It's been a long time since I did another story, but here I am. Before we get into things, this story was inspired by Quebecs discontinued series called RWBY: New World Hope. It does take some inspiration along with a few quotes and story ideas but with minor tweaks. The opening was drastically changed as this is my take of the story, tbh the main reason I'm doing this is because I wanted the story to continue, but we have to understand the authors reasons. So a majority of credit goes to The Quebec for making my own adaptation to the story Anyways enjoy: Edit: I changed the ending
Chapter 1: Beginning
As I opened my eyes, all I saw was black. Nothing to see and nothing to hear, it was literally nothing.
"Where am I" I asked no one in particular
Due to the lack of light, I couldn't really see myself, best I could do is a pat-down to see if something was off and low and behold something was off, my skin felt...rough and bumpy and I noticed my fingernails were a lot longer and thicker, I also noticed that my nose was slightly longer and my teether were sharper. As of right now, my appearance isn't that much of a concern at the moment. First off, I have no idea where I am, am I in the void, in limbo, purgatory? The next noticeable thing was that I was floating so something is definitely off.
Best I can do right now is taking about myself. I don't really like talking about myself, but as of right now I have nothing better to do so fuck it.
"My name is Chris but my friends call me Shin, I'm 16 years old and live somewhere in the north, well used to because of my current situation. I should probably go back and explain how I got here, even though I don't exactly know where "here" is. Anyways it was the start of a new year which would mean new opportunities, new hopes, new resolutions to make yourself a new man or woman, but fuck that I guess because shit hit the fan really fast.
It all started when our current president ordered an air strike to Iran and killed a general, apparently killing a general in Iran is the same as killing a Prime Minister, to simply put it, he committed a war crime. One thing led to another and WWIII started, you would think we would learn our mistakes from not one but TWO world wars but screw that I guess. It went nuclear after a few months and within that time a majority of Earth's major cities were destroyed, but compared to what happened next the bombs were the least of our worries. A strange new energy signature was discovered by the Russians in the Antarctic, and with mans lust for power, they decided to unearth this new source of energy in hopes of turning the tides of war in their favour.
What they didn't know was that this "source of energy" was alive, but it was too late, mankind had unleashed something from the ancient Earth, a living extinction event. Soon after, there have been reports of strange lightning storms appearing over major cities before being destroyed by some unknown force. What I mean by strange was there were reports of hissing and each time the lightning struck, a distinct cackle could be heard, some claimed that they heard a rattle coming from the clouds but on a much larger scale, it felt like the storm itself was alive. None of this was taken seriously, especially from the higher ups, they were quickly proven wrong when it revealed itself, after it wiped out Isla De Mara and its population.
It was a three headed dragon covered in golden scales with a massive wingspan that could fold up, it had two tails with retractable spikes on the clubs at the end of its tails, each of his three heads had 10 horns with the top four being long and curved and each head giving its own expression of malice, what stood out to me the most was its roar, it felt like it was announcing its presence to world, to challenge those who dare oppose him, and if they did, they'd be incinerated. Later on, the creature was dubbed as "Ghidorah", a play on the word Hydra from greek mythology, its even possible that he inspired the myth of the Hydra long with the legend of dragons in the first place. It went by many names Monster Zero, The Rainbow Serpent, The Golden Demise, heck even weirdos online gave each of his heads a name Ichi (Middle), Ni (Right) and San (Left) who also goes by the name Kevin for some reason, but for me I called him The Devil and unlike the one mentioned in the bible, this one is real and its still out there hiding in its own storm.
I should probably explain, we learned that we weren't the first ones to encounter this thing, the US discovered the remains UFOs 10 miles from Ghidorahs tomb. Within those crafts contained some...interesting information.
