Full Description: Rosalie had screwed up big time. Her instincts had taken over when she'd heard a group of school boys bragging about a sexual assault. Resulting in her attacking a human in the middle of the school halls. She nearly outed her whole family. Though through some convoluted twist of fate she managed to evade trouble. But only if she goes to compulsory counselling twice a week.

Easy enough to deal with, she thinks. Rosalie just tells the human what she wants to hear and the therapist eats it up. That is until her counsellor is replaced by someone decidedly not human.
How can she cope when she can no longer hide behind lies? And is this therapy effecting her in other ways?

This is based off of my sister's story ideas.
I wrote this as a gift for her but you guys can read it too.

Trigger warning- There will be mentions of rape in this story but it will all be in the past.

To be human is to love
Even when it gets too much
I'm not ready to give up

To Be Human-Sia

Easy enough to deal with, she thinks. Rosalie just tells the human what she wants to hear and the therapist eats it up. That is until her counsellor is replaced by someone decidedly not human.
How can she cope when she can no longer hide behind lies? And is this therapy effecting her in other ways?

Deep, dark clouds hung heavy in the sky. Shielding everything below it from even the barest glimpse of sunlight. The rain poured down in thick torrents and created miniature rivers that snaked through the concrete yard. One would have to expertly avoid them to prevent their shoes getting ruined.

Which of course, Rosalie, knew how to do. She didn't wear designer shoes just to have them destroyed by stupid rain water.

As much as she was pleased by the cloud cover, that didn't mean that she had to like what came with it. Yes, it offered her and her family the protection they needed; but at the same time her sweater was cashmere and didn't fair well in a downpour.

She often missed when her family had lived in the far north. Where the daylight hours were so short they barely missed any of the day. At least then they could go outside and the sky was clear.

However, that was the past. Now they were here in sunny Forks Washington. A place that they now had to stay indefinitely because her stupid brother decided that he was actually attracted to someone. That someone ended up being a human of all things. It's like Edward lived to stress her out.

Every second Bella spent around them was a clock ticking closer and closer to disaster. Either for her family or just Bella in general. Just look at what happened with James. The girl was just a magnet for danger. She was either going to bring danger to her family. By other vampires finding out about her or god forbid the volturi ever found out. Or her family would bring harm to Bella. By either changing her or killing her.

It was inevitable really. They were the only ways this would end if they continued this farce of a relationship.

No one else but Rosalie seemed to see it this way. They thought her heartless because she refused to like the human. It made her laugh sometimes. As if their disappointment was going to make her change her mind. She wasn't going to let other people dictate her thoughts. Family or not.

So that meant that, for now, she had to grin and bear it. Which also meant that she had to finish highschool. Again.

Rosalie dodged a rather deep puddle as she made her way between two buildings. The fact that the school was made up of multiple, unconnected buildings always annoyed her. You would think that in a place where it rains for 300 days of the year, you would have at least built a school with interconnected corridors. Why prolong the suffering of all the students inside by letting them be drenched? The janitor here must never rest.

There were a few students milling around the entrance to building 3. Chatting amongst themselves and half blocking the door. Rosalie did not slow her stride though. Either they would move or they would know what it felt like to walk head first into a stone statue.

Thankfully, one member of the group did clock her. It might have been Rosalie's determined look or just the general unsafe aura that a vampire naturally exudes. But the girls eyes widened almost comically and she literally jumped out of the entryway. Her friends turned to see what had made her jump and immediately followed suit.

One of them even held the door open for her. How chivalrous.

She gave them one of her breathtaking smiles that would catch anyone off guard and glided through the door.

Her nose wrinkled slightly as she came in. The difference in temperature hit you immediately. From frigid and cold to sweaty and stuffy. The air was closer and cloistering. It tended to amplify the scents of others. Making them harder to ignore than when she was outside. However, she prided herself on her self-control. In fact, she may be one of the few vampires in existence that had never drank human blood. She swallowed back some of the venom that had instinctively pooled in her mouth. Before carrying on walking as if nothing had happened.

