Author's Note: I've already started writing the next chapter and hope to have it posted on here soon! I've started creating OC for myself and got distracted by that (wrote like 20k in 3 days), sorry everyone! I will try to post here more often!

May the Force be with you!


The Millennium Falcon bobbed and weaved through the oncoming traffic as it broke for the Upper City, pursued by Hutt fighter craft. The Hutts were beginning to be well funded, as Cade noticed the ships following them were of the Vigilance-class starfighter line. It was a prototype, and had not yet entered mass production. Made up of an elongated cockpit and two sleek wings, the powerful heavy laser cannons protruded from the wings, allowing it to slice easily through the air behind them.

"Hutt fighters incoming!" he said, attaching his comm set to his head to communicate with the other members of the ship. "Three of them coming in at point oh-seven!"

"I see them," stated Finn confidently as he blasted the wings off the one, sending debris hurtling down the vertical tube. "Ooooo, that's gotta hurt!"

He smiled at his friend's remarks. "Easy there, don't get cocky." He refocused his attention to their pursuers, his shots missing and slamming into the concrete wall that made up the vertical tube.

Suddenly, their viewport changed from one of relative darkness to many bright lights. They had made it topside, with sunlight beaming and reflecting off the various towers of the Upper City.

In the cockpit, Rey confidently controlled the ship through various mid-air traffic stops and slower moving transport ships. While the Falcon was much larger than these vessels, she easily maneuvered the craft through spaces that surprised even Poe. "How the Hell are you doing that?" he asked incredulously. His orange and white ball-shaped droid, BB-8, who was also in the cockpit, let out a startled shriek. "We should be dead right now!"

She allowed herself a glance in his direction and smiled, "I told you. I'm the better pilot."

The two of them were brought back to the situation at hand when a new ship came hurtling at them: A First Order TIE fighter. Rey pulled up hard on the control yoke, sending the Falcon into a steep climb and avoiding acollision. One of their pursuers was not so lucky, crashing directly into the TIE.

"What's going on up there?" asked Cade, his voice sounding garbled as it came over the comm system. "Trying to get us killed?"

"We've got First Order forces coming in at point three-three-five." Announced Poe. "And oh-five-two. Scratch that, make it multiple directions."

Rey flipped a switch beside her, boosting power to the engines. "Hang on, everyone! We're taking a detour."

"What are you do-" was all Poe could ask before being thrown back into his seat as the Falcon gunned forward and looped around a residential tower, leaving their pursuers behind. Once their speed came down and their pursuers attempted to catch back up, Poe looked over at Rey. "Did you have to do that?"

"This ship has a couple of surprises left." She banked the freighter, dodging more traffic. An alert began to ring beside her head.

"That's not good," said Poe, punching calculations into the onboard computer.

"What is it?" she asked.

"First Order is sending a full squadron at us. Coming in at eighty degrees."

"Is there something we need to know?" asked Cade from over the comm system. "I'd rather not be a sitting duck down here!"

Rey began flipping switches on the Falcon's power distribution system, coming up with a plan on the fly, proximity alarms sounding off. "I'm redirecting all power to the engines and deflector shields. Finn, help Chewie. Cade, I need you up here."

"Copy that, already on our way." Finn climbed down first, running to the engineering bay where the Wookiee was attempting to repair a glowing panel. He yelled at Finn, slamming into him as the ship took a blaster bolt. "Alright Chewie, alright! Just tell me what to do." Chewbacca began relaying instructions to Finn as the two of them got to work. He did not completely understand the language, but he got the gist of it. Find that, hold this, fix that. Simple.

Cade ran into the cockpit, standing between the pilot and co-pilots' chairs. BB-8 squealed at him as another laser blast rocked the ship. He braced himself using the headrests. "What do you need from me?" he asked, worried about their current state-of-affairs.

Without looking back at him, Rey gave him instructions. "I need you beside me. As co-pilot." She looked at the current co-pilot. "Poe, go back and help Chewie." She acknowledged his question from earlier. "It's the hyperdrive ventilator, isn't it? That's why you were so angry? If that's not fixed, we'll sink like a rock when we try to go to light speed."

