Austrian: I can't argue, John Wick is the best. I was torn between love and freedom, I think Elsa can be the Guardian of Love but also freedom. In the end, love seemed better. Thank you for reading, reviewing another story of mine, thank you for your support. Du bist die Beste. Liebe Grüße aus der Türkei.

Guest: Yes, this is the last one but, I am currently working on a new one. Hopefully you will like this chapter!

Enjoy the last chapter everyone!

Chapter 23: The War of the North

Two elves were playing their trumpets enthusiastically, it was impressing how loud their fanfare sounded as they had such a small size.

"Are you ready?" North asked with his usual joyful self while he was opening the large, thick book that a yeti has just brought him.

Elsa let out a shaky, nervous sigh, her heart was fluttering faster due to her excitement. "Yes," she replied, she was grinning from ear to ear.

North was turning the pages slowly, when he finally found the page he was searching, he offered her his hugest grin to calm her down, which she really appreciated.

"Will you, Elsa Arendelle, vow to watch over the children of the world, to guard them with your life, their hopes, their wishes and their dreams for they are all that we have, all that we are and all that we will ever be?"

She could feel her eyes brimming with tears because as she looked at her friends one by one, North, Tooth, Sandy, Bunny, Katherine and Jack... Their eyes were filled with happiness and warmth, she could feel that they were all proud of her.

Jack closed his eyes and then reopened them, he nodded his head slightly to indicate that he... wanted her to be one of them.

"I will. I promise, I'll always be there for children and I'll always protect them." she took her oath with a serious manner, she was relieved that her voice didn't tremble.

"Then, congratulations, Elsa Arendelle, for you are now," North shut the book down as he rapidly opened his arms to both sides. "And forevermore, a guardian... The Guardian of Love."

She was now officially a part of their group, she was a guardian.

The Guardian of Love opened her mouth to speak to express her gratitude, she wanted to tell the fellow guardians that she would do her best to fulfill her duty. However, before she could give her speech, an unexpected event arose.

Jack, North, Sandy, Tooth and Bunny, all of the guardians except her and Katherine groaned in pain simultaneously, their eyes were shut down as they placed their hand on their heads with clenched teeth.

"Are you alright?" she shrieked, she could feel her heart beating faster due to her panic. She extended her arm out towards North to check his condition since he was the nearest person to her.

"Guys?!" she screamed anxiously when no one answered, they were still obviously in great pain. Elsa promptly rested her gaze on Katherine, who was observing their friends with an unreadable expression on her face. "Katherine? What's going on?"

Katherine seemed as if she has fallen into a trance, regardless, she was able to come to her senses when Elsa called out her name. Her blank expression changed to a ponderous one, her gray eyes slowly shifted on Elsa, thus, they got warmer.

Her response was short, simple and too good to be true. "They are recalling their memories, my dear friend."

A shaky sigh came out of her breath, in fact, her whole body was probably shuddering, her throat went dry. But it didn't matter at all, the important thing was... Elsa hurriedly turned her head and darted her eyes at the man she loved and did not remember her.

The Spirit of Winter was staring at her, his eyes were brimmed with tears, he did not strive to stop a teardrop when it escaped from the corner of his eye.

"Hey, Snowflake."

Her hands immediately went to her mouth as a loud hiccup left her lips, her blue eyes were fully open. Years... 172 years have passed away and finally, finally they were reunited.

"Really?" she asked sarcastically while she was trying to hold her sobs, "That's the best you could come up with?" she teased him, but her voice was hoarse instead of playful and jovial.

"What would you like me to say?" he replied cheekily as he came closer, his arms have already been wrapped around her body.

She clutched him and buried her face in his neck, she simply enjoyed herself whereas she was breathing his scent that always soothed her. For nearly two hundred years, she have imagined this moment over and over but now, everything she had planned to say was no longer important. He, her Jackson was finally with her.

"I love you." she breathed out and confessed her love, she couldn't help but plant an affectionate kiss at the tip of his jaw.

