A/N: Sooo, this is it! The very last chapter. I wasn't sure I would ever get here. But I'm glad i did. I can now move on to other things if I so desire. At some point, I would like to do a breath of the wild and Sonic crossover. But let's take this one step at a time. I will start with the legend of korra one whenever I publish another crossover.

Chaotic bending

Chapter 9: Super Hedgehogs, the Avatar's Heart and Forever Friendships

A few days later, after Aang had recovered from most of his illness, he asked Katara, "Did we…get it back? Can Sonic and his friends go home?"

Sonic nodded in response and told the young teen, "Yeah, we've got all the Chaos Emeralds. We were just waiting for you to get better. We'll probably need your help to open up a portal. Are you up to helping us with that yet?"

Aang smiled and nodded, then looked to Katara, who still seemed a little skeptical. He told his girlfriend, "Katara, I really do feel fine. I think I've finally adjusted to being around the Chaos Emeralds. Sonic, you have all of them on you right now, correct?"

Sonic chuckled and told the teenager, "Yeah, how'd you guess? See, Katara, he's fine. I think if he was going to regress to being sick again when exposed to them, he would have already fallen, and he hasn't. So, let's get started with all of this. Well, we will once Zuko and his guards get here."

Sokka folded his arms and asked Sonic and friends, "And why do we have to wait for them again?"

Shadow reminded Sokka, "We have to wait for them so that Infinite and Eggman get sent back too. If they aren't, they will continue to cause problems for Zuko and the Fire Nation, and it's not right to drop our problems on all of you. You're welcome."

Katara nodded in agreement, "Yeah, we have enough problems of our own. I'd rather not have two more potential headaches, thank you." She looked over as she heard yelling in the distance, and recognized Zuko's angry tone. She also heard some pain in his voice and sighed, "Sonic, you and Aang had better get ready. Zuko doesn't like to waste time when it comes to dealing with issues, and it sounds like Infinite and Eggman were giving him a rough time."

Sonic smirked and said, "So we have something in common. I don't like to waste time either." He looked over and saw Eggman and Infinite both in chains, being dragged in and then dropped on the ground like pieces of garbage by Fire Nation soldiers. Moments later, Zuko fell to his knees, groaning softly and rubbing his forehead.

Gasping, Katara and Toph both ran to Zuko's side. Katara asked, "Zuko, what's wrong? Did they do something to hurt you?"

Infinite cackled and told the waterbender, "The fat one may not have, but I certainly did, my girl. I could do the same to your fiancé if you'd like."

Katara glared at Infinite and responded, "You lay one finger on Aang, and I'll drown you. I don't care if it'll cause a cosmic imbalance, I really love Aang and letting beings from other worlds mess with him is not something I have ever considered. So you best keep that Phantom Ruby of yours in check."

Zuko told Katara softly, still having a small headache from what Infinite had done, "It's okay, Katara. Aang and I were the last ones he was able to use it on. It's powerless now. I can sense it." He looked to his airbending friend and asked, "How are you feeling?"

Aang nodded, "I'm fine. We should get everything ready to send Sonic and the others back though, while the timing is right."

Toph asked him, "Are you sure about this, twinkle-toes? I mean, the Chaos Emeralds and Phantom Ruby made you really sick before."

Aang responded, "I'm sure, Toph. Besides, I'm sure Sonic and the others are feeling extremely homesick by this point."

Tails nodded and told the earthbender, "Yeah, we actually are. While Eggman can't do anything since he's here with us, he probably won't waste time when we get back. He may not be able to do something immediately, but he won't hesitate to plan something against us." He looked at Eggman and glared, knowing the mad scientist too well.

Eggman frowned and said, "Some trust you're showing there, Tails."

Tails responded, "What reason do we have to trust you? You've held Sonic captive and tortured him before! And worse, you've blown up the moon and ripped the world apart, literally! So, no, we don't trust you. But right now, we have no choice except to travel with you. Just do all of us a favor and be quiet the whole way there. Okay?"

Infinite told the young fox, "Does that mean I can talk?"

Sonic shook his head, "No, Zero. You can't talk. You have to keep quiet too."

Infinite growled and said, "My name is Infinite, Sonic. Or have you forgotten what I did to you?"

Sonic narrowed his eyes and walked right up to Infinite, "I haven't forgotten. But I've done one better than most others could. I've forgiven you because you were under the influence of the Phantom Ruby and Eggman. But don't think we won't be keeping an eye on you. And you are Zero, whether you admit to it or not. Because without the Phantom Ruby, you really are nothing. So…just give up on looking tough. It won't happen." He then looked to Aang and nodded, indicating that he was ready to activate the Chaos Emeralds. He then looked to Shadow and Silver, to indicate to them that only seconds from now, he was going to do so and share some power with them.

Shadow nodded and told Sonic, "I will be ready."
Silver added, "I'll be ready as well, Sonic."

Aang replied, "Give me a few seconds, and I'll be ready too, Sonic." He sat on the floor cross-legged and surrounded himself in green crystal, concentrating in order to reach the Avatar state. Moments later, he reached it, and his eyes and symbols glowed. He broke the crystal surrounding him and nodded to Sonic, Shadow and Silver.

Sonic smiled and nodded, "Looks like you're ready. Let's do this, guys. Katara, are you, Zuko and Toph still planning to help?"

Katara nodded and got out her water, "Whenever you guys are ready, yes."

Zuko told the Blue Blur, "Yes, I am. Ready when you are, Shadow."

Toph responded, "I'm ready."

Not long after that, Sonic activated the Chaos Emeralds and became Super Sonic. He then shared some power with Shadow and Silver, then nodded to Katara, Zuko and Toph, who used a great deal of their power to help Aang form an energy portal to their world. Aang teared up during all of this, saddened by the prospect of not seeing Sonic again. The Blue Blur noticed this and patted Aang's arm, to keep him from losing concentration, "Aang, it's okay. You'll see us all again some day. If not here, then in the next life. Okay?"

Aang sniffled and nodded, then knelt down and gave Sonic a hug.

Sonic rubbed his back, then released him and nodded to Katara, Zuko and Toph. He helped them keep the portal open as Super Sonic, and told Tails, Knuckles and Shadow, "You guys go on through and take Eggman and Infinite. Knowing them, they'll probably immediately break free and go do their own things, but that's all right so long as they don't give Sally or anyone else any trouble. I doubt Zero will, but Eggman? Not a safe bet to leave him alone for long. See you guys in a few."

Knuckles and Tails nodded, and Knuckles grabbed Eggman by the back of his chains and dragged him through, while Tails flew and took Infinite with him. Once they were through, Blaze hugged Katara and thanked her for being a friend, then went back as well. Once all of Sonic's friends were through, he gave Katara, Zuko and Toph each a hug, knowing that they would miss him and that the reverse was also true. He then told them sadly, "I guess I'll be seeing you guys. Aang, Katara, take care of each other and Zuko…please, stop feeling so overwhelmed. I know ruling is a lot pressure but don't let it get to you. Don't turn out like your Dad. Okay? Promise me. Just like you made Aang promise to kill you if you ever did."

Zuko glared and looked at Aang, then nodded to Sonic, "I promise that I'll do my best, Sonic. Farewell."

With all of that said and done, Sonic walked through the portal, then asked Silver and Shadow to help him close the portal from their end, while Aang and his friends closed it from their side. Now that everyone was back where they belonged, their lives could return to their normal pace. Whatever their normal pace was going to be.