"Yeah, and I know how to fix it." He vacated his seat, indicating for Cade to sit down. "Here. I'm no use up here for what she's got planned anyway." He jogged off to join the others, BB-8 following him. R2 rolled into the cockpit after they left, eliciting an electronic scream.

"Cade, I need you to fly the ship with me."

"Whoa, whoa," the man said, throwing up his hands in defeat. "I can't fly a ship. I've always been terrible at it."

Becoming irritated with him, she changed her tone of voice. "We don't have time for this. We'll use the Force, together, to pilot the ship out of the city. It's the only way we can lose those fighters."

He sat there for a moment, not sure if he could actually do it. He decided he would rather find out than wait for them to be blown to oblivion. He settled into the co-pilot's chair and calmed himself. The two of them centered themselves, focusing on the ship, the controls, the buildings around them, and other vehicles.

They felt it all. The life of Nar Shaddaa. Its ebbs and flows. Their breathing slowed and Rey's hands went instinctively for the controls. She moved the Falcon gracefully through the crowded sky lanes, with Cade assisting when turning was needed. They worked together as one, sending the ship in a series of turns, twists, and maneuvers that would make even the most skilled of pilots jealous.

In the engineering bay, Finn noticed they were no longer being shot. "Whatever those two are doing, keep it up!" he shouted. The two in the cockpit did not hear him, as they were intensely focused on flying the ship. They were coming up on a tight cluster of towers when suddenly, a blaster bolt disrupted their concentration.

Three TIE fighters swarmed around them, each one taking a turn buzzing the fast-moving freighter. Cade became worried and looked back at R2. "Plot us a jump outta here; we may need it fast once we break atmosphere."

The droid tweeted an affirmative, rolling over to the navigation computer as the ship descended higher from the planet's surface. As they rose, the skylanes became packed with larger vessels, making it somewhat easier to maneuver. Rey punched the acceleration again, sending them far away from their foes, looping around an old refurbished frigate.

Only this time, however, the First Order had a plan to stop them. As the Falcon broke for the stars, three Star Destroyers jumped out of hyperspace, with a fourth one coming from behind.

"Whoa!" shouted Cade, alarmed. "Where'd he come from? Didn't know they wanted us this badly!"

"This isn't good. They'll have their tractor beams on us in less than a minute." Rey thumbed the intercom switch with one hand while the other remained on the yoke, maneuvering through the incoming enemy fire. "Is the ventilator fixed?"

"She'll hold together," yelled Poe over rising steam and a frustrated Wookiee. "But after two or three jumps, we might be splattered across Hutt Space."

Cade looked back at R2 as Rey positioned the ship between the two approaching enemy destroyers. The droid shrieked anxiously. "It's now or never, Rey."

Hoping it would work, she grabbed the hyperdrive lever, pushing it forward. The ship hesitated for a second, but then accelerated rapidly. They were soon surrounded by elongated star lines as the ship made the entrance into hyperspace. The two jedi in the cockpit relaxed into the backs of their chairs, breathing a collective sigh of relief as the immediate danger had passed. No lights were blinking to indicate they were being followed. They had made a clean getaway.

"We did it!" They screamed together. The two of them were so excited, they jumped from their seats, embracing one another. When Cade pulled her in, he felt a tinge of joy creep up from somewhere deep inside himself. He looked her in the eyes and knew the moment was right. He kissed her and she did not pull away. For a moment, nothing else existed but the two of them. They were truly one.

A sound outside the cockpit startled them back to reality. Finn was standing there, along with R2, looking uncomfortable as ever. "I hope I'm not interrupting, but we've got a call on the holo. It's Leia."

Still holding Rey, Cade acknowledged. "Of course, we'll be right there." Rey exited the cockpit first, making way for the longue. As Cade exited the cockpit, Finn gave him a smirk. The Jedi's voice was filled with embarrassment when he addressed his friend. "Not a word from you."

