A/N: This fiction was written as sort of a celebration of the new Avatar series coming to Netflix, hopefully next year! In terms of Avatar's timeline, it takes place shortly after the Ba Sing Se chapter, as I want the characters to be a bit more developed. As I said in the CCC project, I would like the Sonic characters to come to Aang's world, as I am not sure that the bending would be as effective on Mobius; nor would the Avatar state be as potent, I wouldn't think. Anyway, if you think otherwise, tell me in a review and I will ensure that in the next big crossover I do like this with Avatar, whether it's with Pokemon, Zelda, whatever…I can be sure I have the facts straight. Since I have recently completed Breath of the Wild, I may take a stab at taking Korra there, but we'll see. I have seen almost the entire series. Don't think I missed ANY, but I can always go back and make sure. Have fun with this, and see you all in Chapter 2!

Chaotic Bending: An Avatar the Last Airbender and Sonic the Hedgehog Crossover

Chapter 1—Sonic's Heart, Infinite and From Mobotropolis to Ba Sing Se

One day, a few years after the Resistance had freed Mobius and ensured Sonic's safe return home, the Blue Blur himself was out enjoying a nice run. It had been a while since he had been able to do it, and it was a breath of fresh air to be able to do that without someone constantly watching him or having to worry about Eggman sending out squadrons of robots to end him. While he had hated having someone to accompany him all the time during the invasion, he had understood it.

Despite the fact that everything was calmed down, however, and the fact that everyone knew he was okay, Sonic often found himself having to stay radioed and carry his cell phone on him all the time, mostly just to keep Tails from worrying about him. He didn't have to call him all the time, but he could at least do his best to stay in contact, right? However, as the blue hedgehog rounded the next curve, Tails popped in on his earpiece and said, "Hey, Sonic, are you seeing anyone around you?"

Sonic shook his head and told Tails, "No, I don't see anybody except for the usual civilians picking up from Eggman's mess. Why?"

Tails explained to his best friend, "Well, my sensor net is going haywire. It's picking up energy readings on the outskirts. Would you mind go checking it out for me? Normally I'd ask Amy or Silver to go, but…. well, Amy's busy and as you know, Silver's gone back to his future. So…will you help me with that?"

Sonic chuckled and told him, "Of course I can help you with that, Tails! We both know Eggman's probably gonna keep his tail tucked between his legs for a little while after this last war. At least, I hope he does."

Tails gulped and responded, "…Yeah, me too. Listen, Sonic, if you don't want to do this, I could always send-"

Sonic cut him off and said, "Are you kidding me, little buddy?! Ever since the war ended, you know I've been bored out of my mind. I'll go check out the energy readings and call you back. All right?"

Tails sighed and responded, "Sonic…let me get everyone together, okay? The last time you went after energy readings alone, you nearly got pummeled to death and captured afterwards. So please…let me send a team with you. I know you're strong, but even you need help sometimes."

Sonic sighed and added, "So who are you sending?" Despite his insistence that he really didn't need any help, the Blue Blur knew better now than to overestimate his abilities. His fight with Eggman's Phantom Ruby clones had opened his eyes and taken him down a peg, as everyone had hoped it would. Though he was still fun-loving with a need for speed, his cockiness had, for the most part, gone.

Tails told him, "I'll call Knuckles, Shadow, Blaze and Silver. It's not anything against you personally, Sonic. I just worry about you. I'm sure you know that by now though."

Sonic chuckled and replied, "Yeah, a little too well. Listen, buddy…I know it's a little sudden, particularly since the war with Eggman was fairly recent, but…shouldn't you be calming down a bit from this overprotective streak?"

Tails shouted back, tears welling in his eyes, "I ALMOST LOST YOU, SONIC! I'm sorry if it seems like I'm overreacting, but I just…I can't go for the length of time I did without knowing what's happened to you. Okay? You're like a brother to me and…well, just for the sake of being honest and letting you know how I feel in case something happens…I wouldn't know what to do without you."

Sonic heard the burst of emotion in Tails voice and did what he could to soothe him, responding, "I know, Tails, and I'm sorry I let you all worry about me for so long, but…it's all Eggman's fault. And you KNOW it is. You were there. I was whisked away and locked up without a way to contact anyone." He trembled as he thought of the terrible six months where he had been locked away from all his friends. Whatever happened, he wasn't going to let Eggman bring him to that point of vulnerability again. He hated it.

