A new Era of Super powers.

The universe is full of mysteries no one can fully understand. But what many do understand is that the universe is full of life. Each sentient life form is capable of good and evil. And while the universe if full of those people, we are going to focus on the planet named Earth. A planet full of heroes and villains, each with their own motives and goals. Super heroes and super villains has co existed since the beginning, and been locked in a never ending war between peace and chaos. One of these villains was a man named Lex Luthor.

Lex's life is so full of different events that one could write a very long book about it, but the basic thing to understand about him is his complete hatred of one of the world's most beloved heroes. The man of Steel, Superman. Lex's hatred for the heroes lead to a long a costly war.

The constant years of battle saw to the deaths of numerous heroes and villains and the destruction of Metropolis. While Superman went into exile in the sun's core, Earth's remaining champions launched a final campaign against Luthor's forces in the ruins of Metropolis. Sadly, Luthor's plan was more effective, and he managed to finish of most of the remaining heroes, and finally killed his arch enemy, Superman... but his victory was short lived as the extraterrestrial cyborg named Braniac arrived with his fleet.

With barely any heroes left to fend of the invasion, Braniac had an easy time taking what he wanted from the planet. With no other option left, Luthor traveled back in time to before the devastating war took place. He explained everything to four of the Justice League's prime members: Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, and the smiling hero All Might. After he explained, he unleashed something called Exobyte.

Created by Brainiac, the Exobyte is a miniature nanite roughly the size of a flea. Capable of downloading near infinite amounts of data and energy, the nanite is capable of killing an opponent by entering their body and digitizing them cell by cell, usually analyzing them in the process.

Following data-retrieval exobytes are also capable of attacking in a swarm to digitise allocated targets or infect a target with an allocated virus. However, these one had been changed. They already carried a lot of energy, so instead of draining energy, they would spread across the world and began to infect countless citizens on Earth, altering their DNA and giving them extra normal abilities; bestowing them with Magical knowledge, Technological prowess or Metahuman ability similar to the super-powered beings already in existence.

And just like that, a new era of super powers had begun, for better or worse.

This leads us to the current events. Kyoka Jiro, a young girl of Japanese decent who currently lived in Gotham City, woke up to find herself in a kapsel. Confused and scared she tried to get out by pounding the glass, but nothing happened.

"What is happening!? Let me out! Let me out!" She shouted, not even noticing the changes her body was going through "I said... LET ME OUT!".

Her scream proved far stronger than it should have been, as the glass shattered from the force of the sound of her voice. Jiro fell out, breathing hard before touching her neck after she realized what she just did.

"How... did I do that?" She asked herself before an explosion was heard and then the door to the room was blown up.

Jiro shielded her eyes before she dared to look again. She saw several destroyed robots, meaning whatever this place was, it was under attack. Having no desire to stay here, Jiro quickly ran out of the room. She checked the halls but all she saw was more destroyed robots.

"GET DOWN!" Came the shout of a boy before Jiro was tackled down, just as another machine showed up out of no where. had she not been tackled down, the machine would have taken her head clean of "Come on! We need to go!".

Jiro barely had time to register what was happening before she was pulled to her feet and dragged down the hall way "What is happening!?".

"I'll explain later, after we are not behind enemy line!" The boy answered as he continued to pull her down the hall while putting his free hand to his ear "Red Robin here! I just found the last prisoner, be ready to get us out of here!".

'Who is he talking to?' Jiro wondered but decided not to ask yet. But wait, Red Robin? He was a part of Batman's team, everyone in Gotham knew about them.

They ran through another door and Red Robin sealed the door by destroying the controls, all to keep the army of robots "Come on! We are almost there".

"Almost where? Just where are you taking me?" Jiro demanded.

"Back to earth" Red Robin answered.

"Back to earth? Wait, I'm in space!?" Jiro asked in shock.

"Trust me, space is normally not this hectic, but alien invasions tends to liven things up a bit" Red Robin said "Now we need to hurry before they catch up".

"I'm trying, I can't run this much" Jiro said, already out of breath.

"Sorry, I didn't consider that. Well I got a way to deal with that" Red Robin said. Jiro yelped as her suddenly picked her up and began running with her in his arms. Jiro blushed, but this did make things easier for both of them. Red Robin ran until they reached a dead end. He put her down and contacted his friend again "Alright, we are in position, get us out of here" The door was suddenly blown open as Braniac's robots had finally caught up with them "Hurry up! What do you mean the teleporter is not ready yet!? We don't have 30 more seconds!".

The robots was getting closer, and Red Robin growled as he pulled out his staff, ready to defend Jiro from the approaching death. But Jiro panicked and suddenly let out another super scream, which sent the human sized robots back. Red Robin had to cover his ear from the sound, but once Jiro stopped screaming he looked at her.

"So, that's your power. I know someone who will love to meet you" He said.

Before Jiro could ask what he meant, they were finally teleported out of the ship.

Once they were back on earth, Jiro collapsed on the floor, breathing hard. Red Robin bent down on a knee and put a hand on her back "You OK?".

Jiro looked at him in both fear and confusion "Please... tell me what just happened".