"What?" Finn asked, stifling laughter. "I didn't say anything."

Shaking his head, R2 and Finn followed him into the longue. Chewie and Poe were seated around the dejarik table while Rey was seated at the engineer's station. BB-8 squawked at them to hurry up. Once they were all gathered, the small and ball-like droid opened up the secure channel and displayed Leia in holoimage form.

Still beautiful while in her middle-aged years, Leia wore a simple robe commonly worn by senatorial staff. They could not tell the color, as the holo was in the typical blue transmission form. Even as chancellor, she had decided she would throw away tradition and not wear the robes of the executive, stating it did the Republic no good to create different echelons of individuals when they needed to be united. Her staff was furious, but she did not care. She had a war to win.

"So," she asked her nephew. "I take it by the bandage on your forehead that the Nar Shaddaa mission was interesting?" A broad smile encapsulated her kind visage.

"Yes, as a matter of fact, it was. We retrieved the holocron and are en route back to the fleet as we speak." He left his words hang there for a moment, confused. "But that's not why you've called, is it?"

Leia hesitated before speaking. "I'm afraid it's not. The fleet has been forced to retreat since our last transmission." She gestured at an aide out of view. "I'm sending you the new coordinates now."

Poe walked over to join Rey at the engineer's station and gasped. "No, that's not possible." He looked at the coordinates. "The Tregillis sector? I thought we still held the Mid Rim?"

"We've lost the Southern Mid Rim about a week ago and were forced to retreat. You've been gone a while, Commander Dameron. Much has changed since we last spoke." She paused, allowing the others to take in her words. "Admiral Ackbar and I will catch you up to speed once you arrive. May the Force be with you." With that, the transmission was cut and the longue was silent.

"If they've lost the Mid Rim," Poe speculated, "That means the First Order took Malastare."

"And the Republic just lost its biggest supplier of hyperfuel." Finn finished for him.

"Want to know who the next biggest supplier is?" asked the hot-shot pilot rhetorically.

"The Bothans," said Cade with a hint of disgust. "This war is about to get much more interesting."

"Why's that?" asked Rey, still confused. While she had learned a lot on adventures with Cade and Finn recently, she was still very new to the whole galactic stage. She knew its players, but not their importance.

"The Bothans," Cade started, "were heavily involved in the last war, providing the Rebel Alliance with vital intelligence about the Empire. They even had a candidate run for chancellor that almost beat Mon Mothma. But about ten years ago, they 'absorbed' some of their surrounding systems to govern directly. The Senate being paranoid, denounced them heavily."

Chewie growled aggressively from where he was seated at the dejarik table. "Exactly, Chewie. The Bothans are deceitful and always working on some kind of scheme. Instead of giving back what they took, they seceded from the Republic and began building up their fleet." Cade shook his head. "That corner of the galaxy hasn't been the same since.

Poe reminisced of old times. "I remember those days, back when I was a hot-headed ensign. I wanted to take an X-wing and blow up Fey'lya's palace myself."

"People cried out in fear, calling them the second iteration of the Empire." Cade chuckled and looked down at his feet. "Little did they know…"

"Okay," said Finn, now curious as well. "What does that all mean though? For us, the Republic?"

"It means we're going to have to beg and barter for them to either help us or rejoin the Republic."

"Which if you've ever met Borsk Fey'lya," Poe interjected, "is going to be extremely frustrating and maddening." Borsk Fey'lya was the first and only president of the Bothan Union, a staunch opponent of Leia Organa's chancellorship since the Hosnian Crisis, or so galactic news had said.

"I'm sure Leia has got her hands full at the moment." Said Cade. He looked to Rey. "How long until we're there?"

She looked at the coordinates given to them. "I'd say, twelve, fourteen hours at most. I'm going to take a look at that ventilator in the meantime. Chewie, could you help me?"

The Wookiee grumbled an affirmative and followed the pilot back to the engineering bay, leaving the three men and the droids in the longue.

"I had better check to make sure we aren't being followed. I'll be back." Finn and Cade watched as he left for the cockpit, accompanied by BB-8.

