The final chapter! Get ready for some brotherly adorableness! Please read and review! I hope you enjoy!

DISCLAIMER: I do NOT own Sonic the Hedgehog or Sonic Underground!

"Sonic!" Amy cried out as soon as the cobalt hedgehog was on the shore, wrapping her arms around his neck and giving him a spine-shattering hug. "I'm so happy to see you!"

"Ames... can't... breathe!"

"I just missed you so much!" The rose hedgehog refused to release her grip on Sonic.

Using all his remaining strength, Sonic was finally able to pull away, gasping for air. "You saw me earlier! We already went through this!"

'He's STILL scared of water?' Manic thought annoyedly.

'Does Sonic... have a girlfriend?' Sonia, Aleena, and Jules thought simultaneously.

Meanwhile, Shadow was only now climbing out of the ocean water, having not panicked at the sight of it and used his super-speed abilities to get to land as soon as his feet could touch something solid.

As soon as he was out, Rouge threw a towel over his shoulders.

"Emerald Resort?" Shadow asked, noticing the logo on the towel. Had Rouge really raided their linen closet?

Grabbing one end of the towel, Rouge threw it over Shadow's face playfully. "I'm sure they won't mind if the two hedgehogs who just saved their lives and their planet borrowed a couple of towels." She threw the other towel in her arm to Amy who insisted on toweling Sonic off herself.

"Job well done, gentlemen," Topaz congratulated as she approached the group of anthros. "We have Eggman in custody and he's on his way to Station Square Prison as we speak."

"Oh, yeah," Sonic spoke up as Amy dried the quills on his head. "We were supposed to tell you; the president is in the Station Square Bank Headquarters building."

"I'll send some agents to pick him up; it'll be one less thing on my to-do list."

"Speaking of to-do lists," Rouge said quietly to Shadow, "I think you and Sonic are long overdue for a chat with the others."

Shadow sighed, knowing they could not possibly put it off any longer at this point, seeing as Tails, Amy, and Cream had already met the Royal Hedgehogs. "I suppose you're right."

Thanks to his enhanced hearing, Sonic heard what Rouge and Shadow were talking about. He mentally sighed, not looking forward to telling all his friends about being royalty and Shadow being his brother.

"You and Sonic stay here and rest. You've earned it," Rouge said, louder this time so everyone in the group could hear. "I'll take Scourge and go with Topaz to retrieve the president." She turned away from Shadow to the others. "The rest of you should go on up to the Mystic Ruins. With the train line down, who knows how many civilians got stranded there."

Sonic and Shadow stood at the beach, watching as the group dispersed. Once they were gone, Shadow put his arm on Sonic's shoulder and directed him towards the sand. Sonic seated himself down on the sand and wrapped the towel around his shoulders. The both of them sat there for a while in complete silence on the sand.

"Did you ever get the rest of the journal pages?" Sonic asked suddenly.

Shadow looked at him. "No. They were most likely destroyed along with the ARK."

"And you're okay with that?" Sonic knew how long Shadow had spent trying to find the pieces to his past. How could he have let it go so easily?

Shadow was silent for a moment as he gained his composure. "Like I said before, I've spent so much time trying to learn the truth about what happened fifty-three years ago; about why I couldn't remember much, that I couldn't see what was in front of me. Even when I learned you were actually my brother, I left you up on the ARK and put you at risk, all so I could selfishly fulfill that goal. It wasn't until Eggman strapped that bomb onto you that I realized what was really important. I was fighting so hard for a chance to remember the family I had in the past that I was going to lose the family I have in the present. Again, I'm sorry it took me so long to realize this. I'm sorry you had to go through this whole ordeal. But most of all, I'm so sorry I left you to be Eggman's prisoner for so long, but I swear, I'll do whatever it takes to right this. You're my only family, Sonic. I'm not going to lose you."

Sonic smiled and affectionately nuzzled Shadow in brotherly love, letting out a purr. Shadow smiled and returned the gesture, also purring.

"There's something I'm still confused about, though. If we were both ejected from the ARK fifty-three years ago, how did we end up in two completely different points in time?"

