This chapter focuses on Izuku's quirk and hero exam. Well it didn't go well for him.

The chapter may contain a some errors, so please inform me. No, Izuku won't get a harem, it is still NejirexIzuku and I am not planning to change it.

Izuku will get his hands on All For One, and soon the story will come to an end

Izuku smiled, "That brat won't rest. I wonder what he is doing right now"

"Izuku, get up. We have landed", Hisashi shook Izuku, taking out his earplugs. "What?"

"We have reached the island, get up"

"Okay", Izuku puts his phone in his pocket and leaves the plane.

'Again we are in this crappy island. I wonder If I can ever bring a girl here'

"I must look for that girl who stopped me that day.

"Izuku-sama, did you finish your work?"

"Yes, he got what he deserved. Did he brought any girls in the past?"

"I am afraid to say but yes. After he left you he did brought some girls but I am sure he didn't do anything"


"Those women were not of his taste"

"That damn bastard", Izuku went to his room, "Hey Old Man, I heard you brought girls here"

Hisashi's face became pale, "I didn't do anything. Hey tell him, listen Izuku they were not of my type. They got drunk and I was just helping them"

"What kind of man helps by bringing not one not two but four girls at once in his private island. If you were thinking of helping them you have not bring them here. You damn womanizer", Izuku smiled, "You are dead, I am telling her"

"No, Izuku don't do this. Please"

Izuku laughed, "I told you I will take my revenge, I will let her decide", he takes out his phone and calls Inko, "Hello"

'Izuku why did you call? Did something happen?'

"Well there is something I want to talk with you"

Izuku tells Inko everything.

'Izuku hand over the phone to him', Izuku smiles, "Take she wants to talk with you", he hands over the phone, "Take your time, I will be in my room, designing my bike"

He goes into his room. He shouts, "Finally, the taste of revenge. I never thought it would be this satisfying"

He took his tablet lying on the bed and started designing. After a while he came out of his room, he saw Hisashi lying on the couch.

"Izuku, please come here. We have something very important to discuss"

Izuku went. "Tell me what happened? Did she divorced you? Serves you right"

Hisashi with determination in his voice, "Why don't we make a deal?"

Izuku replied, "Go on. I am listening"

"Since we both like what we do how about we don't inform the other party. I mean, I will not tell Nejire while you don't tell Inko. We can keep flirting, of course we will draw a line, which we will not cross"

"I was going to ask the same thing, I mean without flirting how can we live, I mean we have been already categorised as dogs, there is no fun in life without it"

Hisashi nods, "I totally agree with you"

This day an agreement between a father and a son would come into existence, allowing them to fool around with girls while still keeping their heads safe, the only thing that could give them all true happiness.

Izuku replied, "If it were another case I would have asked an agreement but since an agreement could be used to blackmail the other I prefer a verbal agreement"

"From today, we won't say a word to each other's party and keep living like a happy man, flirting with girls, but never cross a line which is intercourse. Do you agree?"

Izuku replied, "Hell yeah"

Izuku felt guilty but as long as they not cross a line it is perfect. "Now I am sending you the design, you can make tweaks and finishing. I will leave the calibration to the experts, I am not an expert and I don't want to waste my time. I did the things that I am capable of, now you will take care of the rest"

Izuku went back into his room, "I am going to work on a project, don't you dare to disturb me partner", and he locked his door.

'Finally I got no tension, Nejire also gave me permission. She won't be mad if I stay in line. For now let's focus on the core that I got from the weapons raid'

Izuku took out a crystal ball from his drawer, "How did they manage to hand their hands on this. I didn't even get in at UA, maybe I should bring all my projects from UA back. I don't think Nezu will say anything"

He takes out a screwdriver and starts opening the cover, "So this is how it generates a magnetic field. Maybe if I can increase the power I could built a thermionic absorber, it will be similar to Kachhan, but instead of sweat, it will let me shoot lasers. Finally I would be able to concentrate my flames at a small point"

Izuku then takes out his tablet, and starts designing, "He wouldn't let me to change the colour, so maybe I could make a costume from a cloth that changes colour at my will, should I use a meta material with electro chromic material. Maybe I should add a layer of an electro chromic film on my suit, and by changing the voltage I can change the colour, when needed. And since I am using metamaterial I can increase its resistivity to my flames giving it an advantage over the other clothes available. But does he have enough resources to make it? He must have, that guy has lived over two hundred years, I still feel kinda bad when I see him with my mother. How will she react when she will found out that her husband is twice old as her mother"

Izuku yawns, and takes out his phone. 'Let me check if there is anyone active'

Izuku scrolled one by one through all his contacts, 'I never knew I had only ten people's contact on my phone'

Izuku became bored soon, he came out of his room, he walks and then stop near Hisashi, "I know you want me to show off but I can't let that affect me. Take this, I have designed a new suit which is much better than my old one. Plus it can change colour to my will. It surely cost a heck lot of money, now take responsibility as my manager and make them as soon as possible. I am going back to patrol, I am all bored"

Izuku takes out his costume and puts it in a bag.

"Izuku the bike is outside, you can take it"

Izuku waves his hand, "Fine, I get it. But seriously we are making a base at land, I don't want to come here every time I go out. I am getting sick of water"

"Fine, I will tell Yaoyorozu to prepare it for you"

Izuku leaves, he founds a bike, he takes it inside the speed boat, 'Fuck, why how did he bring it here'

Hisashi came out. He asked, "What are you doing?"

Izuku replied, "Don't you see I am taking this into the boat"

Hisashi scolded, "Are you nuts? Why are you making it so difficult. The bike surf in water too. How do you think I brought it here"

Izuku kicked the soil, "Damn it why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"You never asked me"

Izuku gritted his teeth, "I am going". He takes the bike and leaves.

After coming back on the land, he went to the place which Hisashi asked Yaoyorozu to prepare. Arriving there he saw some men guarding the gate, he told, "Open the gate"

The men stopped him, "You can't go in without permission"

"Cut the crap, what's this. A scene where guards stop an important person and after a while gets beaten. Just open the door, if not then at the least call any person from inside. I want to talk with them"

The guards refused, "Don't waste our time kid"

"I look young but can you at the least go in and tell any one that Sakura has sent me. Why not confirm it. It is better than losing your job. I am telling you to just ask if someone denies to open the door then I am still here"

After discussing one decided to go in while the other was watching Izuku. "Hey kid, do you even have a license?"

Izuku smiled, "Of course not, I am still under aged. Don't worry about me"

He asked, "Why did you come here? This place is dangerous"

He laughed, "Dangerous, my foot. It is my new home"

"Kid if you don't want to die then leave. I will let you go"

Izuku replied, "Nah, I like dying"

While they were talking the other man came. "Kick him out, Sir doesn't know him"

'God help me'

Izuku asked, "Who is inside? Is Yaoyorozu there?"

Other man replied, "Kid, we had enough now get lost"

Izuku sighed, "Fine, just let me make a call. You can wait for two minutes right?"

"Fine but after that we should not see you"

Izuku took out his phone, he dialled Yaoyorozu.

"Hello Yaoyorozu"

'Who are you?'

"Have you lost your memory. Don't you see my name?"

'I saw it'

'Hey you are a girl right?'


Izuku gritted his teeth, 'Damn that Yaoyorozu. He always leaves the phone wherever he wants"

Izuku took a deep breathe, "Can you call you father? I need to talk to him"

'Who are you?'

Izuku sighed, "You are Momo right?"

'How do you know me?'

"Just call him, tell him that I need to talk"

'What is your name?'

Izuku was frustrated, 'This is why I hate girls, can't they follow what they are told to do. Fine let me give a my name'

"Tell him, your friend has called him"

'None of my friends have this number'

Izuku unable to hold any more, "Tell him that Izuku needs to talk him about something"

'By Izuku you mean Midoriya?'

"I don't have much time, just pass him the phone. I can't hold any longer"

There was a long gap.

"Midoriya what happened?"

'Hey they are not letting me in, do something and take care of your phone. Handle Momo, you should tell her about us"

'I understand. I am doing something'

"Fine, I am hanging up"

Izuku put the phone in his pocket, "Can you just wait for a minute?"

The guards replied, "We have heard enough. Now get out of here"

Izuku sighed, "Fine, if someone wants to find me then ask them to search the whole god damned city"

Izuku takes his bike and starts it, he sees a man coming from the house running. Izuku shouts, "Fuck you all, now try to find me" and leaves the place.

After a while Izuku stops, 'Should I go back, I still haven't wore my suit'

"Sir wait", a man comes out from a black car. "We didn't know that Yaoyorozu sent you"

Izuku gets off, "Next time you piss me off, you will pay with your body", Izuku rides back.

After entering the house, "You all leave this place. I don't want a single person near this house, not a soul"

"But sir we are here to protect you"

Izuku sighed, "That damn man. Did he ask you to give me protection? Just leave"

"He asked us to help you if you need any thing"

Izuku glared at them, "Don't make me repeat myself. Leave"

Izuku went in and closed the door. 'Finally I am all alone'

Izuku looked around, 'This is bigger than I expected. Damn he is rich"

Izuku threw the bad on the couch and changed into his costume, 'When my suit will come, I don't hate it but I don't like it too'

He wears the suit and puts two guns in his pockets, with one hidden under behind his back. 'All done, let's see what is going on right now'

He puts on the mask and takes the bike and leaves.

