She's in My Quarters - Lock Down the Ship!

Chapter 1

Rey felt a pull to a particular room aboard the First Order Star Destroyer. She knew she shouldn't become too distracted, what with the rest of her friends on board the ship as well. However, she couldn't deny what she felt as she grew closer and closer to the confined quarters the Force had lead her to. The door slide open for her and she walked down the steps into a room that was wall-to-wall white in color. Rey walked through the room, noticing the burned remains of a helmet that reminded her of Kylo Ren. She continued looking around and strode towards Chewbacca's belongings that were on a desk by a bed. She searched through his bag to make sure the Sith dagger was still in place. It was still there thankfully and she pulled it out to inspect it once again. As she held the dagger in her hand, she could hear painful screams and shouts through the Force. Terrible things have happened with this blade, she thought to herself. Her skin prickled at what the screams could have been about.
"Rey," a voice called out behind her. Rey was startled and instantly turned on her lightsaber as she turned to face Kylo Ren standing before her. He was on the planet surface of Kijimi just below where the Star Destroyer was. "You are difficult to find," Kylo spoke, his voice rich and deep in her ears.
"And you're hard to get rid of," Rey responded, trying to keep her composure as calm as she could. She had no time to engage in anything concerning Kylo and wanted to move past him and get back to her friends, hoping they had found Chewbacca to be alright. "You can't hide, Rey. Not from me," Kylo continued as he stepped closer to her. "I pushed you in the desert on Pasaana so you could see who you are and what power lies within you. I know the rest of your story and where you come from."
"I don't want any of this. You're lying to me. You told me my parents were nobodies." Rey replied, starting to feel her frustrating begin to bubble over.
"Rey, I never lied to you. They chose to be no one in order to protect you. To keep you safe. Search your memories, you'll see that I'm right," Kylo went on standing just feet away from her. He could feel her anger beginning to boil and didn't want to overstep his bounds. Why can't she understand that I am trying to help her? he thought to himself. "I've been inside your mind, you remember more than you say. You've just kept it locked away to hide the pain. Search your memories."
"Don't!" Rey shouted as she moved her lightsaber to swipe at Kylo, who instantly blocked it with his own. They stared at each other with Kylo still trying to reach her by saying, "Remember them, Rey. See them."