"Rouge and I did some research up there and here's what we pieced together. G.U.N. had said Maria ejected two pods towards Mobius, but only one was ever recovered."

"That was the pod you were in, right?"

"Right. The reason your pod was never found was because Maria had sent it through the time machine after I said goodbye to you before she forced me into mine."

"You guys had a time machine?" Sonic asked. He never recalled seeing a time machine while on the ARK, but then again, he was restricted to only a few parts of the space station.

"It was part of the ground-breaking research Gerald was doing at the time."


Sonic was amazed, confused, and frightened by the thought of his immortality all at the same time. He would never have to worry about aging and not being able to run anymore, but what about his friends and the rest of their family? They would continue to age and eventually die. Someday, he was going to have to bury Tails and his other siblings.

"How do you think Tails and the others are going to take the news?" Shadow spoke up, noticing the worried look on Sonic's face. He knew the young fox was very close to Sonic. The kit had never had to share the blue hedgehog's attention with anyone else before and now he, Sonia, Manic, and their parents were going to come waltzing into the scene. Plus, the fact they were royalty...

"It's probably going to be hard for him at first, for all of us, but we'll get through this." Sonic calmed himself and held up his fist to Shadow, indicating he wanted a fist bump. "As a family."

Shadow gave a genuine smile and raised his own fist, bumping Sonic's.

(One Month Later)

A week of recuperation had passed before Sonic finally worked up the courage to tell his friends about his and Shadow's relation and their royal blood. Most of them had taken it pretty well, although Sonic did get a few new bruises thanks to getting a mallet to the head.

Unfortunately, Eggman had escaped from jail within that week. It took another week for everyone to fully recuperate from everything and another two weeks to finish cleaning up the mess from Eggman's near-success.

Now, today was a very special day. Especially for a certain two-tailed fox and striped hedgehog.

"You nervous?" Sonic asked Tails as the kit got ready for the day.

"No. Why do you ask?" Tails asked, getting his shoes on.

"Because your shoes are switched," Shadow chuckled as he adjusted the red tongues on the cuffs of his gloves. The white fur on Tails' muzzle turned pink as he blushed.

"Okay, maybe a little."

Sonic chuckled as Tails put his shoes on the correct feet.

"You guys don't need to be nervous," he reassured. Sonic could tell Shadow was also nervous, judging from the fact that he was sweating and he'd been adjusting his cuffs for the past ten minutes. "Today is your crowning as Princes of Mobotropolis and your official adoption, Tails."

"I know, but what if people don't like us?" Shadow asked, now playing with his quills and chest fur.

"Yeah. When I was here before, people where saying things the kids on Westside Island called me," Tails mumbled.

"If anyone dares to call those things after today, I'll teach 'em a lesson," Sonic assured. Tails giggled and Shadow snorted. Sonic smirked at this. He always knew how to cheer his siblings up. Just as the three finished getting ready, a knock was heard.

"Your Highnesses, it's time," the butler informed them from the other side of their door. Shadow and Tails took a deep breath to calm their nerves.

"All right, we're ready. Let's go," Shadow said as he and Tails headed for the door.

"Wait, guys." Sonic stopped them before they could reach the door. The black hedgehog and twin-tailed fox turned to face the blue hedgehog. "I have something for you." He pulled out two medallions, like the ones he, Sonia, and Manic wore. One was nearly identical to the one he himself wore, the only difference being that the middle and bottom 'quills' turned upwards. The other was shaped like a flute and was tied by a light blue string.

"This used to belong to my evil uncle until he was banished. It's yours now, Shads. And, Tails," Sonic said handing over the medallions. "The Oracle of Delphius made this one just for you."

"Really?" Tails asked, his sky blue eyes shining. Sonic nodded. "Thank you, Sonic!"

"Thanks, Faker," Shadow thanked him at the same time. They put their new medallions on, causing all three to glow as they reacted to each other. Shadow's shone with red light and Tails' shone with yellow light. Smiling, all three brothers hugged before heading out for the ceremonies.

I hope this ending was better than the last one. I'll see you at the next sequel!