Finn looked at his friend. "So," he asked ruefully. "You and Rey."

Cade pointed at the man, half-playfully, half-serious. "Not another word." R2 released an electronic snicker. Cade gave the droid a look.

"Beat me in dejarik and we've got a deal." Replied Finn.

Cade smiled. "Oh, this is going to be easy." The two passed the time with nothing better to do as the Millennium Falcon hurtled towards its destination through hyperspace.

Boz usually loved this part of the job. Greeting dignitaries who wished to pay his master respect was one thing. But greeting the enforcer of the First Order? That was something entirely different.

He stood on the landing pad of his master's palace on the upper levels of Vertical City awaiting to receive their guest. A black shuttle came into view, looking like a giant deadly bird. Flanking it was a trio of TIE fighters. As the shuttle landed, the fighters swerved away, going back to their sortie to await further instructions.

The twi'lek was led to believe the enforcer would be escorted by an honor guard of either elite forces or stormtroopers. The surprise on his face showed as the cloaked figure emerged from the shuttle alone. He did not possess the face of a man, but instead wore a black helmet that evoked fear in all that saw it. His robes were a similar black, a hood pulled over to hide the extent of the helmet.

Boz gulped and approached the man. "Master Ren, it is a pleasure to meet you. If you would follow me, my master has prepared a feast in your honor."

"I have no time for celebration," said the dark countenance of Kylo Ren. "Take me to the Hutt. Now."

"My master has made it abundantly clear he is not to be disturbed while he prepares for your arrival-"

"I do not care for your orders." His voice was full of malice and controlled rage. "Take me to him immediately or I will find him myself."

Boz was suddenly overcome with intense fear. "I-I don't-" he thought his next sentence very carefully, deciding he would rather have a head over being thrown in the dungeons. "Right this way."

Kylo Ren followed the twi'lek farther into the palace, passing rooms full of opulence and pleasure. He ignored it all and focused in on his overly gracious host.

His host being Rotta the Hutt, son of the legendary Jabba the Hutt. In another lifetime, so long ago, Ben Solo's parents had been a part of the crime boss' defeat in the Dune Sea on Tatooine. If his son knew of this, he would never have agreed to meet with the man. But the less he knew, the better.

Rotta's throne room was not large, but it was still quite impressive. It alone was larger than any mansion on a backwater world. Purple satin was thrown everywhere, as if recklessly without care. Works of art from across the galaxy were hung on the walls. Large windows granting view to the cityscape below occupied the eastern wall. Gamorrean guards flanked the young crime boss on both sides, as well as in the back. Members of his court milled around, talking in circles, or discussing politics. Armed guards patrolled the rest of the room.

While the worm-like species seemed disgusting to humans, Rotta was different. He wore a business tunic on the top half of his body, with no slime in sight. As they entered the room, Rotta glared at his servant, who said nothing and cowered in the shadows, leaving Ren standing before him. "So," he said in Galactic Basic to the cloaked man, not in his native Huttese tongue, "You have refused the feast I have prepared. To what do I owe this pleasure?"

"I want to know what the Jedi were doing here on Nar Shaddaa."

The hutt stared at the man. "Straight to business, then. I can respect that. They were here for an artifact."

"What artifact?" the man in black asked.

"A Jedi artifact." He paused, moving over to a drink tray and pouring himself a large portion. He motioned to see if his guest wanted one, but the masked man did not move a muscle, following him with a blank stare. "A holocron, to be precise."

"I need to know what was on that holocron."

"I'm afraid that information is not available at this time." Rotta smiled thinly. "Perhaps your master could provide more of the, what do you call them? Vronskrs? Beautiful beasts. When my men took them to collect debts, my associates paid two additional installments. Remarkably effective. With your help, I will be ruling this city in no time."

"I'm not here to negotiate," stated Ren simply. "Give me what I've come for, and I will leave you unharmed."