A while later, accompanied by Shadow, Blaze, Silver and Knuckles, Tails joined up with Sonic and reminded him, "The energy readings may be Infinite or the Phantom Ruby, so we should be ready for anything. Nobody let your guard down. If it is Infinite, he's likely either severely weakened, or on the last leg of the Phantom Ruby's energy. If it's the latter, we may have to fight."

Sonic nodded and replied, "Don't worry, little buddy. If it is Infinite rearing his ugly mug again, I'll be ready for him."

Shadow nodded in agreement, "We'll protect Sonic as well." He had his pistol with him, but would hopefully not have to use it. His Chaos Powers were usually more than enough against opponents like Infinite. As the group approached the outskirts, a watch that Tails had placed on his arm began to vibrate as it picked up the energy readings his sensor array had pinpointed.

Knuckles jumped a bit and then replied, "Wow, you configured your watch into a scanner? You're getting handier by the day, Tails!"

Tails chuckled and replied, "Thanks, Knuckles, but it wasn't really that difficult. All I did was connect it to the sensor array by Bluetooth signals. Anyway, let's get a closer look."

The group resumed walking to the source and Tails stopped at the very edge of the perimeter, as the land leveled off into forest. He looked around and eventually found a hole in the ground, with claw marks around to indicate that something had recently dug underground in the area. He tensed and moved a little closer to Sonic, "All right, that was recently dug out…so everyone stay sharp. Whoever or whatever did that is likely injured. I'm seeing a little blood in the hole."

Sonic nodded and pulled Tails close, wanting to protect his best buddy. He told him, "If anything starts to happen, you run. Okay?"

Tails shook his head, "I don't know if I can-"

Sonic put a hand on his mouth and said, "I know a lot happened to me during the war, but you've gotta let me live my life, Tails. Okay? I appreciate that you care about me and I'm glad you wanna return the favor of being protective but…I'm older than you and I should be the one protecting you. It's cool the way things are, all right?"

Tails sniffled, but nodded and then gave Sonic a quick hug from behind, suddenly getting a sinking feeling.

Sonic rubbed his best friend's back, but before the two could even blink, Infinite appeared with the Phantom Ruby, behind them, and picked up Tails, throwing him against a wall. The Blue Blur growled and told him, "Oh, you're gonna PAY for that one!" He activated the Chaos Emeralds, as his loving and protective nature towards Tails went into full swing, also accessing his Super form.

Infinite chuckled and told him, "Oh, even THAT won't be enough. I'm not the only one who's returned. Metal Sonic…how about we show him what we can do, huh?"

Super Sonic looked confused and flew back a bit, moving closer to Shadow, Knuckles and Blaze in order to protect them from whatever would happen next, "What do you mean, what we can do? Don't tell me that you two have-?"

Metal Sonic explained to his organic counterpart, "Yes, Infinite and I have found a way to merge ourselves, thanks to the abilities of the Phantom Ruby. Now, granted…this is the last time we will be able to use this combined form…but we will use it for the whole reason that we got it in the first place. Are you ready for this?"

Super Sonic growled, "Bring it on!"

Infinite chuckled and then nodded, combining with Metal Sonic in a wave of yellow and red lights, the last of the Phantom Ruby's energy being used for the transformation. Now, standing before our heroes, was Chaotic Metal Infinite, a being more powerful than any Sonic had fought before. Though he was concerned about his ability to win, Sonic was going to give this fight his all, to protect Mobius and all his friends from this final corruption.

However, before he could even act, Chaotic Metal Infinite was right in front of him and stabbed him in the chest. Super Sonic, however, was not to be bested, and wouldn't die or let this beast rule over his planet, so he shouted, with possibly what was his last breath and all his energy pouring out of him, "CHAOS CONTROL!" Everyone in the immediate vicinity was teleported to a different planet, in order to preserve peace on Mobius. Despite the risk it might be to the planet he was going to, Sonic had faith that the beings living on that planet would handle things just fine, and lost consciousness, floating on top of the waters near the city of Ba Sing Se.

Not long after Sonic and friends, as well as Eggman, Infinite and Metal Sonic (because they only had one more use out of the Phantom Ruby and they chose to use it to injure, if not downright kill, Sonic) arrived in the sea, Katara and Aang were checking the shores for Appa, to see if the large bison had come over this way to drink. They found Sonic floating unconscious on his back and barely bleeding, a large bloody gash right down his middle. Katara gasped and ran over to the blue hedgehog, checking to see if he was alive. She gently placed a hand on his neck, and found a pulse, though it was very weak and thready. This young child had apparently lost a lot of blood, though how he had received the grievous injury, she did not know. She shouted to Aang, "Aang, can we stop the search for now?!"

