"Nine Hundred and Seventy Nine! Nine Hundred and Eighty!"

The clang of steel brought her to consciousness and immediately she was ready for battle, armour summoned as she rose to her feet with her invisible sword in hand at the ready. However there was no attack, her surroundings weren't filled with the war cry of an enemy force. Instead she found her new Master standing a few meters away, sword in hand as he swung it against a large tree. From what she could tell, he had been at this for quite some time now. The tree looked to be heavily battered from the blunt blade of his summoned weapon. However something caught her eye as she observed her Master.

His toned physique was laid bare as his shirt had been discarded. She hadn't taken much notice in the dark of his stature, simply believing him to be short for someone his age, but underneath his clothing it was clear he had the body of a warrior even if he had never used it for such, there were even fresh scars present perhaps from the Magic Knight that he said he had defeated, his first taste of real combat perhaps? His body showed his dedication to his training. It was clear to her now why he had been able to wield his large sword with such ease that men with larger stature would have struggled.

She watched him as he continued to swing his blade, counting off before stopping as he reached one thousand swings. She had to say she was impressed, despite not landing a single blow against her the previous night, he was still eager to learn and pushed himself further and further.

"Now for the magic enhancing leaf juice!" Asta declared while he unscrewed the cap of the water skin that Saber had seen the prior evening, casting his head back he downed large mouthfuls of the substance inside. Then once the container was discarded he looked as though he was trying to cast a spell, however nothing happened. Saber frowned as she saw the frustration cross her Masters face, as he tried and tried to cast magic again and again only to result in failure. It would seem that having magic was a greater deal to him then she had first summarised. "I will be the Magic Emperor." He declared softly to himself. "Nothing will stop me." Saber could see the resolve in the teen's eyes something she herself could respect, he would not letting having no magic stop him. He would do anything to achieve his goal.

Saber approached from the side, stopping Asta from continuing his workout. The teen was surprised when the strange woman he had supposedly summoned took a knee before him as she lowered her head.

"Master." She began. "I will aid you in all that you need in becoming the Magic Emperor." Saber declared as she raised her head, having seen his determination despite his goal of being such a far distance away, she had decided to continue serving her new Master. "As long as you never order me to go against my honour as a Knight, my sword will be yours, Master." Asta looked down into her green eyes before he grinned and nodded.

"Awesome!" He cheered. "Although I don't know how you can help me become the Magic Emperor." Asta declared rubbing his chin.

"First Master, we must bring you to the point of allowing you to pass your Magic Knight exams, I believe we can decide on the status of Magic Emperor after that." Saber declared, knowing that the both of them would need to know the duties of a Magic Knight, she was honestly curious to know if it was similar to her former knightly duties.

Saber received an eager nod from Asta who grinned, she saw no reason that her aiding him should not be allowed. Even if these exams were solely for the mage then her being by his side should not warrant any penalty she is classified as a Familia of sorts, after all she had been summoned via his Grimoire which seemed to be the main cause of magic in this land that she had seen so far, some further investigation might be in order.

"Then I'll be the Magic Emperor!" He cheered however was forced to stop as his stomach let out an otherworldly sound causing him to blink and grin awkwardly. "I kinda skipped most of last night's meal and with all this training, I'm starved." He explained as he held a hand to his stomach, however at the sound of one stomach Sabers own rumbled in chorus to his own gently causing her to blink as Asta looked at her with a smile. "Let's go get something to eat!" Asta declared. "Sister Lily is the best cook!" Within moments Asta was already dressed in his shirt, Grimoire put away in the small satchel he had fastened to his belt and they were heading from their camp for the night.

Saber wasn't sure as to whom this Sister Lily was, but her mind was elsewhere as they exited beneath the canopy above them, the reason she had been unable to see the moon and stars before she had fallen asleep. She was completely stunned that it was a giant skull unlike anything she had ever seen before, it was obviously some kind of monster that someone had slain, it would have taken great power to bring down a beast of that size.

As the two walked away from the skull Asta gave her the story of what it was and how the first Magic Emperor came to be. She listened intently, walking by his side as he animatedly told her the story he had been told as a child. Demon's had been on the verge of wiping out humanity, before one man rose up and single-handedly defeated the demons who then was declared as the Magic Emperor. Since then the strongest Wizard Knight would be named the Magic Emperor.

The story he told her only concreted the fact that this land wasn't the same where here homeland once stood proud. The difference between this land and the land she came from was far different to call it the same.

Saber now understood Asta's want to be in such a position; she had already seen his dedication to his training, despite having no magic he wanted to be seen as the strongest. The title of Magic Emperor signifies the holder as the strongest mage within the Kingdom. She had yet to discern any other reasoning he might have behind his drive to become the Magic Emperor but she figured that it would all come in time. It was clear to Saber he was drawn to the heroic stature of the roll and not knowing of the responsibility he would have as King, it made her sad that he wouldn't be worthy as the King he wished to be, all she could do was help prepare him.