While ridding he saw a girl being chased by some men, 'Should I follow her?', he gets off the bike and starts following them.

Soon they notice Izuku. One of them ask, "Hey kid get out, else you will die too"

Izuku looked at the girl, she was crying. "Who else is going to die", he points at another guy, "He or you or the person next to her?"

The girl was still sobbing. "Hey girl use your god damn quirk. If you won't try to save yourself I am leaving", Izuku turns back, "You can have her"

The girl replied, "I don't have one"

Izuku turns back, "Hey whom you are fooling, I know you have a quirk. Don't lump me with them"

A man came at charging at him, "Kill him", he changes his fist into a blade, "Die"

Izuku takes out a gun and shoots him in the head, "Don't interrupt me when I am talking. See this is what you get, now he is dead"

The men left the girl, "Don't let this bastard go"

"I won't even use my gun to fight with you all"

When they came near enough him, he took out two knifes from his legs. He charges at them, "Use your quirk"

Before they could use their quirks Izuku one by one started cutting them, "You are too slow", by the time one activated his quirk he had already been cut. He shouted, "Kill him", Izuku throws the knife at his face, "One out, two left"

The remaining two activate their quirks. One stretched his hand while the other jumped at him. Izuku smiled, "One transformation quirk and other enhancement quirk"

He threw knifes at both of them but one stuck on his face while the other bounced off after touching his body.

Izuku saw their both attacks coming at him, 'Well I am fucked', he didn't move rather he extended his arms. He got hit, Whack.

Izuku rolled on the ground. He got up and wiped the blood from his mouth, "That wasn't half bad, I am happy that I came here. I was too bored"

He picked at rod from the ground and charged at them. The two of them laughed as he charged, "Come we will kill you"

He took the rod and hit one's head, 'What, the rod itself broke', he picked the broken piece and charged again.

This time his speed was more than earlier. He stabbed the elastic one with the sharp side of the rod, blood came out of his body. He groaned in pain. Izuku took out the rod, "Don't shout, you won't die if you get some stitches" and charged the other.

It had no effect on him, "Let's see how long you can continue", he kept on hitting him. After a while he threw the rods. "Shit, I can no longer use them. You are rock hard", he took a knife, but it broke as soon as it came in contact.

"You are unlucky, see now I am using my quirk", his fist were wrapped by green flames, "You are the new comer"

Izuku punched him, his rock hard face kept on getting loose and finally his face had a burn mark. "Now pick up your friends and leave. Don't forget to take the shot one, he is not dead"

He turned back to the girl, "Hey get up"

The girl got up, "Thank you"

"Don't. Now tell me why didn't you use your quirk?"

"How did you know I wasn't quirkless?"

"It was just a guess", he took up her chin, "You see, a fellow quirkless knows if one is quirkless on not"

The girl's face was red, "You are a quirkless?"

Izuku smiled, "No, but I used to be", he turned back towards the bike. "Go back home, don't stay here"

"Don't go please"

Izuku stopped, he turned back.

"Hey girl where do you live?"

The girl started crying, "I don't have a home", now when Izuku looked at her clothes he noticed they were shabby and old.

Izuku asked, "Why should I stop?"

The girl replied, "Isn't your job to help others?"

Izuku laughed, "Don't put lump me with others. I am not a hero", he continued, "Let me ask you something. Isn't your job to protect yourself?"

The girl replied, "I am not strong enough to fight"

Izuku sighed, "I get it. Hey girl where is your family. Did they kidnap you? I can take you to your family"

The girl replied with a low tone, "They died when I was a kid"

Izuku asked, "So you are telling me that you took care of yourself since you were kid and you can't even fight"

The girl replied, "I was in an orphanage, one day while I was roaming around they kidnapped me"

Izuku replied, "Fine, let me drop you there?"

The girl replied, "I don't want to go back"

"Don't tell me you want to go with me"

She replied, "I want to become stronger"

Izuku with a calm voice, "Tell me what is your name?"


Izuku asked, "Tell me Rebecca why do you want to become strong? Let me guess for revenge"

She replied, "I want to be strong to help someone"

Izuku laughed, "You can even use your quirk and you are going help others. Their are many other ways to help peoples. Become a social servant"

She replied, "I want to save people. Please help me to become strong"

Izuku replied, "Right now I don't need a side kick. But I do need someone to maintain my house, can you manage it. Don't worry I will protect you and serve you well"

Rebecca blushed, "Will you really take me in?"

Izuku was confused at her face, 'Hey did I raise another flag?'

He replied, "As long as you manage the chores"

Rebecca smiled, "Okay"

Izuku smiled, he took off his mask, "Let me introduce myself. I am Midoriya Izuku, other know me by my shitty name Cleanser"

Rebecca couldn't take her eyes from his face. Izuku cleared his throat, "Do I look bad?"

Rebecca replied, "No, you look younger than I imagine"

Izuku glared, "I am about your age", he gets on the bike, "Come on", he extends his hand.

Rebecca got on the bike. "Hold tightly"

Rebecca held Izuku.

Izuku replied, "Not that tightly. Are you planning to kill me?"

Rebecca lightened her grip. Izuku left the place.

After arriving, Izuku opened the gate.

Rebecca asked, "Why is there no one around?"

Izuku replied, "I fired them. I don't need them"

Rebecca asked, "So we will be alone in the house?"

Izuku replied, "Of course... Oh you meant in that way. Don't worry I am not going to bother you"

The opened the door and entered. "Come in else I will close the door"

Rebecca entered the house, "The house is large. Is it your house?"

Izuku replied, "Of course. Why would you ask me?"

Rebecca replied, "There is no on around, so I thought you just broke in this abandoned house"

Izuku asked, "Does this looks like an abandoned house?"

Rebecca looked the clothes laying on the couch, she picked it. "You should throw things here and there"

Izuku snatched it, "I was in hurry, If I was any late then you might now be here with me" and throws it back.

Rebecca was silent.

Izuku said, "Take of you clothes, I hope my size fits you", Izuku took some clothes from his bag and gave her. "Wear this. We are going out"

Rebecca's face was red, she nodded.

"Fine go in any room and change" and Izuku left.

After a while Izuku came back after changing his clothes, he looked at her. The shirt was a bit long but her chest was too large for it. Izuku replied, "I don't have any t shirts right now. So please bear it"

She picks up clothes lying on the couch.

Izuku asked, "Don't touch them"

Rebecca replied, "None of your shirt fits me, and this is the only t shirt"

"I just wore it. And it's not my fault that you are fat"

Rebecca replied, "I am not fat, I am...", her face turned red.

Izuku sighed, "Fine, wear it for now. I will be waiting"

Rebecca went back. Izuku took a deep breathe, "I almost lost my control. What is Nejire doing right now. What will I do if she gets too know about her. Will I be able to explain? No as long as he keeps his promise I am safe, plus I just helped her. I hired her, yes I hired her as my assistant"

Rebecca came back, "How do I look?"

Izuku looked at her, "I dunno"

Rebecca pouted.

Izuku sighed, "We are going for shopping. You can't always wear my clothes"

Rebecca replied, "Will you help me choose them?"

Izuku replied, "Fine"

Izuku got up on the bike, and they went off.

Rebecca asked, "What should I call you?"

He replied, "Call me Master, no that would be too weird. You can call me by my name"

Rebecca thought for a while then she replied, "You are older than me, then I will call you Big brother"

Izuku sighed, "Call whatever you want when we are in the house but outside Izuku is fine"

"Okay Big brother"

Izuku sighed.

After arriving in the city Izuku got off the bike and went to a shop. He asked a lady, "Show here some clothes please"

The lady smiled, and took Rebecca. Izuku went to the counter. He said, "A week ago someone broke the glass and took a suit. I am here to pay for it"

A young man who was the owner replied, "Are you the one who broke the glass?"

Izuku nervously replied, "A friend of mine needed it urgently and he had no time so he took it. I am willing to pay for it. Please forgive him"

He smiled, "We saw the footage, the boy who took it stopped the robbery. Are you friends with him?"

Izuku replied, "Not exactly, I was asked by him to pay for it. He wanted to return the suit but it was dirty and worn out"

He smiled, "He saved my father, who was in the shop how can I take the money?"

Izuku replied, "Just take it. I request"

He smiled, "Are you him?"

Izuku didn't know what to say.

"Big Brother, how do I look"

Izuku turned around, Rebecca was wearing a pink dress. 'She kinda reminds of her'

He replied, "It looks good"

Rebecca smiled and went back.

Izuku waited for sometime, by that time Rebecca has selected over a dozen of dress. Izuku asked the lady, "Do you sell cosplay items"

The lady replied, "Yes, we have a huge variety of it. This is the only shop here that has it"

Izuku smiled, "Please get her a maid outfit"

Rebecca asked, "What is this?"

