Sorry for the lack of updates, I just had no ideas.
But I don't remember finding one like this, so here we go.
I own nothing. :(
Bethany's POV
Octavian was the school lunatic, he was crazy, always angry, looked like he was high all the time, and he had very, very odd morals. He was also extremely racist to Greek people. He had an obsession with foot long knives. And he left stabbed and mangled teddy bears lying around school - I once found one in the toilet, and it did not end well, as I only realised once I had...yeah.
But he wasn't the village idiot.
For one thing, they were in Sacramento, the capital of California, so he would be the city idiot.
And he also wasn't an idiot.
Well, he was an idiot in his ideas, and his desires.
Like one time during lunch he tried to rally people out in the dining hall to "march into New York, and kill every Graecus scum! Kill them all!" Whilst wielding a foot long knife.
He was taken by the police that day.
He was however, incredibly intelligent, he was an incredible talker, and he had once managed to have a group students wielding foot long knives - supplied by Octavian - chanting "die Greeks die!".
Those students were all taken by the police that day.
I myself had never come in contact with Octavian directly - thank goodness, imagine what my parents would do if they heard I had tried to stab a Greek person - and I had no desire to.
Unfortunately, he came up to my table this lunch time, and shoved a knife in my hand.
Being too shocked to do anything, I just stared at him.
He then went on one of his famous rants.
(Just saying, I disagree with whatever racist comments come up in this chapter)
"The Greeks are the inferior race! They have been ruled over by the Romans for aeons! They deserve to be our slaves! But they refuse! They demand human rights! The insanity of it! They are fools! Anyone who sided with them are fools! We must suppress them! What do they have that's better than us, the Romans?! We have architecture and futuristic inventions and incredible war strategies! They have pitta bread! They are pathetic! We must squash their pathetic race!"
I found myself swayed with Octavian's incredible persuasion skills.
Why should I support the Greeks? I don't even like olives! Before I knew it I was in a crowd of people with foot long knives in one hand, the other hand pumping the air, and we were all chanting, "Kill the Greeks! Kill the Greeks!"
Octavian was at the lead, also having a foot long knife in his hand, a mangled teddy bear with the word Greacus written on its torso, and he was marching us out of school and across the city.
We were unstoppable.
Lord Percy's time skip.
"Bethany Miles!" Screeched my mom.
Oh no.
"I have just had a report from the police! The fu~" I tuned out the rest of my mom's rant that was definitely too colourful to be put in a teen Fanfiction.
Instead, I thought of Octavian, and I felt rage course through my veins as I thought of him and his dumb foot long knives and mangled and stabbed teddy bears.
He got me into this mess.
And, as my mom grounded me and chucked my phone at the wall, I had one thought.
Maybe Octavian isn't just a lunatic, crazy, angry, high, a dude with weird morals, racist, foot long knife obessesed, and a the Voldemort to teddy bears.
Maybe he is also a massive douchebag.
Sorry if it's silly!
Just felt like writing something like this.
Well, that's it.
All bow to Percy.
Peace out.