Hiro Hamada hated working in teams. The boy genius would much rather work on his own at his own pace and not have to worry about others falling behind. The boy also liked working alone because the last time he had let people help they only got hurt. The boy did not want that same fate to fall upon the group of heroes in this world. Yet, a certain raven haired girl did not agree with his methods. Soon after Hiro had dove into his work the fiery girl stormed into the lab demanding that she would go with him to Krei Tech. She would not take no for an answer either; any argument the boy had against her coming she shot down. Hiro gave up trying to convince the girl otherwise. No matter what world he would end up in, the girl would always be the headstrong speedster.

The girl sat in the lab watching the boy work during the day because she knew that the moment she left the boy would be gone as well. GoGo had been able to convince the boy to let her come on one condition: Hiro would make her a more secure suit. He worked diligently on the suit and often asked for her opinion about what she wanted. The pair worked together quietly and efficiently. The end product was a yellow and black sleek titanium suit that would still be flexible for the girl to run.

The boy grabbed his own suit from a brown box laying behind a shelf. As soon as he took it out, GoGo realized that it was different than the one he wore before. This suit was sleek black everywhere even helmet was all black as well.

"Nice suit," GoGo remarked, "What'd you do to it this time?"

"Nothing much, just updated what I had mostly," Hiro continued putting the suit on over the clothing he had on previously.

GoGo sat down in the chair beside her, "You mean the stuff that was ours."

"You mean the stuff I created for you guys," Hiro growled back clearly annoyed.

GoGo huffed out a breath of air. She is still upset that the boy used all of their inventions as his own weapons. It was not fair. Those inventions were theirs. Everyone had worked hard to create them and she did not appreciate Hiro using them for his own use.

"I just figured that you would make your own thing by now," GoGo replied, "Not use everyone else's inventions."

Hiro placed the helmet on, "Maybe, I use these for a reason."

"What reason would that be," GoGo sarcastically said. She was annoyed by the cryptic answers she received from the boy.

"They have sentimental value okay," Hiro walked to the door, "Now let's go, I want to get this over with."

The boy did not wait for GoGo to follow, leaving the girl sitting on the chair thinking about what he said. GoGo wanted to slap herself in the head. Of course, it made so much sense for Hiro to feel attached to their items. They were theirs from his own world. The world where they died, the items were a string he was able to hold onto when they were gone. It was a tribute of sorts to use their own weapons against his enemies.

The girl wasted no more time in her thoughts then sped out of the door to find the boy.

"Follow my lead," Hiro whispered as he casually walked to the front of the building.

GoGo followed the boys lead as he strolled up to the front doors of Krei Tech. There were only two guards standing at the door and the boy was not worried about them at all. If they were not stupid enough to let them through, then he would gladly take care of them easily.

Hiro grabbed the door to open it, but a hand held the door in place, "Closed."

"I'm kinda busy, so if you would just let me through" Hiro crossed his arms, "We have a meeting with Krei."

"Closed means closed kid, go home," The guard replied stiffly standing in front of the doors.

GoGo held the boy's arm, "Come on, let's find another way in."

The girl turned to walk away but stopped when she realized that Hiro was not following her. She placed her hands on her hips to scold the boy, but was interrupted when a rush of wind soared past her. The wind almost knocked her off her feet by the force. Worriedly, she walked to the boy. Her steps halted when a black wave swept the two officers off their feet dragging them away.

Hiro turned around with a maniacal smile, "I never said that I didn't make my own thing." With that the boy walked into Krei Tech leaving a speechless GoGo behind.

Microbots. Hiro had created his famous microbots again. The information unsettled GoGo for some reason. That combined with the way the boy announced his creation caused her unease. Why would he create such a powerful weapon for a simple checkup at Krei Tech.

Not wasting anymore time she entered the building. Hiro was waiting at an elevator and when she stood beside them the doors opened.

"How did you make them so fast?" GoGo questioned; the last time Hiro made the microbots it had taken weeks.

Hiro shrugged, "Magicians never share their secrets."

The rest of the ride up was quiet. When the doors opened once again they were greeted by darkness. The only light in the room came from the office across the room. Hiro immediately walked to the door not wasting any time. GoGo jogged to catch up to the boy.

He opened the door then slammed it behind GoGo making her flinch. The man sitting at the desk jumped as well, then a look of fear appeared on his face.

"Oh, no not you again!" Alistair cried then looked at the girl, "Stop him!"

GoGo stayed in her spot watching the boy approach Krei. She planned on letting him do what he wanted unless it got out of hand. Hiro slammed his hands on the table startling Krei even more, "What were they looking for?"

Krei raised his arms, "I don't know, I swear! They just came here and destroyed the computer!"