Izuku replied, "You will be wearing it while you are in the house"

Rebecca's eyes filled with tears. "It's embarrassing"

Izuku then said, "Fine. Are you done selecting?"

She nodded. Izuku asked the lady to pack them along with the maid outfit.

He went to the owner and asked for the bill. "Please add the cost of the suit and repairing"

He smiled, "You are the lucky customer, You will get extra discount"

Izuku sighed, "So you won't take it"

He smiled. "We value our customers"

After paying the bill they got out of the shop. "We should go back now, it is already evening"

They both went back. Izuku asked, "Did you choose your room?"

Rebecca shook her head, "No, not yet"

Izuku replied, "Fine. Take your time", Izuku picked up his bag, "I am going to my room"

Izuku took the room nearest to the door and closed it.

He took out his phone, he saw that Momo has sent him more than fifty text messages.

'What should I do? Didn't Yaoyorozu tell him about us?'

He opened them one by one, 'I should take my time to explain her', and then goes out.

"Rebecca did you choose your room?"

She opened the door of the room next to his, "Yes, I like this room"

"Fine, can you cook?"

Rebecca nodded. "Fine, make anything you want. Call me once it is done"

Izuku left and went upstairs, "Where is the room that I asked him for?", he one by one checks the room. Then he opens the last one, it is filled with big machines and cables lying on the floor. "This will work", he takes out a box from the locker, "He also got my stuff back from UA. Now I can upgrade the unipolar barrier"

He takes out the crystal ball that he got earlier from the weapon deal and started working. He kept working then he heard Rebecca's voice. "Food is ready"

Izuku left the room and went downstairs. He sat on the dinning table. Rebecca served him.

Izuku took a bite.

Rebecca asked, "Do you like it?"

Izuku smiled, "Yes, it is much better than what I got", he quickly ate the food. After cleaning the plates he asked, "What is your quirk?"

She replied, "I can create chemicals"

"Why didn't you use your quirk that time?"

Rebecca replied, "I thought if I knew I was not quirkless they would do experiments on me", her face became pale.

Izuku patted her, "Don't worry, you did great. Now we should start it"

Rebecca didn't understand, "I don't understand"

Izuku smiled, "Your training. You are going to be my partner. Do you have any objection?"

Rebecca smiled, "No, Big Brother"

Izuku noticed a familiar vibe, 'Is she innocent as her. Man I miss her so much'

Rebecca asked, "What are you thinking?"

Izuku replied, "There is someone I know who is like you"

Rebecca asked, "A girl?"

Izuku smiled, "Her name is Nejire, she is cute as you"

Rebecca asked, "Is she you friend?"

Izuku replied, "She is my girlfriend. She lives in Japan and is trying to be a hero. She is very good at using her quirk"

He takes out his phone and shows her picture.

Rebecca looks at her, she pouts and says, "She is pretty but I am much prettier"

Izuku replied, "I got it. Take some rest. After an hour we will start your training. I am going back to work"

Rebecca stopped him, "I have nothing to do can I watch you working"

Izuku replied, "Fine. But don't disturb me", they both upstairs.

Izuku opened the door, "Walk carefully", he pulls a chair and gives to her, she sits down.

"What are you making?"

He replied, "Nothing important"

Izuku drops it and turns around. "So did you name your quirk yet?"

Rebecca's eyes were still, "I don't know what to name it"

Izuku looking at her, "You should come up with something that describes it"

She replied, "Can you name it?"

Izuku after thinking for a while, "Lab should do it. It does describes it"

Rebecca replied, "Can it be something good?"

Izuku sighed, "What about Reaction? It gives some idea and does sounds a lot better"

Rebecca nodded, "I like it"

Unlike Nejire, she had red hairs and her height was just a little less than him. He looked at her face delighted after deciding her quirk's name and smiled.

He asked, "What do you want to become a vigilante who works in shadows or a hero whom everybody knows?"

Rebecca was silent for a while, then she replied. "What about you Big Brother?"

Izuku smiled, but it soon faded. "I don't know it yet. I am still deciding. To me what matters it not letting someone lose hope"

Rebecca replied, "Then I would like to become like you"

He laughed, "Don't be like me. I am not sane, I can snap at any time. You will soon figure out what you want and when you find it out tell me"

She gave a smile, it was enough to make him miss Nejire more, 'Maybe I never realized that I would miss her so much'

He replied. "Would you like to study at UA?"

She starred at him, "What is UA?"

He asked with his a sense of disbelief, "You don't know UA?"

Rebecca shook her head in declination.

He explain, "UA is the school where students who want to be hero go. I am studying at UA, at least on the record. If you want you can join the next year, or maybe if you get a through back door but in any case you have to polish your skills. So will you join it?"

Rebecca replied, "I don't want to leave your side? Will you also be there?"

Izuku smiled, then he patted her, "I can't be by your side all the time. I need to be stronger, so maybe if you can become stronger we can meet someday. Don't worry, I would come to meet you in a while"

"If I become stronger, can I be at your side all the time?"

He replied, "If you do become then I will take you as my sidekick, it is not a bad job because maybe one day I would get famous"

She smiled, "Then I would join UA and become stronger"

Izuku looked at the clock, "Well we have taken a break", he got up. "The year hasn't been very long, maybe I can train you for the time you lost"

She smiled.

"Remember you have to train much harder, not harder than what I did. I am still better than red eyes but you will live through hell even it is just for a small time. Don't worry I won't let anything happen to you"

"I believe you"

Izuku smiled, "We should go downstairs"

They left the room and entered a room, near the kitchen. "Welcome to the lab"

Rebecca entered the room, glass bottles were all around, with a computer next to the door, which was closed, on it written, "Gift", in italics.

Izuku looked at it and ignored. "What can you make"

She replied, "I can eject acids from my fingers along with some other chemicals, but all of them are liquid. As long as I can understand the process I can make the thing"

Izuku after listening, "Your quirk is a bit different from Momo, while she needs to know only the materials you need to know the process. From now you will read all the books that are here, but for now let's try making some chemical"

He looked at her, "Use your quirk to fill the glass beaker over there. Keep the pressure low, don't shoot it"

Rebecca put her finger, from her nails came out a stream of a liquid. Izuku waited for a while and after two minutes she panted and looked exhausted. "I am almost at my limit"

The beaker wasn't even half filled. Izuku's hands turned black, then flames went towards her, "Don't be scared", flames covered her, her exhaustion was now gone and her body was cool. "What is this? I am feeling good"

Izuku replied, "My quirk. I just replenished your energy, and lowered your temperature. Now start filling the beaker"

She started it, and after about two minutes she panted again. "Did you ever use your quirk?"

she replied, "I never needed to"

Izuku sighed. "It's okay. The time will gradually increase". He once again used his quirk and she started again.

This continued till the next ten minutes, after it the beaker was almost filled. Izuku took a dropper and took out some liquid from the beaker. After a while, he looked at her and asked. "Is this water?"

Her face was red. She replied, "I rarely can make other things. Only once I was able to make acid, that only a few drops. I am sorry"

He looked at her eyes, it was almost about to shed tears. He replied, "Don't worry, you will soon make other things"

Izuku repeated the same process almost ten times, While she was both mentally and physically exhausted Izuku was just as fine as he used to be.

She asked, "How can you use your quirk so well?"

Izuku smiled, "I had to burn myself when I had to use my quirk. But with practice and help with others I was able to improve. If you try hard, you can improve too"

Rebecca's eyes were filled with amazement. "I will try very hard"

Izuku opened the locker and took out some books, "Try reading them, if you can't understand anything then google up. I am going out"

She took the books, "Where are you going?"

He replied, "I am just going on hunting. I have to make my name. Don't worry I will be back, just don't go around even if you do go then take this phone", Izuku gives her a phone. "My number is saved just call me if you need me"

Rebecca nodded and Izuku leaves the house takes off the bike.

He rides through empty roads, then he reaches the city. He hangs out there for a while. 'Man this sucks, I haven't even found a thug yet'

He takes out his phone, 'Hello, is anything going near me', he calls Hisashi.

Hisashi takes a while then replies, "Take the road on your left and continue till you find something"

'Are you kidding?'

"Just go on"

Izuku rides on and after a while he finds the girl that stopped him that night following someone. He got up and followed her.

When he caught her up, he found she was fighting alone with some guys. He came out from his hiding. "Want some help?"

One man asked Izuku to leave but he replied that he asked her and not him.

Izuku asked one more time, "Do you want some help?"

The girl was not losing but neither was she winning, it was just a matter of time till she couldn't keep up with them.

She replied, "How are you here?"

While she looked back, she got hit by a black whip made from the hairs of the bearded man.

She fell down. Izuku said, "Looks like you are still breathing but it is just a matter of time till they overpower you"

Her face was beaten up, she wiped up the blood from her mouth. "I don't even know you"

Izuku replied, "Fine, I will just stay here". He stays at the corner. "Hey guys after you beat her up and you can beat me too. I was foolish enough to think that a stranger will take my help even if she is losing"

A man laughs, "Well brat, wait there till we take care of here"

Izuku waits, for a while. Then he asks again, "Hey you still don't need my help?"