It only took a moment to adjust. Milliseconds at most. Any human looking at her wouldn't have even realised that she had paused. To them it would appear that her walk was seamless.

She made her way towards the girls bathroom. Obviously she didn't need to use it. But she did like to check her make-up at least once a day. The bathroom in building 3 had the best lighting, in her opinion.

Her hand reached out to open the door. Then froze. Her superior hearing zeroed in on an odd sound coming from within. Sniffles and raspy breaths.

Oh god. She was not in the mood for humans crying about their dumb life problems. They were always hung up on insignificant and stupid things. Like 'Rebecca won't speak to me' or 'Mom wouldn't buy me a car'. None of them realised what they had. Too busy thinking about what they don't have. Or caught up in things that don't ultimately matter.

But they all had a perfectly normal human life. They act like they have nothing when they had everything Rosalie ever wanted.

It made her blood boil. Well, it would if she had any.

So Rosalie paused outside the bathroom. Listening in to the girl's crying. Hopefully she would be done soon and Rosalie could check her makeup without the audience of tears.

"S. stop being silly, Lilly" the girl was talking to herself. A tremble in her voice. There was a sound of skin against skin. As if she were wiping tears away. " 's your boyfriend. course you wanted it"

Rosalie went rigid. Her breathing cut off and she stop pretending to. It felt like she was even more still than a vampire usually was. She was screwed if anyone walked passed but she couldn't bring herself to move. It was like all of her instincts were screaming at her.

"I, I" Lily's words cut off in a gasp "I wasn't ready" Her sobs began again in full.

Had her boyfriend forced her in some way? Rosalie ground her teeth together.

She pushed her way through the door. A little too roughly in her anger. The door bounced off the wall and startled the girl inside.

She was quite small. Though not as small as Alice. The hair was a dark brown and reached to her shoulders. Rosalie recognised her as another senior. They had had at least 2 classes together over the years. She had always been quite cheerful and had a happy outlook on anything. Quite the opposite to what Rosalie could see now.

Lily had her arms wrapped tightly around her self. As if she was trying to close herself off from everything. Her expression was guarded and fearful. Even her hands were shaking.

"I, I'm Rosalie" Lilly Stuttered "I just leaving"

Lily made to leave. Gathering all of her things with shaky hands. A few things dropped out of her bag in her haste. She had to bend down to pick them up.

Rosalie crossed her arms and refused to move from in front of the door. The fear in Lily's eyes was stoked once more. Being trapped in a small space with a vampire could do that to you. But Rosalie wasn't going to let her leave yet.

"Did something happen to you?" Her voice wasn't soft but at the same time there was no judgement in it. Her question was genuine.

Lily's eyes widened in surprise. It's not everyday that the supposed perfect ice queen seemed genuinely concerned about you.

Everyone always thought that Rosalie cared for nobody but herself. What they didn't know is that she feels deeply about many people. She was just very good at suppressing it usually. As caring too much would only lead to pain. Her life could attest to that.

However, sometimes, those feelings still bubbled up to the surface. Making her act rashly. Like right now. The thought that this young girl could have experienced anything close to what happened to her had forced her to interact rather than ignore.

"Err no, no I'm fine. Really" she said, though tears still gathered in her eyes.

"If someone forced you to do something you didn't want to do you shouldn't stand for it" There was a fire in Rosalie's eyes as she spoke.

"Nothing happened!" An unexpected anger rose in Lily's voice. "I just. I just. I want to leave. Can I leave please?"

Rosalie stared at Lily for a beat longer. Then she sighed and stepped away from the door. Lily darted for it as fast as she could. Nearly dropping her things again.

Rosalie let out an uncharacteristic groan and leaned against the sink. She was only trying to help. It wasn't her fault that no one ever seemed to trust that.

"Hey Babe are you okay?" Rosalie heard Emmett's voice from across the school. He must have heard her groan in annoyance.