"Are you threatening me?" asked Rotta, his sense of decorum disappearing. "That would be most unwise, my friend." Ren said nothing, continuing to stare at the slug. "Now, if we are to continue the glorious partnership between us, I need certain-" he stopped, noticing the door to his throne room beginning to close. "Boz, find out what is happening to that door at once. Now, where was I? Oh yes. If we are to continue this partnership, I need certain guarantees that the First Order will not-" he glared at his servant clearly having trouble with operating the door. "Why hasn't it been fixed yet?"

"Master, the door, it's—it's not responding."

"You fool, call maintenance at once."

"They won't save you." Stated Kylo Ren. "I'm asking one last time. Give me what I have come for, or I will take it."

"You will take it?" Rotta laughed heartily, his members of the court doing the same. "And how do you plan on doing that?"

Ren just stared at the hutt, Rotta becoming quite unsettled. "Guards," he motioned for the two gamorreans flanking him. "Take this creature to a cell. Perhaps his master and I can have a more civilized discussion."

But the two guards around him would not move. Almost as if they were frozen there. Rotta looked on in horror as the masked man ignited his crimson lightsaber and cut down the two guards with ease. Courtiers screamed, searching for a way out of the throne room. As the others approached him, he easily dodged their attacks and used the Force to crush their windpipes. They collapsed to the floor. The others rushed him at once, but he simply flicked them out the windows, sending them hurtling hundreds of feet to their deaths.

"What are you hoping to accomplish here?" demanded Rotta. "Stop! I demand you!"

"You no longer make demands, Hutt. You serve the First Order." The guards armed with blasters advanced on Ren. He blocked their bolts back at them, slicing the ones who dared approach him in half. Their bodies crumpled to the floor.

"I will never serve-" But he could say no more, for fear overtook him. Ren's lightsaber rested mere inches from his face.

"Tell me what was on the holocron. NOW."

Clearly afraid for his own safety, Rotta caved. "FINE! It had teachings on it! I led the Jedi to believe it was from the Old Republic era, but it was recently made."

"Made by whom?"

"Skywalker. Mara Jade Skywalker! I couldn't access it, but I knew she was the one who made it. It had to be her. It had her markings on it, I'd know them anywhere. That's all I know. Now leave!"

"I appreciate your understanding." Ren made a motion to remove the blade from the hutt's throat, but instead sliced clean through the fatty husk. The former crime boss's body went limp. Courtiers screamed in agony as the murderous monster stood before them. Ren deactivated his lightsaber and with a flick of his hand, the door out of the chamber opened. He stopped to stare at Boz for a moment, only to leave the servant cowering in fear. He had made his point. He left the palace with no further difficulties.

On his way back to the shuttle, Ren thumbed his personal holocommunicator to life. On it appeared a miniature version of General Hux. "What is it, Ren?" the man asked, clearly annoyed to be bothered by the dark warrior.

"The Jedi came here for a holocron. Were your forces successful in planting the tracking beacon on board their vessel?"

"Yes, Ren. It was placed while we distracted their pilot and the brute. They foolishly believed it was a maintenance error. It will take them long to find it. We are already pinpointing their location now."

"Good. Prepare the fleet. We leave on my return." Hux said nothing but cut the transmission. He knew, for the time being, that he would have to work with the man if he wanted to stay alive. He only had to hold out until either Ren was killed, or he himself was disposed of.

Everyone onboard the Millennium Falcon was doing something to occupy the time spent in hyperspace. Poe and Chewie were in the cockpit, monitoring vital systems after their scrap on the Smuggler's Moon. Finn was busy cleaning the weapons they had stashed in the main hold, a habit he said he had picked up long ago. Cade was training against a remote there, the two of them talking like nothing was wrong in the galaxy.

Since the death of Han Solo had left the ownership of the ship solely in the hands of the mighty Wookiee Chewbacca, he had decided to make it a mobile base for both Rey and Cade in their missions as Jedi. Effectively, he had made them co-captains of the vessel he loved dearly. Because they were usually accompanied by droids on these missions, whether it be a rescue mission on Naboo or smuggling supplies to defenders in the Western Reaches, they had turned the forward cargo hold into a charging station for them, since they too needed power to function.