He got no answer. He waited for a minute, then for sometime and finally when she actually lost they came after him.

Izuku ran, they chased him. When he was away from the building he ran towards it again, leaving some guys behind him.

"You actually came back", the bearded man said, while activating his quirk. A black whip came towards Izuku.

He jumped over it, and punched him. The man blocked it with his hairs. "Man, this is gross"

He activated his quirk, the black hairs were now covered in red flames. Izuku punched him again, the man groaned. Till then the others came back. "You dare trick us. Kill him"

All of them charged at him and activated their quirks at once. One's body became slime, which reminded him of the villain that attacked him before he met All Might while the rest of two had power up quirks who charged at them with their body but one man was still not attacking him.

Izuku quickly beat them activating his quirk, his fists covered in flames. Now all the other guys were lying on the floor, the man took out a gun and shot Izuku. Izuku couldn't dodge it. He got shot in his right shoulder.

'What? I can't use my quirk'

The man laugh, he took another gun. "Kid that bullet is coated with drugs that remove quirks", he loaded it and shot him again. Izuku took cover behind the pillar.

"Don't try to stall. This bullet is very potent. It lasts up to fifteen minutes"

Izuku gulped and smiled, 'This is going to be interesting'

He jumped sideways, taking out his gun he aimed for his legs, "Then take this"

The bullet went through his legs, making a hole big enough to see through it. He screamed in pain.

Izuku went near him, "Remember my name, I am Cleanser who cleans scum" and kicks on his face. "Take a little nap"

He founds a hero who had just arrived at the scene. He asks him to stop.

Izuku replies, "Hey I am not a bad guy. I took them so maybe you can take them to the police"

He replies, "Hold on, vigilantism is not allowed. Come with me, don't try to escape"

Izuku was injured, and he still could not use his quirk.

'This is going to be like the old days, with the quirkless little me', he grabs the girl and puts her on his back and runs.

The hero chases him. Izuku sits on the bike with her and leaves. "That was close"

He arrived to the house and rang the bell. Rebecca opened the door, she saw a girl on his back, and his bleeding arm. "What happened?"

"Nothing". He laid her down on the couch and asked Rebecca to bring some water. Izuku went to his room and found some bandages.

When he came back he saw the girl holding Rebecca. "What do you want?"

Izuku replied slowly. "Calm down, just listen"

He explained her the whole situation. "Now let her go and put some bandages"

She let Rebecca go who ran towards Izuku and hid behind her back. Izuku who wasn't wearing a mask assured her, "Don't worry. She won't hurt you"

He cleaned her wounds and bandaged them. "All right it's done. Now get out of here"

She looked a bit surprise, "What?"

Izuku replied, "I intended to help you and you dare scare her", he points at Rebecca.

Rebecca replied, "It's fine. She didn't know"

The girl said, "I am sorry I didn't know"

Izuku replied, "You still are too stubborn. Now get out. You didn't need my help anyway"

She replied, "I am sorry. I thought you were following me"

Izuku replied, "Of course I was following you else how could I stumble there?"

Rebecca gave him a strange look. Izuku justified, "Hey when I saw you following somebody I just followed you. It was not planned"

She gave a breathe in relieve. "Who are you?"

"I just told you I am a new comer. I also gave you my name"

She giggles and replies, taking a mask off, "Your name is kinda funny"

Izuku replied turning his head down, "I know. I get it a lot"

He continues. "Well since you know me how about you give something about you?"

She replies, "You can call me Haste, I am also a vigilante and my quirk is also known as Haste. I can move myself very fast. I can't run for very long but I can increase my movements in a fight"

Izuku looked at Rebecca, "Can you bring some alcohol from the lab?"

He grabs a scalpel while she brings the alcohol. He dips it in it and removes the bullet. "Damn it"

After removing it, his wounds were still open. "Guess they won't heal by themselves", he wrapped a bandage around it and closed it.

He looked at Haste, "This bullet can erase your quirk. You should be careful"

Haste asked, "How did you save me then?"

"What you mean by how. I just shot him and ran while putting you on my back after being chased by a god damn hero"

"You didn't use your quirk"

"How could I?..Oh you are thinking I am bluffing. Let me say you something, I am as good as any quirky even I am a quirkless. Don't look down on me. Quirk or no quirk it hardly makes any difference to me"

She asked, "How could you say that? A person with a quirk is definitely stronger than a quirkless"

Izuku looked at her, "Can we spar a bit?"

Haste nodded, "Fine but the result is already decided"

Izuku looked at Rebecca, "Look carefully"

They all came out of house and where in the lawn. Izuku's wound was still fresh while Rebecca had minor injuries but still wasn't at her full power.

"The fight stops when one puts other on the ground"

Haste said, "Come at me. I won't lose"

Izuku took the charge, he threw a punch. She dodged it and tried to punch him. Izuku was able to dodge it thanks to Fietsu and grabbed her back and threw her on the ground, holding her hand, "Are you done?"

He gave her a hand, she got up. "How did you avoid that? No one could have dodged it"

Izuku smiled, "I just got lucky but I still won"

Meanwhile Rebecca was surprised and ran towards him and hugged him, "Big Brother won"

Izuku's face was getting hot, 'This is normal, this is normal. Don't lose your composure'

He made some distance, his face was a little red, 'Man she is damn stupid'

He said, "If you practise too then you can you it too"

Rebecca nodded. Haste asked, "Are you still human?"

Izuku replied, "Maybe or maybe not but I get it most of the time"

He went back into the house. "Do you have contact with other vigilantes?"

Haste replied, "There are no other vigilante around as far as I know"

Izuku sighed, "If you get into trouble you cal contact me", he gave him his number.

She took it and replied, "I will"

Izuku asks, "It's late and you are still not in proper state. Are you planning to leave. If you want you can stay up here"

He looks at Rebecca, "You can sleep with me, my room is too large"

She smiles, "Thank you for your hospitality"

Izuku smiles, "It is just a small investment to improve our relations. I will need them a lot in future"

Izuku left the hall ans went back to his room, "Well I am leaving you too then"

He turns around and switches off the light. He stares at the window. He sighs in exhaustion. He touches his wound. 'I can use my quirk but I still can't heal it. Maybe it will take some time to recover'

He jumps on his bed. 'It's too damn soft. I can't sleep on this'

He gets out of his room, he founds no one was on the couch. He took his blanket and lays down on it.

He opens his phone and founds Nejire to be online. He texts her.

'Are you busy? You did even text me once'

"Did you perhaps miss me?"

'Maybe a little bit. What were you doing?'

"I was with your Mom, watching a video"

'Why is my mother in your house?'

"I am at your house, the other way around"

'Then why are you in my house?'

"Well Aunt was lonely so she asked me to stay for a while. My parents knew you were gone so they had no problem too. You know your room was hard to clean"

'Why did you clean my room? Why didn't you ask me even once?'

"Well If I will be staying there then why shouldn't I clean it. Your mother gave me that room"

'Where are the things?'

"Don't worry, everything is kept in the storeroom"

'You kept everything organised. Didn't you?'

'All your notebooks are kept properly and that black box near the computer is also there. It was damn heavy'

"Just don't do anything to my things without asking me"

'Okay. What are you doing?'

"Just trying to sleep on couch cause the bed here is too damn soft"

'Where is Uncle?'

"Hey that's a very quick change of face. A day ago you were cursing him and now you are throwing showers of flowers at him"

'I didn't know he was your father'

"Whatever. I don't know where he is"

'Why? Isn't he around there?'

'I left the place, I am at one of his place'

"And are you alone too"

'Of course I am why would I not be?'

"Where are living right now?"

'I don't know but it is a few kilometres away from the city, in Rhode Island'

"Are you in America?"

'I think so, but why?'

"No. It's nothing"

'Did anything happened at school?'

"Nothing special but yes Momo was asking all around about you. She also came to me and started asking things like if I know that you know her father. Did something happen?"

'Nothing special, just I asked Mr. Yaoyorozu for some help'

"You called her father. How did you get his number"

'M gave me just in case if I was in trouble. Apparent he turned to out be him and M's friend'

"Why are you still calling him M?"

'You know it's kinda awkward. He came out of nowhere and now I got him back so I just need a little bit time'

"How is your training going on?"

'It has it moments but most of the time I get exhausted. Not physically but mentally"

'It must be hard'

"You can't even imagine what I am going through"

'Well when will you come back?'

"I don't know. Maybe during the license exam"

'Well, Aunt is asking me to sleep. Does she always does that to you'

"No, she never asks me. Don't worry she won't disturb you"


"What happened?"

'Sorry to disturb your little chat but she needs sleep. Now I am taking her phone so don't disturb her'

"Yeah, I got it"

Izuku throws his phone on the table next to his face, and puts on the blanket till his face and sleeps.