'As 2020 didn't have enough shit as it is' I thought
Apparently this Ghidorah isn't from our world, its an alien, or how my biology teacher puts it "an invasive species" which isn't to far from the truth. Multiple civilizations from other worlds have tried to stop Ghidorah, but failed even though they had more advanced technology than us. This would explain how it is able to create these massive storms equivalent to a Category 5 hurricane
Actually thats putting it lightly, more like a Category 6 even though its impossible for a hurricane to reach that category. Ghidorah also has a very powerful healing factor, able to regrow an entire head after being blasted off by a continuous barrage of missiles. Ghidorah kept on wiping out one nation after another and despite this new threat, the other nations were still at each others throats, from what I heard the Germans ignored Ghidorah entirely, and if one of the many nations still standing somehow took him down, they would attack that said nation. A pretty dirty tactic but when its war, you have to win, whatever it takes. Unfortunately, Ghidorah was heading for Germany next and turned it into a smouldering wasteland, multiple nations tried to fight back but failed, China was incinerated, Japan was flooded, Africa was burning, you get the idea
Which brings up what happened six hours ago, before I met my demise
(6 Hours Ago)
My mom bought tickets to a specific convention known as Fan-Expo, I was on my way to meet an old friend of mine that I haven't seen in the last two years, he goes by the online name "AlphaRper" but his real name is Jeffery while I went by my online name "Shin" which is how I got my nickname, not the most creative name but it sounds cool so whatever. As soon as we met, we immediately gave ourselves a bro-hug, my mom and his mom left us so we can have time to ourselves, we had ALOT to catch up on. Despite these moments of crisis, you have to enjoy all the little things, no matter how long or short it was.
"So, what have you been up to?" Asked Jeffery
"Nothing much, just passed my first semester of college. Right now I'm just taking a part-time course load as there is a lot to learn in the program I'm in" I said
"What program is that?" He asked
"That'd be the Biotechnology program, from official reports its the third most hardest program in all of education" I responded
"You shouldn't believe some of those "official" reports online, most of it is just hogwash" He said
"Hogwash?" I asked
"To simply put it, it means bullshit" He responded
"Your probably right, anyways do you have any new hobbies?" I asked
"I started collecting Power Ranger figures" He said
We always watched Tokusatsu, no matter what form, if it was Gamera, Ultraman, even the Gozilla series, its one of the many reasons we became friends in the first place. I hope that never changes
"What about you" He asked
"I'm currently learning how to speak Japanese" I said
"Looks like I'm not the only learn new vocabulary, anyways why would you want to learn Japanese?" He asked
Before I could respond, a woman appeared right in-front of us, she wore a komodo-like robe that was gold in colour, the pattern was reminiscent of dragon scales and wore a gold Oni-like mask. I could tell that she was a woman due to her hair which was black in colour.
'Oh no, not this again' I thought
"Would you be interested in coming to tonight's mass" she asked
"Uh, no thank you ma'am, I'm not a religious person" I replied
"Especially if it involves worshipping a three-headed demon" I said under my breath
She then grabs my arm and digs her nails into my skin and pulls me towards her "church"
'Damn despite how skinny she looks, she's pretty strong' I thought as I attempted to free myself from her grasp
My friend then stepped in and helped me pry the woman's hands off of my arm, unfortunately it left a pretty deep cut
"Listen lady, I don't know who you are, but you need to leave us alone. My friend already told you he doesn't want to attend your bloody mass. If you touch him again, I'm not afraid to send you back to your so called church with a broken jaw" He yelled
"You'll regret this! He will come for us all and I pray that you two will meet your demise at the hands of our lord" She yelled before walking away
Jeffery has always been a brother to me, we have the same interests, have the same sense of humour even say quips from time to time. I cant even count the amount of times he saved my ass.
"You alright?" he asked
"Yeah, just a scratch" I said as blood was dripping down my arm
"We should probably get that treated before it gets infected, who knows what she's been touching" He said
"Yeah" I chuckled
Luckily there was a doctor who saw the commotion and was coincidentally dressed up as Rick from Rick and Morty. He immediately got a med kit and bandaged my arm, it still stung but at least the bleeding stopped.