Hiro growled, "I know that they wanted something Krei," He leaned in closer, "This would go a lot better for you if you just told me what they wanted."

Krei gulped then looked at the girl standing in the back, "Please, I don't need to get threatened for the third night in a row!"

GoGo shrugged popping the gum in her mouth. Uncharacteristically of Krei he stopped begging for help. Instead he glared darkly at the girl which took her off guard. He never acted like that. The millionaire would continuously beg for help until everyone was too annoyed with it and helped him. Krei turned to the boy glaring at him, "I don't know what those robots were looking for!"

Hiro snatched the man by the shirt, "I know that they wanted something, tell me what it was."

Krei laughed in the boy's face with a sneer. The cackle filled the empty office making the hairs on GoGo's arms stand on edge. There was something wrong here, but she did not know what. The air was not normal. Unknown darkness seemed to fill the space.

"I told you kid, I don't know," Krei wiped away a tear, "Leave before I get the cops here."

Hiro did not back down. He held the man in his grip firmly and glared. The boy knew that Krei knew what those robots were looking for on his computer. He had a good guess on what was trying to be stolen and by whom which is why he insisted investigating the building. While he wanted to take care of his business alone, he was grateful at least that only GoGo came. She would let him do what needed to be done more so than the others.

GoGo stood shoulder to shoulder with the boy. She wanted to let him do whatever he wanted to do, but if the cops were on their way then they needed to leave. She was not trying to make the hottest gossip of the city as the member of Big Hero 6 that had gone rouge with the 'new vigilante' of San Fransokyo.

"Come on let's go," GoGo put a hand on the boy's shoulder, "He's obviously not going to talk."

She took her hand off this shoulder then turned around planning to walk away. A grunt and swoosh of a blade being drawn halted her steps. Turning back to the boy she saw Hiro holding a small plasma blade to the man's throat who was being pushed against the desk. A dark expression took on the boy's face. It was so uncommon to see that look on the boy's face. So dark and full of hate.

"Release him," GoGo took cautious steps to the boy, "I won't let you do this."

Hiro placed the blade even closer to Krei's neck, "When he tells me what they wanted then I will let him go."

GoGo glanced at the quiet billionaire. He had not said a word about wanting help or anything since she refused to aid him when the boy had first arrived. Instead a calm eerie smile danced on his lips. Krei was completely calm in this situation.

"Smart boy," Krei finally spoke up, "But I think you know exactly what I was looking for."

Suddenly the windows behind the group shattered. Glass flew every which way, but GoGo was protected in her suit. She watched as a large shard imbedded itself into the boy's shoulder causing him to fall on the ground. Krei adjusted his suit then grabbed a small remote on the desk, "Now that is much better."

He pressed the button on the remote which exposed robots flying outside of the window. There were around 30 of them floating outside of the window. Sleek black blending into the night sky. The only way GoGo had even been able to see the bots was the white light reflecting off of them. GoGo defensively stood with her disks out staring at Krei. She did not know what was wrong with him, but she planned on figuring out what his deal was.

"You can take the mask off now kid," Krei reached a hand to help the boy up, "I have many questions for you Hiro Hamada."

As if Krei was shedding his skin it sloughed off. Melting away to slowly reveal a whole different person under. The new man stood more confidently. Broad shouldered and strong chest. The man had dark brown hair with a strong set jaw. Piercing green eyes stared down at the boy.

Instantly Hiro kicked the hands away then got in his own defensive stance, "How are you not dead."

The man chuckled, "I could ask you the same kid."

GoGo sped over to the boy. His shoulder was bleeding immensely still as the glass shard stuck in his shoulder did nothing to staunch the bleeding.

"Who are you," the raven haired girl demanded.

The man smiled then looked back at Hiro delightedly, "You found your family, I'm so happy for you and you even made them little suits, how cute of you."

GoGo growled, "I said who are you creep!"

The man's attention turned back to her. The green eyes were fierce, "Why my name is Renjiro Domen, and I am a dear friend of Hiro's."

Hiro took that moment to strike. He produced his own black disks and launched them at the man, yet he blocked them with the speed of a viper. A long silver blade blocked the attack. Hiro did not waste a second and was throwing chemical orbs at him, but every single attack was blocked by the older man. GoGo had sped off to the side trying to reach her phone in her back pocket. The duo needed help, this was far above her own capabilities and she doubted Hiro could keep up with his injury. She watched with sick fascination from the sides and was so thankful that this Hiro was on their side. He was a nightmare. Hiro launched attack after attack without hesitating and never seemed to grow tired. The robots had begun shooting lasers, but he was able to dodge every attack despite the injury. However Hiro was never able to get a hit on the older man, but the older man was always unable to get a hit on the younger male either.

