Fury of the sun chapter 5

I'd like to start this chapter off with a short note. I have received a review and a few messages saying I need to do more research on what I wrote as the unified energy theory in the last chapter. My unified energy theory is NOT the grand unified theory. I know what it is I'm not stupid. But trying to take the time to explain particle physics would take too long. Yes my unified energy theory draws some inspiration from the G.U.T. but they are not the same. If it's really such a big deal go re write this fic using the G.U.T. but I promise you it will not fit since it is not what I was writing about. This site is about using your imagination so why would I take the time to make a quirk based around a theory that hasn't been proven and has about a dozen formulas. I wouldn't. So please. Just because my theory isn't the grand unified theory don't message or review saying I need more research or I'm stupid and don't know what I'm talking about. Because I do.

The students regarded him. Mostly in fear at the prospect of fighting him. Good. People should learn to revere their king early on. But there were a few. A few who looked at him with a look saying they would rise to the challenge. This was also good. A king welcomed all challenges. After all, if he did not allow his subjects to voice their doubts what kind of king would he be.

"Now my dear subjects the time for talk is over. I have explained my power to you and shared my goals. Who here will step forward and answer my challenge."

As he said this Bakugo and Todoroki stepped forward. He knew they would rise to the challenge. After all, what was the point of their amazing powers if not to test their mettle. But what surprised him was three more students stepped forward. The first being Momo Yoayozoru, the second, a boy with red spiky hair and the third, a girl whose whole entire being was pink. But her most standout features were her black and gold eyes and the horns that sat atop her head. In his opinion it made her attractive. Too bad he already had a queen.

"Alright deku. Are you ready for me to kick your ass just like I used to." Bakugo had a feral grin on his face. Now this brought him back. Back to the days of torment and ridicule. He came under the guise this was a mission and nothing more. But he would enjoy crushing Bakugo. The others. Not so much. He did not enjoy making his subjects suffer, but in this situation there was nothing to be done.

Ozymandias looked over the group of five. After assessing the situation he stuck his spear in the ground and stepped away from it. But Bakugo did not like this. "Hey, pick up your ugly spear you freak. Or what, are we not 'worthy' or something." Ozymandias laughed at this. Bakugo amused him to no end. His arrogance knew no bounds. But he liked it like that. All the sweeter when he crushed him beneath his foot like the ant he is.

"Well Bakugo, it is not that you're not worthy. But since it is just the five of you against me if I were to wield Vasavi Shakti you all would be reduced to cinders. It is not a matter of worth. But a matter of strength." bakugo fumed. Guess he didn't like being called weak. " Now, once again, the time for talk is over. Come at me with all you have. Come at me to kill me. Do not be afraid to take a life. This system has instilled this fear in you. It weakens you. And if you wish to survive the war to come you must abolish this fear. And sharpen yourself."

Bakugo's smile grew even wider. "Oh I'll kill you alright." Ozymandias smiled back. He took his stance. Standing straight, looking forward, arms open. "Then come. All at once."

No sooner had he spoken these words the five students rushed him. Bakugo's explosions propelled him faster than the other students could run. Except Todoroki who slid forward on a trail of ice. As Bakugou approached him he wound up for a large right hook with an explosion in his palm. He extended his arm to land the punch. But it did not land. Ozymandias ducked under the punch. He extended his arm and grabbed Bakugo by the face. He slammed Bakugo's head so hard into the ground it shattered the concrete. Bakugo was out cold.

Yoayozoru and the other two stopped short but Todoroki was upon him before he had time to stand up. Todoroki stomped his foot and sent a wave of ice towards him. Ozymandias rolled to the left and jumped. Todoroki turned and saw Ozymandias in the air. He stomped his foot once more creating a pillar that was quickly extending towards Ozymandias. But again he waved his hand and the ice melted in an instant.

Todoroki stopped his advance. He regarded the boy in front of him. He was no older than himself yet the difference in power was immeasurable. As he was trying to think of something Ozymandias spoke. "Why do you not use your fire Todoroki. I have no interest in fighting those who put in no effort."

"I wont use his power. It's a disgrace. His power brings nothing but pain." Ozymandias started laughing. It made Todoroki furious but he knew there was not much he could do. "Why are you laughing. I see nothing funny here."

Ozymandias stopped laughing and looked at Todoroki. "I'm laughing because you are a coward. Using a cowardly excuse. You do not want to be like your father. I understand that. I never met my father yet I know I'm nothing like him. But you. You are just like him."