"I love you too." he instantly responded back without uncertainty, then, he brought their lips closer... The two lovers finally began to kiss each other, they both smiled as they sensed each other, they were fully reconnected.

"Am I the only one who wants to puke?" Bunny blurted out, caused everyone to send him a death glare but Jack and Elsa paid him no mind, they were still pressing their lips against each other passionately.

"I mean, of course I am happy that those two lovesick are finally together. But, are we going to ignore that Jack and I were... brothers?!"

Jack broke the kiss rapidly, he cringed in disgust as placed his one arm around his stomach. "I gotta throw up."

"Way to kill the mood, Aster." Tooth grumbled and smacked at his head whereas the others, including Elsa, were watching the two traumatized guardians in pure amusement.

Eventually, she got a bit bored of watching Bunny and Jack, bickering and assaulting at each other, saying that they would rather die than being brothers.

"Why now?" she couldn't help but wonder out loud, "Why did they receive their memories now?" she raised a question at Katherine, who was standing right next to her.

The answer came from Tooth.

"How could we remember you if you didn't believe in yourself in the first place?" the Guardian of Memories mumbled with a genuine, knowing grin on her face.

The room wasn't exactly bright, she had a hardship on seeing easily due to the lack of the light, nonetheless, she was able to discern a lot of things such as the furniture and the fact that... Pitch was definitely not resting on his bed.

"I don't understand... After all the things I have done, why don't you fear me? Why don't you hate me?"

Elsa turned around to face the King of Nightmares, whose arms were crossed together from his behind, who had such an emotionless expression on his face.

"I've been controlled by fear for a very long time. Then... I found love. I learned how to love myself and others. I now have the strength to fight against fear and I certainly don't need hate."

There was a pause.

"That's a stupid answer." he eventually retorted with an uncharacteristically husky voice, he almost sounded... confused. She could easily notice that as she stared right into his golden-yellow eyes.

"I don't hate you Pitch." she admitted easily. "I... I never did. Not even truly when you killed Sandy, not even when I found out that you traumatized Katherine by killing Nighlight. When I look at you, I..." her voice trailed off, was reluctant to continue.

"You what?"

"I see myself. A different version of me, still, I see myself." she confessed the truth that she has been hiding for a long time.

"Emily Jane." he blurted out quietly.


"My daughter... Her name was Emily Jane Pitchiner." he explained, then slowly broke their gaze and locked his eyes into the darkness as he turned his head away from her. "You... You remind me of her."

Elsa blinked repeatedly and then shut her eyes down, her mind went blank whereas she was striving to digest his words. When she grasped what he had said, she opened her eyes and found herself looking at the darkness. He was long gone.

"Thank you, Pitch." she whispered in the darkness with a barely audible tone, knowing very well that he would hear her.

~10 years later~

"Jack!" the platinum blonde-haired woman cried out her boyfriend's name, then she couldn't help but let out a giggle. "Can you please wait for a little?"

The snow-white haired man seemed like he was about to stop, but then he didn't, he was practically running. "Nope! You said didn't want to fly so you have to walk fast, princess!"

"Jackson Overland Frost!" she shrieked behind him, but she complied by starting to run to keep up with his speed.

As he ultimately slowed down, she was panting and trying to catch her breath. Jack was too enthusiastic to feel tired, but to Elsa, it was the opposite. She didn't know where they were going and he was still intending to keep it as a secret, honestly, she was getting a bit annoyed. They have been walking in a small forest-like place that was near to Burgess, Elsa would have enjoyed the pleasing view of nature, if her boyfriend hasn't been acting odd.

Nonetheless, when he stretched out his arm and gently pulled her to his side, the warm sensation swelled in her heart instantly, she reacted to the contact by caressing skin.

"You know that I love you, right? More than anyone else I've ever loved." he murmured as they embraced each other, he was holding her so tightly.

Jack's insecurity was truly sweet and adorable, but it was unnecessary. She beamed at him without hiding her fondness, then she planted a kiss on his cheek and nodded in agreement. "I know. I love you too."