"So what was up with that woman" he asked
"Ever since Ghidorah's grand entrance in Mexico, a "religion" was formed into worshipping the beast, they believed that Ghidorah was sent by God as a messenger, to lead us into salvation". I said
"Sounds like a cult to me, still though that's pretty fucked up" He replied
"Sure is, we even had one come up to our door back home, needless to say none of us were happy and the cultist even threatened us with 'the wrath of their lord' or some crap and so far, nothing" I said
"Why do you want to learn Japanese, I don't mean to sound like a duchebag, but its kind of pointless now, the entire country was flooded a month ago" He said
"To be honest, I was always interested in Japanese culture, especially Japanese mythology. For example did you know that dragons in Japanese are divine creatures that's brings fortune, wisdom and even redemption. Besides there are myths and legends all over the globe, it begs the question, what if there are more Titans like Ghidorah out there, ones that inspired the stories that we grew up with" I said
"Thats what I want to do, I want to travel the globe in search of these Titans, to compare on whats real and isn't real, as far as I know these creatures may have been worshipped as Gods!" I exclaimed
"What about him, do you think hes a god" He asked as he pointed at Ghidorah on a TV Screen
"No, Ghidorah isnt a god, he's the Devil incarnate. I don't say that to be insulting, he IS the Devil. All this nonsense about Ghidorah being some sort of god, its absolute hoguu-osshu" I said
"Hoguu-osshu? I can tell your speaking Japanese, but unfortunately I don't know the language, can you translate for me?" He asked
"You of all people should know, it means hogwash which means bullshit" I replied with a smug grin
"I just taught you that word, how- only for me to cut him off by showing him my phone which has google translate.
"You're an ass you know that" He chuckled
"I do my best" I smiled
"Anyways we should probably head back, its getting late enough as it is" He said
"You go on ahead, I just need to meet my mom near a coffee shops just four blocks down" I said
"Ok, take care of yourself" He said
As I started to walk in the other direction, he immediately placed his hand on my shoulder and stopped me
"Oh wait, I missed your birthday two years back, as a make up gift I got you this" He said
It was a necklace with a dragon emblem on it. The dragon had a long neck with two horns protruding on the side of its head with a long serpent like tail. It had two wings with the bottom part of one the wings being chipped while the entire position of the dragon was shaped like a diamond. I immediately recognized it as the emblem from my favourite game of all time: Skyrim
"Lets just say its an 'anniversary gift', this day actually marks the day when we first met, you remember that day?" He asked
"Sure do, it was on Elder Scrolls online and I remember the amount of times that Legendary Dragon killed you on your third day" I said
"Hey I was new and inexperienced, cut me some slack man, besides I didn't die THAT much" He said
"You died 50 times trying to kill that thing, and you still didn't kill it" I deadpanned
"Are you always gonna bring that up each time we're online?" He asked
"Till the day I die" I said as I puffed my chest in pride
"Anyways it was great to see you again, hope we can do something like this again sometime soon. But this time without the crazy dragon lady involved" He said
"I hope so too, get back home safe" I said
"You as well, who knows maybe the cults 'lord' will come for us all" He jokingly said as he waved goodbye
I let out a slight chuckle and waved goodbye to him as well. But unfortunately that phrase was still stuck in my head "I pray that you two will meet your demise at the hands of our lord". Wait he doesn't have any hands...getting back on topic I cant help but notice how that quote put me on edge. I mean sure, it wasn't the first threat we've received from them but this one was different. I've seen what Ghidorah was capable of, but on a TV screen I was scared of him then. As I mentioned before Im not a religious man, despite me being Roman Catholic but sometimes I do feel jealous to those who have a God to pray too.
But if your "religion" involves the worship of a golden devil then...not so much. As I got closer to the coffee shop I realized my mom was no where to be seen, before I could go inside I heard sirens go off, I didn't know what was happening until I saw a massive storm approaching us at a fast pace. I immediately knew what it was and ran to the nearest building, eventually settling on a nearby car garage. Not the best option when it comes to moments like these but I need to find shelter somewhere, besides I don't know where the nearest evacuation point is. Speaking of, how on Earth did this thing go unnoticed by the national guard when it was heading straight towards Toronto?!
Before I could question myself further, there was a thundering crash that caught me of guard and causing me to fall. I looked towards the left of me and I saw him, it was Ghidorah. I was already scared of him when I saw him on TV, but now I don't know how I feel, is there a word for being even more scared, angry and sad? That's a problem for future me, for now I need to get the hell out of here.