GoGo finally got her phone out and began dialing Tadashi's number, but paused when a loud crash followed by a cry came from the other side of the room. She peeked her head above the table to see Hiro on his knee eyes screwed shut in pain. One hand ripped the glass shard out while the other held up a plasma shield in front of him. The man glared at the shield applying more and more pressure onto it with his sword. She discarded the phone and sprang into action. Right now Hiro needed her more than her getting help.

"Back off!" The girl yelled while throwing a disk at the man.

The disk made contact with his side, effectively making him off guard. Hiro lowered his shield and tried to stand, but fell when he tried. He had already lost a lot of blood without taking the shard out and now it was flowing more freely. The blood loss had made him unsteady on his feet. GoGo saw him struggling then grabbed the other shoulder helping him to his feet, she said "We have to get out of here."

Hiro shook his head, "We have to stop him now or he won't stop."

GoGo turned and saw the man lying on the ground holding his side, "I'll get the others and we'll take care of it, but we have to leave you're hurt."

"No, I'm not leaving this fight," Hiro pulled away from GoGo, "This is my fight."

Hiro was not going to let the girl take him away now. He needed to stop Renjiro before he was out of control again. There was no way he was going to let him destroy this world like his. It did not matter to him if he died in the process; he would not let Renjiro succeed again.

Renjiro rose behind GoGo with his blade raised. He began to strike, but before he could Hiro pushed the girl out of the way. A swarm of microbots produced a shield in front of the boy blocking the attack. Hiro willed the bots to push the man back and walked through the opening in between the black hurricane.

"I see that you made some improvements," Renjiro used the wall behind him to guide himself up, "Now, it's time to show you mine."

The girl could only stare in horror as the man began sparking with electricity. He advanced toward the boy slowly.

"I've been waiting for the perfect time to show you my little trick," Renjiro smirked, "You see that explosion that brought you here did the same to me, except I absorbed the electrical current that ripped through my body. Instead of killing me, it rebirthed me."

"GoGo leave now!" Hiro yelled to the girl.

She did not hesitate to do exactly that. GoGo raced back to her previous hiding spot to grab her phone and dialed Tadashi once again. While she waited for Tadashi to answer, she glanced over to the boy. He was slowly backing up as the man approached him.

"GoGo? What's going on?" Tadashi brought her attention back to the phone.

"You need to get everyone here at Krei Tech right now," GoGo exclaimed, "We got serious trouble."

"What's going on," Tadashi replied.

A loud scream made GoGo look up again. Hiro was laying on the ground confused as the older man struck him with electricity.

"GoGo what was that?" Tadashi yelled, "What's going on!"

"Just hurry and get here now!" GoGo ended the call to spring into action to help Hiro.

She launched both disks to the man knocking him off balance. His attention turned away from the boy on the ground to her, "You should really stay out of things that are above you girl."

Hiro saw the man approach the other girl and growled. He would not let him hurt GoGo. Despite the pain coursing through the boy's body he pushed himself up.

"Stop!" Hiro yelled at the man making him pause, "This is between me and you, no one else Renjiro!"

The man paused then turned his attention back to the boy, "You are right kid, and you're the one that messed everything up."

Hiro placed a wall of microbots between Renjiro and GoGo and ignored her yells as she tried to break through.

"You failed your own world Hiro Hamada, you could not stop me no matter how hard you tried. You lost everyone. What makes you think you could stop me here?"

The boy did not respond. He only glared at the older man and accessed his options. He could stay and fight without having anything he could use against the man and most likely die. He could let the barrier down and have GoGo help him escape, but put her in more risk of getting hurt. Or he could jump out the window and hope that the electrical current that ran through his body had not short circuited his disks to cushion the fall.

The boy went with option three. He turned away from the man and dove out of the window. With a press of a button the disks luckily appeared on his ankles letting him race down the side of the building without breaking anything more than it already was. Renjiro followed the boy down the building as well.

"You are going to help me Hiro," The man stated, "You do not get a happy ending, but I do and you will help me accomplish that."

"Over my dead body," Hiro drew his blade and willed the microbots to lift him in the air.

Renjiro smiled, "Now that can be arranged dear boy."

Renjiro drew his own silver blade and sprinted at the boy. Hiro launched his microbots at the man, but he sliced every attack away. Hiro dropped to the ground and ignored the light headedness he felt then attacked. The two sparred viciously. Every attack was blocked by the other, but Hiro was unable to be on the attack more. He had to be defensive mostly and just focus on not letting himself get stabbed.

The sound of jetpacks made the two fighting stop and look up at the sky. Five other teens dressed in suits floated down onto the ground in a defensive pose. A male in a red suit stepped forward, "Get away from him!"