"Great, awesome, perfect. Cause it would have been really weird if you declined what I am about to do, I really really love you by the way, like, a lot and I know it is cheesy of me to say but I still want to say that I am so sure that my love for you will last forever because you are an amazing person and-"

"Jack. Just propose to me."

"W-What?" he exclaimed in utter shock, his jaw dropped on the ground as his eyes went wide.

A chuckle escaped from her lips, it was genuinely amusing to witness that he was actually baffled. "You are not exactly the best at keeping secrets away from me. I've realized you were up to something. It didn't take me long to figure out that you wanted to propose... You were so oblivious, Jack."

"Did someone tell you?" he asked hastily, which caught Elsa by surprise.

"No. Who knows about this?" she interrogated him curiously.

"Erm," he stuttered out as he ran a hand through his hair. "I needed a little advice, okay?"


"Jamie, North, Sandy, Tooth and Katherine."

A deep frown formed on her face as she sent a questioning glance at her boyfriend. Jack immediately understood that she was curious about their reaction, so he proceeded to explain.

"Jamie helped me with the ring, North gave me the tightest hug that would surely kill me if I was mortal, then he has told me his love story for hours. Sandy, being the sane person he is, calmly congratulated me, Tooth, well, she got too excited so you know, she has been planning our wedding for months now."

"Oh." she let out because what else could she say to this? She admittedly was bewildered... Regardless, their friends' behaviors were anticipated.

"What about Katherine?" she couldn't help but wonder, "Let me guess, you wanted to use her powers for the perfect proposal." she presumed, knowing very well that she was right.

"Ugh, don't remind me."

"Give me the details."


"Katherine!" the Winter Spirit cried out his friend's name joyfully and enthusiastically.

"What do you want?" the woman snarled without turning her head to look at him, she was busy with cleaning her beloved goose, Kailash's fur.

"Why do you assume I want something? I just wanted to greet my best friend, the most awesome person-"

"Jack, you occasionally greet me by Mother Goose because you think I get annoyed, which is quite idiotic since I like really that name and I love goose. Besides, I know you want to ask me how can you propose to Elsa. I can predict the near future, I am the story-"

"-Teller, yeah we get it, you know everything, jeez. Now, can you please tell me how can I make the best proposal?"

"You don't want my opinion. You want to know what your future self will do."

"Yeah, that's pretty obvious."

"I won't tell you. I think you should figure that out by yourself."

"You decline my request just to make things harder for me, right?"

"Oh yes, definitely, one hundred percent. I love watching you suffer."

"...I hate you."

"If you want my personal advice... Just propose. I don't think a big romantic jest is necessary. You love her more than anything, that's what matters and she knows that."

"Wow, thanks for the help." he replied sarcastically and then, rolled his eyes.

Katherine turned her head, her gray eyes were starting at him with an evident... fondness. This was quite odd since she has hardly ever shown how much she appreciated him, she usually did her best to act as if she was irritated.

"Anytime, jackass."

-flashbacks ends-

"She is right, you know. I think, as always, she has given the wisest answer. I don't need a fancy proposal... I already feel complete thanks to you. You make me really happy. There is no need to be anxious about, I want to marry you, Jackson."

"Oh my god Elsa, let me propose first! I worked really hard for this!" he exclaimed loudly, the look on his face showed that hewas clearly crestfallen she had found out the surprise.

Jack was never a perfectionist, nevertheless, he put so much effort into making the perfect proposal just for her. Even though she liked teasing the Guardian of Fun himself, she did feel bad for him, so she decided to comply.

When they reached their destination, she was so glad that she did.

It was a simple and definitely a heartwarming sight. The meadow was covered with colorful, patterned Eastern eggs, children from different ages were collecting them. It was truly a bliss to witness happy kids running around the multicolored flowers, playing games and enjoying their time in such a peaceful place.

"You even requested Bunny's help?" she marveled, she leaned down to pick a small, snowflake patterned eastern egg.

"I have to give Kangaroo a credit, he helped me a lot with decoration." he admitted whereas he was nodding in agreement.

"Why this place?" she inquired quietly, she was still watching the children.