The two walked down the path Saber enjoying the scenery that they passed, it was pleasant. Despite the remains of the Demon behind them, the farms around them were quite peaceful with few already tending to the fields. Asta walked with his hands folded behind his head, a grin on his face as Saber walked beside him, having released her armour leaving her simply in her blue and white dress as they walked, there was no need for her armour or weapon as they walked.

"So where do you come from?" Asta questioned, looking up to the sky with hands folded behind his head as Saber glanced at him.

"I hail from a land known as Britain." Saber informed him. "I have no doubt that it is far away from here and the time I spent there was long ago." This confused her Master; but Saber was more reasonable now that she knew her Master knew nothing of the circumstances he had found himself in. That was all Saber said on the matter as they walked the rest of the way in silence. However Saber was confused when they stopped in front of a small seemingly uncared for Church, such a holy place had never been brought to such a state during her time. It was clear that people lived here but she was unsure why her Master had brought her to such a place.

"Home sweet home." Asta grinned surprising Saber as he walked forward pushing the doors open. Her Master lived here? "I'm back!" Asta called out into the church.

"Good, you can help with the morning chores." A man's voice spoke making Saber look past Asta to see an elderly man with silver hair dressed in black priest robes. He was standing behind an alter, the statue of a woman behind behind him, perhaps a saint but Saber did not recognise her, the Father looked to be a devout holy man.

"Breakfast first!" Asta declared with a grin. "Then Yuno can do everything else since he's so good at everything." The teen huffed marching through the church, the man still not looking up from the Alter, unaware of Asta's companion.

"Asta." The man spoke, his tone bringing the boy to a halt as he looked up, however now that he had he spotted Saber who stood a few feet behind the ashen haired teen. "Oh, I didn't realise you had company." The man spoke closing the book that was set before him and stepping down in front of the Altar and approached.

"Yeah this is Artoria." Saber bit her tongue should have insisted he call her Saber but this had been the first time he had actually addressed her by name she hadn't though to do such, but considering that they were in another land perhaps her identity wouldn't be a problem if it was known. Still she would need to warn him eventually.

"Please forgive the child." Orgi continued taking note that she seemed to be well dressed, possibly someone from a well class family, maybe even a Noble. That's when the fear struck, what had Asta done to bring such a person to their doorstep, so far out in the sticks? "Has he done something to offend you? I'll have him disciplined." He declared marching straight for Asta.

"Hey!" Asta shouted as Orgi gripped his ear and tugged none to lightly on it.

"No Father, Asta has done nothing wrong for such treatment." Saber declared, using his name instead of Master she didn't want to cause a commotion by calling him as such, this caused the priest to stop his pull on Asta's ear. "In fact, I have sworn myself to him." Father blinked once, then twice and finally a third before tears started to well in his eyes confusing the King of Knights, why had this saddened him?

"Really! You've really, really sworn yourself to him!?" The priest declared rushing towards Saber, placing his hands on her shoulder looking into her eyes from above. She saw no threat so didn't react to his sudden presence before her.

"Indeed." Saber nodded ready to explain her pledge to help Asta reach his goal of becoming the Magic Emperor, however was interrupted as she was engulfed in the priests arms in a tight embrace, this surprised her just as much as it did Asta who stared at the sudden hug in confusion.

"The fool is getting married! Asta I'm so proud of you being able to woo such a pretty young girl!" Saber's eyes instantly flew wide open in shock, he had interpreted it all wrong. "We have to tell everyone!" Orgi pulled back from the hug, his face full of excitement.

"Wait!" Saber tried to call out but the man had already rushed through to another room of the church leaving Saber with her arm outstretched, a dumbstruck look on her face, what just happened here?

"Stupid geezer, what's he playing at." Asta huffed as he crossed his arms walking to stand beside his servant. "Sister Lily's the only one I'll marry."

The next few minutes were a haze for the Saber Class Servant, she had suddenly been rushed by four children two barely reaching the height of her knee and pulling on the skirt of her dress to try and get her attention. The other two were a little older, the boy seem disinterested in the sudden marriage announcement while the girl was already planning the ceremony. Asta's words of discouragement went on deaf ears as he tried to right the misunderstanding of Saber's words, the priest was still sniffling and Saber caught sight of a Sister who held a young babe in her arms curious to the situation.

"Children." The sister called out gaining the attention of the four young ones allowing Saber to breath slightly easier as she looked to the young woman holding the child, she could already tell by Asta's expression that this was the Sister Lily that he had spoken of, by his expression alone there was more than simple admiration for the young woman. But considering her status as a Sister… "Please, leave Asta's future bride alone, she just arrived. How do you think she sees you as now bothering her like this." She smiled, the sister wasn't on her side.

"Sister Lily you're the only one for me!" Asta cried only to be struck in the head by a book courtesy of the priest slamming his grimoire into the boy's head sending him to the ground.

"How do you think your betrothed feels when you spout that nonsense Asta!" Orgi shouted at him.

"I believe that there has been some kind of mistake." Saber began gaining everyone's attention.

