It was just another normal day for the Host Club. Hani-senpai was enjoying copious amounts of cake. Tamaki-senpai was going on about a scheme or something like that. Kyoya-senpai was typing away on his laptop. He was the only one who knew that four new students were starting at Ouran Academy today.

He didn't know much about them. Surprisingly, only two of them had any records he could find. Yet, they mysteriously disappeared from the records around the age of eleven or twelve. The twins of the group were nowhere in his sources and he had many at his disposal.

The boy he could find some information on such as he was 17 and an orphan. Yet, the circumstances of his parent's death were unknown. They died when he was just over a year old. He has lived with an aunt and uncle since then, or at least what he could tell until the boy was eleven. As Kyoya-senpai was searching for the boy he could only find a picture as recent as when the boy was still quite young. He was waif-like with black unruly hair. Then, Kyoya-senpai looked at the boy's eyes they were the most piercing emerald green eyes he had ever seen. His name was quite common in England. The boy's name was Harry James Potter. The girl, however, was a different story.

She was slightly older being 18 years of age. She was not registered as an orphan, yet, he could not find any record of the existence of her parents after 2003. Her school records disappeared after 1998. No schools showed her in attendance anywhere. But he was miraculously able to recover a single photo of her at a conference in France with her parents in 2000. She had warm chocolate brown eyes. Her skin was a copper tone and she had a smattering of freckles across her nose and cheeks. She was quaint-looking until you saw her hair. It had its own personality. Her hair was so full of curls it could not be contained by the braid it was in. He did know that her name was Hermione Jean Granger.

The twins were bewildering to him. The only information he could salvage was the names and ages. His sources could find nothing else on them. They were 19 and their names were Fred and George Weasley. Since they had such strange names he searched through the genealogies of England, Wales, and France but could not find any other families with such a strange last name. Kyoya-senpai had an unending thirst for knowledge. He wanted more information on them but could not do much until they arrived in his domain.

Just then his phone buzzed. It was one of the students tasked with notifying him of when the new student's arrived. A devilish smirk appeared on his face just as Haruhi-chan walked into Music Room number 3. She noted the look on his face with a gulp. Trying to stay out of a smirking Kyoya-senpai's way she attempted to wriggle out of the door. But Tamaki-senpai decided to look at just then, " Haruhi-chan it's so good of you to show up!"

He had that weird sparkle in his eyes," Come say hey to your daddy."

" Ah, Haruhi-chan I could use your assistance. We have some new students who have just arrived and I was hoping that you accompany me to make them feel welcome at their new school. Wouldn't you?" Kyoya-senpai asked.

She let out a breath of relief and answered," Yes, of course, Kyoya-senpai."

" Excellent, come along then," he said with a blank face. Haruhi-chan followed a few steps behind wary of the situation that was about to arise. She was given no indication of anything since Kyoya-senpai mentioned the new students. Her curiosity was peaked as she saw the four newcomers at the base of the stairs near the front entrance. The twins were obviously related but the bushy-haired girl and dark-haired boy looked unrelated but they had a familial closeness with the twins it seemed. Kyoya- senpai took the lead in the introductions." Hello and welcome to the prestigious Ouran Academy. I am Kyoya and I am to be your guide during your transition into your new school." Haruhi-chan was standing back waiting on her name to be called to help.

"Oh, and before I forget this is Haruhi-chan she is a new transfer as well. She came to our school only just this last semester. Haruhi, would you please step forward and greet your new classmates?" Kyoya-senpai was sly she could see the twinkle in his eye, he was clueless on who these students were so he wanted her to figure them out for him.

" Hello, I am Haruhi it is very nice to meet you. May I have names so we may be introduced fully?" she questioned.

The twins seemed to be the natural outgoing types jumping forward.

"Oh course..."

"We re the Weasley twins, George,"

"And Fred at your service,"

"If you need someone pranked, "

"We're your guys,"

"If you need to surprise family or friends "

"in an outlandish way, we're your guys" during this entire exchange the twins bounced back and forth on who was speaking. The girl in the background was shaking her head seemingly used to the antics of the twin boys. The black-haired boy had smug expression trying to hold back a smile at the boys. they would certainly liven up the academy with their boisterous personalities.

Next, the girl stepped forward," I am Hermione Granger, some people have a problem with my first name so I usually go by Mione or Mia to have less of a mouthful to say." She had an intelligent air about her, however, she was reserved and didn't seem to be very trustful of people. She eyed Haruhi-chan and Kyoya-senpai up and down critically judging how much more information she wished to divulge to the people present in the room.

Before she could open her mouth the last boy stepped forward and placed a tentative hand on her arm he spoke in barely a whisper. Kyoya-senpai and Haruhi-chan had to lean in to hear him," Hello, I'm Harry Potter it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

Haruhi-chan nodded and acknowledged the group. They were a strange bunch. Kyoya-senpai soaked up what tidbits of information he could from the brief encounter. Haruhi-chan thought that he might even have a color-coded database full of whatever he deemed important about the new arrivals. Noted their personalities and how they reacted to stressful situations. That was the most logical reason for Haruhi-chan being present to usher the new arrivals through the school. She kept the thoughts to herself not knowing how to explain the way Kyoya-senpai acts to these teenagers.

