[Author's Note: Just a heads up to all my lovely readers. I have never watched any of the Star Wars movies save Episode I- The Phantom Menace. I have also never played any of the games, read any of the books, etc. So you'll have to forgive my general lack of Star Wars knowledge.
That being said, I have done my homework, including watching the whole Mandalorian series. Baby Yoda is very precious to me, but he will not make an appearance here. I write love stories and will primarily focus MandoxOC's relationship. I hope you enjoy and are patient with my ignorance of Star Wars lore; I will try to do as much research as possible. Also, I should note that because I've only seen Episode I, Qui-Gon Jinn is my favourite Jedi and the main character will be related to him (great niece).
Thank you for reading and I sincerely hope you enjoy!]
Told from OC's P.O.V.-
I don't know how I wound up on Takodana; maybe my parents thought it would be a good place for me to lay low. Not that I ever met them. The only family I ever met was my great uncle, though maybe "met" isn't the right word. I've always stayed as far away from the castle as I could; I know it serves as an open port for spies and questionable travellers. That being said, I've never had any real issue here. Not yet anyway.
My journey began one afternoon when I was outside in the small valley near the hut where I lived. I usually went there to pick wildflowers and relax after a day of training. While there, a familiar voice caught my ear; it interrupted me softly singing to myself.
"Saoirse." I glanced over my shoulder to see an apparition standing behind me. My lips immediately curled into a smile. "Hello, Master." "How are you fairing, child?" "Good! My training is going well…. even though I don't really know what I'm doing," I replied a bit sheepishly. "Trust the Force. It will guide you, if you only let it." "But I'm still not really sure what the Force is. You said I'm Force-sensitive, but I can't really control… whatever it is I can do." My great uncle grinned and shook his head; his hands were clasped out in front of him. "In time; you will learn in due time, child." "Yes, Master," I nodded. I wasn't a child anymore; I was close to thirty years old. But Master knew best; all the past Jedi knew best.
"I have come to tell you something." "What is it, Master?" I perked up a bit. News- that could be either good or bad. Hopefully good. But judging by the way his grin disappeared, my hopes began to diminish as well. "Do you remember what midi-chlorians is?" "Uh, kinda," I shrugged. "Do you remember when I said you have a high count in your cells? Second only to Anakin?" Anakin, Anakin…. I remember the ghosts of Yoda and Obi-Wan mentioning that name before, but I had no clue who he was. They didn't tell me anything about the outside universe that wasn't related to my training. Still, I knew Master was expecting an answer, so I nodded my head unthinkingly. He seemed satisfied with this.
"Listen, child. I have come to warn you. Men are searching for you; bad men. They are called the Imperials." "The Imperials?" My eyebrow lifted up. This was the first time anyone as "sought" after me before. "They will stop at nothing until they have you in their possession. Do you understand?" "I… think so? Does this mean I have to leave Takodana?" "You will be taken from here. Do not leave until then; he will find you." "He?" I blinked in surprise. In almost thirty years the only men I've ever met are already dead. It'd be interesting to meet a life one for a change. But only….
"C-can I trust him, Master?" My voice faltered a smidge. My great uncle nodded once more. "He is not aware of the Force, and you are not to tell him. He will protect you, in time. He will also need your healing abilities; what you have been practicing since childhood." "Yes, Master. Only… um, w-what… what do these "Imperials" want with me? What value could I possibly have to them?"
My master was quiet for a moment before lowering his eyes onto mine. "It is not for you to understand- not yet. All you need to know is that they wish to have you alive; this must not happen. You are a healer- you are not a Jedi. You cannot protect yourself against them or their wills for you." "Yes, Master…." He's treating me like a child again. Here I am, a grown woman and they still refuse to tell me anything. I know it's because they care for me and want to keep me safe and innocent. Still…..
Great Uncle grinned tenderly again and rested his hand on my shoulder. "Do not worry, child. I will be with you. Use the Force for good and remember your vow. You will return to Takodana someday." "Thank you, Master," I smiled back up at him. His hand gave me a pat. "I sense the balance between you both; you and Din Djarin." "Who?" He chuckled. "You balance each other. Remember that when you find reason to distrust him." "Wait, you said I could trust him." Master's head shook one last time before he began to fade away. "I am always with you, Saoirse." And with that, he was gone. All I could do was blink several times in utter confusion.
"Din Djarin?"