It released a hellish screech to assert its dominance before being attacked by the military. There efforts were proven to be futile as Ghidorah wiped out almost the entire fleet with his attack dubbed Gravity Beams, don't ask me who came up with the names. A lone chopper tried to retreat by firing flares to the left of Ghidorah, only for it to be destroyed, it seems only the left head was interested in the flares before he chomped down on one of them screeching out in pain.
'Well at least now I know why the left head is called Kevin' I thought
Some say this would be a bad time to joke around, but its a habit of mine to make jokes in tense situations. Was it necessary, probably not, am I going to get rid of this habit, hell no it makes me who I am. After Ghidorah delt with the military he immediately set his sights towards downtown Toronto and charged towards it. I was in the opposite direction of downtown, so I took that opportunity to make a run for it before he heads here. After a few minutes of running and searching, I was tired, I'm wet, I'm beyond pissed and to make things worse, I have no idea on where I'm going.
"You know they should probably have signs for situations like this, especially for something like this" I yelled
"Excuse me?" I heard a female voice ask.
I turned around to see that a young girl, probably no older than nine standing right behind me. The hell? Is she lost or something?
"The he-heck you doing out here kid?" I asked, catching my swear.
"I-I'm looking for parents. Do you know where my parents is?" She asked
So she is lost, damn, bad time to get lost kid. Then again it's Toronto, where dozens of people don't know where there going
"No, I don't know. But more than likely they're at one of the evacuation points, I'll take you there, though you'll have to ride on my shoulders, we can't afford to loose any more time than we already have." I said.
"What do you mean? What's happening?" She asked.
How? How the hell doesn't she know?
"...No, I guess it makes sense. A child her age wound't really understand the concept of an ancient fucking extraterrestrial dragon out to eradicate all of mankind. Saying that aloud would make people think you're crazy including myself, but due to whats happening at the moment, I'd believe almost anything right now...ALMOST
"Something really bad is about to happen, and we need to make sure that we don't get in the way of that bad thing." I tried explaining as simply as I can.
"W-what?" She asked.
Before I could continue, I cut-off by the sound of Ghidorah's roar, I immediately looked behind the girl only to see Ghidorah charging at the remaining soldiers. Most of them were running and firing there guns out of desperation, attempting to at least stagger him, however they only managed to piss him off and that is something you shouldn't do if you value your life. His necks then glowed golden, as he fired his Gravity Beams, I immediately covered the girls eyes to save to at least prevent her from having mental trauma, unfortunately for me however, that image will haunt me for the rest of my life. Ghidorah screeched in victory before he took to the skies once more with the intention to snuff the rest of us out.
"W-what, what was that!?" She shouted
"That's the bad thing I was talking about. We're out in the open and its no longer safe here, if you come with me. I'll take you to where you mom is" I said
"Really?! Thank you so much mister!" The girl said as she ran up to hug my leg.
"Alright, up and at em, we need to keep moving." I said as I picked her up and put her on my shoulders.
Wee! It's so high up!" The girl said.
Surprisingly with all the chaos going on, she's able to keep her free spirits, guess we do have something in common. Hopefully she keeps that mentally, its the main thing that really does make us human
"Let's get moving." I said as I started to run.
As we started running a helicopter flew over us started firing flares over us, this was probably the national guard telling us that one of the evacuation points is this way. It's better than nothing I suppose, after a few minutes of running we found an abandoned Buick with a turret melded on the roof of the car. From the looks of it, it looks like it was made by a redneck, don't ask me how on Earth they managed to make stuff like this but its moments like these on where you have to get creative, however the reasoning to bring something like this in the city is beyond me. We immediately ran towards the vehicle and thankfully the keys were still in the ignition.
Unfortunately I don't have my full license yet so I cant really drive without someone in the passenger seat that has experience but you know what fuck it, there is a monster out there and if we stay, we die. I turned the keys and thankfully it still worked, but there are a lot of unfamiliar buttons and levers, probably for that turret. The kid immediately started pushing buttons, until she accidentally pulled the trigger that activated the turret and took out a lamppost. I immediately looked at the girl with a deadpanned expression.