"I agree." Saber's gaze shot to the new arrival, a young man possible the same age as Asta if she was judging correctly. A lean body and what some might call a handsome face, he leaned up against the doorway with an apple. "Asta couldn't woo a woman if he tried."

"Hey!" Asta shouted.

"Plus, she's not human." Yuno began, his locking with Sabers.

"Now Yuno, just because Asta brought a girl home before you doesn't mean that Asta could only seduce some other worldly being." Orgi waved off before sweat began to form on his brow as he glanced at Saber then at Asta, more sweat growing on his forehead as he glanced at Sister Lily. "Right?" He asked the sister who smiled awkwardly without offering an answer.

"She's made up entirely of magic." Yuno spoke once more making everyone's eyes widen in surprise as Yuno turned to Asta. "Right?" Asta folded his arms and looked away from his rival.

"Allow me to properly introduce myself." Saber Began. "I am Artoria Pendragon, a Saber Class Servant." She stood tall. "I have sworn myself to my Master and will do everything in my power to help him gain the title of Magic Emperor." All eyes were on her as she spoke.

"I knew it was too good to be true." Orgi sobbed.

"You're awesome Asta!" Three of the four children cheered as Asta grinned, rubbing the back of his head as they paraded him with questions. Saber watched the black haired boy retreat away into another room, a small frown coming to Saber's face, he was a talented magic user to be able to see that she was made up of mana.

"Miss Artoria." Sister Lily spoke up gaining Saber's attention as she walked towards the servant still holding the infant. "Would you like some breakfast?" She smiled as a slight gurgle came from Saber's stomach.

"Please." Saber nodded getting a smile from Sister Lily who nodded and gestured for her to follow to which Saber did.

"Me too!" Asta shouted about ready to dash off to the eating area in the church however was stopped by Orgi gripping him by the back of the collar, holding him in place. "Eh, let me eat."

"Go eat Children, Asta has some morning chores to tend too." Orgi began as the chidlren went off to eat while Asta was left with the priest. Asta pouted up at the man but stopped upon seeing the man's expression.

"Fine I'll clean." The ashen haired teen pouted.

"Asta." Orgi began. "How did you summon a being like her?" He asked making Asta frowned, the old man sounded as if he already knew before Yuno had announced it to them all.

"I don't know, it's all confusing." Asta shrugged. "She just appeared before me last night when I was going over my Grimoire." He explained, reaching for his satchel and pulling forth his Grimoire, Orgi offered his hand and Asta handed his Grimoire to him. The priest looked over the Grimoire, running his hand over the back hand tracing the magic circle embedded into the cover.

"Is that blood?" Orgi questioned notcing a few dark stains that didn't seem to match the already tattered cover. Noticing the rag covering Asta's hand he frowned, his blood had somehow been used to summon a Servant from his Grimoire? He already had his concerns about this Grimoire and now that it was doing something like this? It was worrying for the man who he considered Asta his own. He needed to make sure. "Asta, your hand."

Asta on instinct raised his right hand up which was bandaged Orgi unwrapping the bandages before applying pressure to the cut causing Asta to wince as the cut was reopened, Asta trusted the old man and could tell this was serious.

Orgi lowered Asta's Grimoire below Asta's hand as he turned the teen's hand over, blood beginning to drip down onto the surface of the magic circle. Asta looked up to see Orgi looking at the Grimoire with determined concentration, as Asta looked back down to the circle his eyes widened slightly upon seeing what he had seen the night before, the magic circle etched into the cover beginning to glow. Just as he had first witnessed the magic circle grew from the back of the Grimoire, spreading out over the small area in the church.

"Ah Father." Asta began. "I think we should get out of the circle." Orgi nodded wordlessly, letting the Grimoire float from his hand and rest in the centre of the their presence exited the magic circle it began to glow even brighter.

The light grew to a blinding whiteness both Asta and Orgi covering their eyes before a swirl of magic erupted from the centre of the magic circle creating a gust of wind that crashed through the church.


"Father! Asta!" Sister Lily's cries echoed over the church as the magic began to die down.

Saber was already before Asta and Orgi, armour adorned and weapon in hand as she stood before the new summons that had arrived, still clouded by the smoke only showing the new Servant's silhouette. Asta stood beside Asta, the King of Knights holding out her hand to halt him from advancing.

Asta's Grimoire floated from the smoke towards it's user, the teen grabbing it from the air and looked to the page it was on to show the same cup that appeared when he had first summoned Saber. But now just as before with the man standing behind a sword, it only seemed double to show that it was another Saber Class Servant that he had summoned. The shifting of armour brought Saber to raise up her invisible blade as the smoke began to clear.

"I am Mordred, the one and only true successor to the famed King of Knights, Arthur Pendragon! Now then, I ask of you, are you the one who is my Master!"

The moment the smoke shifted to reveal the two Saber Class Servants to one another, the air shifted and the clash of steel on steel was heard as Mordred, the newly summoned servant crashed into Artoria, who was being pressed back invisible blade locked with Mordred's own blade.

"Father!" She roared.