B o u n d

T o

Y o u

{ 3 }

It was raining heavily. Cold, fat drops of water fell from the skies, watering the plants, soil and sadly enough, Sakura's hair.

"I really should invest in an umbrella." She sighed, tucking the damp pink strands behind her ears.

The walk to her apartment wasn't that far but clearly she was getting home completely soaked. Her feet carried her past the food stalls, clothing shops and houses, through people who were also rushing in hopes to stay dry. Cold seemed to seep into her very bones. Sakura grit her teeth, ignoring the disgusting sensation of muddy water seeping into her boots. The only thing that made this day remotely bearable was the idea of an extremely long, wonderfully hot soak in her bathtub, complete with vanilla scented candles and the healing bath salts Shizune had given her as a present all those months ago.

Once she arrived at her apartment complex, she quickly stepped in, thankful for the ceiling above her head keeping the rain at bay. As tempting as it was to use chakra to get home much faster (she lived on the sixteenth floor) she knew that her reserves needed to replenish. And so began the long trek up rounds and rounds of staircases.

Eight minutes later, Sakura was turning her key into the lock, walked into her modest but cozy home and relaxed for the first time in weeks.

That is, until she noticed the dark figure standing in the middle of her kitchen.

For a split second, she thought she saw Sasuke.

"What the hell?!" Her back landed on the door behind her with a bang, shock clear on her features.

"The fact you were not aware I was even here is very troubling. Maybe we should return to the hospital."

Itachi narrowed his eyes, sharingan flashing for a brief moment.

Sakura felt a flush of embarrassment rise to her cheeks at his statement and felt the sudden urge to cover herself with her hands. His eyes, family bloodline or not, seemed to look right through her. It made her feel naked, vulnerable. Something she couldn't afford with a missing nin.

"You just startled me. Of course I knew you were here. But maybe don't lurk? Or better yet meet me at the door like a normal person."

Admitting that she thought she saw his younger brother which resulted in her extreme reaction, wasn't something Sakura was keen on doing. So instead she diverted the topic.

He didn't look convinced.

"Besides, it's difficult to always be on my toes when I have a lot on my mind." She relented, willing the heat in her face to disappear.

"I know."


Green eyes widened at his reply before narrowing dangerously.

"Are you snooping in my head again?"


"Then how the hell would you know what I'm thinking about?"

Sakura was very careful not to think full sentences or speak in her mind at all, fearful that he might still be listening or even worse, reply.

"I don't know the specifics unlike back in the hospital room." He was tall, his figure towering over her petite frame. She tried to ignore how intimidating he seemed, straightening her spine. There was no way he was going to have the upperhand in their situation. Itachi continued to speak, not minding the glaring pinkette before him.

"It's more of a feeling. It's as if there's a heaviness that's surrounding you."

"It must be another side effect of the jutsu."

"If that's the case…" She began, her eyes searching his. "Then how come I can't feel anything from you?"

Despite her better judgement, the pinkette walked towards him, curiosity gleaming in her eyes.

"Are you shielding your thoughts somehow? Or using some kind of genjutsu to hide your feelings?"

Itachi didn't seem uncomfortable with her question. He didn't seem bothered at all.

His stance and demeanor was almost statuelike, cold, hard and unmoving. It was unnerving how...empty he seems.

"You're an open book Haruno-san. All your feelings show in your actions and features. Transparency is an admirable trait. However it's one that I, as a shinobi, do not practice as often ."

"So you are blocking your thoughts."

"Yes. But I'm not using a genjutsu. I am merely not as easy to read. "

"That's not fair though. You can hear and practically feel everything that's going on in my head."

"Oh? Were there rules that I wasn't aware of?"

He raised his eyebrow in question, his voice holding an air of arrogance that surprised and pissed her off.

"Well yes-" Sakura froze.

Well technically Shishou didn't say Itachi had to open up to her about his feelings. All she had to do was be his guard.

Realization and grudging acceptance must have been evident on her face because he stepped closer and spoke again, this time his voice was much lower yet held an intensity that matched his eyes.

"Exactly. Besides…" He tilted his head to the side while his eyes regarded her silently.

"I highly doubt you can handle what thoughts I have inside my head."

With that, he stepped backwards, ending their conversation.

The dark haired man then walked away until he was sitting on her living room floor, cross legged with his hands open palmed on either leg.


How can he possibly find the peace to meditate considering their circumstances?