"Sorry" she said
"It's alright kid, at least we now know what THAT does. Besides with everything thats going on around us, I highly doubt shooting a lamppost is a concern at the moment" I reassured
"Anyways, what's your name kid? It seems kinda rude if I keep on calling you kid." I asked
"Maigo" She said.
"Nice name, the names Chris, but my friends call me Shin." I said.
"Nice to meet you Chris! Hey, where are your parents?" The newly named Maigo asked.
"Well, I HOPE that my mom, my brothers and my sister are at the evacuation points already." I said.
"What about your daddy?" She asked.
My face soured at the word.
"I don't like talking about him." I said.
"Why not?" Maigo asked.
"Look, it's not exactly something I like talking about, so drop it." I said.
"...You don't have a daddy, do you?" She asked.
"Nosey one, aren't ya?, but to answer your question I do have a dad but right now he's dead to me
"That's okay, neither do I." Maigo said.
"Huh?" I asked.
"My daddy left when I was really young, mommy doesn't like to talk about it. But I would like to meet him some day!" She said.
"Why? He left you, he obviously doesn't care about you." I said.
Shit! That sounded REALLY insensitive.
"I don't believe that. Maybe he just had to go to keep mom and me safe." Maigo said.
"Hate to be that guy but it's Mom and I. But if you don't mind if I ask, do you truly believe that?" I said
"My mom always told me in order to heal our wounds, we must make peace with the demons who created them" She said
"I don't really understand that" I said
"My mom always tells me that there are things beyond our understanding, that these moments of crisis are also potential moments of faith, that we need to come together or we fall apart" She said
My eyes widened at this response, all I can say is. What. The. Fuck, is this kid really nine years old?! She sounds like the future Shakesphere and usually I'm the one giving the best speeches, well at least playing video games that is.
"So, you're saying instead of hating my dad, I should probably make peace with him in order to let go of my anger towards him" I said
"Yes" She said
"How old are you kid?" I asked.
"Um..." She began, counting her fingers.
"Eight." Maigo said.
My eyes widened at this response. 'E-eight? Like hell you are!' I thought
"Well as of right now, its been 7 years since I last seen him, I cant just let go of my anger, its gonna take time but eventually maybe just MAYBE I'll forgive him" I said
As we were driving, I just realized how quiet everything was, no jets, no tanks, no soldiers, no gunfire, heck no sign of Ghidorah either and how the hell do you miss something as big as him?!
'Speaking of demons, where is he? It's been quiet for a few minutes' I thought
'Maybe he-' I was cut off by the sound of Ghidorah's cackle as he landed on one of the many buildings still intact, only for him to take off once after hearing the sound of gunfire.
"I honestly hope he doesn't notice us" I tried reassuring myself
"Either way we're here, now lets go find your mom" I told her
'And hopefully mine as well' I thought
"Okey-Dokey" She says
'I know that I said this before but I hope she doesn't lose that cheery attitude of hers, it suits her' I thought
When I look towards the chopper, it was filled to the brim with injured civilians, even soldiers, it could fit probably about 2-3 more people. As I gathered my things, I realized my mom had tried calling me aa total of 10 times, I immediately called her back and answered the phone immediately
"Mom!" I shouted
"Chris, are you ok, where are you now?!" My mom said frantically
"Mom I'm ok, I'm currently at one of the evacuation points right now by the Eat-In center, where are you?" I asked
"The chopper I'm on just took off, I can see the where your chopper is, but why didn't you anser my calls?!" She asked angrily
"Sorry it took so long, I was driving and I picked up a cheery hitchhiker along the way" I said
"You were dri- Only for her to cut off by the sound of thundering footseteps
I immediately turned around to see that Ghidorah emerged from the dust clouds...and was heading this way.
"Oh. My. God" I said aloud
"CHRIS GET OUT THERE NOW. PLE-Only for my phone battery to die
'Perfect" I thought sarcastically
"MAIGO, GET THE THE CHOPPER NOW!" I yelled at her as I quickly turned towards her
"B-but, what about-"only for me to cut her
"Don't worry about me, I'm right behind you, just go!" I said
Maigo than ran towards the chopper, only for her to run back and get me. She grabbed by bandaged arm and attempted to pull me towards the chopper.