Renjiro laughed at the group then turned to Hiro, "You made everyone little suits! Now that is adorable, are you trying to give them the same fate that your family faced?"

Hiro ignored the man's jab, "Leave!" He shouted at the group. He was not going to put these people in danger due to his own problems.

GoGo ran out of the building to stand beside Hiro, "Next time you do that I will beat you up Hamada."

Hiro growled. He did not want any of these people here right now. They would get hurt or worse and there was no way that he could be the one responsible for their injuries. He had faced enough death in his short lifetime and he was not looking to experience any more of it.

Renjiro drew his silver blade once again facing Hiro, "I thought you said this was between me and you Hamada? Why don't you say we bring this elsewhere?"

Hiro glared at the older man with hatred. The boy pushed GoGo away from him and encased himself and Renjiro in a barrier of microbots, "This ends right now."

Renjiro chuckled as electricity sparked around him. He launched his attack at the boy, but Hiro placed a wall of microbots in front of him. Luckily, the microbots held in place not being affected by the electricity too badly. The attack stopped suddenly, but Hiro kept the barrier up to catch his breath. His body was beginning to fail him. The gash on his shoulder was still bleeding albeit slower now. His muscles ached from the strain as well.

A silver blade sliced through the shield and almost struck the boy. He rolled away quickly letting the wall of microbots fall to the ground. A piercing headache was pounding in his head. He had not had a lot of practice manipulating the microbots ever and it was beginning to show. Soon, the boy was not going to be able to continue using them.

"Getting tired are we?" Renjiro mocked down to the boy panting on the ground, "Why don't you let this barrier down and show your new family who you truly are. A failure; weak and selfish."

The boy's anger ignited. He dropped the barrier around the two and with newfound energy launched an attack on the man. Hiro drew his blade and stabbed vigorously at the man. He managed to get a hit on him on the side, but relentlessly continued attacking. He threw orange orbs at the man in attempt to trap him, but he was able to evade each one despite the injury. Hiro was solely focused on the man. He directed all of his hate into every strike rejuvenating the depleting energy that he previously had. The boy did not see his brother run beside him in an attempt to help. Hiro heard the movement on his side and swung his blade in the direction. He looked at the figure on the ground and gasped. He had attacked his brother, there did not seem to be any bleeding, but he dropped to Tadashi's side anyway.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't know…" Hiro pulled the helmet off of Tadashi's face to make sure he was okay.

Tadashi smiled at the boy. He was fine, the incredible armor that Hiro had made protected him, "I'm okay, promise."

Tadashi saw the man behind him crackle with electricity, but was not quick enough to warn his brother about it. The electricity struck him in the back making him collapse onto the ground. Hiro screwed his eyes shut and bit his tongue so he would not scream. Black spots danced in his vision, and the boy saw no more and stopped moving.

Renjiro pushed Tadashi out of the way and ignored his screams. He grabbed Hiro roughly by the ankle to drag him along. The man looked at the group of six staring at him. They were all fearfully glancing between him and the unmoving boy on the ground.

"Why don't you all do us a favor and pretend none of this ever happened," The man joked then added darkly, "You don't want to know what will happen to you if you don't."

More black robots appeared beside the villain to lift him off his feet taking him far away from the group on the ground.

Tadashi could only stare in horror as the figure got further and further away with his brother. He had just gotten Hiro back, and he was gone again. Tadashi slammed a fist into the ground as tears streamed freely. It was not fair. He had not even been able to reconnect with this version of his brother and he was gone.

A pair of arms wrapped around the distraught boy. Honey Lemon rubbed his back softly as he cried on her shoulder. Her reassuring words had not come to her. She was deadly silent as she looked into the sky willing for the young boy to return. GoGo sat down beside the pair and put a hand on the boy's shoulder. He glanced at her to see the remorse in her eyes.

"I'm sorry," GoGo put her head down in shame, "I should have gotten a hold of you sooner."

Tadashi nodded then averted his attention back to the rest of the group. Fred and Wasabi stood beside Baymax scanning the area for the man, but it was no use. Renjiro was long gone with Hiro with him.

Tadashi stood then walked over to Baymax, "Can you scan for them?"

Baymax turned his head toward the sky to scan, "I am unable to scan for Hiro. My sensors cannot scan that far. Hiro was developing a new sensor for me, but I do not know if it is finished."

Tadashi set his jaw, "Then let's go get it."

The rest of the group huddled around Baymax so he could take them back to Fred's mansion. Tadashi flew ahead of the group with vengeance in his heart. He would save Hiro and show him how much he cared. After that Tadashi swore he would stop Renjiro. He vowed to himself that the man would not hurt Hiro any more as he flew to the mansion.