"We will, I promise. But it will need to wait until our friends deals with the invasion. Given it was only a few of Braniac's ships, and the big bad himself has not shown up, it shouldn't take to long" Red Robin said.

Jiro was to tired to argue so she just passed out in Red Robins arms. Hours later, Jiro stood in a room full of many other people. They were waiting to have the situation explained to them. They didn't need to wait long before All Might, Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman arrived. Four veteran members of the Justice League? This really must be big.

"Greetings everyone! Now I am sure many of you are confused by what is happening right now. And do not worry, we are here to explain it the best we can. You're up, Superman" All Might said before stepping aside, allowing Superman to take center stage.

"Thank you, All Might. Now listen up everyone. As I'm sure you all have noticed, something is different about you. Some of you were just everyday citizens yesterday. But now, you all wake up and are suddenly able to do things you never could before. You have all been granted super powers. Explaining everything in detail would take more time than most of you have, but what you do need to know is that our future is looking very dark. The world is in danger of complete and utter destruction, in that future me and my friends failed, because we were to blinded by smaller pictures to the point we didn't even notice the massive threat that was closing in" Superman began to explain and held up his hand when he noticed how worried everyone were getting "But we have been given a chance to fight back. Now I know all of you have no idea what to at the moment, given you just received your powers. Luckily, the Justice League are no strangers to teaching new heroes. If you'd let us help you, we can teach you how to control your powers and use them for good. But I want to make one thing clear: If you agree to become heroes, you will step in to a very dangerous life, where every action and inaction will have consequences. So I want you all to know, if you don't feel ready for a life like that, then we are not going to force you, and you will be free to go back home and continue on with your normal lives".

Superman's words hit home. Many already began to leave, to wait for their ride back home. More than half of the people there decided to just leave. Jiro considered leaving too, but given they just saved her and told her they could help her with her new situation, she decided to stay. And she was not alone, several more people around her age decided to stay as well. Some even looked determined and eager to become heroes. Superman watched all who stayed for a few moments before she smiled.

"Thank you, all of you. The fact you were brave enough to even stay here proves that there is a hero inside all of you. Now step up, tell us your names and where you are from, and we will begin preparations for your new training" Superman said.

Jiro stepped up "Kyoka Jiro, Gotham City".

A boy stepped up next to her "Izuku Midoriya, Metropolis".

A girl stepped up "Momo Yaoyorozu, Coast City".

Another boy stepped up "Katsuki Bakugo, Metropolis. Tell me who I can blast".

Batman gave him a hard look "Next".

Another girl stepped up "Ochaco Uraraka, I am also from Metropolis".

The final person who was a boy stepped up "Shoto Todoroki, Star City".

All Might nods with his big smile still on his face "HAHAHA! The spirit of youth! Well, all of you will be brought back to your homes where you can rest up. Then once you are ready, we will begin your training".

With that, everyone were escorted home. After their ordeals they needed to rest. Not to mention, see their families again.

A couple of days later, Jiro woke up in her bed. She sat up, allowing the blanket to fall of her body, revealing her black pajamas. She had almost been sleeping non stop these past couple of days. She even believed all she went through might just have been a long strange dream. She got out of her bed and went to the window. She opened it up and breaths in some fresh air, ready for things to go back to normal...

"Are you ready yet?" Came a dark voice next to her. Jiro looked and saw Batman standing on the fire escape "You've had the chance to rest and think. Are you in or are you not?".

Jiro blinked several times "It was real...".

"Yes, now get dressed and get ready. Someone wants to see you. Meet us on the roof" Batman said before he vanished.

"Oh man" Jiro sighed out before heading back in to get ready. Once she got to the roof, she saw Batman and another popular hero... One that would be the best teacher for Jiro's specific powers. Black Canary.

She smiled at the young girl "Kyoka Jiro right? You and I have a lot to talk about".

There was no doubt in Jiro's mind that her life was about to go through a very big change. And little did she know, there were not just new heroes that were created... but new villains too.


Well, here is the first chapter of my new story. I have made plenty of stories starring Marvel characters, so naturally, I'd like to give DC a chance to shine. This is another story I have been planing for a while, but what held me back was that I didn't know what world I wanted DC to crossover with. I considered taking the safe route and just make a Marvel x DC story. But I decided to go with My Hero Academia instead.

My Hero Academia is an Anime I got in to thanks to Death Battle, and after watching the whole anime from beginning to end, I wanted to make a story for it too. DC and My Hero Academia are pretty similar in many areas, but also very different in other areas, so it will be fun to play them of each other in the future.

Now one thing you all need to keep in mind, this all takes place in the DC Universe. Meaning the power level of the My Hero Academia characters will be altered to suit the DC Universe. Meaning some characters will be nerfed or buffed, depending on the role they play, and their powers, or should is say quirks, will also be altered. They will have the same powers, but the way said powers works might be different.

As you've already seen, Jiro still has her sound powers, but it has been changed to a sonic scream, like Black Canary. This power change is the result of how they got their powers.

As you might have noticed, I used DC Universe Online as the base of the story, however I will not completely follow the events of the game. I will try to make this story as original as I can.


With all that out of the way, please tell me what you think. And I welcome suggestions.