Rey had insisted on installing a workbench in the unused space, much to the chagrin of Cade. She had told them she could make usable parts which they could sell for various things they might need. While the Republic usually provided what they needed on their adventures, it was something she could truly call her own. And usually turned her a decently sized profit she could then put back into the Falcon. Something that made Chewie extremely happy. Cade had even used it once or twice to upgrade R2's sensors.

Done with his training for the time-being, Cade wiped the sweat from his forehead and ventured into the workshop. Here he found Rey, bent over the workbench with R2 and BB-8 close beside her, wondering what exactly it was that she was working on. Cade decided to voice their query.

"Whatcha working on there?" he said after a moment of her not sensing his presence. He waited a few seconds, and there was no response. He asked again, only to realize she was not paying him any attention. Deciding not to scare her like he had done before while she was working on something, he decided he would walk over to the silver and blue astromech who was his friend since childhood. He placed a hand on his domed head and coughed ever so delicately.

"I knew you were there. Was waiting to see if you would frighten me or not."

Cade smiled again. "I know you don't like that, so I don't do it anymore. I learned my lesson last time with you pushing me out the door."

Not looking up from her work, she responded with a tone of kindness. "Thank you."

He moved closer to see what she was doing, noticing the parts of the lightsaber they had retrieved from the vault on Nar Shaddaa. "Is that what I think it is?" he asked in disbelief.

"It is indeed. I'm almost finished." She was using a welding gun and electrical tape to complete her project. "There," she said, lifting the welding goggles off her face and setting them down on the workbench. They left a distinctive ring of cleanliness around her eyes from the welding.

In her hands, she held her lightsaber. She had not realized the fact she wanted one so badly over the last few months. She had tried finding one for quite some time, but the ones she had found, the crystals were shattered from the unskilled craftsmen taking them apart or they had simply turned to dust because of disregard. She motioned for Cade to step back, which he did, allowing her to ignite her saber.

A mixture of the black metal of her staff and the alloy of the old lightsaber, she had successfully combined the two together and created a double-bladed lightsaber. Although her staff was much shorter now, she would still be able to carry her weapon with a sling over her back. She twirled the weapon around in her hands, illuminating the room in yellow, showing her accomplishment off to Cade.

"Wow," he said with wonder, as she deactivated the blade, "It's amazing." He adopted a teasing tone. "Now you won't have to borrow mine when we train with my father."

Her mood shifted from pure joy to one of uneasiness. "Do you think he'll mind? He always said it was an important ending of a Jedi's training to make their own lightsaber when they've earned it."

He batted away her worries with his own thoughts on the matter. "I think you and I have been through more than any normal Jedi's training. Besides," he gestured down at the lightsaber hanging from his belt. "I didn't make mine."

"But you were a Jedi for years before," she countered, biting her lower lip in nervousness.

"And you've already surpassed me in skill!" he moved in closer, holding her dirty hands in his, not caring that his were also dirtied. "In case you haven't noticed, we're far from normal Jedi."

She looked into his kind blue eyes, smiling at him. "I suppose you're right." Just then, the proximity alarm rang throughout the ship. Poe came over the intercom. "Alright people, we're coming up to the fleet now. Better get up here." The two of them left the forward hold, making their way to the cockpit. Rey grabbed a rag to wipe off her hands and face on their short trip.

They found the three of them already in the cockpit Poe and Chewie were seated in the two pilot's chairs, with Finn behind the Wookiee. Rey sat down behind Poe, with Cade standing in the back. "Alright Chewie, pull the lever."

The blue tube of hyperspace disappeared, turning into elongated star lines once more, revealing the black nothingness of space, with a small blue dot far off in the distance. The small blue dot was an ocean world, Tregillis, possessing no land masses or any sentient life. Its moon had become a secret base in the days of the Rebel Alliance, acting as a staging ground for raids on the Rimma Trade Route. The New Republic had turned it into a small starfighter base to protect the very shipping lanes they used to harass. Except the vessels now around the planet were not a small force by any means.