Kyoya-senpai leads the group to Music room number 3. The rest of the host was there preparing the room for that afternoon's tea session, the theme was cosplaying witches with brewing cauldrons and cobwebs in the corners. The new students seemed uncomfortable with their current surroundings unsure of what they needed to do or where they needed to be was Haruhi-chan's best guess. She didn't know the secret the four shared since they were magical and used magic almost daily in their old lives. Soon enough Hani-senpai came forward and offered the boy named Harry a piece of cake. He politely bowed and agreed to entertain Hani-senpai for a few minutes over cake and tea. Those two were getting on easy enough with stray laughter coming from their table Hermione was smiling softly at the sight almost as if she hadn't witnessed Harry so carefree in some time. Haruhi-chan's interest in the group was peaking. Now she had some understanding of why Kyoya-senpai was so nosy at times.

These people were intriguing, the twins warmed up quicking to the host clubs' own twins. It looked like they were up to some sort of mischief. From what she could gather the Weasley twins loved to prank anyone they could which would be funny to watch she hoped they targeted Tamaki-senpai first, he was a sweetheart but very annoying at the worst of times. As if they heard her thoughts she saw each set of twins sneak from either side to the unsuspecting Tamaki-senpai. Once they were close enough the four boys jumped around and a girly shriek came out of Tamaki-senpai's mouth as they rolled on the floor in a burst of rambunctious laughter. She could hear the twins get fully acquainted after their little prank.

" It is a pleasure to meet you. We are George and Fred Weasley," the new boys starting off official introductions.

"The pleasure is all ours. We are Hikaru and Kaoru Hitachiin," they answered as they shook hands all at the same time. Haruhi-chan laughed at the four-way handshake between them. As she turned around to observe Hermione the girl in question appeared before Haruhi-chan she seemed a bit lonely with her companions finding solace within the new school. So Haruhi-chan grabbed her by the arm and they settled at a nearby table equipped with a decadent tea service.

" What do you think of your new school so far Hermione?" Haruhi-chan started the conversation on a safe and easy topic wanting to ease the girl out of her comfort zone slowly

" It is a beautiful building, however, we never got a chance to see the library," she sounded disappointed at that fact.

Haruhi-chan quickly replied," Don't worry you can see them soon."

"Them? How many libraries are in this school?" questioned Hermione.

" Oh, if I remember correctly there are three libraries for the students to use at their leisure and for studying," Haruhi-chan stated. Hermione's eyes bulge out a bit and her eyes shone brightly at the thought of all those unread books for her to discover. Haruhi-chan found Hermione's weakness, a good book. She did appear to be an intelligent person, now, there was proof of her bibliophilic ways.

Tentatively, Hermione asked," Can you show me where they are. If that is not too much trouble?"

"Of course, Hermione, if you can hold off until after I am done with my host club duties then I can show you," Haruhi-chan replied.

"I would like that, Haruhi," Hermione said with a blush creeping up her neck and cheeks. Haruhi-chan tried to ignore the smile as it crept up her face when she saw how Hermione reacted with that adorable blush of hers. Wait! did she just think Hermione was cute? Ugh! The boys were getting into her head especially with the majority of the school in the dark about her physical sex. Just then Tamaki-senpai decided to make his presence known.

"Oh Haruhi-chan I have been waiting to say hello to you but Kyoya-kun stole you away before Daddy could greet you properly. Now, who is this I didn't know we were getting any new students so far into the semester?'

Tamaki-senpai was so excitable sometimes and he was being extra dramatic in front of the new students. Out of the corner of Haruhi-chan's eye, she could see the new set of twins mimicking Tamaki with extra exuberance. She giggled at them behind her hand. Hermione heard the giggles and followed her line of sight rolling her eyes, Hermione was used to the boys and their sense of humor. She was sure they had a list of pranks to play on Tamaki-senpai if the way Fred, George, Hikaru, and Kaoru looked at each other with that familiar twinkle of mischief was shining brightly in their eyes.

Harry and Hani-senpai seemed to be in a heartfelt conversation. Hermione was so worried he wouldn't be able to open up to anyone after the way Ron betrayed them during the War. The entire Weasley clan switched to support the Dark Lord with the exception of the twins, Bill, and Authur. They saw Molly, Ginny and Ron's arrests after the last battle darkness changed their appearances. Their faces sallow, eyes wild and teeth were jagged with yellow stains. There was froth coming from their mouths as they spouted pureblood ideologies and cursing all on the side of the light. Hermione and the boys disappeared before any of the trails could begin traveling in the non-magical world to avoid detection by any lingering followers of the Dark Lord.

Hani-senpai was giggling as Harry told him another joke. He was so softspoken now, Hermione was unsure as to why he was so soft now but she loved her best friend. Another member of their group walked in, he was tall, dark-haired, and stood stoically watching over Hani-senpai diligently. Hermione wanted to know who he was so she whispered to Haruhi.

"Who is that standing there watching Hani? I haven' heard his name yet," Hermione was curious and cautious while learning as much as she could about her new environment.

"That is Mori-senpai. He and Hani-senpai's families have worked together for many generations they grew up together," Haruhi-chan said giving a smidgen of information about the Host club's members. Hermione nodded at this anecdote. They appeared to be very close and protective of one another. Mori-senpai nodded his approval at the inclusion of Harry into Hani-senpai's circle of friends. Mori-senpai slowly approached the table the boys were at he was soft-spoken just like Harry Hermione couldn't hear what was said but Harry jumped out of his chair and gave Mori- and Hani-senpai bone-crushing hugs. That was something Hermione could never forget. There was slowly a peace descending over the new group of friends as they learned more about each other. There was hope now that their move to Japan was the right one.