Izuku wakes up, he checks his phone, 'Damn those habits. Now I am free but I still got up at 4'

He goes to the kitchen and drinks water and then after taking a bath he saw the time again, 'It's already 6. Should I wake them up?'

Izuku thinks for a while, 'She must wake up early, at least until she joins UA'

He knocks at the door, 'Hey wake up. It's already morning'

He hears a voice, "Just five minutes more"

"Rebecca get up and wake her up too. You can't sleep for so long"

The door opens, Rebecca comes out, she was wearing pink pyjamas. "She says she won't wake up. It is so early", she rubs her eyes.

Izuku looks at Haste who was now covering the whole bed, 'Leave her. You get ready quickly. I will start your training then'

Rebecca leaves the room and Izuku closes the door. 'How can she be so carefree?'

He went back to his room, and took a sketch book and started drawing something.

'Maybe if I can make it then I won't have to be worried about getting shot'

He checked his wound, 'Well it healed". He takes out the bandaged and throws it.

He continues drawing, after a while Rebecca comes back.

Izuku stares at her, 'Why are you wearing a dress?'

Izuku walks into his room, 'These are my spare gym clothes. Wear them'

After few minutes Rebecca returns. "I am ready"

Izuku puts on his shoes, 'We are going out'

Rebecca also puts her shoes, "What about her?"

Izuku thinks for a while, then he writes a note on a piece of paper and keeps it on the table. 'She will know when she will read this but for now let's leave'

They both left the house. Izuku asked, 'How long can you run and how fast?'

Rebecca replied with a sense of pride, "I am fast"

Izuku replied, 'Then keep chasing me till I pass take rest'. He starts running, 'Run else you will lose me'

Rebecca starts running, her speed was good but it wasn't enough to hold onto Izuku. Soon he was out of her sight. "Where did he go?"

Izuku turned back, 'I guess I was a little fast'. He ran back to her. 'Well you are not as good as you think. Now run with me'

Rebecca starts running, Izuku lowers his speed. 'Go on'

After a while when Rebecca was panting, her body soon felt light and cold. 'Go on. Don't stop'

For the next hour Izuku kept running with her, 'I guess we both are at our limits'

Rebecca replied, "No. I can go a bit more"

Izuku replied, 'We have to run back too'

He started running back to the house, soon Rebecca replied, "I can't take it"

Izuku replied, "It must be tough for you. Well neither your body nor your mind can take it any more"

He asked her, 'Can you walk?'

Rebecca nodded her head. They walked for sometime. 'Man this is damn slow'

He asked Rebecca, 'Do you want a ride? If I walk any more, I will go nuts'

Rebecca nodded, and got up on his back. 'Be ready'

'She is light'

Izuku took the first step slowly, then the second step and then the third. He felt a jolt running throughout his body, 'Let's warm up with One For All. If I use it at 20% then I will be able to reach in almost five minutes'

Izuku said, 'Hold tightly and if you want close your eyes'

He ran, his body engulfed in green energy while Rebecca was chuckling, "Faster"

Izuku smiled, 'Time to crank up a bit', he activated One For All at 80%. His movements looked like a green bolt of electricity running.

In a minute he reached the house. 'Rebecca we are there'

Rebecca opened her eyes and got down, "We came here so quickly"

Izuku replied, 'That was good'

He opened the door and found Hisashi sitting while Haste's hands were tied. He looked at the girl who was with Izuku. "I just left you for a day and you already have two girls. Son you are a bit too fast"

Rebecca noticed Izuku's face. "Who is he?"

Izuku replied, "Just a madman", he went towards Haste and pulled the tape covering her mouth. 'Why did you tie her?'

Hisashi replied, "You weren't there and she was so I thought she was a thief. Hey look she was the one who attacked me first"

Izuku sighed, he opened the ropes. "Are you fine?"

She replied, "Yes but who is this guy"

Hisashi replied, "I am..", Izuku interrupted, 'He is my teacher. He is training me and he is also my father'

"This time you gave a proper introduction"

Izuku sighed, 'What are you doing here?'

Hisashi replied, "Hey your things are ready and you have some work to do"

Izuku asked, 'What work?'

Hisashi asked Izuku to come in a corner.

"Your Provisional Hero License Exam will be in next two months. So now you will not waste any time. You will travel different places and get popular as much as you can in the next two months"

Izuku asked, 'So it means I will be roaming around the world? If I interfere in each crime all around the world then won't the villains know that Recorders are interfering?'

He replied, 'You will not just work and go. You will also stay at that place for a while building up your reputation'

Then he asked, "Can you explain me who are they?"

Izuku explained him what happened and how he brought Rebecca.

Hisashi replied, "You did good by bringing them here. Haste is good, her skills aren't half bad but still needs some improvement. Do you want to take care of the other girl"

Izuku replied, 'Rebecca, her name is Rebecca. I am taking care of her just because she may become my future sidekick'

Hisashi smiled, "I won't mind if you make her something more. Personally I don't like Nejire"

Izuku glared at him, 'Did I ever ask for your opinion?'

They came back. Izuku said, 'I have to leave for a while. I have a work to do and it will take almost two months'

He looked at Rebecca, 'You still need to train so from now on you will train under him', he looks at Hisashi and he smiles back, "No problem. You can trust me completely"

Izuku sighed, 'Rebecca don't worry. He is not as good as me but he is capable enough to train you'

Rebecca replies, "Why don't you take me with you?"

Izuku replied, 'You are still not strong. First train and become stronger', he looked at Haste, 'I am sorry for what he did'

Haste replied, "It's fine. I will be going now"

She went out and waved her hand, "Bye" and she ran and vanished from his sight.

'Well then, where are the things?'

He saw a bike was standing near the gate and near it was a box, he ran towards it. 'Finally I can get rid of that costume'

He sat on the bike, 'I am going out' and took off.

Hisashi gave a small small. Then he looked at Rebecca, "Your name is Rebecca right?"

She nodded her head.

"It's a good name"

She replied, "Thank you"

Hisashi sat on the couch, "Sit down. Don't be so stiff"

"Yes sir"

Hisashi replied, "Don't act so formal. Just call me Uncle"

She was silent.

He continued, "From now onwards you will train with me. Izuku told me that you will join UA next year. Am I right?"


He replied, "You are a good girl. I will support you, well in the other matter as well"

Rebecca's face was red. Izuku entered, 'See that bike is much better than your old crap'

He looks at Rebecca then at Hisashi, 'You didn't say something weird. Did you?'

Hisashi replied, "No, I didn't. Now pack your things. You will be leaving along with the butler and Rebecca you also pack your things. You will be leaving with me to my place"

They both went inside of their rooms and came back after packing their things.

Hisashi said, "You have packed the things you need right?"


"Both of you get into the car"

Izuku asked, 'But what about the bike?'

Hisashi replied, "Don't worry. It will be with you. I will ask someone to get it"

They both got in and after a taking the boat they reached the island.

'Welcome to the shitty island with not a single soul'

Rebecca looked around with her eyes widened. "Is this yours?"

Hisashi replied, "No, it belongs to him. I am just a free loader. Izuku go to the plane, it is ready. The butler will be there for you"

Izuku looked at Rebecca, 'I will come back soon', and leaves.

Rebecca's eyes were moist. "Don't cry, he will be all right. You want to be with him right? Then become strong enough to stand next to him"

Rebecca entered the mansion.

Izuku arrived where the plane was standing. He looked at the butler, 'Are we ready?'

They entered the plane, and left the island.

Izuku asked, 'Butler doesn't sounds good. What is your name'

He replies, "Myser, Izuku-sama"

Izuku said, 'Myser, just call me Izuku. I don't like that'

He replies, "I will do as you say"

The plane landed after some time. They both were now in London, they went to the hotel. 'So this is where we will be staying'

Myser replied, "Yes"

Izuku took off his bag, he saw that his bike was already there.

Time skip (What happened in mean time)

Izuku went to different places including Russia, Australia and Africa. He sometimes stayed at a place for a week and sometimes left it in a couple of days. He visited 13 places, all around the world while Rebecca trained with Hisashi and had improved by a lot.

Nejire on the other hand started to follow Inko's guidelines and she took some classes with Midnight during the breaks.

The students of class 1-A took a tour with Pussy Cats, and returned safe. There were no activities of the league.

Izuku completed the gloves, and also improved the unipolar barrier. He also improved his anti-eraser chip, which could now withstand his flames and also negate the effect of quirk erasing bullets.

(At UA)

Izuku's appearance changed at bit, he got a bit taller and he developed an aura of dominance around him. His voice got deeper and his eyes which were bright now showed no expressions.

He arrived late, he was wearing his uniform. He entered the school. He walked through the hall and reached class 1-A.

He took a deep breathe, 'Calm down, everything is normal'

He opened the door, Aizawa was with his usual messy hairs. He was still.

'Did you miss me Aizawa-sensei?'

Izuku stepped in, he looked around and smiled. He looked at Aizawa, 'I will stay till the license exam, it will be tomorrow, am I right?'

Aizawa replied, 'It's good you came back on time, now take your seat'

Izuku looked around he found, he was in middle on Momo, Bakugo, Todoroki, Shinso and Mineta.