Sakura swallowed the variety of colorful curses before storming into her room, making sure to think of the most ridiculous things (Lee in a bright pink spandex suit for example) that will make meditating very difficult for the Uchiha.

When she was finally convinced Itachi wasn't going to move from his spot in the living room, the medic decided to treat herself to a nice bath. Maybe soaking in vanilla scented water would soothe her already stressed nerves.

Although the man in the room beside hers seemed unlikely to escape, she didn't want to leave anything to chance. So she quickly and quietly activated her chakra in the seals hidden inside her walls, a precaution she had taken after moving in so that she would know who would come in or out of her apartment. The seals were highly sensitive so even if he were to mask his chakra, she could still sense even his movement.

Finally at ease with her little alarm system, she began stripping off her medic uniform, fully intent to relax for the remainder of the afternoon.

Minutes later, almost completely submerged in the vanilla scented water, she sighed, lost in her thoughts and worries.

What would she say to Ino? To Naruto? To her team?

She could tell them the truth. Just leave out the part about bringing back Itachi Uchiha from death's door.

But how would that explain her chakra depletion and blood loss?

Maybe tell them she ran into Sasuke and they battled? It wouldn't be the first time he'd try to hurt her.

Again, a pang of bitterness and anger appeared, a feeling she noticed seemed to follow after he came to mind.

Sakura tilted her head backwards, dipping her pink locks into the hot water then running her fingers through the strands.


Even though a part of her knew that he was just too far beyond her reach, she couldn't help thinking about him.

Ironic. She can heal just about any injury but she can't do anything about her bleeding heart.

Unbidden, another dark haired man entered her thoughts.

Irritation soon filled her.

Tch. He was the epitome of cold and unaffected. Even when her mentor told them both he was now bound to her, he barely reacted. A sliver of jealousy piled onto her irritation. If only she could be as cool and collected, hard as stone. Maybe then she could have handled the Sasuke situation much better.

And the way he spoke to her a while ago! He thinks she can't handle whatever is going on in that arrogant head of is? For God's sakes! It's as if he saw her as a child! Didn't he compliment her skills as a kunoichi just a few hours earlier?

Confusing. Full of it. Ungrateful even! He should be nothing but appreciative for what she's done for him! Okay, granted she didn't expect him to kiss the ground she walked on in sheer gratitude but at the very least he could just be polite!

She huffed in frustration.

A small crash disturbed her mental tirade.

What happened?! Was he trying to escape? But her alarms didn't go off...

"Itachi, I swear you better stay right here-" She grumbled to herself. The water sloshed a bit when she sat up, deciding to check on him just to put her mind at ease once more. But just when she spotted her towel, she froze.

It happened so suddenly.

One minute Sakura was sitting alone in her bathtub, shoulder deep in warm water.

Now here she was, underneath Itachi, his legs on either side of her naked body, his eyes locked onto hers.



Sakura shrieked at his sudden closeness, wishing that there were more bubbles to hide her very vulnerable form.

One arm covered her breasts while the other made contact with his cheek, pressing it with a wet slap and with enough pressure to make him face the opposite direction.

"Get out get out GET OUT! What the hell do you think you're doing?! Don't you know anything about privacy? Just great! Not only do you look into my head, you're looking into my bathroom now too huh?!" Her words came out in a rushed stream, anger and embarrassment clear in her voice and face.

Of all the things she expected to happen in her life, having Itachi Uchiha straddling her in a tub of steamy, vanilla scented water was not one of them.

He was so close his black hair tickled her face and her hands could feel the muscles jumping in his jaw at the sudden contact of skin on skin. His breath fanned her exposed skin and dammit why the hell had he taken off his cloak? Now practically his whole upper body was bare and almost touching hers.


Her legs clamped shut while her body dipped deeper into the sudsy water, away from his form, fully intent to put some space between them.

"Uchiha!" The hiss that left her mouth put even Orochimaru's snakes to shame.

"What the hell?!"

Green eyes darted around, looking for something to look at. Anything but Itachi.

The sight of lean muscle and so much skin made her heart race in exciteme-



She meant fear.

Definitely not excitement.

There was no way in hell she was attracted to a mass murderer.

Sakura shook her head free of such impure and ridiculous thoughts and pumped what little chakra she had into her hands.

But before she could grab onto him and throw his ass out, walls be damned, he spoke.

"I didn't mean to come in here."

"Right." Was her dry and sarcastic response.

"I'm serious. I was in the living room-"

"Doing what exactly? I heard a crash. Were you trying to escape or something?"