When she turned her attention to him, she found herself staring at her lover who was on his knees. He was holding out a tiny, breathtaking snowflake-shaped ring with both hands. She had foreseen this, nonetheless, her eyes have already been brimming with tears.

"Snowflake, every second I spend with you is the best gift for me. Every day, the more I get to know you, the more I fall in love with you. And yes, I know that's very sappy, but I really feel that way." he began to talk calmly whereas she was trying to hold herself not to jump into his arms. She wanted him to continue with his speech.

"I chose this place to propose to you because... Look at these kids, Elsa. I know you've always wanted a child, but you can never biologically have one and that pains you so much. Still, that doesn't mean you can't have a child. The kids playing over there, are all orphans. I... I think, we can be the parents of these children by protecting them and loving them unconditionally. Together, in a sense, we can be the parents of every child in the world. Of course, if you want that... Elsa Arendelle... Will you marry me?"

Unable to control herself any longer, Elsa threw herself at him before he could stand up. She immediately wrapped her arms around his neck and tenderly crushed her lips on his.

"Yes. Jackson Overland Frost, I will make you."

Katherine Shalazar smiled to herself.

For hundreds of years, the Guardian of Storytelling told children many various stories. Some of them had magic in them, some of them had enchanting creatures. She told a lot of stories and as the children listened to these stories, they learned new things. Lovers, friends who knocked over mountains for each other, brave heroes and gruesome villains, breathtaking adventures...

Stories, fairy tales, myths, legends, fables... They were the symbols of something extraordinary and yet, beautiful. If it weren't for the children who believed in them with all of their innocent hearts... They all existed because of children, their belief made them real.

The tale of the Snow Queen and the Winter Spirit was no exception.

Once upon a time, there was a young queen. This young queen was no ordinary, she was possessed with amazing powers, she had the ability to manipulate ice and snow. Once upon a time, there was a young shoeless peasant. He was a completely ordinary boy, but he had the warmest heart among all.

One day, the young queen lost her control, people accused her of being a monster. She ran away, simply let her magic go, then saved her kingdom. Years later, when the north wind met the sea, she embarked on a new adventure.

One day, the young man sacrificed himself to save his sister, he fell into an ice-cold lake and gave his last breath. When he woke up, his brown hair and eyes were no longer brown, he now had snow-white hair and blue eyes. Years later, he saved the world from fear with the help of his friends.

Soon, their paths came across, perhaps it was the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, perhaps it was destiny, perhaps it was simply how the story should have gone on.

Either way, the two souls found each other, soon, they discovered that they were made for each other. Throughout their lives, they were alone but now they didn't feel lonely anymore, they someone who understood them.

During their journey, she understood that love was the key, he understood that fun was the key. The Guardian of Love and the Guardian of Fun, they completed each other.

"So, dear readers..." Katherine said with a mysterious glint on her gray eyes, her lips twitched in amusement. "That's the tale of the War of the North and the tale of how two lonely people found each other."

"Huh, what are you saying, Mother Goose?"

"Nothing, Jack," the Storyteller retorted with her usual composed and reserved manner, she brushed his question off while she was still beaming a little mysteriously.


Holy sweet pancakes, look at this corny and fluffy chapter. I make them suffer a lot but in the end, I always find myself writing the cheesiest ending. Shout out to M.V.P Knight by the way, if they didn't advise me to write an epilogue, I would totally skip the proposal part. I hope you are happy with that cliche scene, my friend.

Special thanks to M.V.P Knight, Austrian and Nerdynia for their amazing support and wonderful reviews, you guys motivated me a lot, I love you all. Thanks to everyone who left a review, followed/favourited this story, I appreciate that a lot.

So... another story is finished and another one (let's make it two plus a one-shot) is about to start. I am really nervous, I hope I won't be lazy and I hope you love Western AU's.

Thank you for reading the War of the North, I honestly had so much fun while writing this. I was thinking of a sequel but I don't think I will actually do it because it would be too much Katherine-centric and less focused on Jelsa.

I hope you enjoyed this story, please leave a review, I am always open to criticism. I love you all, take care!