He looked at it for a while, he thought, 'I do get about others but why Mineta is right next to me'

He looked around, 'Everybody is sitting as always apart from these five. They are too clingy'

He sat on his seat, 'Man is this nuts. They have been starring at me for a while. I have to do something'

He asked, 'Do I look weird?'

Others stopped starring, Aizawa started, "Tomorrow you will be appearing for your license examination and I need no trouble", he stares at Izuku.

'No, don't even start. I didn't even do anything yet'

Aizawa continued, "I was going to ask you if you prepared well. I suppose you will not be using your quirk. This test is purely based on quirks and no one knows what may come. So I hope you are well prepared"

Izuku smiled, "Thank you sensei. I am prepared enough of it"

The class was over, Izuku was surrounded by others. "What were you doing?.. Did you find a secret base?.. Did you actually train?.. Did you.."

'Bang', "Hey get out of here", Bakugo used his quirk.

Bakugo asked, "Are you prepared for the test. You better not fail, else I will kill that bastard M"

Izuku smiled, 'I know, but don't worry. I think you should be scared'


'You will get to know when you reach there'

Momo asked, "Izuku I have something to ask from you"

Izuku replied, 'I have to explain that too, just let me get out'

Izuku leaves his chair, 'I have something to discuss with her. I will be back'

All left him, except for Bakugo. "Kachhan just for a minute"

He left. Izuku sighed, 'Well it's time you know my identity. I kinda work with your father'

Momo gave a giggle, "What? I think I didn't hear it correctly"

Izuku continued, 'You heard it correct. I said I kinda work with your father. We are two of the admins of an underground organization. I know it sounds funny but just bear with me. I work with him and we usually help each other. Well I asked him to tell you about it but he left me to explain. I joined it when I was about eight years, and looking for danger. Soon I got promoted and then a man who took a liking to me gave me his position and left. Since then I am working and know your father'

Momo eyes were widened, they clearly showed disbelief, "So you know my father and work with him in secret. You help each other and never once told me"

Izuku replied, 'I asked him but he didn't. What should I tell that I am a leader of an underground organization that breaks information to both villains and heroes'

Momo was silent. "Izuku", Nejire entered the class and saw him with Momo.

"What are you to doing?"

'Nothing. I had to clear something with Momo first'

Nejire took his hands and went out.

'Where are you taking me?'

Nejire stopped, her face was close to his, "You should behave well. If you do you might get some reward"

Izuku pushed her away, 'It won't work. You can't seduce me. I will talk with you later'

Izuku ran, 'Did she really took Midnight's classes. She seemed to be bolder'

He entered the room where All Might was sitting alone.

'All Might I finally found about the quirk'

He explained, 'There were three brothers, not two and two of their quirks in with me. I don't know how I got that but what I do know is that when I get the last piece I can manipulate quirks however I want them to'

All Might listened carefully, then he replied, "That's scary. Are you planning to take the last quirk too?"

Izuku replied, 'I have no interest in power but I want to complete it'

All Might sighed, "All For One is dangerous. You should not take him lightly"

Izuku replied, 'I get it. I won't'

All Might asked, "Did you prepare for the test? It will be tough"

Izuku replied, 'You have no idea what will happen tomorrow'

Izuku leaves the room. All Might sighs, "I hope others will be fine tomorrow"

(Next Day)

Izuku and others went to take their license exams.

They took the bus and after sometime reached the place. In the meantime Izuku was took out his laptop, 'Everything is just as planned'

After waiting for some time they announced, "The test will start in fifteen minutes, please get ready"

Izuku wore his suit, it was as usual a black suit with a tie, full with knifes and guns hidden around his body.

He was at the hall. A man announced, "There are about 2000 students here and only 200 of them will get their license"

Izuku thought, 'It is still better, than UA'

"The first test will be information gathering. A hero must be smart. You all will be given a clue and you have to find the answer by solving the hints. Every five students will have the same clue. So only 400 will pass this round. You may team up with others and take their help. But if someone finds the answer faster than you than you will fail the test"

Izuku got his clue, 'Damn this is interesting. I have to look for the road, near which their is a park', they were in a place that looked similar to USJ, each area had different terrain. Izuku quickly gathered the pieces and solved the case.

'The person who escaped after killing the lady was the driver who after stealing her purse'

Izuku sighed, he came out of the field and submitted the answer. They announced, "Question no. 385 is solved. Contestant no 284 has passed. Others please leave the field"

Izuku was sitting alone in a hall, big enough to start a fight with no obstructions.

The man who was announcing looked at Izuku, "He cleared the test in less than seven minutes. Maybe we made the test a bit too easy?"

Izuku waited for ten minutes, no one came. He waited another ten minutes the hall was still empty. 'Are they all stupid?'

He yawned and looked at the screen which was showing the participants who had passed. His name was on the top, except there was not a single name other than his.

He started cleaning his guns and checked if they were loaded or not. Then he heard, "Question no. 246 has been solved. Contestant no.857 has passed. Others please leave the field"

Izuku looked at the screen, 'Not the one I know'

Izuku kept walking back and fourth, till now an hour has passed and nothing has happened. After a few minutes he heard another question was solved. 'Kachhan got here faster than anyone'

Bakugo came, "Zuzu, how are you here earlier than me?"

Izuku replied, 'I am the brains right? Kachhan can we fight for a bit. The hall is very big and no one is here'

Bakugo replied, "Like I would ever say no"

Izuku looked around, he saw a camera. He shouted at it, 'Don't call security. We are just sparring. I mean practising'

Izuku went away from the other, 'Kachhan come at me'

Bakugo had fought enough with Izuku to know his style, he punched Izuku which he dodged and with his left he created an explosion. 'You have grown Kachhan'

Izuku pulls himself back, he presses his chest. 'Kachhan shoot at me'

Bakugo fires an explosion at him, nothing happens. "What happened?"

Izuku took white gloves, under it was a mechanical glove. 'Take this Kachhan', Izuku fired an explosion at Bakugo.

Bakugo was pushed backwards, "Stop. I don't want to not be able to appear the next test"

Izuku agreed and went back. 'We will continue after the test'

Bakugo's eyes were filled with determination, "I won't hold back then"

Izuku saw that while they were fighting Momo, Iida and Todoroki along with Shinso passed the test.

He congratulated them and in the next thirty minutes the test was over. With all the 21 students of UA passing the test.

"The students who have passed the test, will now move to the final test. You will be given three sensor, which will be places around your body. You will be given three balls, and if your sensor got hit by enemies ball then it will glow. When all three sensors will glow that means you are out. If you are able to successfully throw three balls at other you will win"

They all were in the field. Izuku was with his class. "Everybody else will chase us. They had already seen our quirks"

Mineta asked, "Then we got no chance"

Izuku smiled, 'If we have no chance then we will make it.'

Izuku pressed a switch. 'Have you ever been quirkless?'

Students were in chaos, 'I can't use my quirk.. Me too... What happened?'

Suddenly a voice came from above, 'This is Midoriya Izuku from UA. Don't worry nothing serious happened. Just you know that I erased your quirks. These small drones flying all over are like Eraser Head, they erase your quirks. Now let's see how you play this rigged game'

Izuku took out his guns, and start shooting at others.

"What are you doing?"

Izuku laughed, 'Did you feel anything?'

Kirishima hardened his body, "Bro I can use my quirk now"

Izuku smiled, 'I just places chips on you which allowed you to use your quirks. Now let's win this rigged game'

He looked at Mineta, 'You will pass right?'

While the other students were in chaos, Class 1-A started the test.

'Hey guys, I am Izuku. The one who did this. See this gun allows you to use your quirk. Take it from me'

Students charged at him. 'You all are too slow'

He looked at his friends, 'Throw your balls, if you miss them then take from others. I know this looks bad but in real life you must do whatever to save others'

"Izuku Midoriya has passed the test"

"Katsuki Bakugo has passed the test"

"Yaoyorozu Momo has passed the test"

"Mina Ashido has passed the test"







"Mineta Minoru has passed the test"

Izuku was going back, 'All right, thank you all for your cooperation'

He pressed the switch again, everything changed back to normal.

He entered the hall. He saw a bunch of man in suits waiting.

They came near him, "What did you do? That's cheating"

Izuku smiled, "I just erased their quirks and helped my friends to pass the exam and nothing else. Hey I didn't break any rules. Use of support items are allowed and there were no exceptions regarding a wide range support item. Plus it was their fault. I merely provoked them, and then came right into my trap. They were stupid enough to act without thinking. Their were 200 places and we were only the one-tenth of the number. We can't take them all so if they want to win then they should have waited for a while. Isn't it necessary for a hero to have patience. Are you telling me that I was wrong and they were correct. In the battle I just reduced the number of casualties. It is their fault they couldn't adjust to the situation. We have been under Eraser Head so we already know the feeling so it is different for us but you can tell me that I am wrong just because I relied of my items and erased everyone's quirk.

If I was a villain then I immobilised all the heroes and if I was a hero then I just reduced the number of casualties. In any case I did help my fellow mates to pass the test. And I also took the drones back, making things normal again.