"Yeah, I'm fine" she spoke softly. "I just tried to help someone and it backfired"

"Never trying that again" Rosalie laughed

"Maybe I can make you feel better later" She could almost hear the suggestively raised eyebrows as he spoke. "We haven't broken a bed in a while"

Though after the topic that was just brought up she wasn't sure she would be in a mood for anything of the sort later. But she couldn't deny that she was happy with the offer.

"We'll see" she said

Rosalie tried to put the human out of her mind. She didn't run into her again as she made her way to her English lesson. It passed by agonisingly slowly. Redoing the same lessons over and over gets boring real fast. This is why she loathed having to repeat highschool. She would much prefer if she only ever went to college. However, it all depended on where they chose to live at the time. There were no colleges in Forks so highschool it was.

There would sometimes be pleasant surprises. When the curriculum changed and she would get to learn something new. Those days were fun. But they were few and far between.

By the time lunch rolled around, Rosalie was already in a mood. Her interaction with Lily earlier plus the sight of Edward fawning over Bella just left her with a bad taste in her mouth. Though that could also be the venom.

Emmett was the only one that managed to get her to crack a smile. Though he could always do that anyway. No matter the mood she was in. It did cause her some frustration sometimes. Like when she was trying to be angry with him. But she also wouldn't change it for the world.

After lunch she had to make her way to her locker to collect her textbooks. Technically she could carry all of them in her backpack no problem. It's not like they weighed much of anything. However, she preferred not to lug around a huge bag. It would ruin her aesthetic.

People were milling around as she made her way there. Most were just bustling passed. Meandering down the corridor, as lessons hadn't quite started yet. Rosalie had to skirt around a group of three boys that didn't have the brains to move. They were too ingrained in their own conversation. She just about stopped herself from shoving passed them. No need to touch a random human if it wasn't necessary.

When she reached her locker she finally tuned in the what the ignorant boys were talking about.

"I can't believe you finally banged her dude" said one of them. He was chubbier than the other two and had greasy brown hair.

Rosalie rolled her eyes at his choice of words. How childish.

"Yeah I thought she was always so frigid" said another boy. Rather short and built like a twig.

"I know. It was amazing. She finally gave it up. It only took some careful convincing" Said a tall blonde boy. He had above average looks which gave him an untapped well of undeserved confidence. His friends all laughed with him.

Rosalie's hand clenched around her book. Leaving nail marks in the cover. Once again she stopped breathing. Turning her full attention to the conversation they were having.

"Fuck, man it felt good. It would have been perfect too if she wasn't crying through the whole thing. It was a major turn off."

None of his disgusting little friends even batted an eyelid at the fact that she had been crying. They apparently didn't see anything wrong with the statement.

"That's girl's for you. Always so sensitive" The first boy spoke again.

"Yeah well her parents are away tonight. So I'm gonna go around and surprise her. Probably get lucky again" The blonde raised his hand, high fiving his two friends.

Rosalie then realised exactly who the blonde was. His name was Drew and he just so happened to be the boyfriend of Lily. The person that Lily had just been crying about in the bathroom.

The textbook disintegrated in her grip. Bits of paper exploding into the cavern of her locker. A red haze descended on Rosalie and she grit her teeth almost painfully. So while Lily appeared to be traumatised, this piece of shit was bragging about his conquest. He was laughing amongst his friends while she cried her eyes out.

Rosalie knew exactly what type of man this Drew was. She had personal experience with one just like him. If she was still human she would probably be feeling sick. Instead the burning in her throat flared to unimaginable levels. It only served to fuel her anger.

This rapist was laughing like nothing could touch him. Like he always got everything he wanted. He even planned to go back and do it again.

All it took was a split second decision. Rosalie slammed her locker closed. The edges buckled with the force of her swing. Wedging the door into the locker. She would worry about that later.

"Rosalie. Stop!" Alice's frantic voice called to her but she ignored it.

The group of boys definitely noticed her this time as she approached. The anger in her eyes was more intense than they had ever seen it. They all visibly paled and stepped backwards.

