In the end, Rick went back to the country, where he knew that he clearly belonged. The mouse that he danced with at the club in New York came as well, having heard how he called of the animal-human war, and wanted to be his wife. He would regal the other mice with stories about his adventures in the city with his cousin, and occasionally dream of going back there.

Larry, however, did come back to the country to visit his cousin, and even he had to admit that the country was much nicer than the city.

"There's no cats all the way out here.." he sighed, relaxing.

"Oh, I wouldn't be so sure about that..." Rick replied, noticing a large tomcat was behind his cousin, opening his mouth very wide.

But Rick's mom was right behind that cat as well, holding a very large frying pan. She took one look, and WHACKED that cat.

"Yep.." Larry said. "It's perfect."

Rick and his mother laughed along with Larry, and embraced him as they watched the sun set over the hills of Georgia.