Now Todoroki was furious. He was nothing like his father. Yet this boy who knew nothing about him spoke as if he knew him all his life. This lowlife degenerate villainous-

"You see, there it is. That look on your face says it all. You believe everyone to be lower than you and hide behind a mask. An ugly mask made of self pity and arrogance. You do not embrace who you are and see everyone around you as a nothing more than a hindrance. Just like your father. That is why you are a coward Todoroki. Just like your father."

As Todoroki steeled himself for another attack Momo and the others ran up to his side. "Todoroki I don't think he is someone we can hope to defeat. Kirishima and Ashido agreed to help stall him. Lida has gone to get the other teachers so we need to hold him until they get here." He looked at his companions. Saw the determination in their eyes. A determination that he himself never felt. And deep down he knew the villian was right. He was a coward. But no longer.

"Ok. But we need a plan. Since Ashido and I are more of a ranged type we will cover you and Kirishima. The only problem is his sheer power. If you get hit your done." Everyone nodded at him. Momo produced a shield and stun baton from her skin while Kirishima hardened himself. They turned towards Ozymandias. He stood there. With the same mirthful look on his face.

They knew it was now or never. Kirishima and Momo charged Ozymandias. Ashido started slinging her acid. But to her dismay it had no effect on him. He wasn't fazed in the slightest. So Todoroki once again tried to cascade him in ice but the result was the same as last time. He simply raised his hand and it turned to water fro the heat.

As he did Kirishima was the first to arrive at Ozymandias. He extended his arm and went for a punch. But when it landed Kirishima's eyes widened. Ozymandias just stood there. Unfazed with that mirthful look on his face. "You call that a punch?" His smile grew even wider. "This is a punch." Then he proceeded to punch Kirishima in the gut.

The sound was sickening. Todoroki, Momo, and Ashido could hear his ribs crack. The blow was so powerful it knocked Kirishima out of his quirk and across the field. The three were shocked. This boy was just too powerful. "Well. That's two out of five. Who will be next to fall."

"No one. Why? Because I am here!"

Everyone turned to the entrance to the U.S.J. and in the doorway there he stood. The number one hero All Might.

"Ahh All Might. So you have finally come. Good. While these students have promise they don't quite measure up. But since time is short I only have one request of you." All might just stood there not responding. "I want you to come at me with everything you have."

"And why should I do that. You may be strong but I doubt you could withstand my blows."

Ozymandias' smile fell. While he understood that All Might didn't comprehend the depths of his strength, he did not appreciate this underestimation. "Very well. If you do not wish to comply I will make you comply." Ozymandias raised his hand out to his side and Vasavi Shakti flew to his grasp. "The first student you direct your attention to, I will kill them."

All Might's eyes widened. Then he narrowed them at Ozymandias. "I will not allow you to harm my precious students. Even if you are young I will not go easy on you." Ozymandias felt his patience grow thin. He knew what All Might was doing. He was stalling for time waiting for other heroes to arrive. And Ozymandias did not like waiting. "Very well. I will just kill them all." Ozymadias raised his spear to attack the students. But before he could.

"Texas smash!"

All might had covered the distance in the blink of an eye. His arm extended to land a blow on Ozymandias. As his blow landed dust kicked up around the area blocking All Might and Ozymandias from view. But when it settled everyone who witnessed it was in shock. All Might's eyes widened in disbelief.

Ozymandias stood there. Unfazed with a disappointed look on his face. With the one hand that held his spear he had stopped All Might's punch. With only the end of the shaft of his spear. Ozymandias let out a sigh. "He was right. You truly have grown weak." Ozymandias thrust his spear and propelled All Might backward about thirty feet. He was so stunned at how easily this boy repelled him he couldn't take action.

"Kurogiri! We are done here. Take us back." As he said this a black portal opened next to him. Before he entered and disappeared he left these words to all in the U.S.J. "There is a war coming. A war in which all of you are already participating. I have come to demonstrate my power and divinity and you all have witnessed it. Not even your beloved All Might could measure up. Now hear me. I am Ozymandias. King of kings. Unrivaled under the heavens. And at the end of the war you will be presented a choice. Bow before me. Or burn."

And just like that, he was gone. The message left loud and clear. This Ozymandias was here to make a statement. That the world will bend or it will be annihilated.