If you want to test me then let them fight me. I will just use my items and they will use their quirks but you have to take the responsibility for it. Do you agree? I am also willing to use my quirks but I won't need to. They are just not enough good for me to use my quirks. If they want I can beat them in fight. I can also beat them in endurance. I can beat most of them in logical analysis and if you want I would give you each of their weaknesses in just one hour. So do you still think I cheated?'

The man was silent.

Aizawa came in, "Stop it. Izuku say sorry"

'Why? I didn't do anything wrong'

"That is no way to talk to the judge"

'Then the judge is not qualified enough. How can he say that I cheated. I followed the rules. I reduced the damage and helped my partners and when we won I took my drones back. We won because they were too restless, not because I cheated'

"Izuku that's enough. Say sorry"

'I won't say sorry just because I proved them that they are nothing without their quirks'

The man said, "I was going to forgive you but now seeing your attitude I don't think you are suitable for being a hero"

Izuku laughed, 'You say I am not capable of being a hero. Fine then I will be a villain who will put others in despair. I will prove that humans are powerless with their quirks. If I can't be a hero then maybe I can be a villain and remember when I do you will know it's me. I won't even come for re examination even if you beg me'

Izuku walked away, 'I am the one who cheated right? Fail me, but they didn't break any of your unlisted ethical rules which just popped out because you couldn't even stop my drones. Hey did hackers tried hacking, what did they found. Probably their computers are not working. Just throw them, they won't work. It is not a virus related to software, it overloads the motherboard which sends scrambled data to every other device causing a network wide attack, eventually leading all the machines to get overloaded and get burned from inside. I didn't do anything. It was just a fail safe in case a villain got one of them.

Don't worry their is also a bomb inside it, when someone tries to open it forcefully it explodes. So no one can replicate it other than me and another person who happens to be a noble prize winner and my partner. He lives on I-Island. Ask him if you want. You probably know him, the great quirkless scientist'

He leaves the place. Eraser Head follows him, "Izuku stop"

Izuku stops, he smiles back, 'Don't worry. I am still working one being the beacon of hope. People like them are nothing. Don't worry he will soon realise his mistake. I will make him understand what I did was not cheating'

Izuku founds his bike standing there, with a note, "You did well but you can't change their minds but someone else can. You know who it's just the same person you were a days ago"

He smiles, his eyes were moist. He rubbed his eyes. 'I am leaving now'

Kirishima looks at his bike, "Bro that's cool. Where did you get it? Is it yours?"

Izuku sat on it, Kirishima exclaimed, "Bro now I remember that bike belongs to the new vigilante, Cleanser. Are you him?"

Izuku turned his face, 'I am not him. He is strong and uses quirk. I am just a sick kid who dreams to be a quirkless hero'

He puts on the mask, 'Don't tell anyone what you saw. Just give me a little time. Then I will introduce myself to the whole world'

He threw the suit, 'They are just a waste' and rode his bike. Behind the suit was a white costume, which soon turned black.

He was crying, he knew he was right and others were wrong. 'Is believing the truth so hard for them?'

He went to his home, he rang the bell, Nejire opened the door.

Izuku hugged her, 'I am sorry I can't be a hero ever again'

Nejire looked at him, 'What happened?'

Izuku explained, 'I am not fit to be a hero, I am too harsh for others. So from now I would stop chasing the tittle of No.1 hero. I will create the tittle of No.1 vigilante. I will will the beacon of hope from the shadows'

Nejire comforted hid, "Who told you can't be a hero? I don't believe it. See you are already a hero. I am sorry to say but I got a little crush on the new vigilante"

Izuku smiled, 'You have changed a lot', wiping his moist eyes, 'I am a god damn crazy person. I don't care about anything they say. I am fine, I am fine', he murmured those words to himself and calmed him down.

'Where is she?'

"Aunt, she is out for shopping"

Both of their face's were red, 'I am going on. Tell her that I failed the exam'

Nejire stopped Izuku, her face was close to his, "I am thinking of giving you a reward. I just met the most hot topic of the year and how can I let you go"

Izuku touched her face, Nejire blushed and then pulled her cheeks, 'You still need to practise. I won't be seduced by you'

Nejire said, "Aevve mei"

Izuku stopped and opened the door. Nejire looked outside, "Is this that bike?"

Izuku replied, 'Yes, who else has this bike. I made it for myself'

Nejire with glittering eyes, "Can I have a ride?"

Izuku denied, 'Nope, once you pass out UA, then you can ride on it. Till then wait'

Izuku started his bike and left.

"Hello Izuku, can you go back to that place"

'I don't wanna go'

"Just do as I said and wear the suit. I will be there with you. Just come"


Izuku rides back, he takes off his helmet, keeping his green mask still on. He leaves the bike.

He founds Hisashi who was with Yaoyorozu.

"Take off your mask"

Izuku takes off his mask.

Yaoyorozu hands him the suit, "Eraser gave me. He is inside. Wear this"

People outside were starring at Izuku. The sensational vigilante was wearing a suit. The media outside approached him but guards around him stopped them.

"Izuku, don't say anything keep your cool"

Izuku was silent. Hisashi opened the door. He went to the stage, some people tried to stop him but they soon got scared after seeing his eyes.

"Are you the one you failed my student?"

The man who was handing over the license replied, "Yes"

Izuku clenched his fists. "Izuku calm down", Yaoyorozu stopped him.

Kaminari asked, "Hey Momo isn't that your dad? What is he doing with him?"

Kirishima replied, "Bro is so cool. He already knows Momo's father who is very rich. Maybe he is his sponsor. Momo do you know something?"

Momo was quiet. "Hey Sparky and Rock Head shut your mouth else I will kill you", Bakugo threatened.

Hisashi took a deep breathe, "On what basis did you fail him?"

He replied, "His attitude isn't fit for being a hero"

Hisashi asked, "Can you explain me what happened. I am afraid he didn't tell me the complete story"

He replied, "The boy cheated, he used a wide area support item to erase everyone's quirk and quickly passed the test. When I asked him, then he started defending himself and challenged to conduct a fight and take responsibility for it"

Hisashi looked at Izuku, "Is that happened what happened Izuku?"

Izuku replied, "Yes, but..."

Hisashi stopped him, "I don't see a point where he cheated. Can you be specific?"

He replied, "He erased everyone's quirk. How can that be not cheating?"

Hisashi gritted his teeth. "Calm down. We are not here to fight", Yaoyorozu calmed him

Hisashi went near the mic, "How many of you think that this boy cheated?"

A number of hands were raised.

"And how many of you can think you can beat him. Weather you make a group or come alone it doesn't matter. The one's who can beat him will get sponsorship with Yaoyorozu Group"

A number of hands raised, probably it was much more than earlier. It was about more than half.

"Then please make your team and register your names"

They one by one registered their names most of them formed team of four to five people.

The man asked, "What are you doing?"

Hisashi replies, "I am giving him a chance. A fair fight. In fact I am giving others advantage i numbers. See this"

He hands over a paper to him.

"So if he beats all the participants will you pass him?"

He replies, "Of course but he won't use any support items and if he loses then he has to apologise to me"

"Izuku do you agree?"

Izuku replied, "Yes, but.."

Hisashi interrupts him again, "Fine. He agreed but if he beats them all then will you do the same?"

The man thinks for a while and then smiles, "Only if he beats every single participant"

A man brings Hisashi a tablet. "Izuku there are 1745 participants will you be able to handle them all"

Izuku replied, 'Yes'

Hisashi asked, "Use your quirk on them. Make sure not to hurt them badly that they can be fixed"

"So, we will go by the sequence at which you all registered. There are about 458 teams. This boy will fight them non-stop. Remember that one who beats him gets life time support from Yaoyorozu Group"

"Hey Momo, why is your father silent and who is the man next to him?"

Momo looked at her father, who never waited for others was now silent, "I don't know. Maybe Izuku knows him"

Bakugo replied, "He is Izuku's father. I had met him once"

Kirishima asked, "Hey Bro why did you sign up for the match?"

Bakugo replied, "Listen Rock Head, I am not like this extra who want money. I will get to fight with Izuku and that's enough for me"

Kirishima replied, "Bro you are so manly"

Hisashi looked at Izuku, "You are not going to use any items, so take off your suit"

Izuku took off his suit.

Participants couldn't believe what they saw. "Hey his costume looks like the new vigilante"

Hisashi sighed, "Izuku take out all the things from the suit. You will fight raw"

Izuku took out a dozens of knifes from his legs, arms and back.

He put two guns at the ground. He took out his gloves. He also took out a belt on his chest.

A pile of items were now lying on the stage.

"Did Izuku make them all by himself?", Momo asked in astonishment.

"Izuku take off your shirt. It can be considered as support item"

'Then will I be shirt less. There is no fabric that can withstand my flames'

"It is not my fault. You were lucky enough that your pants didn't have any special features"

Izuku sighed, "I get it. I am taking off my shirt"

Izuku took off his shirt, his muscles were in shape and his abs well developed. There was a small scar on his right shoulder, which he got after getting shot.

