloodbath plan:

Games strategy:

Development: You can lay out a suggested story arc for your Tribute. This helps me make them compelling without me having to figure out 24 stories on my own.

Fight or flight response:

One word to sum them up: I really like seeing this because it helps me find the one thing I start building a character out of so they all stand apart from the others.

Biggest strength:

Biggest weakness:

How they would win: I'm lazy so I like when people give me ideas

How they would die:

How long you think they'll last: You know your Tribute better than I do so I do value that input.

Anything else

A lot of you already sent in forms and it's fine if they're missing any of these. If you do want to add them, you can do that at any point.

For sponsoring, I'm too lazy to have a complicated system. Generally I let people send one lifesaving item and one random item. That said, I'm very fickle and pretty much just allow or deny based on whims, though I do make sure everyone is pretty much even.

This time, I'm starting some new additions. Careers will be judged more generously for obvious reasons and may get more gifts than other Tributes. I'm also going to reserve the right to send more items to Tributes that are particularly attractive: romantic couples, super charismatic Tributes, and the like. I won't send a lot, but charisma and popularity are legitimate strengths in the Hunger Games and I want that to be reflected just like speed and agility are. Basically I'll be acting as the Capitol audience and doing my best to reflect what I think they would send. Maybe I'll incorporate polls. That would be more accurate since it would have more data points.