"Maigo, what are you doing, I told you to go" I asked
"Im not leaving a friend behind" said Maigo
I was shocked at her comment, surprise doesn't really cover on what I felt in that moment. Despite in-that short time we spent together, she was willing to call me, a complete stranger her friend. I then picked her up and ran towards the chopper only for me to stop several feet after realizing something. At the time I only had two options:
One, is for both of us to get on the chopper only for Ghidorah to give chase, and I don't want to place any bets to see who's faster than the other, even if we were somehow faster than him, Ghidorah would just fire his Gravity Beams at us. The second option is probably something stupid, somewhat crazy, maybe both. As I processed both options, I turned towards the demon who was drawing closer and closer. I stood there in silence for a moment and sighing heavily after coming to a decision.
"You're a good kid. Stay that way for me, kay?" I said.
"What?" She asked.
Before she could question me further, I threw her aboard of the chopper with one of the civilians catching her. Before the man could grab my arm to pull me up, I quickly took a step back.
"W-what are you doing?! You need to get in, PLEASE" Maigo yelled
"Sorry kid, but someone's gotta do this" I said
"W-what?!" She asked
I then turned my head towards the man holding Maigo
"That thing is heading this way, someone's gotta lead it away and from the looks of it, everyone including yourself onboard that chopper are in no shape to lure this thing away. Just promise to keep her safe for me, please" I asked
"Thank you" I said
I then stared back at Maigo who was on the verge of crying
"Oh and Maigo, this isn't a goodbye, this is more like a farewell, we'll see each other soon, I promise" I said as an attempt to giver her comfort
As the chopper took off, I ran back towards the Buick with the intent to lure the demon away from the chopper, at least long enough for them to get some distance between them. Unfortunately Ghidorah had his sights on the chopper.
'Oh no you don't, I didn't just leave myself behind for nothing' I thought
As I started the engine, I used the turret that was melded on the top of the car and opened fire upon the demon. As the bullets struck the demon heads, it quickly turned and faced me with an angry glare
I quickly then did a U-turn while still firing at the creature, Ghidorah then started to give chase, coming close to biting the bumper a few times. As I frantically drove through the city, eventually driving between the tallest buildings in Toronto as an effort to lose him. Ghidorah then took to the skies once more as each of his heads fired one Gravity Beam after another, but missed every-time. As I was driving I gripped the necklace Jeffery gave to me, before Ghidorah could fire another Gravity Beam, I glanced to the left of me to see the chopper that was carrying the others away.
"Sorry kid, guess I wont be keeping that promise after all" I said to myself
Ghidorah then fired a barrage of lightning at me, striking the ground beneath me and sending the car flying over a few buildings before crashing into a statue in the courtyard. Both my legs were broken, one of my arms was shattered, three quarters of my ribs were broken, a possible collapsed lung and maybe a case of internal bleeding. Honestly it was a miracle I even survived that, now don't get me wrong its hurts like hell. I desperately crawled out of the vehicle, the only thing that was pushing me forward was will, rather that or I'm just too stubborn to die.
As I rested near a slab of concrete, I heard Ghidorah's cackle in the distance, only for him to land behind The now smashed statue. As he lowered his heads toward mine, each of his heads shared an expression of anger, malice even confusion, before I could do anything else, he reeled his heads back as the undersides of his necks start to glow golden once more, with the intent to finish me off. Even in my final moments, even with all the chaos around me, I started to think about my friends, my family, my home, my life, everything, I mean sure, it wasn't the perfect life as it had its ups and downs but it was good enough for me, its hard not to cry about it knowing this is the last time you'll ever see them.
With that in mind I could only smile so slightly knowing that I lived a good life, despite all its ups and downs. As Ghidorah prepared to fire his Gravity Beams, I could have sworn I heard a voice.
"You're going to be alright." I heard a female voice say.
After that, the last thing I heard was his roar as he fired a barrage of lightning towards me, incinerating me.
Then, nothingness.