Aang looked confused and a little mad and shouted back, "Why should we stop looking, Katara?! You know how important Appa is to me!"

Katara told him, "I'm well aware of that, Aang, but we've got bigger problems right now." She brought the Blue Blur ashore and began to clean him off, doing what she could to help him.

Seeing the injured Mobian, Aang gasped and asked, "Whoa…what is he? And how did he wash up over here?"

Katara shrugged and said, "I have no idea, but he obviously needs our help. Sadly, the cut on his torso isn't the only wound. We're better off getting him to a hospital."

Aang sighed and shook his head, "He's kind of a freak. I doubt very much that they'll treat him, Katara."

Katara shouted at Aang, "We should at least TRY to get him some help, Aang! I know you feel kind of helpless without Appa, but get a grip on yourself, okay?"

The shouting match between the two awakened Sonic and he groaned then yelped in pain from the gash on his chest, "What the heck's going on? Where am I?" Noticing that the blue hedgehog was awake and trying to keep him in good spirits, Katara told him, "You're near Ba Sing Se, the capital of the Earth Kingdom. I was kind of hoping you'd be able to answer the first one. Do you know how you got here?"

Sonic shook his head and then clutched the wound on his chest and coughed blood, his condition getting worse again because Katara had paused helping him to go argue with Aang. Noticing this, the water bender ran back to his side, feeling horrible for having left him in a lurch like that. She said, "Sorry, Sonic, I shouldn't have stopped yet, it's just that-"

Sonic cut her off quietly and weakly, "It's fine, Katara. You had some things to settle…" He soon lost consciousness again and Katara bound his injury. She told Aang, "Aang, stop being stubborn and let me get him back to the city. You and Sokka can keep looking for Appa, but this kid's gonna die if we don't get him medical attention NOW. I'm sorry for my strong words, but I think we're all a little upset about Appa being gone for the moment. We'll say things we don't mean. I'll see you later, okay?"

Aang nodded and told her, "It's okay. Just go get Sokka, okay?"

Katara smiled and nodded, "Okay, no problem. Do you think he'll be okay with meeting Sonic?"

Aang shrugged, "There's no knowing. I'm a bit surprised that the guy we found could talk really. I thought all animals were mute."

Katara responded, "Maybe it's some kind of divine prank? Anyway, I'll get Sokka and see you later." She walked away from Aang, still carrying the unconscious Sonic and asked Sokka to help Aang look for Appa. After some hours of searching, the two boys called it quits, as it was getting dark out and late.

Aang and Sokka went back to the city and found Katara weeping near the entrance to the hospital. Worried that the blue furry teenager that they had found hadn't made it, Aang raced to her side and placed an arm around her as he sat next to her on the bench. He told her soothingly, "Easy, Katara. I'm here. How is he?"

Katara told him, "He's resting. We managed to save him, but we cut it really close. If I hadn't brought him into town when I did, he might not have made it."

Aang frowned and looked at the floor, feeling regret for the way he had so casually disregarded Sonic, "I'm sorry…because you were arguing with me, you were delayed. If I had just dropped it about Appa, maybe…"

Katara grabbed Aang's jaw and forced him to look her in the eyes, "Listen, Aang…it's not your fault. I don't think that the 3 minutes we spent arguing would've made that much difference. Okay? Besides which, he was asking about you. He woke up a couple of times while the doctors were helping him."

Aang looked confused, "Why was he asking about me?"

Katara shrugged, "We won't know anything until he's awake again." She walked over to Aang and hugged him, knowing that the young Avatar probably harbored a little more guilt about what happened that delayed Sonic's healing than he was letting on. The young Airbender settled down and smiled at her, her hugs always helping him to feel better about things. Whatever happened, he felt like he and Katara were connected in some way other than bending…though how, he couldn't say for sure yet.

Chapter 1 Ending note: I am an avid Aang and Katara shipper, as well as a Sonic and Blaze shipper, though the second of the two is likely to get less attention since the story is in Aang's world. Plus, Legend of Korra kind of backs it up with Tenzen, Bumi and a few others that show up and are Aang and Katara's children. Sonic is never canonically paired with anyone, so I'm kinda leaving his options open here too.