Gathered around the planet and surrounding moon was the main Republic fleet. While a large portion of its strength was destroyed in the attack on Hosnian Prime and resulting Battle of Starkiller Base, reinforcements were quickly drawn from across the galaxy. Once the Republic knew their enemy, they once again opened the shipyards of Corellia, Kuat, and Mon Calamari to their fullest potential, switching production from civilian vessels to military ones.

Although Finn had officially been commissioned as a first lieutenant with the Republic Strategic Information Services and was inundated with war, he still marveled at the military might around them as they approached. "I've never seen some of these ships before," he said, staring wide-eyed out the viewport. "Is that a Star Destroyer? "he asked, pointing to a ship nestled in between two transports.

"Yeah, it's an Imperial-class, probably a leftover from the days of the Empire," replied Poe wearily. He maneuvered the Falcon slowly under a picket ship, already transmitting his clearance codes. "Shows you how desperate we are if we have to get ships out of dry dock to fight for us. They even painted orange markings on it to help distinguish it from the Order's Destroyers."

Chewie looked over at him and muffed a response. "I know they're still effective! Just a little old, is all." Chewie did not like that comment at all and growled. "Hey!" stated Poe defensively. "I wasn't calling you old."

"Chewie gets a little sensitive about stuff like that," said Cade from the back of the cockpit. "Best not to mention the age of things around him." Poe stared at him, then looked at Chewie, the Wookiee giving him a harsh stare.

"Alright message received." He thumbed the communication nodule on the dashboard. "This is Millennium Falcon to Home One. Requesting permission to land, over."

Static over the comm, then a response. "Millennium Falcon, the Admiral is no longer on Home One. He has transferred his flag to the Admiral Raddus. Adjust course by point one-one-seven and proceed to hangar twelve, over."

"Copy Home One. Thanks for the heads up." He looked around to his companions. "I didn't know the fleet had a ship with that name."

"I think that," Finn said, pointing his finger to a completely new ship, "is the Admiral Raddus."

The Admiral Raddus, as it turns out, was not a new ship, but recently renamed. The Dawn of Tranquilty came fresh off the line from the joint Mon Cala Manufacturing and Corellian Engineering venture to join the fleet mere days ago. It still had it's original name pained on the side, Cade noticed.

One of the largest ships ever produced by the New Republic, it was to act as the end-all, be-all to carriers in the Republic Navy. Designed both carry fighters and go toe-to-toe with the hidden dreadnoughts of the First Order, the Admiral Raddus still possessed the lumpy shape of the previous Mon Calamari cruisers, albeit it now less noticeable. The super-carrier was long and sleek. Cade and Finn marveled at the size of the vessel as they began their approach.

"How big do you think it is? It's gotta be at least two-thousand meters."

Cade shook his head. "More. It's gotta be three thousand. Look how many hangars it's got." He pointed at the various hangars as the Falcon navigated the access tunnel that ran along the portside of the ship.

"I heard she carries over two-hundred fighters." Said Poe with a smile on his face, eager to discover his new home. "It means Black and Rogue Squadron might launch from the same ship now."

"Why is that a good thing?" asked Finn. "I thought you guys despised each other."

"Nah," said Poe. "Just some healthy competition. Now we'll know who's best." He flew the Falcon to the edge of the hangar, as the rest of the slots were filled with brand new X-wings. Poe flipped numerous switches, extending the boarding ramp to the deck below.

Rey and Cade were the first ones to exit the ship, followed by Finn, Poe, and Chewie. The two droids took up the rear. On the deck in front of them stood the Chancellor of the New Republic and aunt to Cade, Leia Organa. Beside her stood the reliable golden protocol droid, C3P0.

She greeted Cade with her usual embrace. "Come," she stated simply, smiling and referring to the group as a whole. "Briefing with the Admiral. We're already late." The group followed her into the depths of the ship, receiving salutes and cheers from the soldiers along the way.