And that's how I ended up here in this...empty void of nothingness, not the best way to put it but its not far off from the truth as there is literally nothing here, besides me of course. Best thing I can do to prevent me from dying a boredom is to just float around, acting like I was a part of some action movie but that got old fast. After a while I started to think about everything, mainly my friends and family, wondering on how they would take my death, hopefully they can move on, it'll be a long process but for now take it slow
"I never like thinking about those kinds of things, it will make you a depressed mess" I said preventing myself from crying
"Still it does make me wonder if that kid found her family, I hope so. I hope Jeffery made it out of Toronto as well" I asked myself
"Before I could question myself further, a white light appeared somewhere in the distance. Before I could question it, I fell to the ground with a loud thud, however I felt something digging into my back as I landed on the ground, it wasn't a sharp pain, but it did feel like landing back first on a giant LEGO...don't ask.
"A warning could've been nice?!" I yelled
Like I said, I never was a religious man, but it did give me a few ideas on what that light it. It could be the reincarnation theory or the way to the after life, not the best surprise but it felt like something was ushering me to go towards the light. Usually if a creepy voice is telling you to go towards the light, you should probably ignore it.
As I got up I had to make another decision, well the last decision I made costed my life so one more wouldn't hurt...right? Then again I came to that decision in the first place so no point complaining. Back to the light, it was a soothing kind of light, it felt...warm, welcoming. After a few moments I decided to go towards the light which reminds me, why are these "light tunnels" always so bloody bright, I mean seriously are you trying to blind that said person?
As I got closer, I could see my surroundings more clearly, I was in some sort of forest and right next to me was a fairly large pond, similar to the one near my home, I quickly looked around me, only to find nothing but rocks and trees. As I got up, I suddenly tripped over something, upon instinct I looked at my legs expecting to find an exposed tree root...only to find a tail between my feet, it was long and green in colour and had a single row of purple triangle-shaped dorsal fins. I immediately jumped off the ground as an attempt to get away from whoever's tail this belong too, only for it to follow with me.
That is when I realized the tail didn't belong to some creature, it belonged to me. I then ran towards the pond, to find out what happened to me. I was expecting to see my face, but as soon as I saw my reflection it almost caused me to breakdown. I wasn't human anymore, I was...something else. My eyes were bigger and were yellow in colour while still retaining human pupils, I had a snout no smaller than an alligators, laced with razor sharp teeth. My entire body was covered in overlapping green scales with the exception of my chest and torso that had tan ridges traveling down to my waist. I had a single row of dorsal fins that started from my head and traveled down my back to the edge of my tail. I had claws at the end of each finger and me toes.
I started to splash water on my face while trying to reassure yourself
"It's just a dream, its just a dream, its just a dream, its just a dream, its just a dream, its just a fucked up dream" I tried reassuring myself
Before I could continue, I heard a growl in the distance coming from behind me. As soon as I turned around, it lunged towards me, I quickly jumped out of the way, as soon as I did, I meet face to face on what was going to attack me. It was a wolf, but nearly as twice as big, it was black in colour with some sort of black smoke coming off of its body, it had skeletal like features on its face which had red eyes and glowing red cracks.
'Oh come on' I thought
The beast then lunged towards me once more only for me to duck and roll. I quickly got back on my feet and made a run for it. As a ran through the forest, I could hear it coming closer and closer with each step I took. I looked around frantically for any way out of this, only for me to spot a nearby cavern in the distance. As I thought of what to do next, I could hear the growling coming closer and closer, with no other options I ran towards the cave and hid behind one the stalagmites in the cave.
The wolf then entered the cave as well, looking behind every stalagmite in the cave, as it got closer and closer, my heart started beating faster and faster but before it could check behind the stalagmite I was behind, I heard a gunshot from outside the cave, catching the wolfs attention causing it to run out of the cave to find the source. I sighed in relief and sat there for a few moments to calm myself down. Before I could do anything else, I heard something crack from outside the cave, only for a rockslide to block my only known exit out.
I was surrounded by darkness once more, but thing it was different, despite the lack of light I was able to see everything just fine, the stalagmites, the water, even the bats.