"Do you think it's funny?" she growled "You think forcing yourself on girls is funny"

Drew recovered quicker than Rosalie had expected. Standing up to his full height. He looked like he was trying to intimidate her back. He mustn't have had any form of self preservation in that weak little body of his.

"Fuck off, Barbie." He leaned down towards Rosalie "She wanted it"

For a brief second Drew's face was replaced by the face of another blonde. The face of Royce. The thin semblance of control Rosalie had on her anger was immediately destroyed. Rosalie's lips drew back from her teeth. Causing Drew to jump back. "She didn't want any of it, you repugnant earthworm"

"You raped her!" quick as a flash Rosalie hit out. With both hands she pushed against Drew's chest. Sending him rocketing into the Lockers behind him.

A strange cacophony of sounds was a groaning of metal. As the lockers caved in where Drew's head had been. All the contents of the lockers shook. Clanging against the sides. She could even here the odd meaty sound of Drew's brain hitting against the inside of his skull.

Drew's eyes rolled back in his head and he dropped limply to the was shocked gasps from the people gathered around.

Rosalie stumbled back when she realised what she had just done. Any harder and the human would have been pasted on the walls. She had lost control and nearly killed someone.

Thankfully, Drew wasn't dead. No blood had been spilled. But he was still unconscious at her feet and there were several witnesses to testify to what she had just done.

There was nowhere to hide.


"This is serious Miss Hale" The principal was stood behind his desk. His hands raked through his hair.

Rosalie crossed her arms and kept her lips tightly sealed.

An ambulance had been called pretty quickly. Drew had remained unconscious throughout the whole thing. Making Rosalie nervous.

Several witnesses pointed towards her and she was carted off by the teachers. She had to let them drag her around lest they realise that she wasn't human. It didn't mean that she liked it. Her teeth were gritted and she refused to let anyone touch her. She let them guide her towards the principal's office.

Her family were lingering outside. Emmett had nearly threatened to bring the door down to try and get to her. However she told him to calm down and that she would be fine. Even if she didn't exactly feel all that confident right now.

She could hear the student population buzzing like flies.

"Did you see what happened?"

"Rosalie just went psycho"

She tried to block them out as best she could.

Much to her fear a police officer had shown up to the school. Even worse, he claimed to be the father of the guy she had attacked. Rosalie bit the inside of her cheek to stop herself from crying out at the injustice of everything.

"This girl attacked my son. I should arrest her right now" Drew's dad spat.

His face was bright red and a sheen of sweat covered his brow. Strand of dirty blonde hair stuck to his forehead. Rosalie just about stopped herself from sneering in disgust at the man. If his son was anything to go by, she knew exactly what type of man he was.

Rosalie levelled him with an unimpressed look. The officer was trying to flaunt his authority. To scare her. She was never gonna let that happen.

Her lack of reaction only seemed to fuel his anger further. He was too used to people being scared of him. Of doing what he wanted them to do.

"Now, now Officer Matthews I think that is too far," said the Principal. "I'm sure that there is a reasonable explanation for this altercation"

They both turned to her with varying degrees of expectation.

Rosalie uncrossed her arms and drew herself up. She glared directly at Officer Matthews. "Your son was bragging about raping his girlfriend. Right in the middle of the corridor. I decided to intervene"

The principal seemed to visibly age as she spoke. Like the world was weighing heavier with each second.

"How dare you" Growled the Officer "That is defamation of character"

So he wasn't saying 'oh my son would never do that', he was more concerned about Rosalie telling everyone about it.

"Yes we did have a few witnesses say something similar" said the Principal, his voice was tired. "But when we asked Miss. Williams about it, she denied it"

"Of course she did" Rosalie's voice rose "She's terrified"

She directed her gaze towards Officer Matthews again. "Her boyfriends dad is a cop for crying out loud. Whatever claim she made would just disappear"

Officer Matthews looked ready to explode. His red face becoming somehow even redder. However, the Principal butted in first. "Be that as it may Miss Hale no charges can be brought up against Mr. Matthews if she denies it happened."