It was enough to make girls star at him.

"Izuku don't use any flame that can kill them in instant. Don't even think about going any higher than blue. You can use the white flame only in a single match and you know whom I am talking about. You can use whatever way you like or you can mix up them both"

Izuku jumped down, he went to the field. Participants were surrounding him in circle.

The first team was of tens people. They came inside the circle.

"Hisashi can you make some more space, I can't hurt others when it is not their turn"

Hisashi smiled, "Got it but don't snap in between", he asks everybody to get away from them. Now their was gap of 100 metre between them.

Hisashi whistled, "Starting the match Cleanser vs Team 1"

People looked at Izuku and then laughed.

Izuku was standing their, paying them no importance. "Hey will you all charge at me or not"

They all charged at him in formation, while the one turned into a shadow others also activated their quirks.

Izuku was standing. When they arrived close enough his body was covered with green energy. 'Too slow', he one by one punched each one of them, keeping One For All at low as possible. After absorbing All Might's power and on top of that Izuku's power One For All was one of the most lethal quirks at present, even 10% of it was enough to kill a person.

People didn't believe it, nine out of then participants were lying on the floor. His moments were too fast to catch.

Izuku tried to punch the shadow but it went through t, "A projection type quirk", his body was now surrounded by black flames with only the face visible.

The black flames covered the whole area and made a ring of black flames. This was the result of Inko's quirk, giving him the ability to control flames at a distance.

People stepped away from the flames except for the class 1-A who knew it wasn't hot but rather cold, which Izuku deployed to prevent them with the heat from flames.

Shadow punched him but Izuku didn't bulge. His body was now covered in blue flames, the hottest he was allowed to use right now. The black flames grew bigger and colder while concentrated his flames.

The people outside could still feel the heat coming from him in spite of the black flames cooling them down.

"I surrender", a person emerged from the shadow.

Izuku returned back to normal. Flames surrounded black flames surrounded the ones that were on the ground. 'Get out of the circle right now', Izuku healed them.

"Team 1 lost, Izuku wins the fight"

People were starring at him. Aizawa sighed, "I raised a monster", the other listening this nodded apart from Bakugo, "Don't say that you want him to lose. I know you red eyes"

"Team 2 lose, Izuku wins the fight"

They were unable to bear the heat and fainted.

"Team 3 lost, Izuku wins the fight"

"Team 4 lost, Izuku wins the fight"

"Team 5 lost, Izuku wins the fight"

"Team 6 lost, Izuku wins the fight"

"Team 7 lost, Izuku wins the fight"




"Team 374 lost, Izuku wins the fight"

People who were first interested in the first few matches were now bored. Till now no team has managed to even scratch Izuku.

"Starting the match Player 1453 vs Izuku Midoriya"

Class 1-A was silent, they didn't know whom to cheer for.

It was the match between Bakugo and Izuku.

"Kachhan I am all out. So bear with it", he closed his eyes, 'Focus, look for power'

Bakugo charged at him, suddenly the black flames grew colder exponentially. Izuku's body was covered in white flames. Bakugo was sweating, but it was just an advantage to him.

"Kachhan I am going full power", he activates One For All and jumps off the ground. He closes his eyes, 'I will show them absolute power. One they can never achieve. Enough to make them realise that their power is nothing in front of something that is infinite'

"Midoriya Izuku, are you going to use your own power?"

'Yes, I am'

"From now on who can use the power cultivated beyond imagination just as you use the power of generations. Your body was earlier unable to hold this power but know you can go all all up to 40%"

'What, why can't I go higher?'

"Then Bakugo will get hurt"

'Then I will go beyond where I can use my full power'

"Then you have to jump higher"

'Thank you always'

"Good luck"

Izuku came back on ground, 'Thump...'

He went near Bakugo, "Kacchan can you just let me go all out?"

Bakugo replied, "I want to see your full power"

Izuku with a shaky voice, 'I know I sound greedy but can you leave the circle and run away as far as possible. The next time I would fight till your heart's content'

Bakugo smiled, "Fine but remember the promise. Show them to who I lost is the strongest"

Izuku smiled, 'I will'

He activated One For All again and jumped. He closed his eyes.

'Is it enough?'

"No, but now you go up to 80%."

'What if I also use my black flames to counteract it'

"Then you can go all out"

'Then wish me luck'

"You already have my best wishes"

The black flames grew larger, "Get away from it", Hisashi knew what he was doing, "The experiment that failed was actually passed down to you. Now show me the power that goes beyond common sense"

People did what he said.

Izuku's body covered once again his body with white flames. His flames grew stronger and brighter.

Izuku shouted, 'Flames that deny rules. Prometheus's Rage'

His body glow bright white, people were unable to look up, Momo did make some glasses giving it to Bakugo, Todoroki, Shinso and Eraser Head.

People around there was terrified. The media saw a bright saw light but couldn't look at it.

Hisashi gave a pair of glasses to Yaoyorozu and he wears one himself, "The Absolute Power. He is shinning like a star"

Izuku body got hotter. 'Man this is damn too hot'

His flames started to lower down as his height lowered. "Thump...", it was a tremble. Black flames started combining and covered his body.

Eraser looking at him, "He makes me shiver and not in a good way". He smiled, "The torch All Might passed down to him is now burning brighter than anyone cannot look at it"

Izuku's body was becoming less hot. After a minute. 'I can't hold for much longer but I can't back down now. I was not wrong and I won't apologise'

Flames vanished, standing up right, 'Now whose next', he glared at them.

Hisashi smiled, "The eyes of predator. Let's see who try to fight him"

A boy steps in, "I am"

Izuku glared at him, the boy flinched he activated his quirk and charged at him with his hand covered in rocks. 'Try to underestimate me'.

His body tingled, energy coursed through his veins. He pulled his fist and punched creating a blast of air waves, 'Fist of Dominance'

The punch didn't touch the boy, but due to the high pressure the boy went flying and smashed into the wall.

Izuku was still standing, 'Anyone else?'

Everyone was silent. No one dares to speak a word. They saw the absolute power in front of which they stood no chance.

Hisashi announced, "Since no one wants to continue the fight, it means Izuku won after beating 1745 participants in a fair fight without the use of any support items"

He went towards him, Izuku fell into his hands, "You did well but wake up", he took an injection and injected in his body. "Well it will be enough for you to stand"

Izuku puts back his shirt and suit. He walks towards the judge.

He bows down, "I am sorry for my words. You are eligible to be a hero"

Izuku smiled, 'Do you think I even care about your opinion any more. I am not taking a damned license. I am planning to surpass All Might. I will make the whole world acknowledge me and then be the No.1 hero of the whole damned planet. Whom even a quirkless could look up to and get hope'

Hisashi replies, "See you messed up a big timer", he looks at Yaoyorozu, "Bring her"

He continues. "So I am pressing charges against you for first giving your biased view during a hero exam and also for making up rules without any proper authority. You are accused him of cheating, so you have to prove it. You have broke 75th rule of Hero Amendment Act, you tried to interfere with a support item with anyone's permission and interfered in between a hero license exam. Since you also attempted to breach the software, I am suing you as you just tried to break into his private made item. So to some up you are fired and have to pay a fine of 3.4 million and also face a trial"

"Big Brother"

Rebecca jumped and hugged Izuku. Izuku smiled. 'How are here?'

"Uncle brought me here to watch you"

Kaminari whispered, "Hey Yaoyorozu I think you got a new rival"

Izuku thanked Yaoyorozu, and turned a blind eye towards Hisashi and walked towards the others with Rebecca next to her.

"Hey Zuzu who is this brat?"

Izuku replied, 'She is Rebecca. I took her in. She will become my sidekick in future'

Rebecca replied with a sense of pride, "I will be Big Brother's sidekick", she looks at Momo, who looks her back.

Momo asked, "Izuku, I didn't know you had a sister", all the students looked at Hisashi.

'No, it's not what you think. She just calls me Big Brother'

Rebecca replied, "Yes, we are not related by blood", she gives Momo a glare.

Izuku pats her, 'She will join UA next year, so please take good care of her'

Rebecca smiles. Kaminari cries, "He always snatches good girls. I hate him", Mineta comforts him, "I know but we are lucky that he has a girlfriend. Which means we still have a chance"

Kaminari rejoices, "Yes", he approaches Rebecca, "Hey what do you like? Will you be my friend?"

Rebecca nods, "I don't want to"

Hisashi asks, "Izuku, we have to go. Take her with you. I will leave with Yaoyorozu"

Hisashi hands him a card, "This is your license. Just don't go on breaking rules"

Izuku sits on his bike with Rebecca and leaves.

Well for the laws I just made them and considering all the time he spent and Hisashi's experience I just put some a number that showed the value of the item. A wide area quirk erasing device should be costly considering it has the power to change the tide of any battle.

The league is still active but is not ready to strike UA. Izuku will continue to be a vigilante.

Thank you for reading this chapter. Please review it and PM me if you find any errors or loop holes.