"How is this possible, I wasn't able to do this before, right? Then again with my "condition" at the moment I guess anything is possible." I said to myself
As I was taking everything in, I glanced behind me to see, a passageway that possibly leads to the deeper parts of the cave. Considering that I couldn't just get out by standing around, I had no choice but to go down the passageway in hopes of finding another exit, only for the passage to split in four different parts near its base. Thirty minutes have passed and unfortunately, there were still no signs of an exit, not even a crack on the stone walls and every passage I took, just splits up into even more passages, its was like I was walking in a maze only this time I there is no one to help you make your way towards the exit. As I reached the tenth dead end, I was about to head back up, only for a blue to appear in the distance.
Believing it to be another exit, I rushed towards the light only to find myself in a fairly large room. Within the room stood multiple statues and stone carvings in the stone walls of a creature I can only describe as a mixture between an upright T-Rex, a Stegosaurus, a Crocodile and an Iguanodon. But what stood out to me the most was a sword that is currently being held in a stone, but right beside it was a small cocoon no bigger than a baseball that was flashing blue at a steady rate.
'Sword in the stone, how original' I thought
Before I could examine it further, I glanced to the right of me to find a mound of dirt covering to what appeared to be some sort of arch. If games like Skyrim have taught me, that there is always an exit behind something like this. As I walked towards it, I grabbed a nearby rock and used as a shovel but as I did this, the mound immediately crumbled revealing the moons light. Before I could walk out I heard a deep male voice call out to me
"Yameru (Stop)" The voice said
Upon instinct I jumped back and turned around, only to find nothing behind me. I stood there for a few more moments before sighing
'I must be hearing things but I could've sworn I heard the word "Stop" in Japanese, I should probably get some air, before I go crazy' I thought
Before I could continue walking, I heard the same voice again but this time much louder
"Yameru (Stop)" The voice said
I ignored the voice once more, only for me to suddenly stop moving, as if someone or something was preventing me from going even further. Before slamming into the ground by the unknown force
"SUTOPPU TO ITTA (I SAID STOP)" The voice yelled
I tired to get up but to no avail, the more force I used to get up, the more pressure is placed on me, keeping me in place. With no other options, I stopped trying to get off the ground, only the pressure to cease, I glanced behind me looking at the sword and the cocoon in the stone.
'Well I guess, it would be dangerous to travel out in these woods with a weapon of some sort, especially if I see that "skull wolf-thing" again' I thought
I walked towards the stone, I gripped the handle of the sword and started to pull. I was expecting to use a lot of force when pulling it out, but surprisingly it didn't take much effort in fact it was actually pretty light despite its size. The blade had a platinum-like colour to it as it traveled down to its hilt, the edge had a bone-like colour to it. While the hilt of the sword was gold in colour and had a dragon head facing downwards.
As I inspected the sword, the cocoon that was right next to where the sword was held started to move. After a few moments, a larva busted out of the cocoon and let out a small chirp. The larva had a translucent blue colour to it, it had multiple small limbs on the underside of its belly, its eyes had a slight lighter blue colour compared to the rest of its body and had two long mandibles stretching outwards. To be honest...I'm not a big fan of bugs, never was in my lifetime, but something in the back of my head was telling me not to squish it.
Instead I placed my hand, well claw in this case towards it, only for it to to crawl up my arm and onto my shoulder. It let out a small but cherry kind of chirp. With a sword and apparently a bug at my side, I then headed towards the exit, this time not being slammed down by some unknown force. As I made my way down the mountain I was on, I heard a growl right behind me only to discover another monster wolf right behind me, before I could make a run for it, another one appeared in front of me, then another, then another until I was completely surrounded by them.
My heart started racing once more, completely surrounded by some fucked up wolf monsters. As I panicked and closed my eyes, I was unaware that a blue aura started to surround me, my dorsal plates started to glow blue along with my claws, eyes and mouth with trails of fire leaving the corners of my mouth.
"LEAVE ME, ALONE" I shouted
As I did this, a burst of energy came out every corner of my body, killing the monsters and setting the area ablaze. As I opened my eyes, I saw that the entire area was incinerated, not a single thing remained. I didnt have enough time to process this as I passed out when everything faded to black.