"A cat came in through the window. I didn't sense a threat so I let it be. However it tipped over a potted plant on the ledge." He deadpanned.

That explained the crash.

"...okay fine. But that doesn't explain why exactly you're here in the bathtub with me-and don't you dare look down."

His eyes instantly glued to the wall behind her.

"I can't explain it exactly. I was trying to ignore the many negative thoughts and feelings coming from you when I felt the intense urge to come in."

Sakura blushed at his words.

"Oh my God. You were going to-"

Itachi's cold features suddenly darkened and he cut her off. Disgust lacing his tone.

"Don't say rape. I have never attempted such a thing and never plan to do so."

"But you said-"

"I know what I said. And I didn't mean it in a sexual way."

"Then why…"

She trailed off, confused.

"Okay. Fine. I believe you but can we continue this conversation when I'm not naked or wet?"

The man above her nodded but he didn't move away. His hands were still braced on the tub's curved edges.

When he didn't put some respectable distance between them, she couldn't help it anymore and snapped.

"Really? Why aren't you getting off yet?"

"I can't."

"What do you mean you can't?"

"Please refrain from the senseless questioning. I'm not doing this on purpose. It's as if my body won't move and is simply staying put-"

Green eyes widened at his words and remembered hers from earlier.

"Itachi, I swear you better stay right here-"


It was impossible.

At the moment she heard a loud sound, she was afraid he was going to escape so her immediate thought was him to stay.

Did his body react to what she said?

Sakura glanced at Itachi who didn't seem as calm and cool as before. His lips were set in a firm line and his eyes were trained on the tiled wall behind her. She noticed that the vein in his neck protruding slightly and the muscles visible on his arms were jumping. As if he wanted to get away but couldn't.

Well. There was only one way to test out her theory.


Dark eyes regarded her warily.

"Get up."

Instantly, much like how a puppet whose strings were pulled abruptly, Itachi was on his feet, a surprised expression on his face.

Sakura gaped at the revelation.

"Oh my God."

"How did you do that?" He demanded as he glanced at his limbs, confusion and shock clear in his eyes.

"I don't know. I just told you what to do, and you did it." Even Sakura couldn't hold back the curiosity and fascination that bubbled forth.

"Impossible." The murmur was soft but she heard it.

"My thoughts exactly. But it seems like this bond has more side effects than we initially thought."


An awkward silence filled the air between them.



"What are you still doing here?"

Her arms crossed over her chest while she turned to the side, hoping to hide her femininity from the missing nin. As tempting as it was to wrap herself in a towel, he was still quite close and she didn't want to give him an eyeful of her backside.

"You told me to get up. Not to leave."

"Oh right."


"Itachi, leave the bathroom now."

And just as suddenly as he appeared, Itachi was gone, leaving a flustered pinkette in his wake.

1. We can hear each other's voices in our minds.

2. Itachi does whatever I say.

Sakura stared at the paper in her hand before crumpling it up and throwing it behind her.

Even in writing it sounded completely insane.

How the hell can she explain this to her mentor?

Oh Tsunade-sensei? Before I forget, Itachi isn't just tied to my life force, we can talk to eachother and he feels all of my emotions.

"What the hell did I get myself into?" She groaned into her hands.

So not only did she have a missing nin, the older brother of the man she devoted all her affections to yet brutally rejected her, was currently living under her roof. And he can hear her thoughts. Oh not to mention he responds to whatever I say. Which kind of levelled the playing field.

But before she could think of whether or not to have him clean her entire apartment, a knock brought her out of her reverie. Instantly on her feet, she left her room, glanced around to make sure Itachi had the sense to hide himself under a genjutsu or inside her closet before opening the door a crack.


"Aren't you going to open the door for us, forehead?" Ino asked, mischief dancing in her pale blue eyes.

"Uhm well. Now's not the best time-"

"Well too bad. I brought him."

"Who?" Confusion clear in her green eyes.

"The fuck you asked for." She winked before dragging a familiar brunette behind her.

"Hey Sakura-chan. Glad to see you're alright." He smirked, red fangs bright on his tanned cheeks.


And that's chapter 3! Hope you liked it. Leave me a review and tell me whatchu think! Also I've got this new story coming up, titled (Chained to you) It'd be amazing if you all could check it out. Lastly I hope you guys are all keeping safe with the lockdown and all! Soap, water and alcohol everyone! (The cleaning not the fun kind lol) - MKSS