The Principal took a deep breath "You are an exceptional student and I am loathe to punish you. You've been here for nearly 3 years and we have never once had an incident. However, you have acted violently towards another student. Usually that would result in an expulsion or at least a suspension. But I feel that this was a one time offence. You were acting in a way that you deemed appropriate for the circumstances"

Rosalie stared at the Principal as he spoke. Slowing down the amount that she blinked. That way she could make him feel uncomfortable.

"So I am not going to suspend you" He stated "However, your violence in this situation implies that you have some issues of your own that you need to work through."

Rosalie narrowed her eyes. What the hell was he implying?

"As part of the terms for remaining in this school you will need to see a school counsellor. At least two times a week, for the foreseeable future"

A counsellor?! She did not need to speak to some old woman about the problems that she has. What the hell would talking to some stupid human even do? It's not like she would even be able to tell them anything about her life. Vampire secrecy and all that.

Rosalie open her mouth to fire back

"There will be no arguing or negotiating. Do I make myself clear Miss. Hale?" The Principal said.

She closed her mouth with an audible snap. "Crystal"


"What do you mean we can't leave?" Rosalie asked, mystified.

As soon as she had left that office she had been fully prepared to run. She didn't need to be in this god forsaken backwater anyway. The first chance they got they would just move on and she wouldn't have to be forced to do anything. Edward had growled when he heard the direction her thoughts were headed. Telling her that they wouldn't leave just like that. She just scoffed and barged her way passed him. What did he know anyway?

However when they had gotten home she had got a rather out of character scolding from Carlisle. He had been the attending doctor when Drew had arrived at the hospital. He had to learn secondhand just what Rosalie had done. When he saw her, he had expressed his disappointment in her lack of control. Even though she hated to admit it, the comment had stung.

"We are not just going to uproot our family like that Rosalie" said Carlisle. "Edward has finally found someone and it would break him if we had to leave"

Of course she thought This about Edward. It's always about him. Oh poor Edward. We need to look after Edward. They don't care about what happens to me.

"Stop being selfish Rose" Edward piped up from behind her.

Rosalie spun around glaring at her brother. "Get out of my head, Asshole" Rosalie grit her teeth "And call me Rose again and I'll shove that piano so far up your.."

"That's enough" shouted Carlisle, looking between Rosalie and Edward "Both of you"

Edward looked away, in annoyance with being called out. Rosalie bit the inside of her cheek and turned around.

"Rosalie, I understand why you did what you did. But there are better ways to handle a situation like that." Carlisle raised his eyebrows at her. Emphasising his point. "Ones that don't result in a human nearly dying"

Rosalie felt some of her anger deflate. What Carlisle was saying was right. She had acted rashly and nearly gotten her family outed. Normally that was Edward's thing not hers.

A rumble emanated from Edward's chest. I'm not the one who darts in front of cars or messes around with humans

There was a definite tension in the air as Edward fought himself to not say anything. If you don't like what you hear then keep that pretty little mind to yourself.

Edward sighed dramatically down his nose.

"If you had come to me with your concerns then we could have come up with something more under the radar. Without alerting any more of the humans. However, because you acted without thinking we now can't do that" Said Carlisle. "This situation is down to your actions, Rosalie. So you must be the one to deal with the consequences."

Rosalie huffed, defeated. She had no room left to argue.

A rather large arm wound its way around Rosalie's shoulders. She felt herself relax into it. The comforting, sweet scent of her husband washed over her. Emmett's presence always calmed her down.

"Come on Babe. You only have to see a counsellor twice a week. It shouldn't cause too much heartache." said Emmett "Just say what you think they want to hear. Use that Psych degree of yours to reverse psychologise her"

Rosalie couldn't help but smile at Emmett. When he put it that way, it didn't sound so bad. Maybe this would be a walk in the park.

Nothing is ever a walk in the park Rosalie you should know this by now.
Also rapist-killer Rosalie Hale is a badass and I love her.
I don't know how often I will write this fic as I've got other active fic's that I need to be writing. But I will attempt to keep writing this